I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 926 The Great Harvest on Apokolips

Level 95, 95 defense points, information on seven defensive evolutions.

This is the answer sheet given to Harley by Doomsday during her trip to Apokolips.

On a perfect score of 100 points, Harley would like to give it a score of 96 points.

She was very satisfied with its performance. Darkseid's life and death were unknown, the Dark Elite had killed at least five people, injured dozens of others, and killed millions of demonoids.

These results were enough to satisfy Harley, and the actual benefits this battle brought to her were a five-level improvement!

Upgrading five levels in a row at 90+ is so fruitful!

In addition to leveling up, information on the seven defensive evolutions is also useful.

The defensive evolution information is the defensive evolution that Doomsday started based on their offensive attributes when he was besieged by the dark gods of Apokolips.

Darkseid's Omega Effect Defense is the most valuable and highest-level defense evolution.

The above seven defensive evolutions were all started on Doomsday, but they were abandoned halfway and could not be completed. Because of Harley's divine power, Doomsday is greatly immune to those seven special energy attacks.

Evolution needs to be completed in a 'harsh' environment of life and death crisis.

Comfort can only block evolution.

Although the evolution is not completed, the evolution information is passed on to the owner of the divine power as the "Thick-skinned Martial God Experience".

Harley initially thought that this defensive evolutionary information was of no use to her.

Because her path of cultivation is not genetic evolution.

But when she tried to record the "law-level" knowledge in her mind, the natal curse that had nothing to do with the thick-skinned Martial God began to react.

Harry was surprised and delighted. After thinking for a while, he suddenly realized: the essence of laws and avenues is "knowledge", magic is also knowledge, and the real name of magic is professional knowledge.

Her natal magic spell "Black Vortex of Thorns" is a defensive magic. The "defensive evolutionary knowledge" passed down from Doomsday is also defensive.

The process of magic practice is the process of increasing experience and wisdom.

Therefore, after integrating the evolutionary defense information, her natal magic has been greatly improved.

Before releasing the Day of Destruction, the limit of the thorn black vortex to absorb enemy attack energy was a level 1 jar. Now it has become level 2, and it seems that it is not far away from level 3.

What is the concept of the black vortex of thorns in the level 2 jar?

It can absorb 25 kilograms of TNT equivalent explosive energy at one time!

Harley walked around the ordinary battlefield with her hands behind her back. Attacks with an equivalent weight of less than 25 kilograms could not deduct her blood.

All combat vehicles, tanks, aircraft, drones, equipment and soldiers who cannot withstand the face-to-face bombardment of 25-kilogram artillery shells will explode into fireworks under the counter-injury of "treating them in return."

With a defense of 95 points, a level 2 jar of Thorns and Black Vortex, and causing heavy casualties on Apokolips, Harley has a hundred reasons to give Doomsday full marks.

But she only gave it 96 points, not because she was worried about its pride.

It doesn't even have wisdom, so how can it be proud?

The points deduction comes precisely from its intellectual flaws.

Apokolips is so big that dropping the Earth on the surface of Apokolips is like dropping a drop of water into the ocean.

In such a huge Apokolips star, there are hundreds of dark new gods and tens of millions of new gods - the gods are not new gods, the new gods are gods. The gods are similar to the Amazons and the ancient Greeks of the Golden Age, with weak divinity and The potential to become a god, but not a god - there are also billions of demon-like creatures transformed from powerful alien races that were plundered.

Fucking all these people together will bring enough experience for Harley to upgrade dozens of levels.

But when the people of Apokolips discovered that they couldn't kill Doomsday no matter how hard they fought, and that magic, magic, powers, and technology had no fatal effect on it, they all shrank back.

At first, they attacked with all their strength, hoping to completely wipe out Doomsday, but they suffered heavy casualties and had zero effect.

After that, some of the Dark New Gods were responsible for containing Doomsday, and the capital of Apokolips began to move.

Apokolips is too big and too large to be tracked as long as it is far enough away from Doomsday.

If it had a brain, it could track it.

But it has no brain.

When the enemies in front of it disappeared and the breath of life could no longer be felt around it, it stood in a daze among the ruins of the "City of Pain".

Now that the Dark Elite has moved their capital, Doomsday is wandering around Apokolips aimlessly.

Wherever it comes close, the residents of Apokolips will open sonic boom channels and escape.

They also sounded the alarm and asked people within a hundred million kilometers to run together.

This frustrates Harley's wish to upgrade to level 100 through Apokolips.

Therefore, her satisfaction with this operation was rated 96 points, and 4 points were deducted for lack of brains.

Three days after the Asmodo Scroll of the Dead Sea Script was discovered.

Harley once again rides her big dog Yippy to the Justice League Watchtower satellite.

"Ah, Admiral Galaxy, Admiral Galaxy is coming to the watchtower!" Seeing the dog knight hovering in outer space, several heroes in the watchtower monitoring room were excited and shouted excitedly, "Open the door quickly and go notify the Justice League. !”

This week it happens to be Oliver the Arrow's turn on duty, in his capacity as Watchtower Administrator.

At this time, he was in the watchtower monitoring room. Hearing this, he couldn't help but say in a slightly sour tone: "Don't forget, I am the hero of the Justice League.

And it’s just Harley Quinn, not Ariana (Sister A), so why make such a big fuss? "

"Ariana is still a fan of the Galaxy Admiral! Why has she written three songs?" said the boy in the yellow turban.

He is "Quick", Green Arrow's sidekick, the equivalent of Batman's Robin.

"It's true that Harley is famous, but she is a superhero. Well, she is not even a superhero, let alone a star. Her fans should not be as fanatical as the fans of stars.

Moreover, you don’t seem to have idolized the Galaxy Admiral before, but you worship me! Green Arrow said while operating on the console.

The door of the outer space capsule connected to the flight deck slowly opened, allowing Yebi to float in.

Kuaishou trotted quickly on the deck and said: "From the moment she used a trick to kill Darkseid, destroy half of Apokolips, and avenge the fallen heroes and missions of Metropolis, I have been irresistibly falling and becoming Her crazy fan.

I want to tell her that my admiration for her is like the waves on the Atlantic Ocean, endless and continuous. "

Compared with the previous times when he came here, Harley's treatment was indeed different.

As soon as she entered the watchtower today, many heroes approached her with smiles on their faces, saying hello to her, expressing their admiration and love, asking for autographs, and taking selfies with her with their Paradise Mountain mobile phones.

Harley was confused for a moment, why was she so popular?

When Green Arrow came over and drove away a group of "junior" heroes, she was still wondering: "Isn't it Apokolips?

I have made great achievements in battle before!

Lucifer, the Three Palace Demons, the Demon Kings of Hell, the God Kings of Heaven, and the Anti-Monitor. Putting aside their hard power, their level of evil is not much worse than Darkseid, right? "

Oliver sighed: "This time is really different. First of all, there is a process of emotional brewing and reversal.

Earlier, when the heroes knew about your intention to take revenge on Apokolips, they were worried that you would mess up the matter and worry that Apokolips' revenge would cause the earth to sink.

Your performance slapped them in the face and conquered their hearts at the same time.

In addition, many heroes were directly involved in the last Doomsday incident and personally experienced the cruelty of battle and the pain of losing their companions, which was more emotionally intense than the one involving the Anti-Monitor.

It’s not that we don’t want revenge, it’s just that our rationality prevents us from doing so.

You did something that everyone thought was impossible, which shocked us, made us proud, and felt great. Well, Orion recorded a video of Doomsday destroying the City of Pain.

It feels good to get revenge, so many heroes now regard you as their idol. "

He stared at her sideways and said seriously: "Harry, thank you."

"Have any friends died at the hands of Doomsday?" Harley asked.

"I know most of those heroes who died." Green Arrow said with a gloomy expression.

Harley came to the Watchtower this time to find the Seven Giants of the Justice League.

Since the Day of Destruction incident, they have come to the Watchtower every Wednesday and Friday afternoon to participate in special team battle training.

The watchtower is built with advanced alien technology, and even contains the brain and some functional components of Brainiac's spacecraft.

The energy simulation room is the reason why Zhenglian giants come here to participate in training, and it is also the benefit that Zhenglian provides to the heroes on duty in the watchtower.

Holographic simulation technology can train ordinary techniques and tactics, while energy simulation uses materialized energy to restore things that existed in reality in the battle room.

For example, Doomsday.

Not brainwaves and optical simulations, but physical energy with a degree of realism.

At this time, in the energy simulation room, the scene was adjusted to the day when the Doomsday came to the earth.

Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Flash Barry, Wonder Woman Diana, Bateman, Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, the seven giant heroes VS Doomsday.

Harley didn't let Green Lantern stop their training.

She stood in front of the glass window outside and watched the battle taking place indoors.

Buildings, blocks, cars, passers-by and citizens are all vividly embodied - equivalent to filling the holographic projection with energy, turning them into entities that are difficult for ordinary people to see with the naked eye.

The Flash pulled out golden arcs while running, and in an instant all the citizens near the battlefield were cleared away.

Hal Jordan's cheeks were distorted because of too much force. He tried his best to drive the green light energy and was able to barely tie Doomsday. Aquaman and Martian Manhunter clamped Doomsday's arms on the left and right.

Because Green Lantern has used green light energy to restrain Doomsday, at this time Neptune and Martian Manhunter only need to suppress its arms so that it cannot break away from the green light energy on its body.

Wonder Woman took the opportunity to hit the vital point with her sword - inserting it into Destruction's mouth, the tip of the sword thrust upwards, straight into the brain.

Cyborg opened the sonic boom channel, and the mechanical arm pulled Doomsday into it.

Bateman. Well, let’s pretend he’s holding a batarang and direct the battle from the side.

I don’t know how many times this simulation training was for them. The seven of them cooperated very well and practiced three endings of the Doomsday: being taken out of the earth, being pierced through the brain by the Vulcan sword, and being thrown into a black hole or the wall of origin.

"Bah bang bang." When the five giants wiped their sweat and walked out of the energy simulation room, they were immediately greeted by Harley's enthusiastic applause.

Well, Bateman doesn't get a chance to sweat, and Cyborg doesn't.

Seeing Harley's particularly excited eyes, Wonder Woman frowned and said, "Are you mocking us for having to deal with Doomsday in a simulator?"

"Seeing that you are hardworking and well-trained makes me happy. What's wrong with applauding you? How sensitive and fragile a person must be to think of ridicule?" Harley exclaimed.

"I'm not blind, I can see your expression and eyes." Wonder Woman pointed at her face.

Harley touched her face and said strangely: "So obvious? Oh, I mean, you misunderstood my micro-expression. I am excited and excited, but not sarcastic."

"Hmph! The real Doomsday has become your slave. Are you excited for us to defeat the false Doomsday?" Hal Jordan looked disbelieving.

Harley thought to herself: Your performance proves the feasibility of my other plan, which has nothing to do with the Doomsday.

But she didn't say anything.

Since the Voice of Heaven was controlled by Asmodeus, she would not tell anyone the truth.

"You rarely come to the Justice League headquarters, what happened this time?" Bateman asked.

"Have you seen the recent news headlines?" Hallie asked.

"Headline? Are you talking about the recently released mechanical superman? He is indeed a bit strange, and he looks a bit like Ripman.

He also found Zhenglian and said that he was the resurrected Tearman and wanted to return to Zhenglian and become our boss. "The Flash said weirdly.

"It's not him, it's religious news."

Six of the seven giants looked blank, but Bateman remained calm and said: "The 'Book of Asmodeus' found in the Dead Sea ruins?"

"That's right, I'm looking for you just to shoot the big movie 'The Legend of Asmodeus'."

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