I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 925 The Great King Comes to the World

"I think?"

Harley was stunned again.

What the hell, what kind of existence do you want to be, you ask me?

Then she thought of his previous domineering CEO style. She didn't want her to feel it, as long as she knew what he felt.

——Fuck, you had to feel it when you shouldn't feel it, and now it's the time you should feel it, and you asked me to help you feel it.

I think you are such a fool!

The entire Silver City Angels are all idiots.

If he wasn't a fool, how could you, a fool like you, have been deceived and become crippled?

With 10,000 mmp in her heart, Harry still had a serious look on her face with a touch of respect.

Well, just keep it light, don't be too respectful.

Everyone knows who she is, and he certainly doesn't believe her when she says she respects Asmodu very much, and no one will. Instead, he thinks she is naive and is trying to make bad ideas.

"Maharaja, currently, there are at least three templates available for use. The Michael template is a representative of protection and perseverance. He protects the Garden of Eden, stands firmly on the side of God, and fights against the evil enemy who blasphemes God.

If you use this template, you can promote yourself as a lonely warrior defending the light in darkness. Michael only stands in the holy light, and countless cruel battles in the darkness are completed by you.

Because you stand in the dark, you are rarely known to outsiders.

He guarded justice secretly and did not show off his reputation, so it is not recorded in the text of the Bible. "

"Well, not bad, not bad." Asmodu's eyes lit up and he nodded gently.

Harley continued: "The second Gabriel template, he is the judge and the messenger who delivers God's instructions to the world.

You can define yourself as a "Stranger" who sneaks into the world. Oh, you may also need to use the Stranger template. Gabriel and Stranger combine, and you become the human angel king on earth.

You can declare that you are Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, and the teacher of those great emperors.

All the kings in the world still have your bloodline.

In short, Gabriel rules the world as an angel, and you secretly control the development of the world as a mortal. "

Asmodeus frowned. It was not as good as the Michael template, but it was not without merit.


Harley said: "The third template is naturally based on Lucifer. You are even more rebellious and arrogant than Lucifer, and you can't even tolerate being at odds with Lucifer, Gabriel, and Michael.

Therefore, at the beginning of creation, you angrily broke through the wall of origin and traveled around the omnipotent universe.

There is a prophecy of unknown origin that has been circulating in heaven and accepted by all angels - one day, the proud Asmodu will miss his hometown and return to the Silver City. The angels sang hymns to welcome him for his coronation. Be the king. "

"This background story has a touch of vicissitudes and poetic loneliness. I like it very much." Asmodeus nodded with satisfaction.

"Maharaja, which one do you choose?" Harley asked with a smile.

Asmodeus hesitated, "I think all three are good, but one alone is not enough to shock people to the point of being unable to control themselves. Can I have them all?"

Harley's smile froze, "It's not impossible. You can proudly break through the origin wall first. After hearing about Lucifer's rebellion tens of billions of years ago, you were worried about your hometown, so you gave up your identity as the master of the ninth multiverse sector and fought again. Return to our universe through the Origin Wall.

When you ruled the ninth multiverse sector, you were the creator god of 890 million multiverses. You had long looked down on power and fame, so you silently guarded God's Garden of Eden - the earth, and you were also selected as The Lord of Silver City. "

Asmodeus frowned and said, "It sounds a bit familiar. I remembered it. This template is very Hindu-style. It's too exaggerated. I'm afraid no one will believe it."

Harley was very patient. This clone stayed in Silver City for three days and three nights, doing nothing but accompanying Asmodeus to make up stories.

The story needs to be shocking and yet believable, which is neither true nor possible.

Now in the 21st century, Christians on earth have begun to doubt even the serious Bible. How could they be fooled by the "Super Asmodeus" that combines the three bodies of Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel?

If Harley is a loyal minister, she should persuade the monarch to be more practical and get the title of "Michael the Second", which is almost enough.

Obviously, Harley will only be a loyal minister to a boss who is far more powerful than herself and will not see any signs of catching up in hundreds of years.

But as the saying goes, the person most likely to deceive yourself is often yourself.

If Hari writes a story about "three kings in one" about the Stitch Monster and shows it to Asmodeus, he will be able to find countless flaws with his wisdom.

However, Harley stayed in the "Eight Legs Hall" to accompany Asmodeus in writing the story.

In other words, "The Legend of Asmodeus", which combines the three kings into one, is almost Asmodeus's own work.

A problem arises here: no matter how bad the novel the author writes is, he often feels that the problem is not with him, but with the readers who say it is bad.

This problem is particularly acute among novice authors.

There is no doubt that Asmodeus is a novice. He feels that the "Biography of Lord Asmodeus" compiled by his wise guidance and the wisdom of Witch Harley has only one gap between it and the real history: it really happened. , one thing didn’t happen in time.

Well, "Harley's wisdom" comes not from what she wrote, but from the praise he was given during the writing.

Don’t you have the wisdom to say such correct things?

In short, after three days, "The Legend of Lord Asmodeus" was finally released.

On the fourth day, another 'Dead Sea Script' was unearthed by shepherds in the ancient ruins along the Dead Sea.

Compared with the crazy falsifications of Europeans in their own history, the history of Christianity involving faith is relatively true, and the Dead Sea documents that have been excavated have rarely been faked, so this "great discovery" did not arouse suspicion among mortals.

Just as Harley planned, a wealthy American businessman bought half of the documents.

Because he bought it in the name of serving Christ and immediately handed it over to the church organization after buying it, instead of keeping it for himself, the local government did not block the transaction.

The remaining half remains in the local area, leaving it to the reporters and archaeologists who flock to the site. With their help in publicity, "The Biography of the Maharaja" becomes more authentic.

"Not bad, very good, Harley Quinn, you are indeed a smart person famous in the multiverse!"

Through the "Voice of Heaven", Asmodeus watched the entire process of the "Book of Asmodeus" from its discovery to its spread, and finally caused a huge sensation in the world and among Christian believers.

What stayed in Silver City to accompany him in writing the book was Harley's partial consciousness, which was equivalent to a spiritual body clone. Her body was meditating in the meditation room of Quinn Manor - continuing to monitor the day of destruction on Apokolips, and making a few phone calls to arrange the United States. Public opinion was created to promote the "New Dead Sea Script: Asmodeus' Relics".

“The world’s media is controlled by Americans, and public opinion in the United States is controlled by media tycoons, plutocrats, and politicians. Coincidentally, I am a media tycoon, a plutocrat, and a politician.

As the saying goes, a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth.

As long as this fermentation continues, there is no chance that a church will erect a statue for you next year. "

"Very good, very good!" Asmodeus grinned excitedly, then frowned and said, "We still have to wait until next year?"

"There is nothing we can do about it. There is no image of you in the excavated Book of Asmodeus. Big movies have CG special effects, but believers can't erect statues of gods based on movie images, right? Unless -"

At this point, Harley looked hesitant.

"Unless what?" Asmodu asked immediately.

Harley shook her head and said, "It's nothing, I got distracted."

"Speak clearly if you think something is wrong!" Asmodu said calmly.

Harley smiled apologetically and explained: "There is no doubt that seeing is better than hearing. I originally thought of asking the Great Lord to arrange for a clone to come to the earth so that the people on earth can feel your power and see your true appearance.

That scene is absolutely comparable to Good Friday and will become an eternal classic in the history of Christianity. "

Asmodeus was shocked and said excitedly: "This is a good idea, what's the problem?"

Harry frowned and said: "Two reasons. First, since Jesus came to the world, almost no miracles from heaven have come to the world. Such publicity is not in line with the style of Silver City."

Her tone gradually became hesitant, and her expression became puzzled, "However, last time the Son of God came with great fanfare, this seems to be contradictory? Or is there some inside story that I don't know about?"

Asmodeus sneered and said: "What's so difficult to understand? Christ did not allow angels to appear in the human world after that, because he was worried that angels would steal the limelight of the Son.

If we see even more miraculous angels, which mortal would still care about Christ who could only die and be resurrected?

The second coming of the Son was for the same reason, in order to promote the Son and his father Uriel to the throne.

Now in the new era and new atmosphere, it’s time for me to show my holiness in the human world! "

Harley was secretly proud of his idea - everything she wanted him to think was thought of by him.

A look of surprise appeared on her face, and she sighed: "I didn't expect the politics of Silver City to be like this. However, the earth is very dangerous now, even for angels.

There are several times as many super criminals as there are superheroes; as powerful as the heroes are, so are the super criminals who rely on them for a living.

For example, Superman is as strong as a dragon, and the super criminals in Metropolis such as Atomic Skull, Parasite, Metal Man, Five-Dimensional Man Troublemaker, etc. are also as strong as a dragon.

Bateman is just an ordinary person, and most of Gotham's super criminals are ordinary people. "

"What are you talking about?" Asmodu said impatiently.

Harley struggled for a moment, then groaned: "Majesty, let me state first that I have no intention of belittling you. Uriel's body cannot defeat Superman. If you only come to the world in a clone, I'm afraid you won't be able to show your holiness in front of others.

If those super criminals commit a crime, they will knock you to the ground and you will lose face.

If you arrange for the body to come to the world, there may also be criminals. Do you understand what I mean? A criminal as powerful as Superman. "

Asmodeus said coldly: "You say this because you don't understand the true power at all."

He slowly stood up from the throne and stared at her with lightning eyes. His aura was like a dragon jumping out of the sea and exploding violently.

Every pore exudes bright holy light, and the holy light blurs his figure, like a ball of jumping golden flames.


Niu Angel's chest erupted with a strong heartbeat like a missile exploding. Just hearing the sound, the skeleton of an ordinary person would be shattered.

"This-" Harley's expression changed slightly.

Her purpose of testing Asmo's strength was achieved ahead of schedule, which is something to be happy about.

But this guy's strength was so strong that it completely exceeded her expectations.

"Each beat of my heart is equivalent to a thousand Hiroshima nuclear explosions. My gaze can peel flesh and skin from bones. My blood is 10,000 times more powerful than the purest concentrated sulfuric acid on earth. It can dissolve everything in the world." ." Asmodu shouted with his head raised.

(PS: This is indeed the setting of this cow angel in the comics. The power of a heartbeat is equivalent to a thousand nuclear explosions. It should be an exaggerated rhetoric.)

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