I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 896 Lord Michael and Lord Asmodeus

"Eradicating the traitors and restoring peace to Silver City is my unshirkable responsibility as the God of War in Heaven!"

Harley first puffed up her chest and expressed her attitude with a solemn expression, and then asked: "How strong is Asmodeus? How long have you been fighting with him? Is he using his power to overwhelm others and lead the Bull Angels to besiege you alone, or both of you?" One-on-one, slightly inferior?"

Asmodeus was on the same level as Lao Zha, and if their strength was similar, Harley would now be willing to go to heaven alone to rebel.

Zaulie's eyes flickered, and the muscles on his black face twitched unnaturally a few times, and he said awkwardly: "I led the Eagle Angel to besiege him."

Harley's expression changed slightly, "You must not have had many companions around you at that time, right?"

Zaulie became even more embarrassed, shook his head and said, "Think about it, why didn't I call you before I put things right?"

"Yes, you want to do something important to counter the rebellion, why don't you come to me? You are not afraid that I will dilute your contribution to the rebellion." Harley asked curiously.

"Because there was no time, Asmodeus came to Heaven's Gate alone to find me, saying that he wanted to find a private place to discuss important matters - by the way, the riots he and Bull Angel caused in Silver City started ten years ago. Yes, I told you at that time, remember?"

Harley nodded and said: "After Lucifer, he is the second guy to express his dissatisfaction with the ruler of Silver City. He is very impressive.

And in the past few years, I have heard a lot of rumors about him and about him slandering Michael and calling him the ‘treacherous king’. The rumors even reached hell and spread throughout the eight divine realms. "

"Alas, my family is unfortunate. The reputation and glory of Silver City will be severely damaged this time!" Zaulie sighed and continued: "I know that there have been undercurrents in Silver City in recent years, and I also know the resentment and dissatisfaction in his heart.

So when he said he wanted to talk to me in secret, looking at his expression and listening to his tone, I immediately had an ominous feeling in my heart.

I suggested that we go to Eagle Angel’s legion station to discuss it in detail, and he didn’t object.

After he hinted that I would lead the Eagle Angels to be loyal to him, and later crowned me the 'Eagle King', I suddenly launched an attack without warning, and even summoned tens of millions of Eagle Angel warriors around me to besiege him.

At that time, I was thinking that by taking down the culprit, the rebellion would be put to rest immediately, Silver City would not fall into major turmoil, and the matter could be suppressed secretly to prevent the reputation of Heaven from being damaged. "

"Well, you are very courageous and wise. God should really name you the 'Eagle King'."

Harley nodded in admiration, and most of the passion for rebellion in her heart dissipated.

"So I didn't have time to call you or anyone else. At that time, I thought I had a good chance of winning, but when the fight started, I discovered that Asmodeus's strength is completely beyond the level of the Archangel."

These words made Harley want to complain very much.

——Your strength and knowledge are so low that they surpass the level of an archangel, right?

If Asmodeus can sweep you and all the eagle angels, it only means that he is worthy of his name and barely worthy of his status as "the chief of a family of angels".

After all, Lucifer and Michael also served as human archangels.

"It should be a matter of authority in heaven. The fact that he can shut down the Voice of Heaven and control Silver City militarily shows that he has great authority, and authority is power." Harley guessed with a frown.

Similar to the Demon King of Hell, the angels of Heaven become stronger the more authority they control in Heaven.

Of course, it is also possible that some archangels in heaven are similar to Lucifer. Their authority is just an added bonus, but their hard power alone is enough to stand out from the crowd.

"Harry, will something happen to your Paradise Mountain?" Selina asked worriedly.

Harley was stunned for a moment, shook her head and said, "If the watch dog system is not shut down, there won't be much of a problem in Paradise Mountain."

If Asmodeus really wanted to attack Heaven Mountain, he would most likely cut off the signal connection between Heaven Mountain and the human world.

By then, the Watch Dog system will fail on a large scale, and users will not be allowed to call customer service hotline?

If Niu Angel doesn't cut off the connection, but takes action against Tiantian Mountain, the grass-headed god on the mountain won't be able to blow up her mobile phone?

After thinking about it, Harley took out her mobile phone, entered the backend of the Watchdog system, and found Fiora, the grass-headed god whose soul was digitized.

"Has Heaven Mountain been normal recently?"

"Why do you ask?" Fiora asked strangely.

"Are there no angels from Silver City looking for you?"

"Except for the eight angel guards under your command, no one has been to Heaven Mountain in the past few years. We have no contact with Silver City." Fiora said.

"Well, send a message to my 'God King Guard'. These days, stay in Tiantian Mountain. You are not allowed to go anywhere, and do not contact Silver City. Keep a low profile as much as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Harley looked at Zaulie again, "You besieged Asmodu today?"

"No, four days ago, I escaped from Limbo for four days and four nights."

Harley frowned slightly, "So, there are angels chasing you all the time, and now they still know that you are here with me?"

"I'm not stupid. Of course I have to get rid of them first before jumping out of Limbo and entering the earth." Zaulie said.

"Where is the ghost? He is the number one red stick in heaven." Harley asked.

Zaulie glared at her and said, "You still have the nerve to ask. You stole the nine sources of Him first, and then he was so angry that his soul split apart. He is still sleeping now."

"I didn't steal the origin. I swore an oath at that time. How could I break the oath? It can only be said that the water of the River of Time that I drank dissolved a compound related to the power of ghosts." Harley said seriously with a small face.

"Whatever you say, whoever believes in your oath now will be a fool."

"Huh, I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe the truth, people who think they're smart are really stupid."

"We won't talk about this today." Zaulie waved his hand.

Harley pondered for a moment and then asked, "What are your plans now?"

Zaulie's black and white eyes widened, "My plan is to ask you for my plan. You are the witch Harley, synonymous with cunning and cunning. You must have an idea, right?"

Harley stood up, walked to the window, opened the lead curtains, looked at the sky outside, and said slowly: "You have to leave here immediately, I will arrange a place for you, the dream kingdom, or hell.

Hide first and wait until I figure out the affairs in Silver City before making a decision. "

"What else don't you understand? Don't you believe what I say?" Zaulie said excitedly.

"Of course I believe it, but how strong is Asmodeus, where does his authority come from, why did he choose to rebel at this time, what are his trump cards and confidence, why did the Voice of Heaven disappear, and what are the big guys in Michael doing? What is Boss God planning? There are too many questions that need to be answered."

Zaulie calmed down, pondered for a moment, and then sighed: "I have tried my best, and I have a clear conscience. It's up to you. As for hell or the dream kingdom, it doesn't matter. I will stay on earth.

However, don't worry that I will cause trouble to you, I will find a place to stay on my own. "

Harley was about to say that you have no money and no identification, but suddenly she thought of something: A few years ago, Richie had just built the watchdog system connecting heaven and earth, and Zaulie asked her for a Paradise Mountain mobile phone. He also said that he should understand the affairs of the world through his mobile phone.

At that time, she not only gave him a mobile phone, but also helped him get a fake identity that was exactly the same as the real one.

Medical insurance cards, driver's licenses, and Galaxy accounts are all available, ensuring that he can register accounts on major portals.

Therefore, this guy is really not short of money and will not be regarded as a stowaway.

He surfs the Internet all year round and knows a lot about life on earth.

A few days after Zaulie left, Voice of Heaven came online again and even took the initiative to contact Harley.

"Arkham prepares Harley Quinn, and now the Lord has an important task for you.

The eagle archangel Zauliel intends to imitate Lucifer and commit rebellion, and has been removed from his position as archangel and guard of the Gate of Heaven.

At this time, he escaped from heaven, entered the human world, and hid in the United States.

He must be captured immediately and if there is resistance, he will be killed on the spot. "

The voice of heaven is as concise, direct and cold as ever.

However, Harley heard something different in its voice.

You can't tell the difference from the tone or tone. You can only feel it from the feeling. It seems like a different person.

Well, "Sound of Heaven" account has been hacked.

"Zhaulie dared to rebel?" Harley was very shocked, at least her performance showed that she was very shocked.

Then she expressed her position angrily, "I and the rebellious minister are sworn in! I had some friendship with him in the past, but today in front of you, I will sever ties with him!"

"But how did he cause trouble?" She finally asked curiously.

The Voice of Heaven said indifferently: "A few days ago, the Bull Angel Archangel Asmodu was promoted to the highest military officer of Silver City due to his merits. He has the responsibility of commanding all the war angels in Silver City. The four archangel legions of humans, lions, bulls, and eagles. All are subject to its control.

However, the Eagle Archangel Zauliel disobeyed his orders and led his war angels to ambush General Asmodeus who went alone to announce the order. In turn, he slandered 'Lord Asmodeus' as a traitor and wanted to do Lucifer's old deeds. "

Harley heard so many flaws in these words that she didn't even know where to start.

"I remember that Silver City did not have the position of top military officer."

Silver City doesn’t even have a ‘God of War’.

The God of War is equivalent to the general in the court. How can a court that does not regard "general" as a permanent position have a "general"?

Even if Michael actually commands the entire army, it is not because of his position as 'general', but because of his status as the ruler of Silver City and the angel king.

Oh, the title of the Lord in 'Lord Asmodeus' is also the one that Harley wants to complain about crazily.

The position of ‘Great King’ belongs to Michael, and the angels of Silver City call him ‘Great King’, which means the King of Silver City.

Harry is also a king, but even the mighty king of Heaven Mountain dares to call himself the 'Lord of Heaven Mountain'. How can the commander of the Asmodu city defense army have the courage and shame?

"Now we have it." Tianzhi said simply.

"I am just a vassal king, and I am not qualified to question the internal affairs of the 'imperial court'. But before the vassal king goes on a mission, he has to collect a 'departure fee'. I wonder how much Tianzhi Sheng can you afford this time?"

"What do you want?" Tian Zhizhi asked.

Harley smiled inwardly. Was this a hint that he was willing to bribe her?

"Since Zauliel is the 'Second Lucifer', his bounty cannot be low. However, it is also my responsibility as the God of War in Heaven to eliminate rebellion in Heaven.

Let's do this. First, I'll take 50 million in the departure fee for Heavenly Merit. After I finish the work, I'll collect 80 million in combat fees. A total of 130 million. How about that? "

Without waiting for the voice of heaven to respond, she seemed to remember something and said again: "By the way, Lord Asmodu has been promoted to a higher position and is still my immediate superior.

No matter what, I have to give him a generous gift. 50 million merits don’t seem to be enough.

Tian Zhisheng, can you lend me some money?

I can’t handle a gift worth less than 100 million meritorious deeds, and it’s not worthy of Lord Asmodeus! "

If it dares to give, she dares to be greedy.

The Voice of Heaven was silent for a long time, and then said: "You want to exchange all your merits into gifts for Lord Asmodu?"

Harry shook his head and said: "He is already a king, and there is nothing in Silver City that can impress him.

Just like the goods in the imperial capital, they are nothing new to the emperor who rules the capital. Only the treasures of foreign countries can please him a little.

Therefore, I will take my heavenly merits and go to the multiverse to buy the most precious treasures. "

As long as you don't exchange treasures directly from the voice of the sky, there will be a lot of room for control inside.

The Voice of Heaven was silent for a long time, and said: "Lord Asmodeus doesn't like luxury, so just give me a meaningful gift. I will give you 5 million for your merits first, and then I will give you another 30 million after taking Zaulie."

Harry secretly guessed that if Asmodeus was controlling the Voice of Heaven at this time, he would either doubt her loyalty to the 'Maharaja' and refuse to give her more; or he would have limited authority and not have many achievements in heaven and would test her in turn. she.

Test whether she will buy him a gift.

"Five million meritorious service repays a 3.5 million loan, and only 1.5 million is left. Isn't it humiliating the Maharaja to buy a gift for this small amount of merit?" Harley said excitedly.

"Your previous debt is forgiven." Tianzhi said.

Harley said "Oh yeah" in her heart, "Five million, just give it a try. I hope the majesty doesn't feel shabby."

Then she added: "Voice of Heaven, do you think this will work? Archangel Asmodeus's being granted the title of Grand Lord is a major event celebrated by the whole world. I will help him prepare gifts first, and then start the small matter of Zauliel. "


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