I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 895 Paradise Rebellion 2.0 Low Profile Minimalist Version

Specialties are activated at level 0, specialties at levels 1 to 3 are elementary, levels 4 to 6 are intermediate specialties, and levels 7 to 9 are advanced.

From beginner to intermediate, intermediate to advanced, there is a qualitative change. After the expertise reaches level 7, there will be a qualitative change at each level, and the function will become very powerful. By the time it reaches level 9, it will become a bug.

When the vitality defense expertise reaches level 4, its functions undergo a qualitative change: 1. Form primary control over the life that has a direct life connection with itself.

For example, you can control the flapping of your ears, control the swinging and straightening of your hair, and control the blood flowing out and returning to the fluid.

2. Life that is not directly connected to one's own life - other lives other than Harley, humans, gods, animals - 30% enhancement or weakening of the connection with it.

For example, Harley can hide in the dark, making it difficult for enemies to detect her with mind scans.

For example, when Harley uses her mind to scan enemies in the dark, her sensitivity is enhanced by 30%.

Harley's defensive specialty is to absorb some energy, and with the help of this energy, form a defensive evolution against it.

The concept of life connection force was born from the theory that "the ocean is the cradle of life, and all life on the planet originates from the ocean and comes from the first life cell."

But life force is beyond this theory of "ocean evolution" because it is one of the seven original forces of the universe and applies to the entire multiverse and all planets where life is born.

It should be said that all life in the multiverse is born from one "individual life" or one cell. Therefore, these current lives have a mysterious connection.

Life force can activate the most primitive and primary life connection.

After Heavenly Father told Darkseid's idea that "the multiverse was born from a thought", Harley easily accepted the concept of life connection - provided that she first accepted the theory that the multiverse was born from a thought.

The universe all comes from one thought, and of course the life in the universe also originates from that thought.

The so-called life connection force is more like the nerve fibers of the 'thought master'.

Add the concept of "the human body is a small universe" to the above theory.

That thought is like a fertilized egg that grows into a perfect universe and a healthy body under the gestation of Papetua, the Mother of the Universe.

The human body consists of skin, flesh, bones, marrow, blood, nerves, and hair. There are seven basic components in total, which correspond to the seven basic powers.

Every life in the universe is a cell in the human body, and nerves are responsible for connecting each cell.

Harley is now one of the cells. She seems to be free and at ease. In fact, she is just an insignificant part of "this person", and her fate is determined by "it".

Now that Harley has activated the life connection power defense, she is actually defending against "this person"'s control and possession of the 'little cell'.

If she can guard against 'it', she will be truly free.

Harley had a secret feeling that the reason why Dr. Manhattan was not free was because of this connection.

No matter how awesome Dr. Manhattan is, he was also born in the body of "this person" at the very beginning, and his nerves connected him to the whole body.

Later, he vaguely became aware of the connection between himself and 'it', and planned to be completely free after repaying the 'favor'.

But the way he returns the favor is to fuse 'this person' with 'another person', and he also wants to transfer the responsibility of protection to Superman.

Every miraculous power comes with a price.

The price of cheating Superman is that 'the other person' has a stronger subjective consciousness than 'this person', and the design (Crisis on Infinite Earths) cheated him so that he can no longer run away.

Harley activated her life connection power expertise, but inadvertently did what Dr. Manhattan dreamed of--separating her own little cell from the whole.

Life that does not have a direct life connection with itself but has a life connection refers to other 'cells', that is, other people besides Harley.

Direct life connection refers to the "life" containing Harley's genes or cells. For example, when she drinks at a banquet, if her lips touch the wine glass, active NDA will be left on it.

Level 4 connects to other people, but what about level 7?

Harley was looking forward to it.

Now she has level 5 life connection power defense expertise: Forming intermediate control over lives that are directly connected to her own life, such as controlling hair or blood as weapons; 60% enhancement or weakening of lives that are not directly connected to her own life. .

This defensive feat is interesting.

It does not simply weaken Harley's sense of life connection with other people, but it is up to her to judge whether this connection is beneficial or harmful, thereby strengthening or weakening it.

In short, defensive feats always work to her advantage rather than harm.

"This defensive expertise is too strong."

Harry, who was previously worried that his vitality was too wasted and might lose one of his expertise slots, was now smiling happily in front of the mirror.

In the mirror, her cheek muscles were like mud, being kneaded and shaped by a pair of invisible palms. One moment she became Super, another moment Diana, and another moment Bateman.

A moderate degree of control over "life" with direct life connections. She can control any of her cells, hair, and muscles with her thoughts.

Transformation is just the simplest form of manipulation.

Her control over muscle cells is like Arthur, the king of the sea, raising his right palm and pointing it at the sea monsters, ordering them to obey his will.

If Doomsday cuts her into four pieces again, Harley doesn't have to go looking for the scattered bodies herself. She can use the ninth defense skill to let them run back by themselves.

At this time, she truly looked like a devil.

In the fairy tale, after the body was separated, the demon king was able to move alone with only one hand.

"If you upgrade to level 6, can you control bone growth and grow Wolverine's claws, or learn from Kimimaro and shoot bones from the body? Well, the initial speed is not enough, and shooting bones has no lethality."

"Boom!" Harley was thinking about how to develop new expertise when Quinn Manor suddenly shook slightly, and then she saw runes rising from the floor, floating into the air, and becoming part of a giant magic circle.

——Someone has invaded!

Harley's expression changed, and she immediately stepped on the ground with her feet, took three consecutive steps in the air, triggered quantum displacement, and came outside the manor with a "swish".

"Uh-" Looking at the black angel bound by the manor's guardian circle, Harley was dumbfounded.

"Old Zha, what are you doing?"

The person who forced his way into Quinn Manor turned out to be Harley's old friend, the former "Zha Boss" and now "Old Zha".

In a blink of an eye, Harry had already closed down multiple defensive formations such as the "Copycat Prisoner's Formation", "Forbidden Demon Realm", and "Guardian Formation".

At this time, Ivy and Selena also ran out, just in time to see the Eagle Angel slowly falling.

"I told you, Quinn Manor has a defensive array, so you can only go through the main entrance down the mountain, or send a greeting card in advance." Harley said with a smile.

"Harry, something happened in heaven." Zaulie said with a solemn expression.

"What's going on?" Harley asked curiously.

Zaulie glanced at Ivy and Selena, frowned and said, "Let's find a place to talk alone."

"Old Za, Ivy, Selina, and you are all people I completely trust," Harley said.

Zaulie was stunned. Not only was he not unhappy after being rejected, but he was very moved.

"Hey, go inside and talk. Try not to let others know about my appearance and what I will say later." He sighed.

Several people returned to the living room, closed the windows and doors, and looked at the archangel eagerly.

"Hari, try to communicate with the voice of heaven." Zawlie said.

Harry did as he was told, holding the big cross in hand, and tried to ascend to heaven with a single thought.

When thoughts enter the big cross, they are still as smooth as before, but they can't slide up. It's like there is a door blocking thoughts from heaven.

"The voice of heaven?"

Harley was confused and called several times, but received no response.

"What happened in heaven? Where did the voice of heaven go?"

"The Bull Archangel Asmodeus intends to start a rebellion." Zaulie said in a difficult voice.

"Oh my god, is there someone in heaven who is rebelling?" Selena exclaimed.

Harry was also shocked, but he still glanced at her calmly, "What's the fuss about? Who on Earth hasn't heard of Lucifer's rebellion?"

"Oh, by the way, you said Asmodeus intends to rebel, but he hasn't started yet?"

"Well, there are four major angel tribes in heaven: man, ox, eagle, and lion. Human angels." Archangel Eagle looked complicated, "Human angels are Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, and Dumas. .You don’t need me to tell you to understand that they all have authority.

The targets of Asmodu's rebellion this time were mainly human angels.

He wanted to unite the three tribes of eagle, lion and ox to form a grand alliance, and he found me alone.

So, I'm sure he's planning to rebel.

I reported it to Tianzhi, but Tianzhi didn't make any arrangements and even lost contact after a while.

I still want to bring order to the chaos, but I am determined to kill the enemy. I am not my opponent. "

Zauliehei's face was partly embarrassed and partly painful, and he sighed: "Not only did my Eagle Angel clan suffer heavy casualties, but I myself have now become a traitor who betrayed heaven."

"Harry, I was wanted by heaven and became the 'Lucifer Second'." He said bitterly.

"Lao Zha, don't think too much. No one believes this kind of nonsense."

As soon as Zhaulie's expression calmed down, he heard Harley say again: "The gap between you and Lucifer is endless. Saying that you are 'Lucifer is the second' is obviously helping you to brag. This kind of wanted If you tell the truth, it will make people laugh."

"I admit that I am not as good as Lucifer, but now that Asmodeus is rebelling, isn't Lucifer second?

Asmodeus and I are at the same level, why are we not even worthy of the title of 'Lucifer the Second'? "Zhaulie said with a wooden face.

"Haha, since the traitor is Asmodeus who is on the same level as you, why are you so anxious?" Harley smiled easily.

Zaulie became even more angry, and raised his voice and said excitedly: "Asmodeus has led troops to control most of Silver City. He can even shut down the Voice of Heaven, and can confuse right and wrong and slander me as a rebel. He has reached this level, you Still looking down on him?"

——You also look down on me who is on the same level as him? !

Harley didn't answer his question because the answer was obvious, and just asked: "Where's my god boss?"

Hearing this question, Zaulie shook his head, showing a hint of disappointment.

He came to look for her, hoping to get some news about the dog god.

“The Lord hardly cares about the affairs of Silver City, and He does not stay in any fixed place. He does whatever He wants and goes wherever He thinks.

Asmodeus also wanted to find Him, control Him, and even seize His power, so he stared at me. He wanted to find clues from me. "

"You are the King of Paradise Mountain and the God of War of Arkham. Let's work together to eradicate rebellion and protect Paradise!" He looked at Harley with stern eyes.

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