I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 51 Philomela presents the wreath

It was close to noon.

Erechtheus brought a hundred large and small ships into the port of Eleusis.

At this time, the Athenians had already commanded the men of the Eleusis tribe to move hundreds of thousands of kilograms of grain and tens of thousands of kilograms of olive oil to the natural dock of the port.

After the ships from Athens anchored at the port, the Athenians immediately commanded the men of the Eleusis tribe to move the grain and olive oil onto the ship.

After the grain and olive oil were moved onto the ship, the Athenians commanded the Eleusis people to board the ship with their families.

After one-third of the population of the Eleusis tribe boarded the ship, Pandion took Erechtheus, Roi and two small leaders onto a large ship, because Pandion was going to personally lead the fleet back to Athens to accept the Athenians' blessings to the victors.

Pandion's personal guards had to continue to stay in the Eleusis tribe to manage the remaining 2,000 people of the Eleusis tribe.

After noon.

Pandion led the fleet into the port of Piraeus.

Roy stood on the bow deck with Chione and her three maids, and saw from afar that thousands of Athenians had gathered at the port of Piraeus. The leader's wife Zeuxippe and her two daughters Procne and Philomela stood in the crowd under the protection of fifty guards.

After the flagship ship anchored at the dock, Pandion led everyone off the ship. Zeuxippe immediately came over with Procne and Philomela to greet them. She and Procne held wreaths woven with olive branches.

Pandion walked up to Zeuxippe, and the two smiled at each other. Pandion lowered his head tacitly and asked his wife to put the olive wreath on his head.

After Zeuxippe presented the olive wreath to Pandion, Procne walked up to Erechtheus.

Erechtheus lowered his head and asked Procne to put the olive wreath on his head.

Watching Pandion and Erechtheus accept the wreaths presented by their wives and sisters, Roy couldn't help but feel a little envious and jealous.

In this era, presenting a wreath to the victor was regarded as a reward and blessing for the victor.

If you can get a wreath presented by a woman of noble status, it is regarded as an honor.

So in Greek mythology, the goddess of victory is a very busy goddess.

Because the goddess of victory has to personally deliver wreaths and other rewards to the victor.

At this time, Philomela, with her hands behind her back, walked up to Roy and said.

"Priest Roy, bow your head."

Why let me bow my head?

Is it a custom of the Athenian tribe for the victorious people to bow to women?

Although Roy was full of doubts, he still lowered his head obediently.

The next moment!

Something was worn on Roy's head.

Roy widened his eyes in surprise and looked up at Philomela in front of him in disbelief.

"Don't think about it!"

Philomela said with a blushing cheek.

"I saw my mother and sister made a wreath, so I made one too. My mother and sister presented the wreath to my father and brother. I couldn't find anyone to present the wreath to, so I gave it to you."

After saying that, Philomela returned to Procne as if she was running away.

Then Roy found that Pandion and Zeuxipes looked at him with complicated eyes, and Erechtheus stared at him with angry eyes like a fire.

After Pandion left with his family in a hurry, Chione came to Roy and asked.

"Priest Roy, is the girl just now your fiancée?"

Roy immediately shook his head and said.

"Don't talk nonsense, she is Princess Philomela, the daughter of Pandion's leader."

Chione said with doubt.

"We unmarried girls usually only present the wreath to our father, brother or future husband. If she is not your fiancée, why would she present the wreath to you?"

After hearing what Chione said, Roy finally understood why Pandion, Zeuxipe and Erechtheus had that reaction just now.

Feeling that the wreath on his head suddenly felt like a mountain pressing on his head, Roy said with a helpless bitter smile.

"Princess Chione! Princess Philomela is still an innocent little girl. She presented the wreath to me, maybe just because she made the wreath and wanted to give it away. I know very well that she is not in love with me, let alone her future husband."

After Pandion returned to the Acropolis with his family, surrounded by the Athenians, the two small leaders began to command the people to transfer the grain and olive oil brought by the fleet to the Acropolis.

After the grain and olive oil were unloaded, the 1,000 Eleusinians transported to Athens by the fleet got off the ship with their families.

These Eleusinians stood in a strange land, and they all didn't know where to go.

Roy had been waiting here with Chione and three maids. When he saw a thousand Eleusinians get off the boat, Roy immediately walked over with Chione and three maids and said.

"Dear Eleusinians, I am Roy, a priest of the Athenian tribe who serves the goddess Metis. Chief Pandion gave me half of the population of the Eleusinian tribe to manage. Now I will take you to find a good place to build a new home for you. Please believe me and obey all my orders."

It was because the Athenian tribe conquered the Eleusinian tribe that the Eleusinians were forced to leave their hometown and come to Athens, which was completely unfamiliar to them.

Hearing Roy's words, most of the Eleusinians looked numb, and some even looked at Roy, an Athenian, with hatred.

"My fellow tribesmen, please believe what the priest of Roy said."

Khione shouted beside Roy.

"Although the priest of Roy is also an Athenian, he is not our enemy. I witnessed with my own eyes that when the Athenian soldiers wanted to take away your wives and daughters, it was the priest of Roy who persuaded the leader of the Athenians, Pandion, to prohibit the Athenian soldiers from taking away your property and wives and daughters."

Seeing the white-haired and blue-eyed Kione, even the Eleusinians who had never seen Kione could recognize her identity.

"It is Princess Kione, the daughter of the leader of Keleos."

"Can we believe what Princess Kione said?"

"Princess Kione has been protecting us like a warrior. I am willing to believe the princess."

The Eleusinians looked at Kione with hopeful eyes, and felt the burden they were carrying. Kione said excitedly.

"My fellow tribesmen! I will build a new home with you. If the priests of Rey and the Athenians bully us, I will be the first to stand up and resist. I will risk my life to protect you and fulfill my mission as a leader. Now please believe me and the priests of Rey. We will definitely find a way to take care of you."

In this era, the chief family that ruled the tribe and the royal family that ruled the city-state, while accepting the support of the tribe and the city-state, also shouldered the mission of protecting the tribe and the city-state.

Legend has it that when the seven heroes attacked the city of Thebes, in order to let the gods help the city of Thebes, the youngest royal family of Thebes volunteered to become a sacrifice to please the gods and let Thebes win the war.

Before the Trojan War began, Iphigenia, the daughter of the great commander Agamemnon, voluntarily sacrificed to the gods so that the warships of the Greek coalition could leave the port smoothly.

As the daughter of the leader, Chione also has this spirit of dedication.

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