I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 590 It turns out that Odin is Baror

Morrigan is not a shameless goddess.

Persephone can only exert one tenth of her strength in the battle in the British Isles.

In this case, Morrigan cannot defeat Persephone, so Morrigan accepts her defeat very straightforwardly.

Seeing the end of the war between the two goddesses, Roy immediately said.

"Goddess Komedova! Goddess Griselica! Goddess Orphani! Goddess Nemidona! Goddess Epona! Goddess Morrigan! Goddess Macha! Goddess Niman! You, like sister Persephone, are ancient earth goddesses that originated six thousand years ago. In other words, even if you are only distant relatives now, you are sisters connected by blood. In the future, sister Persephone will be the mistress of Gaul and the British Isles. I hope you can all get along with sister Persephone as subordinates. Even if you have any dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction, I believe sister Persephone can convince you with force."

After Roy finished speaking, Persephone also smiled brightly and sweetly.

"I will take care of you like a sister takes care of her sister! If Roy wants to do anything bad to you, as long as you send me a signal for help, I will immediately appear to stop him."

"Sister Persephone--"

Roy protested with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Do I seem to force them to do something they don't want to do?"

"This is just to reassure them."

Persephone explained.

"After all, they don't know your character yet, and they must be worried that you have bad ideas."

"There are so many goddesses in the Athenian Empire who need my company. I don't have the heart to waste time on goddesses who don't like me. In order to prove to these goddesses that I have no interest in them, I will leave them to sister Persephone to take care of."

After saying that, Roy turned into a golden divine light and flew back to the Gaul region in the south from the British Isles.

Although the war between gods has ended, the war between humans has just begun.

When Roy returned to the center of Gaul, he saw several tribes of Aryans gathering together, preparing to fight a war with the 30,000 Athenian cavalry led by Caesar.

The result of this war was naturally no suspense.

In the context that the Aryan gods had been destroyed by Roy, the Aryans could never defeat the Athenian army equipped with iron with wooden or stone spears.

At this time in Gaul, the human that Roy was most interested in was Barol.

In the Celtic mythology of another world, Barol was the king of the deep-sea giants and the ruler of Ireland.

Calling hostile gods or kings giants is a feature of Germanic mythology.

It shows that the Danu gods [Aryan gods] migrated from the Germanic region to Gaul.

Barol is called a deep-sea giant, indicating that he is related to the ocean, has mastered navigation technology, and lives on an island.

In Celtic mythology, Barol is the king of the evil eye, and his evil eye has the power to kill humans and gods.

Even the king of the gods of the Danu gods, the one-armed god of war Nuada, was killed by the evil eye of Barol.

The new king of the gods of the Danu gods, the sun god Luger, is also the grandson of the king of the evil eye, Barol.

When Roy found Barol, the leader of the British, in the northern coastal area of ​​Gaul, he was disappointed to find that Barol not only did not have the power of a demigod hero, but was not even a one-eyed dragon with one eye blind.

In other words, the real prototype of Barol, the king of the evil eye in Celtic mythology, was not a human king of the British Isles or the Irish Isles.

Over the British Channel.

Roy looked down at Barol, who had normal eyes on the ground, and suddenly understood something.

"In Celtic mythology, one eye of Barol, the king of the evil eye, was always closed, which actually implied that Barol was blind in one eye. Barol with one eye blind! Odin with one eye blind! Nuada, the one-armed god of war! Tyr, the one-armed god of war!"

Putting these key information together, you will find that Germanic mythology and Celtic mythology have four gods that are surprisingly similar.

Roy has always believed that the so-called accidents and coincidences are inevitable results.

Barol with one eye blind and Odin with one eye blind are obviously not accidental similarities.

The one-armed god of war Nuada and the one-armed god of war Tyr are obviously not accidental similarities.

If their similarities are inevitable, then the one-eyed blind Balor and the one-eyed blind Odin are two identities of the same god.

The one-armed god of war Nuada and the one-armed god of war Tyr are two names of the same god.

In Celtic mythology, the god of war Nuada [Tyr] was originally the king of the gods.

Because Nuada [Tyr] was killed by the one-eyed blind Balor [Odin], the sun god Luger [Baldur] defeated Balor [Odin] and became the king of the gods.

In Germanic mythology, the god of war Tyr [Nuada] was originally the god of war.

It was the one-eyed blind Odin [Barol] who took away Tyr [Nuada]'s war godhood and weakened Tyr [Nuada]'s authority.

Watching the conflict between Odin [Baror] and Tyr [Nuada] in the Germanic region and the Celtic land, Roy finally understood everything.

3000 years ago.

The tribes that worshipped Odin and Tyr migrated to the Germanic region together.

Then, in order to compete for the position of leader, Odin and Tyr broke out in a battle of gods.

In this war, Tyr blinded Odin in one eye, and Odin also made Tyr lose an arm.

As a warrior, Tyr lost an arm in the battle of gods, while Odin only lost an eye.

This is enough to prove that Odin is stronger than Tyr.

So Odin became the king of the Aryan gods in the Germanic region and took away Tyr's war godhood.

As a loser, Tyr left the avatar of the god of war Tyr in the Germanic region, and migrated to Gaul with a part of the tribes that worshipped him as the god of war Nuada.

In Gaul, the god of war Nuada [Tyr] became the king of gods as he wished.

As the sun god Balder conquered the Germanic region, Odin was forced to migrate westward to Gaul, and once again competed with the god of war Nuada [Tyr] for the identity of the king of gods.

Although Odin [Baror] defeated Tyr [Nuad] again and became the king of the gods in Gaul, the sun god Balder [Lugu] also came to Gaul with the tribes that worshipped the sun god.

So Odin [Baror], who briefly became the king of the gods in Gaul, became Balor, the king of the evil eye, who was killed by the sun god Lugu in Celtic mythology.

In Germanic mythology, the sun god Balder is Odin's legitimate son and the only heir to Odin's throne of the king of gods.

In Celtic mythology, the sun god Lugu is also Balor's grandson and heir to the throne.

In real history, the sun god Balder [Lugu] clearly defeated and replaced Odin [Baror] to become the king of the gods, but he regarded Odin [Baror], who was his enemy, as his father and grandfather. I'm afraid he wanted to win over the Aryan gods who originally submitted to Odin [Baror] and prove that he had the right to inherit the throne of the king of gods.

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