I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 50: Erechtheus is really generous

After rewarding Chione to Roy, and seeing the unwilling expression on Erechtheus's face, Pandion pointed at Chione's two sisters and said.

"Erectus! Although I can't let you get Chione, I can reward you with the other two daughters of Cereus. Although they don't have Chione's white hair and blue eyes, they are as Chione. Nie’s sisters are very similar in appearance and appearance to Chione.”

Erechtheus said, rolling his eyes.

"Father! What I want is Chione herself, not Chione's substitute."

"This is my decision, and you have no right to refuse."

Pandion said with a stern expression.

"Erictheus, now I give you a task. There are two horses in the stable of Cereus. I want you to ride one horse back to Athens and let all the Athenian ships arrive at the port of Eleusis. I We need to ship all the food, olive oil, and people of the Eleusinian tribe back to Athens."

After Erechtheus left with a cold face, Pandion looked at Roy and the two little leaders and said.

"There are too many maids in our house. Please divide the maids in Celeus's house among the three of you!"

After Pandion finished speaking, before Roy could refuse, Chione walked over and pulled three young and beautiful maids out from a group of maids.

After returning to Roy with the three maids, Chione explained to Roy.

"They are the maids who serve me. Since you can choose the maids, let them be with me!"

Then Chione spoke to the three maids.

"Sisters! In the past, I was the master you served, but now my status is the same as yours. From now on, you can call me by my name directly and treat me as your sister."

The three maids bowed their heads obediently and said.

"As you command! Princess!"

After the two little leaders selected their favorite maid, Pandion looked at Roy and the two little leaders and said.

"Now let's distribute the spoils! Both the living soldiers and the dead soldiers can get two hundred catties of grain. What do you think?"

Roy and the two little leaders all nodded.

After all, in this case, Pandion was obviously not really asking for advice, but just wanted support.

If someone foolishly puts forward his own opinion on allocation, wouldn't it be a slap in Pandion's face and prove that there is something wrong with Pandion's allocation.

Seeing that Roy and the two minor leaders agreed with his allocation, Pandion continued.

"Priest Roy! According to the promise I made to you before, I will hand over half of the population of the Eleusis tribe to you to manage, and make you the small leader of the Athenian tribe. In addition, you will also get a herd of cattle and a flock of sheep. In addition to these rewards, I will also give you 50,000 catties of grain. Are you satisfied?"

Roy nodded immediately and said.

"I'm very pleased with the assignment of chiefs."

After hearing Roy's answer, Pandion looked at the two little leaders and said.

"You two followed me, and you worked hard without any merit. I will reward each of you with 20,000 catties of grain. What do you think?"

The two little leaders looked at each other and then said at the same time.

“We are very pleased with the assignment of chiefs.”

"The leader of the Eleusis tribe and his son were killed by the leader and Prince Erechtheus. We only have some trivial merit. Your reward for us is too generous."

Pandion nodded and said.

"The greatest credit for this war really belongs to me and Erechtheus. So the remaining hundreds of thousands of jins of grain, the olive oil worth hundreds of thousands of jins of grain, and the ten herds and ten sheep of Cereos "All of them are my trophies, do you have any objection?"

Compared with the trophies obtained by Pandion, the combined trophies obtained by Roy and the two small leaders are probably not even worth one-tenth of the trophies obtained by Pandion.

Roy and the two little leaders immediately shook their heads to avoid being misunderstood by Pandion as having dissatisfied thoughts.

After the distribution of the spoils, Roy took Chione and her three maids and walked towards the west gate of the Eleusis tribe.

Roy was walking on the road and couldn't help but said to Chione.

"Princess Chione! Prince Erechtheus actually wants you to be his trophy. He is so arrogant. His father, Pandion, killed your father——"

Before Roy could finish speaking, Chione corrected him.

"Not only my father, but also my brothers were killed by them."

"That's it! Your father and brothers were killed by their father and son. Prince Erechtheus still wants you. Isn't he afraid of dying in your hands? After all, you are not a delicate and weak girl. It's a female warrior who is more powerful than the captain [Ten Enemies]. Leader Pandion doesn't want Prince Erechtheus to get you. I'm afraid the main purpose is to not let Prince Erechtheus die in your hands. "

"Since you know how dangerous I am, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"The enemy who killed your father and brother is not me. I believe Princess Chione will not regard me as a revenge target. And I will serve as the small leader of the Athenian tribe and manage half of the population of the Eleusis tribe. Chione The princess stays with me, not only to help me manage the Eleusisians, but also to fulfill her duties and take care of your people.”

Simon of the tribe of Eleusis.

When Roy came here with Chione and three maids, he saw Pandion's personal guards taking over the west gate, and the fifty teenagers who followed him gathered at the west gate, waiting for him eagerly.

Seeing Roy's figure, Aries immediately rushed over with fifty teenagers to surround Roy.

"Master Priest! Simon has been taken over by personal guards. Please give us a new mission."

"Master Priest, I want to make more achievements."

"Master Priest, can we steal a woman from the Eleusis tribe? I want to steal an unmarried girl to be my wife."

"You all, please be quiet!"

After all fifty teenagers fell silent, Roy said with a serious expression.

"Now that the war is over, do you think your merits allow you to snatch women as you please?"

Seeing that all fifty teenagers were silent, Roy said with a smile.

"It seems that you all understand that the merits you have made are not enough for you to snatch women. But you don't have to be too disappointed. Chief Pandion has decided to reward all soldiers with two hundred kilograms of grain."

Two hundred kilograms of grain——

In the food-scarce Attica region, this is undoubtedly a huge wealth for poor ordinary people.

Seeing all fifty teenagers smiling happily, Roy continued.

"Although you can no longer get battlefield credit, I plan to arrange a task for you. Chief Pandion will reward me with a herd of cattle and a flock of sheep. If you are willing to help me drive the herds of cattle and sheep back to Athens, I will reward each of you. One hundred catties of food per person.”

One hundred kilograms of grain——

As long as the cattle and sheep are driven back to Athens, a hundred pounds of grain will be rewarded.

The teenagers said even more happily.

"Master Priest, you are so kind to us."

"Even if there is no reward, we are willing to help you drive back the cattle and sheep."

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