I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 44 I share the joys and sorrows with my companions

When night falls.

Pandion led 550 soldiers from the Athenian tribe to a bay about ten miles away from the Eleusis tribe.

After a short rest, the army lit lanterns and continued on their way towards the Eleusis tribe.

In fact, the Eleusinian tribe has many similarities with the Athenian tribe.

The Athenian tribes lived on the Acropolis, a naturally formed fortress that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the Eleusinian tribes also lived on a hillside that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

However, compared with the Acropolis of Athens, which has only one road leading to the Acropolis Hill, the hillside where the Eleusis tribe lives only has the advantage of being high up.

The Athenian tribe was four kilometers away from the port of Piraeus. They could not only obtain meat through fishing, but also trade grain with maritime merchants.

The Eleusinian tribes were also very close to the port.

In the modern world more than three thousand years later, the Port of Piraeus in Athens is the largest port in Greece, and the Port of Eleusis in Eleusis is the second largest port in Greece.

It was late at night.

The army of the Athenian tribe came to a forest only five hundred meters away from the Eleusinian tribe.

After Pandion ordered to spend the night in this forest, Roy took fifty teenagers to a relatively dry grassland. While eating bread for dinner with the teenagers, he gave instructions to the teenagers.

"Everyone should go to bed early after eating the bread. As soon as it gets dark tomorrow, we will attack the Eleusis tribe in front."

The teenagers nodded while eating bread, and Aries said to Roy gratefully.

"Master Priest, don't worry about us all the time. We can take care of ourselves."

Loy patted Aries on the shoulder, then stood up and walked to the tent where Pandion and Erechtheus were.

In a temporary tent.

Roy walked into the tent and saw Pandion, Erechtheus and two minor leaders gathered here.

Seeing Roy walking in, Pandion said while beckoning Roy to sit next to him.

"Priest Roy, you came just in time. We are discussing how to attack the Eleusis tribe tomorrow."

Roy suggested directly after sitting down next to Pandion.

"Chief Pandion! I suggest that we attack the Eleusis tribe before the sun comes up - when the dawn breaks through the night, so that the Eleusis tribe, which has just woken up, does not have enough time to react."

Pandion nodded in agreement and continued.

"Tomorrow's war with the Eleusis tribe, I will personally lead the main force to fight against the main force of the Eleusis tribe. I plan to ask the guard captain Pallas to lead fifty guards soldiers to stop it with you The Eleusins ​​fled."

When the Athenian tribe fought with the Eleusinian tribe, after the Eleusinian tribe confirmed that they could not defeat the Athenian tribe, they could of course choose to escape.

If the Athenian tribe could not prevent the Eleusinian tribe from escaping, the victory of this war would be greatly compromised.

Because the purpose of the Athenian tribe in launching this war was not to defeat the Eleusinian tribe, but to annex the Eleusinian tribe.

The three thousand people of the Eleusis tribe were the spoils that the Athenian tribe most wanted to gain from launching this war.

After hearing Pandion's arrangement, Roy glanced at the guard captain Pallas who was standing behind Pandion, and said with a happy smile on his face.

"Captain Pallas and I are also acquaintances. As long as we cooperate well, no matter how many people escape from the Eleusis tribe, they will become our prisoners."

Pandion nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Priest Roy! It's cold and foggy outside now. Please stay in the tent tonight and spend the night with us!"

Roy shook his head and said.

"Chief Pandion! Since my companions are going to spend the night in the open air, of course I have to go with them."

After saying that, Roy stood up and left the tent.

After Roy left, a small leader couldn't help but said.

"It's easy to get sick if you spend the night in the open air on such a cold spring night. Priest Roy even ignored his own health in order to mix with civilian soldiers. He is really a strange person."

After saying that, he saw Pandion showing a serious and scary expression.

"Chief Pandion...did I say something I shouldn't have said?"

Pandion shook his head and said.

"Don't worry, my reaction just now was not because of you."

Pandion's reaction just now was of course because of Roy.

If Roy is greedy for enjoyment and incompetent, Pandion will treat Roy like two little leaders and will not regard Roy as a threat.

The more capable Roy showed, the more Pandion paid attention to Roy and regarded Roy as a potential threat - this was the reason why Pandion did not arrange for Roy to participate in a head-on battle.

In fact, Roy chose to share the joys and sorrows with his companions, not to win people's hearts, but because Roy received the education that everyone is equal.

So when Roy felt that his companions were suffering, of course he couldn't hide in the tent with peace of mind.

In a blink of an eye, the dawn broke through the dark night.

"Master Priest...Master Priest..."

A familiar call woke Roy up from his sleep.

Roy opened his eyes and sat up, and saw that the soldiers around him had woken up.

The person who woke Roy up was Aries.


Roy rubbed his sleepy eyes and said.

"Since everyone is awake, you should wake me up earlier."

Then, Roy stood up, looked at the fifty teenagers and said.

"My companions! The mission given to us by the leader Pandion is not to participate in the frontal battle. Although our mission is not dangerous, everyone still needs to be vigilant. Now everyone is ready for battle, follow me to the Eleusis tribe, our mission is to prevent the people of the Eleusis tribe from escaping."

When Roy and fifty teenagers met with fifty guards led by the captain of the guard Pallas, Pandion had already rushed to the Eleusis tribe with four hundred and fifty soldiers.

The hillside where the Eleusis tribe lived had a wall made of wood and stone, and the two gates in and out of the tribe were also wooden gates.

Pandion led four hundred and fifty soldiers to rush to the largest wooden gate. Although the Eleusis soldiers guarding the gate saw them, they had no time to summon their companions.

Because they were unprepared for this sudden attack, they did not deploy countermeasures.

The four hundred and fifty soldiers rushed over like a torrent, directly knocked down the wooden gate of the Eleusis tribe, and then killed the Eleusis soldiers guarding the gate.

When the news of the enemy's attack on the Eleusis tribe reached the tribal leader, he summoned his soldiers and asked angrily.

"The people who patrolled the territory yesterday reported to me that there were no enemies within ten miles. Why were we attacked by the enemy so early in the morning? Did the people who patrolled the territory yesterday not follow the order seriously, or did the enemy march to approach our Eleusis tribe at night?"

Although the leader of the Eleusis tribe guessed the correct answer, he thought in his heart that it was the people who patrolled the territory yesterday who did not follow the order seriously, which led to the sudden attack on the Eleusis tribe.

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