I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 481 I will treat you all equally

Outside Tesha City.

The war between the Athenian army and the Hittite army gradually became clear, and the balance of victory began to tilt towards the Athenian army.

If Roy was willing to pay the price with injury, the two demigod heroes of the Hittite Kingdom, Han Tili and Tie Lieping, would have been killed by Roy.

Because Roy wanted to avoid himself being injured, Han Tili and Tie Lieping were able to persist until now.

Not only was Loy the coach stronger than Hantili and Tieliepin, but even the Athenian soldiers also defeated the Hittite soldiers in battle.

Hatpurna stayed on the outskirts of the battlefield under the protection of Governor Kusala to watch the changes in the battlefield situation.

Seeing that the scale of failure was tilted to the side of the Hittite army, Hatepuna said with a sad expression.

"Dear cousin, it seems that the Hittites really don't want to be slaves to us Hittites."

More than two-thirds of Roy's army was composed of Hattians.

So this can be said to be a war between the Hittites and the Hittites.

If the Hittites lose this war, they will continue to be slaves to the Hittites.

If the Hittites lost this war, they could no longer enslave the Hattians.

Governor Kusala said with a shaken expression and disbelief.

"How could we Hittites lose to the Hattians? The Hattians are a farming people like sheep, and we Hattians are nomadic people like prairie wolves. Just like wolves can eat grass, the Hattians are born to be eaten by us. The weak enslaved by the Hittites—"

"Cousin, aren't you still willing to face reality?"

Hatepuna looked at Governor Kusala with pity and said.

"We Hittites are no different from the Hattians. The Hittites are not stronger than the Hattians. Our ancestors were able to conquer the Hattians only because their ancestors smelted more advanced iron weapons, and the Hattians could only smelt bronze. Weapons. Now that the Hittites not only have the iron weapons that Roy brought to them, but also have the will to fear death, it is natural for the Hittites to defeat us. "

"Then what are we Hittites going to do? Are we going to be conquered by the Hattians now and become their slaves?"

"Will not!"

Hatepuna said with a firm face.

"I won't let this happen. For the future of the Hittites, I am willing to bear all the infamy. Dear cousin! If you also want to contribute to the future of the Hittites, use my name to order surrender. Bar!"


Whether in the past, present or future, those who order surrender will suffer infamy.

After hearing Hatepuna's words, Governor Kusala immediately wanted to refute.

But he also knew in his heart that if this war continued, the lives of the Hittites would only be in vain.

Just when Governor Kusala hesitated, Roy finally seized the opportunity of Hantili's weakness and penetrated Hantili's heart with a gun blade.


Hantili's face showed a twisted expression of pain, but instead of screaming and wailing, he held Roy's gun blade with both hands and shouted.

“Tie Lieping—kill him quickly!”

Tie Lieping, who had high hopes from Han Tili, not only did not take advantage of this opportunity to attack Roy, but instead turned around and ran away.

Seeing Tie Lieping's decisive escape, Roy teased with a joking smile.

"Han Tili, it seems that you have overestimated Tie Lieping's consciousness! Rather than using this opportunity to kill me, Tie Lieping would rather prioritize saving his own life."

Han Tili turned to look at Tie Lieping's escaping figure with an angry and annoyed expression, and fell back with his eyes wide open.

Seeing Han Tili being killed by Roy and Tie Liepin escaping from the battlefield, Governor Kusala no longer hesitated and immediately shouted an order to surrender.

"Hittites! Princess Hatepuna orders you to surrender. We have lost this war."

Roy also shouted.

"Surrender without killing! Athenian soldiers obey orders and do not harm those who surrender."

When the soldiers on both sides stopped fighting, Tie Liepin, who had fled the battlefield, rode a horse to Hatepuna and said.

"Princess Hatepuna, please leave with me."

Hatepuna smiled and shook her head.

"If I leave with you, who will protect the future of us Hittites?"

Seeing that Hatepuna was unwilling to leave, Tielieping had no choice but to escape alone.

After the Hittites who laid down their weapons and surrendered and became prisoners of Athenian soldiers, Loy came to Hatepuna and Governor Kusala and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Originally you could have stayed by my side as my wife, but now you have become my prisoner. Do you have any regrets in your heart?"

Hatepuna shook her head without hesitation and said.

"As a Hittite princess, I have to fight for the benefits the Hittites want, so I won't regret it."

If it were the era of feudal centralized power, the rulers only needed to enjoy extravagantly and had no responsibility for the people at the bottom.

Because of the continuous development of weapons, the people at the bottom are simply unable to resist the rulers at the top.

But in an era of backward weapons, rulers need to bear responsibility.

If they just enjoy luxury, their rule will collapse in a short time.

In the far east, in 841 BC, a Chinese riot was able to drive away King Zhou Li because the Chinese had a huge numerical advantage. Even with tools such as sticks and hoes, they could defeat soldiers using bronze weapons.

Entering the Iron Age, it was difficult for peasant uprisings to succeed.

The rulers no longer regard the people at the bottom as citizens, but as weeds that cannot be burned away by wild fire and are regenerated by the spring breeze.

Roy could understand Hatepuna's idea of ​​standing with the tribe, so Roy did not blame her.

Governor Kushara, who was ignored by Roy, took the initiative to ask Roy.

"Athens, are you going to demote us Hittites to slaves?"

Roy rolled his eyes and said.

"Don't you know? I treat Hittites and Hattites equally, so under my rule, Hattites are not slaves of Hittites, and Hittites are not slaves of Hattites."

"If you don't let Hattites be slaves of us Hittites, how can we Hittites survive?"

"Don't you Hittites survive without Hattites as slaves to serve the Hittites?"

Roy said dissatisfiedly.

"Although you Hittites, as nomads, can't farm, you can still graze cattle, sheep and horses as a means of survival. I promise that under my rule, you Hittites can live a life without worries about food and clothing."

"I believe you!"

Hatepuna said with a gentle sweet smile.

"My only worry is that the Hittites will be retaliated by the Hattites. In order to protect the Hittites, I will marry you and become the Queen of the Hittites."

The Hittites enslaved the Hattites for hundreds of years, and the two ethnic groups have a deep hatred that is difficult to resolve.

In order to prevent the Hattites from persecuting the Hittites, the best way is to let Hatepuna become the Queen of the Hittites.

Roy nodded and said.

"I will marry you and make you the queen of the Hattites and Hittites. But you must treat the Hattites and Hittites equally and not do anything to favor the Hittites."

Governor Kushara breathed a sigh of relief and then said to Roy.

"Your Majesty, what treatment can we, the city-state princes and nobles of the Hittites, get if we surrender to you?"

"Except for the royal family, everyone else in my Athenian Empire is a civilian."

Roy looked at Governor Kushara and said.

"City-state princes like you can cooperate with me to become first-class citizens and big merchants in the Athenian Empire."

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