I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 231 Thera Island Volcano Eruption

The port of Donia.

On the day Roy and Radamanthys left, Pandora followed them to the port to say goodbye.

After the two reluctantly said goodbye to Pandora, Roy made up his mind to let the fleet set sail.

The fleet, consisting of an Athenian clipper and twenty Donia naval warships, immediately set sail for the sea.

Roy and Radamanthys stood at the stern and waved to Pandora until they could no longer see Pandora's figure. Radamanthys complained to Roy.

"If we don't destroy Knossos, aren't you worried that Minos will lead the Knossians to attack Donia?"

"Does Donia have food?"

Roy asked expressionlessly.

"The territory of Donia is not a plain rich in grain, so Knossos has no reason to wage war against Donia. If I were Minos, I would rather wage war against Egypt or Libya to seize grain than wage a war against Donia that would be more costly than gain."

Now Knossos, like Athens, is facing the same problem of food shortage. If it waged a war at this time, Knossos would definitely consider the benefits.

Donia is the second largest city on Crete. If Knossos waged a war against Donia, not only would it be highly likely to fail, but even if it succeeded in conquering Donia, it would not help solve the food problem.

Because there is a Lefka Mountain in the south of the Donia region where Donia is located, and the plains are distributed along the northern coast, the grain produced is not enough to feed the Donians, so Donia has to exchange wine, olive oil and other commodities for grain.

If Minos led the Knossos to attack those areas in North Africa where the land is harvested twice or even three times a year and the indigenous civilization is backward, not only would it be more likely to succeed, but it would also solve the food problem in Knossos.

Radamanthis was limited by his own vision and knowledge, and he seemed to understand Roy's words.

Because he couldn't think of a reason to refute Roy, he took the initiative to remain silent.

After an unknown period of time, when Roy's fleet was about to enter the Myrtowon Sea from the Sea of ​​Crete, a loud noise that shook the earth reached Roy's ears.

Seeing that Radamanthis and the others on the clipper had no reaction, Roy asked in confusion.

"Didn't you hear the sound just now?"

The crew all looked at Roy with blank eyes, and Radamanthis teased directly.

"Did you hear the siren singing? Legend has it that there are sirens in the sea that can confuse people's hearts. If someone hears the siren's song, his companions must tie him up with a rope to prevent people who are confused by the siren's song from jumping into the sea. My dear brother-in-law, in order to protect your life, let me tie you up with a rope!"

After that, Radamanthis picked up a rope and walked towards Roy.

Although no one else, including Radamanthys, heard the sound just now, Roy did not think he was hallucinating.

Roy looked carefully towards the east, the direction where the sound just came from, and soon saw a rolling black cloud floating from the eastern sky.

"That is--"

Looking at the black clouds that were completely different from the dark clouds, Roy quickly guessed that the black clouds floating from the east were actually black smoke.

Radamanthys followed Roy's gaze to the east, and saw the rolling black smoke floating over the eastern sky, and immediately shouted.

"Sailors, the storm is coming, you must speed up to Milos Island."

Hearing Radamanthys' words, the crew all looked at Radamanthys with a fool's eye.

The sea is calm now, and there is no sign of a storm coming.

Roy couldn't help but say to Radamanthys.

"Radamanthys, what's floating in the sky may not be black clouds, but black smoke!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? There are small islands with an area of ​​less than 100 square kilometers to the east of this sea area. Even if all the wood on these small islands is burned, it is impossible to produce black smoke of this scale."

"I didn't say that this is black smoke from burning wood."

Roy said with a solemn expression on his face.

"This is black smoke from a volcanic eruption. There is Thera Island to the east of this sea area. It seems that the volcano on Thera Island has erupted."

As soon as Roy finished speaking, a huge wave rushed towards Roy's fleet from the east.

Seeing this scene, Roy shouted in a hurry.

"Great goddess Metis, goddess Amphitrite! Please protect our fleet."

Maybe Roy's request for help worked.

The scale of the huge waves kept weakening, and when it hit Roy's fleet, it no longer had the power to overturn the ships on the sea.

Huge waves suddenly appeared on the calm sea. Radamanthys and the crew were all puzzled. They had no idea why the huge waves appeared. They thought it was the anger of the sea god or the sea monster.

Roy knew that it was a tsunami caused by the eruption of the Thera Island volcano.

Because the monsoon at this time was still north wind, Roy's fleet encountered only the aftermath of the tsunami.

With the help of the north wind, the real power of the tsunami will rush towards the city of Knossos.

Thinking of the tsunami and the city of Knossos, Roy couldn't help but look in the direction of the city of Knossos and murmured.

"Is this the eruption of the Thera Island volcano that destroyed the city of Knossos in history?"

In the history of another world, Thera Island, as an active volcanic island, once had a volcanic eruption close to the highest level 3,600 years ago.

Because it was a volcanic eruption close to the highest level, the ashes from the eruption of Thera Island drifted to Crete, causing a huge blow to Knossos.

The greater disaster was that the tsunami caused by the volcanic eruption destroyed the port and submerged Knossos.

In fact, the straight-line distance between Thera Island and Knossos City is more than 200 miles, and the tsunami itself did not cause serious casualties to Knossos City.

There are mainly two reasons why the volcanic eruption of Thera Island can cause a devastating blow to Knossos City.

The first reason is that the ashes from the volcanic eruption drifted to Crete, causing a reduction in grain production and livestock deaths in the territory of Knossos City.

The second reason is that the tsunami not only destroyed the port of Knossos City, but also destroyed the status of Knossos City as a trade hub.

The strength and wealth of Knossos City is based on the status of a trade hub to obtain wealth.

The eruption of the Thera volcano caused Knossos to suffer a huge disaster and lost its status as a trade hub. Even though Knossos had accumulated huge wealth in the past, it could not avoid the fate of decline.

Thinking that Knossos would soon become a hell on earth, Roy said with a complicated expression.

"Radamanthys, you don't have to worry about Knossos attacking Donia anymore, because the eruption of the Thera volcano will completely destroy Knossos."

Although the tsunami caused by the eruption of the Thera volcano will allow Athens to completely replace Knossos as a trade hub, Roy did not gloat in his heart.

If he could choose, Roy would rather compete fairly with Knossos than want this disaster to affect tens of thousands of Knossos people.

Unfortunately, even the goddess Europa could not prevent this disaster from destroying the Knossos she protected, and Roy could only be a bystander and enjoy the huge benefits brought to himself and Athens by this natural disaster.

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