I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 936 Defeat the Angel Legion

The God King of Naboo's thoughts were spinning rapidly, "Currenting straight into the ground like this, are you trying to capture the thief first and capture the king first, so as to capture the commander of the Angel Legion in one fell swoop?"

The most common angels have an average attribute of at least 60+, and the one-in-a-million "Maharaja Guard" generally have attributes in the 80+, early 90s, or even higher.

Due to the separation from the material world at this time, the body can maintain a higher frequency, and the limit value of the power is increased by about 20%. Together, they can even threaten the God King Nabu.

Moreover, angels are not purely physical warriors, magic and divine arts are the strongest spears.

The "whooshing" golden flames, the "clicking" thunder, the "buzzing" space-time blade that splits time and space, and various forbidden spell attacks formed colorful energy waterfalls, numerous but not messy.

The angel army formed an arc-shaped formation that semi-surrounded Harley, like a heavenly cauldron, and Harley was the focus point of the heavenly cauldron launcher.

Almost all of their bullets fell on the charging Arkham God of War.

The violent energy overwhelmed her.

"Ahh~~" The women on the airship covered their mouths and exclaimed.

Zaulie's face also changed slightly, and he looked worried.

But soon, their worries turned into doubts, because the waterfall of forbidden spell attacks continued without stopping.

The attack did not stop, which meant that Harley was not dead.

Harley, who could survive the forbidden curse for tens of seconds or minutes, most likely had activated "God's descent to earth" again.

Thinking of this, the expressions on their faces returned to calm.

On the other hand, Nabu, whose previously calm and solemn face was slightly distorted, felt envious and jealous in his heart: God was so partial to her that he had to help her block even the holy attacks of the Angel Legion, and he blocked them for such a long time. Could it be that there was an unlimited supply of "God descending to earth"? Power?

The angel army on the opposite side also thought of "God descending to earth".

The Bull Angel, who was as burly as Asmodu, ordered loudly: "Stop the magical attack, go around and fight her hand-to-hand, and chop her into pulp with your sword."

After the Forbidden Curse Falls disappeared, everyone unexpectedly discovered that Harley was not intact under the protection of God. Instead, she was covered in bruises and looked bleak.

"Archangel Chemir, our attack is effective against Witch Harley, do you want to continue?" The angel legion hesitated.

The Bull Angel Commander on the bridge of "this" Heavenly Chariot hesitated.

"Could it be that God cannot fully protect her when he descends to earth?" He was puzzled. "Cancel the previous instructions, and everyone will continue to attack with divine magic and use divine magic to drive physical damage!"

How can Harley earn experience if she uses God's force field to completely block attacks?

The protection must be revoked, and the experience of this group of "Maharaja Guards" must be gained first.

Of course, as a "folk movie queen" who has never won an Oscar but delivers countless Oscar-level performances every year, Hallie is eager for their ground-washing attacks, but will not express her thoughts.

Taking advantage of the gap when they restrained their attacks, she did not stop there with a look of disappointment on her face. Instead, she was in high spirits. With a roar, she charged again at high speed, and then - "Boom, boom, boom!"

"Gudong Gudong." The jar is overflowing, level 96!

The attack power began to weaken, and many angels began to pant.

They are in a high-frequency physical state and will not be tired.

The so-called high-frequency state of a god is actually similar to that of a game character. His blood never drops out and his state is always full. Even if he is injured, he can use his body's divine power to recover instantly.

But divine power is the foundation that maintains everything extraordinary.

During the forbidden spell attack that lasted for more than ten minutes, the divine power in the angel's body began to dry up.

The attacks are getting thinner and thinner, and Harley's experience jar is getting calmer and calmer.

Finally, when the experience level stayed at 17% at level 96, Harley's God Force Field was activated, and the other eight specialties were also activated.

Ninth Life Force Defense Specialty, Level 5: 100% control over the organs and tissues containing your own genes.

Harley controls every muscle cell in the legs and makes them exert force in the same "direction", with the potential reaching 99999%!


She stepped on the void, and actually created a milky white "air explosion" in the emptiness of Limbo.

It wasn't the air that was exploding, but the magical elements of Limbo that were exploding.

You can see a white line drawn out in the void between her and the angel army formation.

Like the tracks left by torpedoes in the water.

"Boom, boom, boom!" "Torpedo Harley" did not explode in the angel army formation. Instead, it transformed into a torpedo-powered siege ram, directly hitting the angel in front of it, breaking its bones and tendons.

They were like the broken bricks of a thin wall struck by a cannonball.

"Ahhhhh-" The angels blocking the front screamed and were knocked away. Harley paused for a moment, but then controlled the cells of her body again and moved in one place.

When others run and jump, they can only control a limited number of cells in their tendons, but Harley controls all the cells in her body to work together.

Her strength and speed attributes are far inferior to those of angels. If an angel's cells with 90 points of strength are equivalent to a spring with 999 units of elasticity, Harley's cells only have 1 unit of elasticity.

Angel only has 1 unit of cells exerting force.

However, every cell of Harley has become a small spring. If there are 999 small springs connected in parallel or series, and the elastic force is adjusted to one direction, the total elastic force will be similar to that of an angel with 90 points of strength.

The only thing is that Harley's cells with 1 unit of elasticity have to withstand a total elasticity of 999 units.

For an ordinary person, let alone 999, even if the body's explosion exceeds twice the limit, the whole body will collapse and die on the spot.

A cell can only withstand the intensity of the force it can exert. If it exceeds its endurance limit, it will rupture and die.

It just so happens that defense is Harley's strength.

Harley, who has 96 points of defense and is still a Hunyuan body, can withstand power far beyond her own limits.

She became a small steel cannon with slightly mechanical movements that could only go straight and forward, but with strong power.

After being blocked by the angel army formation, Harley stepped into the void again, "BOOOM!"

A wave of air erupted behind her, and like a cannonball, she crashed into the chariot behind the military formation.

"Block her!" Commander Chemel on the bridge felt the crisis like a thorn in his back. He not only ordered loudly, but also pulled out the angel sword that shone with golden flames and assumed a fighting stance.

Unlike human commanders who rely on their brains, the leader of the Angel Legion is also the one with the strongest force.


Harley hit the outer deck of the battleship, and the 500-meter-long blood-red battleship flew backwards for ten kilometers.


Harley stepped on the void again, bursting out a circle of air waves, and hit the battleship again before it stabilized.

Again and again, "Boom!"

Harley was like a cannonball with unlimited kinetic energy, and the chariot started its engine and took the initiative to meet her.

A constant pounding took place between her and the chariot.

There was back and forth between the two sides, and from the scene it seemed evenly matched.

The God King of Naboo was stunned, "Why is Harley Quinn so violent all of a sudden?"

"Isn't this the way to fight to tear apart Man?"

Inside the Archimedes airship, Louise was shocked.

Is there going to be another "Superwoman" after Iron Man, Superboy, Mechanical Superman, and Annihilator Superman?

"Ahem." I don't know how much time had passed, but Harry suddenly felt a bit itchy in his throat. He coughed up a pool of dirty blood, and then he realized that his condition was a little bad, and every part of his body was in pain.

The first time she used the "Ninth Life Force Defense Specialty" to put her body into overclocking, she gained power far beyond her own strength. She was too excited during the battle and unknowingly brought the load close to the limit that her defense could bear.

In order to gain experience, she took the initiative to lower the magic resistance of Heaven, which caused her body to be seriously injured.

Due to her poor condition and overload and overclocking, her body was on the verge of collapse.

Harley stopped "playing" and ran quickly on both feet, coming to the chariot. The God's force field broke through the defense shield of the power of heaven in front of her, and then triggered the quantum displacement, "Whoosh!"

Her figure flashed briefly before rushing into the bridge.

Amidst the exclamations of "Omaika" from all the angels, Harley came to the legion commander Thiel Mill and swung the God's stick in her hand.

Because she had not triggered quantum displacement before and had been colliding with the chariot, Thiel Mir even sheathed the angel sword she had just pulled out, leaving her completely defenseless.

"Bang!" The top of his head was hit hard, and the power of repentance was activated.

"I regret it, I regret it!"

Thiel's right hand that had already grasped the hilt of the sword was retracted, holding his head, kneeling down and howling.

"Bang bang bang~~" Harley hit him a few more times with the stick, until his skin and flesh were torn.

The blood flowing from the top of his head covered his face.

"I repent, I am guilty, I should not have deviated from the way of God, and I should not have joined Asmodu's song -"

"Bang!" Harley gave him another hard slap and scolded: "It's rebellion under the guise of songming. You betrayed the Lord, betrayed your faith, betrayed the great Angel King Michael, and also betrayed I am the God of War in Heaven!”

"Dong dong dong" The Bull Angel Commander grabbed the ground with his head and wailed repeatedly: "I am guilty and I repent. I understand that Asmodeus intends to imitate Lucifer and colluded with the Demon King Inner Dragon, but he still betrayed him for power. Lord, I repent, I repent~~~”

"Shit, even the Demon King is involved?" Harley was startled and shouted: "Let the legions put down their weapons and capture them without mercy."

At this moment, the bridge angels are still besieging her!

The secret thief did as he was told.

"Everyone stop."

In the bridge, the angel who was suspected to be the adjutant loudly said: "Commander Thiefmir has been controlled by his mind, he——"

"Whoosh -" Harley took several steps in succession, and without letting him finish a word, she triggered quantum displacement again and came to the adjutant's side, "Ada!"

She swung her stick to attack, but the adjutant had already drawn his sword in his hand - he was attacking her before - and he raised his sword to block with a thought.

Harry smiled sarcastically, and the golden hair on the back of his head was like billions of little snakes, flying out like a golden waterfall, either piercing his eyes, slapping his face, or tying him into pigtails. hands and feet.

Of course, an attack of this level cannot harm the angel, but while he was stagnant, Harley's stick had already hit his ear.


"I regret it, I regret it!"

"Bang bang bang!" The adjutant was beaten down with a few sticks, and no angel in the bridge dared to point his sword at Harley.

"Don't listen to them. Myr and Saludo are controlled by the witch Harley. Now I, the ox angel Marin, are taking over. Ouch, the witch Harley is coming. Hurry, hurry, stop her. Hurry!" Ah, repent, I repent, I am guilty, I repent. Everyone listens to the command of the King of Heaven Mountain, lay down their weapons, and surrender immediately."

"Don't listen to Marin, I am the commander of the first regiment of the legion - ah, Witch Harley, stop Witch Harley quickly, don't - regret it, I am guilty, I repent. Everyone put down their weapons, we are Traitors, we are guilty, kneel down to the Arkham God of War and plead guilty immediately.”

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