I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 232 Athens becomes a trade hub

A bright full moon spreads moonlight in the night sky.

On the Myrtoon Sea, Roy's fleet was sailing overnight because Roy did not allow the fleet to anchor on nearby islands.

Although in the history of another world, the tsunami caused by the volcanic eruption of Thera was only recorded as destroying the city of Knossos, this does not mean that the tsunami did not destroy cities whose names were not even recorded in history. Those ships floating on the sea.

For his own safety and the safety of everyone in the fleet, Roy just wanted to get away from Thera Island as quickly as possible.

When the dawn drove away the night, seeing Serifos Island appearing on the sea ahead, Roy agreed to the fleet heading to the port of Serifos Island.

Roy is not worried about the tsunami reaching Serifos because there are several islands between Serifos and Thera that act as natural barriers to block the impact of the tsunami.

Port of Serifos.

After Rhadamandis and the naval soldiers of Donia City landed at the port, Roy stood on the stern of his clipper and warned Rhadamandis.

"Radamandis, from now on you will stay on Serifos Island and be a fair judge. Although you are a judge, your main job is to fight against pirates in this sea area and protect the trade routes of the city of Athens. Only if the trade route to Athens is clear, those merchant ships will be willing to take the initiative to trade in Athens.”

After listening to Roy's words, Radamandis complained dissatisfiedly.

"Not only did you steal my sister Pandora, but you also wanted me to be used by you to help you dominate the Aegean Sea. Don't you think you are shameless?"

"Stupid Radamandis, why don't you understand that I am doing this for your own good?"

Roy teased with a smile.

"Haven't you ever thought that I plan to make you a judge who arbitrates disputes between city-states, paving the way for you to deify yourself. Although you will not be deified into a heroic god, you will be able to become a unique judge after your death. god."

"I don't believe you would be nice to me."

you do not believe--

Just don’t believe it!

After all, Rhadamandis was his cheap brother-in-law, and Roy didn't bother to fool him with false pretense, and directly ordered his clipper to set sail for the city of Athens.

When the time came in the evening, the clipper sailors, who had not slept for two days and one night, finally sailed the ship into the port of Piraeus.

After Roy's clipper docked, the extremely exhausted crew fell asleep on the boat. Roy managed to stay strong and returned to Athens alone.

Royal Palace on the Acropolis.

Roy broke into the palace hall and saw Procne, Philomela, Chione, and Io sitting together to enjoy dinner.

Seeing Roy coming back suddenly, the girls all showed surprised expressions, and Philomela couldn't help but say.

"Brother Roy, the dark circles under your eyes are so deep. Didn't you sleep well at night?"

"I haven't slept for two days and one night."

Roy walked to sit between Procne and Philomela, and said while devouring the food.

"Instruct the maid to heat up the water in the bathroom. I'll take a shower after eating and then go to bed."

Seeing Roy's appearance, Procne said with heartache.

"Brother Roy, could it be that your ship was attacked by pirates and you and the crew stayed awake for two days and one night in order to escape for your lives?"

"Silly girl, do I think I can't even defeat pirates?"

Roy pretended to be angry, pinched Procne's cheek with his right hand and explained.

"I will return overnight because a major event that changed history happened yesterday - the volcanic eruption of Thera Island."

After hearing Roy's words, the girls looked at each other, and Procne asked curiously.

"Brother Roy, what does volcanic eruption mean? When you say volcano, do you mean the woods on the mountain are on fire?"

Seeing that Philomela, Chione, and Io were also curiously waiting for his answer, Roy could only say with a wry smile.

"I'm too tired today. Tomorrow I will find time to give you popular science knowledge so that you can understand what a volcano is and what kind of disasters a volcanic eruption will cause. Now you only need to know that because the tsunami caused by the volcanic eruption of Thera Island destroyed As the port of Knossos, merchant ships in the Aegean Sea will no longer go to Knossos. Our city of Athens is now the trade hub of the Aegean Sea.”

Although the girls do not understand what a volcano is, what a volcanic eruption is, let alone what the relationship between volcanic eruptions and tsunamis is, they can understand that the city of Athens will be the trading hub of the Aegean Sea in the future.

Chione blinked her beautiful blue eyes and said.

"Dear, you mean that because of a tsunami, our city of Athens completely replaced the city of Knossos as the Aegean trade hub without doing anything. You are really so lucky, I can't bear it I have a suspicion that you are the darling of Lady Luck.”

Roy immediately shook his head and said.

"The eruption of the Thera volcano has nothing to do with me. Even if I had not come to this world, the Thera volcano would have erupted and caused a tsunami to destroy the port of the city of Knossos, causing the city of Knossos to lose the Aegean Sea. The status of the trade hub has completely declined.”

After speaking, Roy couldn't help but sigh in his heart about the infinite power of nature.

In order for the city of Athens to replace Knossos as a trade hub, Roy not only used technological innovation to invent seawater sun salt, but also used tax-free methods to attract merchant ships to trade in the city of Athens.

Even if Roy did this, he couldn't make Knossos lose its status as a trade hub in a short time.

But the tsunami caused by the eruption of the Thera volcano destroyed the port of Knossos, and the effect was immediate, causing Knossos to lose its status as a trade hub overnight.

Knossos could not gain wealth by relying on its status as a trade hub, and the volcanic ash killed a large area of ​​crops on Crete. I'm afraid that the people of Knossos - even the people of Donia - would face food problems.

Roy could ignore the tragic situation that Knossos was about to become a hell on earth, but he couldn't ignore the people of Donia.

The food problem in Athens had not been completely solved, and the food problem in Donia had become a pressure that Roy had to bear.

After enjoying dinner and taking a bath in the bathroom, Roy went to his palace to sleep.

"Brother Roy..."

Soon after Roy closed his eyes, he heard Philomela's voice calling him.

He opened his eyes with all his strength and saw Philomela blushing and lying beside him, and Roy yawned and said.

"Good sister, you can sleep with me, but don't wake me up!"

"Brother Roy, I can't wait, I want to be your real wife now."

Philomela said with courage.

"Even if there is no wedding, it doesn't matter if I am regarded as your concubine. Are you willing to accept me?"

"You little girl, why are you in such a hurry-"

Roy said helplessly.

"Philomela, if a girl marries and has children too early, it is easy to have a difficult birth. One of the main reasons for women's death from difficult births in this era is that they get married too young. So I am going to make laws as the King of Athens. In the future, women in the Kingdom of Athens will not be allowed to marry before the age of 18, including you."

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