I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 45 Preventing the Eleusinians from Escape

After Pandion led 450 soldiers into the Eleusinian tribe’s camp, the entire Eleusinian tribe immediately fell into chaos.

The young and strong men gathered at the top of the hillside, where the leader of the Eleusinian tribe lived, ready to defeat the invaders under the leadership of the leader.

After all, the young and strong men of the Eleusinian tribe also understood that they would only die in vain if they fought against the invaders alone.

Women, children, and old, weak, and disabled men either hid in their own wooden houses or fled in panic, trying to stay away from the invaders.

When Pandion led his soldiers to the top of the hillside, the leader of the Eleusinian tribe had gathered 300 soldiers, and more Eleusinian men were coming.

"Pandion - it turned out that you attacked our Eleusinian tribe!"

After the Athenian soldiers confronted the Eleusinian soldiers head-on, the leader of the Eleusinian tribe stared at Pandion with anger and questioned.

"Our Eleusis tribe is 40 miles away from your Athens tribe. We are no threat to you. Why do you want to attack our Eleusis tribe?"


Pandion called out the name of the leader of the Eleusis tribe and smiled.

"I want to increase the population of the Athens tribe. The fastest way is to annex the Eleusis tribe - is this reason sufficient? If you are willing to surrender, both of us can avoid casualties. I swear to the gods that I will give you the identity and status of a small leader."

"You actually asked me to surrender to you? Foolish Pandion, do you really think that you can conquer the Eleusis tribe with a population of 3,000 with 450 soldiers?"

Celeus, the leader of the Eleusis tribe, sneered.

"Now I will lead the warriors of the Eleusinian tribe to defeat the invaders and drive you out of our territory."

"What a pity! Since you are unwilling to surrender, I can only kill you and let the soldiers of the Eleusinian tribe give up resistance."

After the two leaders' verbal battle ended, Pandion took the initiative to wave the bronze spear and attack Keleos.

After all, time is not on the side of the Athenians. The longer the time drags on, the more Eleusinians will gather around Keleos.

Erechyteus and the two small leaders followed Pandion and led the Athenian soldiers to rush towards the Eleusinian soldiers.

After Keleos waved the bronze spear in his right hand and held the cowhide shield in his left hand to fight with Pandion, the Athenian soldiers and the Eleusinian soldiers also fought together.

At the beginning of the war between the two sides, the balance of victory tilted directly towards the Athenians.

Because the Athenians were all wearing paper armor, they could wave their spears with both hands to attack the enemy with all their strength.

The Eleusinian soldiers wielded spears in their right hands and held shields in their left hands. Their spears could not break the defense of paper armor, and their wooden shields could not stop the full-strength attacks of the Athenian soldiers.

Ordinary Athenian soldiers relied on their equipment advantages to suppress the Eleusinian soldiers. The leader of the Athenian tribe, Pandion, wore paper armor and also gained an advantage in the battle with the leader of the Eleusinian tribe, Keleos.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Pandion wielded the bronze spear like a storm, constantly stabbing Keleos' body.

Keleos used a cowhide shield to block the continuous attacks and looked for opportunities to counterattack Pandion.

With a click!


After Keleos's cowhide shield blocked Pandion's continuous attacks, it was split in half by Pandion's full-strength attack.

Keleos threw the broken shield directly on the ground, and then waved the spear with both hands to attack Pandion.

The two leaders began to fight fiercely. Pandion's spear blade pierced Celeos. The sharp spear blade would surely tear Celeos' cotton clothes and leave a wound on him.

Celeos' spear blade pierced Pandion's body, but it could not pierce the paper armor at all, let alone hurt Pandion's body.

As the wounds on the leader Celeos became more and more, everyone who saw this scene understood that the Eleusinian tribe would definitely lose this war.

Because the leader Celeos was the most powerful warrior of the Eleusinian tribe. Now even Celeos could not defeat Pandion, and it was even more impossible for other people in the Eleusinian tribe to defeat Pandion.

After the news that the leader Celeos lost to Pandion in the battle spread, the people of the Eleusinian tribe began to flee.

Because if they continued to stay in the tribe, their fate would be to become prisoners of the enemy, and their wives, daughters, food and other wealth would become spoils of war that the victors could take at will.

The two gates of the Eleusinian tribe.

Roy led fifty young men to guard the west gate.

Pallas, the captain of the guard, led fifty guards to guard the east gate.

Seeing hundreds of Eleusinians rushing towards the west gate, Roy immediately raised his bronze spear and took a fighting stance, shouting to the fifty young men behind him.

"If the Eleusinians want to rush out, we must kill them mercilessly. Even if they are women and children, we cannot show mercy. Because if we don't use cruel means to deter them, we can't stop hundreds or thousands of Eleusinians who want to escape with fifty people."

Then, Roy blocked the gate with his body and shouted to the hundreds of Eleusinians who rushed over.

"Go back! Go back! Anyone who dares to approach the gate will die! You all go back to your homes, we won't take away your wives and daughters, nor will we take away your food and wealth."

Fifty young men stood with Roy and shouted.

"Go back! All of you go back!"

Unfortunately, shouting alone would not stop those who wanted to escape.

So when the fastest Eleusin approached the gate, although Roy was full of reluctance, he still swung his bronze spear with all his strength and stabbed the Eleusin closest to him.


Puff! Puff! Puff!

The Eleusin who was running in the front fell to the ground after being stabbed by Roy and the fifty young men.

The remaining Eleusin saw this scene and stopped in fear, not daring to risk their lives to attack the gate.

Seeing that all the Eleusin who wanted to escape from the west gate had calmed down, Roy just breathed a sigh of relief, and heard the sound of metal clashing from the east gate.

Roy turned his head to look at the east gate, and saw the captain of the personal guard Pallas in a bitter battle.

The person fighting with the captain of the personal guard Pallas was actually an Eleusin girl with her beautiful snow-white long hair tied into a single ponytail.

"White hair--"

Looking at the girl's long white hair dancing as she moved her body, Roy said with wide eyes in shock.

"The people of the Eleusis tribe all have black hair and black eyes, how could she have white hair? Could it be that her ancestors were white-haired Germans who migrated from the far north?"

Of course Roy knew that in the continent of Europe, in addition to the black-haired and black-eyed southern Europeans, there were also blond-haired and blue-eyed Caucasians, and even silver-haired and blue-eyed Germans.

In this era, blond-haired and blue-eyed Caucasians could migrate from the Greater Caucasus to Greece in order to survive.

Silver-haired and blue-eyed Germans could also migrate from Northern Europe to Southern Europe in order to survive.

Thanks to the book friend Qingdan Qingyi for rewarding 100 points! Thank you book friends for following up, voting and various support!

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