I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 935 Charge into battle alone

"On behalf of God, I take back the power He gave you." Harley glanced at the desperate Niu Angel, and moved her eyes down to his chest. There was a golden light shining in the hole, and there was blood left in it.

She licked her lips, but after all, she still didn't stick her head directly in. "Gudong, gudong."

"You have betrayed your trust and still have the nerve to represent God?" Asmodu said sadly.

"You, a degenerate who betrayed God and strived to be Lucifer's second best, still have the nerve to talk about 'treachery' with me?! You are really thick-skinned." Harley sneered.

She picked up the two wings, wiped her face, tidied up her slightly messy hair, and then said to the heroes: "You guys tidy up yourselves too, I'm going to open the energy barrier in the arena."

"Help me, help me." At this moment, a weak cry came from the corner of the ruins of the collapsed wooden platform.

Harley was startled and wondered: "Who was buried under the stage so carelessly? Where are her teammates? They are missing and they don't even know."

The heroes glanced around and found that they had few teammates.

"Ah, it's Lois Lane!" Harley reacted first.

She also glanced around and suddenly remembered that the Mingji of the Universe was also present.

But the voice calling for help was hoarse and low, unlike...

Before she could finish her thoughts, the Flash had already circled the ruins countless times at lightning speed. In the next moment, the debris was removed, and he lay straight on the ground groaning, covered in burnt cosmic symbols and smoking.

"What's going on? Don't you heroes know how to look after a weak woman?" Harley immediately identified the person responsible as the hero present.

"We didn't notice her. It was too chaotic and the changes were too unexpected." Wonder Woman said awkwardly.

In the middle of the arena for the King of Fighters Tournament, there was originally no platform, but a flat alloy ground.

The reason for setting up a stage is so that people on the stage can show themselves to the surrounding audience.

The platform was a wooden frame, and if Asmodeus struggled even slightly, it would not be able to bear it and completely collapse.

A small thing like the collapse of the stage would not affect the battle-hardened heroes at all, but Lois Lane was also on stage at the time, and she was waiting to give an exclusive interview to Bull Angel.

Then she was buried in the rubble and passed out.

When Harley took out Asmodu's heart - it was said that the beating power was equivalent to the explosion of 1,000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs. Its powerful energy and high energy level caused the surrounding wooden boards to ignite with just the holy light.

Louise was in bad luck.

Like a sweet potato, suffocated and burned inside.

If she hadn't eaten a "Devil Fruit" that enhanced her body before, she would have died immediately this time.

After asking the superheroes to take care of Louise, Harley posed next to Asmodeus: Asmodeus was lying flat on the ground, with two wings on the left and right in her hands. Her eyes were firm and her expression Awe-inspiring, he also put on the ceremonial "Heaven Mountain King Armor" - apart from being shiny and majestic, it has no actual combat effect.

In this way, she opened the energy barrier.

The barrier slowly fell, and she slowly stood up from squatting on Asmodu's chest.

"Ouch~~~" At a glance, the audience saw the God of War in Heaven who had gone through a battle and finally tore off the wings of an angel.

"My dear, Admiral Galaxy defeated Lord Asmodeus, so quickly?"

"Hiss, so violent, he tore off two wings with force!"

"Why exactly? Why did this happen? Wasn't Asmodu summoned by the Galactic Admiral?"

In addition to being shocked, they were also full of doubts.

Harley cleared her throat, threw her wings on the ground, but still stepped on Asmodu's "corpse", and said into the microphone: "Believers, viewers, and people of the earth, don't panic, don't be afraid.

There are two things that everyone needs to understand.

First of all, I am not only a galactic admiral, not just a mortal on earth, I am a war god in heaven. "

The audience looked confused and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Secondly, the 'Book of Asmodu' unearthed in the Dead Sea ruins is fake. Asmodo and I conspired to write it.

The reason is also very simple. He wants to imitate Lucifer, betray God, and conspire to usurp the throne.

As the god of war in heaven, I have the responsibility to quell chaos and eliminate evil.

But I am not as strong or powerful as him, so I can only use my wisdom, hypocrisy, and clever strategies to lure him from Silver City to Earth. "

After a pause to let everyone digest the information in the previous words, Harley continued: "I know that these words contain a lot of information, and I will hold a special press conference in the future.

That’s it for today, I’m going to heaven to bulldoze Asmodeus’s gang soon. If you have any questions, you can ask the heroes. "

"Zaulie!" After saying that, Harry looked up to the sky and shouted, "The traitor has been defeated, why don't you come here quickly."

She didn't feel his aura, but with such a big thing happening here, it would be strange for Zaulie, who was hiding on the earth, not to be disturbed.

She guessed he was hiding nearby.

Zhaulie, who was hiding in the sky and still looking dazed, was pulled back to his senses by Mrs. Xanadu.


He spread his wings and landed next to Harry amidst everyone's exclamations of "another angel", "God, what did you do to him?"

"Stop talking nonsense, take Asmodu with you, let's go to Silver City."

"So urgent?" Zaulie raised his head and glanced at the bloody sky, "The battle above is not over yet."

Harley's eyes flashed slightly, "It will be too late when the battle is over."

"Ivy, bring the airship over."

"Whoosh!" The bright Archimedes airship jumped out of Limbo and suddenly appeared in front of Harley.

"Zauliel, you carry Asmodo and stand on top of the airship so that everyone can see it clearly." Harley did not enter the cabin, but stood on the top of the airship.

"Harley, call some reporters." Ivy whispered.

Harley was stunned, "I'm going to heaven, what should I take them to?"

"Well, words are unfounded, seeing is believing. I just noticed that even though you explained it, there were fears and doubts on the faces of 90% of the people." Ivy said.

Harry glanced around the auditorium and saw that many people were either confused or scared.

Finally, she set her sights on the female reporter with a single ponytail in the press box.

"Bring Nala Lang here and tell her that she will go to heaven with me to witness the heroic act of the King of Heaven in suppressing the rebellion." She took the microphone and ordered the security guard next to the press box.

Just as Zhaulie climbed onto the top of the spacecraft with Asmodo on his shoulders, Nalalan ran over with joy.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity!" She breathed heavily and said excitedly.

Harley nodded, pointed to the big thing in her hand, and said, "Throw away the camera."

Seeing her confusion, Harley explained: "Heaven is in the fifth dimension, and the artifacts of the four-dimensional material universe will fail there."

After thinking about it, she took out her Paradise Mountain mobile phone and said to the Watchdog system, "Temporarily give the camera and recording rights to Lana Long."

He casually handed the phone to Lana Lang again.

"Thank you!" The female reporter bowed excitedly again.

"Wait!" Just as Lana Lang climbed onto the airship and was about to set off, a man covered in black, supported by Wonder Woman, walked over tremblingly and said in a hoarse voice: "Please take me with you, Harley. "

"Oh my god, Louise?" Lana Long covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Why are you burnt?!"

"The skin injury is fine." Louise stared at Harry with wide eyes. Because of too much force, the burnt scab on her face cracked again, and black blood oozed out.

"Do you need to be so desperate? Just ask Lana to give you some information later. It's a news company anyway." Harley bared her teeth and felt pain for her.

"Boom, boom!" Louise pushed Wonder Woman away and jumped twice on the spot, "Look, I'm really fine."

After two fierce movements, the wounds on her body opened a lot.

Harley couldn't refuse someone who risked her life, so she could only look at Wonder Woman reproachfully.

Diana smiled awkwardly and said, "I also tried to dissuade her, but she didn't listen."

"You should never let her know that I am inviting reporters to go to heaven to suppress the rebellion." Harley said through the message.

"I didn't tell her, she heard it herself. Even though her whole body was burned, she always maintained the alertness of a reporter and was always paying attention to us."

The superheroes stayed in the arena, and Harley took the Archimedes airship and quickly arrived at the junction of the material world and Limbo.

A big battle is taking place there.

Doctor Destiny entered the state of the God King of Naboo, with the Tower of Destiny under him. Golden and white magic lightning shot out from the tower in all directions, forming a huge web of laws to block the impact of the chariot of heaven.

"Zauliel, you stay here and I'll deal with them."

"The chariot of heaven is too powerful, and these angels are also carefully selected warriors from Asmodu. You can't defeat it alone.

It's better to use Asmodu to coerce them.

As long as we reach the Silver City, we can raise our arms and awaken the oppressed believers of the Lord. "Zhaulie suggested.

"It is precisely because they are Asmodu's confidants that we must defeat them first and deal with them. It will be determined by the message from Silver City!" Harley said firmly.

"Be careful and don't show off."

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid of team battles. Ivy, aim the Archimedes Radar at me, Lana Lang, use your memo skills and take pictures of everything."

Harley ran with her bare hands and no flying, stepping on the void with two feet.

"Whoosh whoosh-" The quantum shifts were triggered one after another. Like a ghost, she passed by King Naboo and rushed into the blood-colored energy cannon.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The pale golden film clung to his body, and the black swirling magic shield in front of him flickered on and off.

Harley was like a bullet rushing into a waterfall from bottom to top.

The scarlet energy overwhelmed her, but it failed to stop her in the slightest.

With 95 points of defense, she could withstand the tank's artillery attack without turning on the God's Force Field, but she was also injured.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar is growing like crazy.

"Harley Quinn, she appears, and the King is there! Lord, the King has his wings cut off and is dying."

"Fire on Harley Quinn."

"Angel warriors, all mobilize, prepare to annihilate the treacherous witch Harley."

Her appearance quickly attracted the attention of the angelic legions on the chariot.

They were all excited, filled with righteous indignation and furious.

The thick energy cannon became more concentrated and aimed at her.

"Angel Dumplings" are served under the rugby-shaped chariot.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Kill the witch Harley and avenge the king!" The angel's eyes were red, swarming towards Harley like a swarm of bees.

"I am the God of War in Heaven, how dare you do this?!"

"Buzz--" Harley thought for a moment, then gave up on the "Lucifer Eviscerating Knife" and drew out the God's Stick.

The King of Naboo looked stunned, very confused in his heart, "Is Witch Harley crazy? A person attacks the angel battle formation. Even if he is thick-skinned and has high defense, how can he break through when surrounded by a swarm of angels? How can he struggle when his hands and feet are pinned down?"

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