I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 589: The Neolithic Age 10,000 Years Ago

The migration of human groups is always accompanied by the progress of civilization and technology.

Without more advanced civilization technology and military power, it would be impossible for foreign ethnic groups to defeat local ethnic groups and compete with local ethnic groups for living space.

Before 3000 BC——

That is to say, in the ancient times five thousand years ago, the fundamental reason why the ancient Aryans began to expand and conquer foreign countries was that the ancient Aryans tamed horses and turned war horses into war tools, giving them the military power to ravage other ethnic groups.

Before 7000 BC——

That is, about 10,000 years ago, the ethnic groups who worshiped the ancient earth goddess mastered the technology of the Neolithic Age and began to migrate using the technology of the Neolithic Age.

They migrated west to the Iberian Peninsula and eventually from Gaul into the British Isles.

They migrated eastward to the Chinese continent and became one of the ancestors of the Chinese continent.

They migrated south to northern Africa and became the Europa race in northern Africa.

They migrated north to the Caucasus region and mixed with the blond and blue-eyed Caucasian race.

The sun goddess Alina is not only the sun god worshiped by the Aryans, but also a goddess that the Aryans who worship male gods cannot worship. It is the result of the mutual integration of the ethnic groups who worship the ancient earth goddess and the Aryans.

The plains of London watered by the Thames.

The battle between Persephone and Morrigan continues.

Looking at the two goddesses fighting, Roy couldn't help but persuade.

"This battle should end! Sister Persephone! Goddess Morrigan! If it goes back to 10,000 years ago - no! If it goes back to 6,000 years ago, you are all clones of the ancient earth goddess from the Neolithic Age. They are sisters connected by blood!”

"What inexplicable words are you talking about?"

Morrigan immediately complained.

"We were the same goddess six thousand years ago. What does this have to do with us now? That was six thousand years ago, not six hundred years ago, not sixty years ago, and certainly not six years ago."

Persephone couldn't help but say.

"In just fifteen hundred years, we Greek goddesses and Aphrodite from the Eastern Mediterranean have become distant cousins. In six thousand years, we and these goddesses in Western Europe have become distant cousins." Distant relatives among distant relatives are no different from strangers.”

"Then keep fighting!"

Seeing that the two goddesses didn't care about their kinship originating from the same origin six thousand years ago, Roy no longer asked for trouble.

The British Isles are the realm of the goddess Morrigan.

Here, Goddess Morrigan can display her full strength.

If Persephone was a goddess of the same level as Morrigan, Morrigan, as the goddess of war, would have defeated Persephone with her powerful strength.

Unfortunately, Persephone is far more powerful than Morrigan.

Even though the battlefield was Morrigan's territory, Persephone still showed greater strength than Morrigan.

Morrigan hasn't lost to Persephone yet, just because she hasn't reached the end of her power.

Just when Morrigan was about to lose to Persephone, Morrigan suddenly shouted unwillingly.

"Macha! Niman! Come here and help me!"

Upon hearing Morrigan's call, Macha and Niman, who were watching the battle, immediately turned into two black balls of light and flew into Morrigan's body.

Fusing with Macha and Niman to form a trinity, Morrigan transformed into a huge black snake body from the waist down.

Seeing Morrigan transform into the form of the earth goddess with the head of a human and the body of a snake, Persephone also appeared in the form of the head of a human and the body of a snake, turning the waist down into a black snake body.

Persephone confronted him with the same posture, and Morrigan teased with a proud sneer.

"You don't think I only have the original form of the ancient Earth Goddess, do you? After six thousand years of evolution, I have become the Black Crow Goddess, with wings to soar in the sky."

After saying that, a pair of black crow feathers appeared behind the goddess Morrigan, and then her wings flew high into the sky to look down at Persephone.

Winged Serpent——

Although in the New World this form was known as Quetzalcoatl.

But in Eurasia, this form is often called a dragon, which is different from a snake.

Sky, earth, ocean, underworld——

Among the attributes of these gods, gods with sky attributes can restrain gods with earth attributes.

Seeing Morrigan turn into a sky god who restrained herself, Persephone said with a relaxed smile.

"Although the gods have attributes that are incompatible with each other, if the strength gap is too huge, it is impossible for the attributes to be incompatible to make up for the strength gap. Dear Morrigan, let me show you the strength gap between us!"

After speaking, Persephone planted the black scythe on the ground, then summoned a black bow and aimed it at Morrigan.

After a black arrow condensed with divine power appeared, Persephone bent her bow and nocked an arrow at Morrigan without hesitation.


The black divine arrow struck Morrigan with an astonishing sound of breaking through the air.

After Morrigan narrowly avoided this arrow, more arrows hit Morrigan like a rain of arrows.

Morrigan used her divine speed to dodge waves of arrows. Seeing that Persephone showed no signs of exhaustion, Morrigan couldn't help but question.

"Why did you consume so much divine power and yet you didn't weaken at all?"

"You are not a god of the same level as me. Even if I waste time explaining to you, you will not be able to understand how powerful I am now."

"You damned fellow, I want to see if you are bluffing."

Morrigan said angrily, and immediately rushed towards Persephone from the sky.

Persephone replaced the black giant bow with a black scythe.

With a loud clang!

Persephone's black scythe collided with Morrigan's two spears.

Seeing that the black scythe was as motionless as a copper wall and firmly blocked her spear, Morrigan said in disbelief.

"How is this possible - you can only exert about one-tenth of your strength in my territory, the British Isles, and I can't even defeat one-tenth of you?"

"This is the gap between us!"

Persephone said with a confident smile.

"You can't imagine how huge the gap in strength is due to the advancement of civilization and technology. Now my territory has entered the Iron Age, and your territory is still in the Neolithic Age. Even if I can only exert one-tenth of my strength, it is enough to strike you down."

"Iron Age--"

Now the British Isles have not even entered the Bronze Age.

The ancient Iberians only mastered the technology of the Neolithic Age, and they could strike down the indigenous inhabitants of the British Isles in the Paleolithic Age and become the rulers of the British Isles.

There is a gap of two eras between Persephone and Morrigan.

Knowing that she could not defeat Persephone, Morrigan lowered her head in frustration and said.

"I admit that I lost! But my failure is temporary. When my territory enters the Iron Age, I will definitely challenge you again."

"It seems that you are also a character who refuses to admit defeat."

Persephone said with a smile.

"Then it's as you wish! When your territory enters the Iron Age, I will accept your challenge at any time and make you convinced of me."

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