I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 480 The Hittites no longer want to be slaves

Hatepuna took the initiative to come to Roy because after Hantili usurped the throne, the city-state princes and nobles of the Hittite Kingdom did not respond at all.

Hatepuna wants to avenge her father Mursili and can only rely on Loy, the fiancé arranged for her by the moon goddess Selene.

Now the city-state princes and nobles of the Hittite Kingdom are willing to support Hatepuna, and Hatepuna chooses to stand with them-this is a normal thing.

After all, the Hittites were all descendants of Hatepuna.

If it were Roy, he might have made the same choice as Hatepuna.

Roy was able to treat the Hattians and Hittites equally simply because neither the Hattian nor the Hittites were related to Roy.

The city of Ulama, the city of Ninasa, the city of Kayseri——

After separating from Hatepuna, Roy conquered three Hittite city-states in succession, allowing the Hittites to be rescued.

When Roy prepared to attack Tesha City, Roy's soldiers had increased to 30,000.

The Hattian people rescued by Roy were so fanatical that if Roy had not set strict standards when recruiting soldiers, perhaps the number of Roy's soldiers could be increased to 50,000.

Although Roy could not imagine how much suffering the Hittites suffered due to the slavery and oppression of the Hittites.

However, the Hittites ruled and enslaved the Hattians as slaves, which was undoubtedly an aid to Roy's conquest of the Hittite kingdom.

Taisha City.

This city was originally called Kanaishi City.

One hundred and fifty years ago, this was the first Hittite city-state conquered by the Hittites and the second capital of the Hittites.

It was not until the Hittite Kingdom moved its capital to Hattusa forty years ago that Taisha lost its status as a capital.

When Roy arrived outside the city of Tesha with an army of 30,000 people, Hatepuna also arrived here with the city-state princes of the Hittite Kingdom and an army of 40,000 people.

The plain outside the city of Tessa became the battlefield where Roy's Athenian army and Hatepuna's Hittite army faced off.

Roy said with a smile as he looked at Hatepuna, who looked heroic in the female general's armor.

"Dear Hatpurna, do you really want to fight this war with your future husband?"

"I'm not the one who wants this war!"

Hatepuna said with a serious face.

"As long as you side with me on the Hittite side, you can be my husband and become the Hittite king."

"You all heard what Hatepuna said."

Roy asked the Hattian soldiers behind him.

"Do you still want to be the slaves of the Hittites, let the Hittites take away the wealth you produce, and let the Hittites play with your wives, daughters and sisters?"




More than 20,000 Hattian soldiers shouted like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

When the Hattian soldiers calmed down, Roy continued.

"Hatti, I am not your savior. The one who can save you is not me, but you. If you don't want you and your family to become slaves of the Hittites again, then do your best to defeat the Hittites who want to enslave you. Ladder Man.”

"Defeat the Hittites—defeat the Hittites—"

"Defeat the Hittites—defeat the Hittites—"

Looking at the wolf-like Hattian soldiers, Hatepuna and the city-state princes all looked solemn.

Although the Hittite army had a numerical advantage, its morale was far inferior to that of the Athenian army.

"It seems like this war... we will probably lose..."

In the past, the Hittites were able to conquer the Hattians, firstly, because the Hattian city-states were independent, secondly, because the Hittites had war horses, and thirdly, because the Hittites had iron weapons.

Now Roy's Athenian army has more advanced iron weapons, and Roy's Hattian soldiers have a fighting will that is not afraid of death.

Hatepuna's Hittite army was superior only in numbers.

Moreover, the Hittite army was composed of 20,000 Hittite soldiers and 20,000 Hattian soldiers. Even if these Hattian soldiers obtained the status of honorary Hittites, their fighting will was still very negative.

After all, the Hittites were foreign conquerors who enslaved the Hattians. Of course, the Hattians would not be foolish enough to believe in the credibility of the Hittites.

If they did not rebel at this time, they were worthy of their status as honorary Hittites.

In order to defeat Loy, Hatepuna also spoke to the Hittite army.

"The Hittites also have honorary Hittites! The Athenians are foreign conquerors who invaded the Hittite Kingdom. We must defeat the Athenians and protect all the lands of the Hittite Kingdom."

Roy shouted immediately.

"Dear Hatepuna! This land originally belonged to the Hittites, and you Hittites are also foreign conquerors."

Hatepuna's face darkened and she directly ordered an attack.

Han Tili, Tieleping, Governor Kusala and other city-state princes immediately led their soldiers to charge.

Roy also faced him head-on without showing any signs of weakness.

The Athenian army and the Hittite army collided like two torrents. The Hittite soldiers all risked their lives to fight for themselves and their families to no longer become slaves.

In order to continue to enslave and oppress the Hattian people, the Hittite soldiers also showed their determination to fight to the death.

The ones with the lowest morale on the battlefield were the honorary Hittites, who were composed of Hattians.

When these honorable Hattians fight with Hattian soldiers, the Hattian soldiers will torture their souls——

Why are you willing to be slaves and accomplices of the Hittites?

As long as we defeat the Hittites, all the Hittites will be freed from slavery!

In the center of the fiercely fighting battlefield, Roy was besieged by Hantili and Telepin.

Roy said jokingly while fighting Hantili and Telepin.

"Hantili! When we were at the Aman Pass, you used me to kill your son-in-law Zidanta. Now you want to use me to kill Telepin? As long as Telepin is killed by me, you will be the only demigod hero in the Hittite Kingdom. Even if Hatepuna becomes the Queen of the Hittites, she will not dare to confront you head-on."

Hantili said with a dark face.

"Don't try to sow discord between me and Tielepin."

"What do you mean by sowing discord? Isn't it true that you used me to kill Zidanta? If you hadn't left Zidanta behind and escaped alone, you should have been the one I killed at the Aman Pass, because the young Zidanta was more capable of escaping. It was because you left Zidanta behind first that Zidanta couldn't escape from me.

Hantiri was extremely depressed when he saw Tielepin start to preserve his strength under Roy's instigation.

Hantiri used Roy to kill Zidanta because Zidanta might compete with his son for the status of heir.

And after killing Zidanta, Hantiri could control the city-state of the Zidanta family before his grandson grew up.

Telepin is not Khantyri's son-in-law, and will not compete with Khantyri's son for the status of heir. Khantyri has no reason to let Roy kill Telepin.

In order to make Telepin believe in himself, after Telepin began to conserve his strength, Khantyri burst out with more strength to attack Roy, as if he wanted to die with Roy.


Telepin is still conserving his strength.

Because Telepin does not want to repeat Zidanta's mistakes and die on the battlefield.

Khantyri not only has sons and daughters, but also grandsons and grandsons.

But Telepin is not married yet.

Khantyri is determined to die with Roy, and Telepin just wants to get out of the battlefield.

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