I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 893 Poseidon and Poseidon

Because of the recent continuous upgrades and defense soaring to 90 points, Harley got the body of steel she had always dreamed of in her early years.

Her other physical attributes have also increased a lot. Coupled with the fact that she has deliberately increased her physical fitness this year, her strength and speed attributes have reached approximately 62 points.

Deducting the bloodline power brought by absorbing and transforming demonic magic, her attributes are about 40 points.

The increase in other attributes brought about by adding defense is about three to one to four to one.

That is, for every three or four defense points added, other attributes will be improved by one point. 90 points of defense brings about 25 to 30 points of attribute improvement.

After excluding the power of blood, the remaining 40 points, and then deducting 25+, the remaining ten points are all the effects of exercise.

It seems that the power of blood only brings about a 20+ attribute increase, which is a little less. Harley has absorbed a lot of hell magic in the past two years, such as Lucifer's wings, the projections of Belial and Beelzebub, for example, because of hell The number of exorcisms skyrocketed due to the closure.

However, the increase of attributes with bloodline is not linear. When the total attributes are 20 points, the magic power of a Demon Duke can increase a little attribute. When the total attributes reach 60+, the Demon Lord cannot increase the attributes at all.

The 20+ attributes brought by bloodline have been increased from 40+ to 60+. The total amount is actually very huge.

If the magic power of the Demon Duke is used as the unit of measurement, the Marquis one level below the Duke has 0.1 magic power, the Demon Lord one level above has 10 magic power, the ordinary Demon King has 100, and the top First Fallen has 1000. Lucifer after self-castration has Consider Him a million.

Then the bloodline power in Harley's body that pushes the attributes from 40+ to 60+ is probably stronger than ordinary demon kings, and weaker than the top First Fallen like Belial, Beelzebub, and Neilong, probably around 300 (ps).

Wonder Woman Diana received demon-level powers from Harley, about 10 points.

The four crooked Harleys each received about 1 point, a divine blessing from the Demon Archduke.

Now, Harley divided 5 more points - the power of five dukes and demons, to the King of the Sea, Arthur.

Less than half that of Diana.

It's not that she doesn't want to give more.

Just because Neptune generously helped her upgrade her Life Link Defense Specialty to level 5, Harley was willing to repay him tenfold and give him one-third of her bloodline power, which is 100 points of magic power. All power.

However, divine power is rare, and the "god's favored one" who perfectly matches the divine power is even rarer.

Old Shazam has been hiding in the Rock of Eternity for decades, using tracing magic to search for his successor for decades, and Stranger has been helping to trace people for decades, but he has never found a suitable "Thunder Shazam".

Because the old wizard Shazam has very high requirements, he needs his heart, mind, and body to fully match his power.

Heart, soul, values, world view, outlook on life; God, the degree of compatibility between spirit, soul and divine power; body, how much divine power the body can accept.

Three selection criteria, three difficulties, and three restrictions.

The fitness of the body determines the lower limit of divine power, the fitness of the soul determines the upper limit, and the fitness of the soul determines the efficiency of using divine power.

If the mind, spirit, and body are all qualified, that person will be qualified to become a "god's favored one" and a "god walking in the world."

Harley doesn't have such high demands as old Shazam, and doesn't want to turn Aquaman into her "spokesperson". She just hopes to repay him.

She doesn't consider the three views and ideas at all. She will give him as much divine power as he can accept.

But his body and blood were not well suited to her "thick-skinned power".

In fact, Harley's "thick-skinned power" is extremely common, and Neptune can accept the power of 5 dukes, which is already very good.

If it were Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, who came here, Neptune would probably not be able to accept even 0.05 dukes' power (five counts).

A small rocky island near Gotham.

Neptune stood up, clenched his fists, and frowned: "The strength has barely increased."

"I am a thick-skinned martial god, and my divine power can only help you improve your defense. You are definitely more resistant to beatings now than before you gave me the life connection power."

Harley is certain of this.

After receiving the inheritance from the first generation Neptune Ariane, Neptune's attributes soared to 80+, giving her one-third of her life connection, which was probably reduced to barely 80 points, but she was already level 90, with 90 defense points, which was 80 compared to his peak. + are powerful.

"You have seen the video of Diana fighting Doomsday on the Internet. 'Diana the Golden Eagle' could not stand firm in front of Doomsday. After transforming into 'Red Diana', she was able to outrun it."

Diana the Golden Eagle is the normal Diana before her transformation, with most of her breasts exposed and the golden eagle symbol on her chest.

After she shouted "Hallelujah", her exposed chest, thighs, and arms were all covered in red tights. Netizens called her the "Red Woman".

Of course, there are not as many thick-skinned warriors in Neptune's body as there are in Diana, so the duration of the peak defensive state after activating divine power will be shorter.

The normal defense status without activated divine power is also worse than Diana's.

"Now you can be like Diana, with a force field membrane on your body, so that your clothes will not be torn and your hair will not become messy when being beaten.

Under the influence of Hunyuan Ruyi, the damage is spread to every cell, and you won't even bleed.

Well, you just have to be careful not to get stabbed or stabbed by sharp blades.

Hunyuan is very effective against bludgeoning damage like a pair, but average against piercing damage. "

This is Harley's personal experience. When Doomsday cut her into four sections with a bone blade, Hunyuan Ruyi actually worked, but it had limits.

"In addition, there are various special defenses. When you encounter miraculous powers and abilities other than physical attacks, you can shout-"

"Wait!" Neptune immediately interrupted her and said with a twisted face: "I heard Diana shout, but I really couldn't shout."

"All you have to do is shout 'Hallelujah.'"

"No, we can't let others know about this." Neptune's eyes wandered and he mumbled awkwardly: "If others knew that I had your magical power, Mela and Vico might be able to guess that I gave my life force to you. Hmm. ,That's it."

"If you don't shout, I won't hear you. This is the rule of the universe." Harley said.

Last time she took Selena and her daughter to the subway station to find the old wizard Shazam, mainly to ask for the 'Shazam Curse'.

Only by practicing the Shazam Curse can the gods react and transmit power to the target after the "god's favored one" shouts the name of the god.

The magic spell has two functions. First, it makes the gods feel. Second, it builds a channel for transmitting energy between the gods and the gods' loved ones.

This is the magical law of the DC multiverse and the characteristic of Shazam's Law.

Harley can't open the back door for Aquaman.

"Otherwise," Harley thought for a while, but opened a back door for him, "you call 'Poseidon' on your lips, but you are thinking of me. Others think you are shouting 'Poseidon', naturally. You don’t have to feel shy.”

Neptune had a question mark on his face, "What does my calling 'Poseidon' have to do with you?"

"I am 'Poseidong', Poseidong!"

Harley was emphasizing the pronunciation, pronouncing the words four times, and pronouncing the words one letter after another.

"You Atlanteans believe in the sea god Poseidon. Poseidon has similar but different pronunciation, and the name is completely different."

"It's just one letter different and it's completely different?" Neptune looked confused.

Harry said seriously: "Hear means 'hear', and heart means heart. With one more letter, it becomes two words. This is a truth that all elementary school students know.

Poseidon is the Olympus god of the sea, and Poseidong is me, two completely different people. "

"Aren't you Harley Quinn? Why did you become 'Poseidon' again?" Aquaman asked while chewing the awkward pronunciation.

"Aquaman is you, and Aquaman is you too. Why do you use two names?" Harley asked.

"With different identities and different groups, the names also change."

Harley said: "Yes, when facing different groups, the names are different. If you don't be coy and just shout 'Hallelujah', nothing will happen.

But since you don’t want to be called ‘Harley’, I will give you a new name ‘Poseidon’. Others will think it’s Poseidon, so you don’t have to feel embarrassed. "

"Can it be done? It sounds like child's play." Neptune murmured.

"Last time I was crowned as the King of Heavenly Mountain, Sandman Morpheus came, and Martian Manhunter Jon immediately went over and knelt down to salute him. What did he call Him?"

"Can not remember."

Harley said: "The Martian Manhunter calls him 'L'zorl' His Majesty. On Mars, Morpheus is L'zorl - a name with Martian characteristics.

On a distant desert planet, the people there called him 'Karl Kull'.

Almost every civilization and race that has awakened to self-awareness has seen the incarnation of the Sandman, and has given him different names according to their own customs.

These names were chosen casually by the gods when they were playing Feng Chen.

Mortals think that gods are sacred, so they regard everything belonging to gods as sacred.

In fact, gods are just that.

Didn’t I randomly pick up a name that was a copycat of Poseidon just to help you?

The name itself means nothing, but when I recognized it as my name, it became imbued with divine and great power. "

Neptune felt that his outlook on life had been reshaped, and the gods were no longer sacred, especially Poseidon.

"What are the characteristics of the 'thick-skinned power'? How to use them in battle?" he asked.

“At present, there are only three major properties. It can quickly repair the body through food digestion and make the body more perfect.

Haven't you noticed that the waist of this amazing woman has become much slimmer and more toned recently?

She used to have a thick waist and a big frame. Ever since she learned that my magical power has the property of assisting digestion, she shouted "Hallelujah" at home every day. "

Neptune said strangely: "When she communicated with us privately, she also said that she would never activate your divine power again."

"Obviously, she has a problem with her integrity and shouts at least four times a day! Well, she also eats late-night snacks. She often lies in bed while watching dramas and eating high-calorie cream cakes, cream ice cream, potato chips, and Coke."

"How do you know so detailedly? Could it be that when I use your divine power, everything around me will be known to you?" Neptune asked in horror.

"No, I can only roughly locate your location. The reason why I know this is because she barks every day and too frequently. I feel strange. Of course, I have to call and ask her what she is doing."

At the same time, Harley used Neptune's life connection power to activate her defense expertise.

Arizona, a biological experimental base 500 meters underground in the Sonoran Desert.

"Didi didi didi."

Suddenly, in the hall where many test observation chambers are placed, multiple sample monitors sounded abnormal status alarms at the same time.

"These 23 samples are all inactive, and they are all related to Admiral Galaxy. Why?" After a simple inspection, the administrator was stunned.

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