I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 892 Neptune’s decision

Harley glanced at Mela and Vico who were standing beside her. They had been listening silently before, but when they heard that she wanted the life force that belonged to Neptune, their faces all changed. They remained silent, but their eyes became wary.

She originally wanted them to avoid it and let her talk to Arthur alone, but looking at the current situation, if she really asked them to avoid it, they would not let her get out.

Even if he didn't say it to his face, he would say it to Arthur behind his back.

In this case, it is better to be "honest" to the end.

"I have the power of Manhattan, Arthur, do you know that?"

"Well, the reason why you didn't die even if you were broken in two is because of the power of Manhattan and the power of God. You said it at the last summary meeting." Neptune nodded.

"The power in my body is too thin. If it were Manhattan himself, I would probably kill Doomsday with one finger.

I said in the last summary meeting that in order to cope with the Darkseid crisis and the Anti-Life Equation crisis, we must work hard to improve our strength in the coming days.

The Doomsday massacre of dozens of heroes and the destruction of half a metropolis must never happen again.

One of the ways I increase my strength is through Manhattan Power.

I've been trying to make it evolve, and your life force can help it evolve. "

Harley's attitude and tone were extremely sincere, at least they all believed it.

Before Neptune spoke, Prime Minister Vico said: "Miss Quinn, this matter is serious, and His Majesty Neptune needs to summon his ministers to discuss it seriously."

Harley didn't look at him or reply to his words. She only focused on Arthur, the King of the Sea.

His brows furrowed.

Mei La stretched out her cattails, held Poseidon's big hand, and said softly: "Vico is right, the power of life connection is a blessing from Poseidon, a symbol of royal power, and the power to control the seven seas. We must consider it carefully. .”

Neptune Arthur frowned and said to Harley, "Let me think about it again."

Harley sighed inwardly and said nothing more.

Afterwards, she declined Aquaman's invitation to watch the Ring of Fire fighting competition, jumped out of the sea, and ran home.

"Your Majesty, please don't give her your life force. The life connection force can only be controlled by you alone. It represents too much." As soon as Harley left, Prime Minister Vico persuaded her with a serious expression.

"Three weeks ago, you all saw the scene of Doomsday destroying the metropolis. All the members of the Justice League were unable to do anything to deal with it. We need the means to deal with such a crisis.

I once thought, like several of my colleagues in Zhenglian, that the golden nuclear bomb would hinder us and the execution of justice. But the reality is so cruel, and the earth needs a powerful golden nuclear bomb. "Sea King sighed.

Mela said: "She is Witch Harley, and it is her instinct to lie and deceive people. For example, in the Doomsday incident, there have been rumors circulating recently, saying that this is also Witch Harley's game, and she tricked Darkseid. .”

"Who did you hear this from?" Arthur asked in surprise.

"My father told me that he knows many demon princes, gods of heaven, and grand masters of other dimensions. He even has friends on Apokolips and Creation Star. With such a wide range of contacts, he is naturally well-informed." Mela proudly said explain.

"How did Harley trick Darkseid?" Arthur asked confused.

"I'm not sure. Those people also came to ask my father about this matter, because my father has a wide circle of friends, and even the witch Harley is his good friend." Mela puffed her cheeks and said.

"Since it is a rumor, it may not be credible." Arthur said.

Mela shook her head and said seriously: "Some people heard Darkseid wailing in agony all night long, and cursing the Witch Harley's voice resounded throughout Apokolips.

Obviously, Darkseid suffered a big loss at the hands of Witch Harley this time. "

"If Harley really did something like that, why didn't she tell us?" Arthur asked.

Meila immediately said: "So she has ulterior motives, so don't believe it!"

Arthur glanced at her and said strangely: "I thought you were friends."

"She and I are barely friends, but you are my lover!" Mela's pink face was slightly red, her eyes were shy, and the moment she lowered her head was so beautiful that it made Neptune look straight in the eyes.

Seeing his master's expression and understanding Meila's resolute attitude, Prime Minister Vico breathed a sigh of relief.

Vico was worried about his hesitation when he saw him asking questions before.

"Your Majesty, let me tell you something sincerely. The power of Manhattan does not belong to Miss Quinn. She can snatch it away or give it away.

Since it is for the sake of the earth and the overall fight against Darkseid, why doesn't she give you the power of Manhattan and let you evolve it? "

"Well, I understand, I will find an opportunity to decline her politely." Arthur sighed and nodded.

Now Vico and Mela were completely relieved.

The few people chatted for a few more minutes, and Arthur said, "I'm going back to the American continent, and I'll probably come back tomorrow morning."

Mela frowned and said, "Didn't you just say that you would go to the Ring of Fire to watch the martial arts contest? Now the people of Atlantis are still criticizing you. Only by participating in more martial arts contests and showing your bravery more can your reputation be improved."

"Watching the ring of fire competition is a way to entertain Harley. I really have no interest in that place.

As for reputation, I would rather choose a stronger and more realistic opponent to fight for, such as Doomsday. "Sea King said proudly.

Mei La opened her mouth and wanted to say, the last time you didn't take a second, everyone on the bottom of the sea saw it. You didn't last as long as Bateman under the hands of Doomsday, and your reputation declined instead of increasing.

The star-studded night sky was like a dark blue curtain, covering the dark sea like a big stage. In the vast sea, Hallie became the only actor on the stage.

The show she performed was Quantum Displacement.


Her figure sometimes flashes and sometimes disappears, leaving afterimages on the waves.

In Crisis on Infinite Earths, Doctor Manhattan was trapped in the DC multiverse, and the power in his body became part of this universe.

This news actually reveals a huge opportunity: from now on, other people will have the opportunity to obtain the power of Manhattan through practice or adventure.

Just as magic belongs to Hecate, the goddess of magic, a mage can awaken it through practice.

The power of Manhattan has become one of the basic forces of the universe, and it will naturally be revealed in the universe in certain ways. If the Manhattan Power doesn't bring any changes to the universe, then what does the multiverse do with all the effort it has to plan?

When your power is revealed, it may be obtained by others.

Harley is sure that there will be one or more people who accidentally get the power of Manhattan in the future.

She is currently practicing the proficiency in using the Manhattan Power, which is equivalent to practicing the Manhattan Power. The power in her body seems to be slightly increasing.

"Wow--" When 50 kilometers away from Gotham, a wave of waves suddenly exploded on the sea surface, and Aquaman, with golden scales and green pants, stepped proudly on the waves.

"How cool. You can control the waves now. It seems you have been practicing hard recently." Harley whistled and stopped.

"You don't seem surprised?" Neptune asked doubtfully.

"Either you come to me, or you happen to be on my way, what's the surprise?" Harley asked curiously.

Neptune was speechless for a while. He originally expected her to be shocked.

"You are right. I am practicing the 'Zebel Magical Martial Arts' every day. I need to use my life connection power, so I won't be able to give you much."

"Now I'm a little curious." Harley looked at him with a smile, "Is this the result of your discussion with the ministers, or is it some other reason?"

"I was ready to give you part of my life force, but Mela and Vico were too determined, and I didn't want to argue with them.

Don't tell anyone from now on. Anyway, only I know how much power I have in my body. "Sea King sighed.

"Why? They are the people closest to you, and they will definitely not harm you." Harley asked.

"It is precisely because they are the people closest to me that I lied to them. I just hope you did not lie to me. The life connection force can really be effective against Darkseid and the anti-life equation."

Harley said in a complicated tone: "You are not afraid that I will lie to you. Is asking for the life connection power to deal with Darkseid, but you are worried about whether the life connection power will be effective."

Arthur said solemnly: "I believe you will not stand idly by when Darkseid comes.

Helping you and anyone in the Justice League improve their strength now is preparing to protect the earth in the future.

What I'm worried about is whether the effect of the life connection force on you is better than on me. "

Harley said seriously: "Arthur, I promise you that I will ask you for the life connection power precisely to deal with Darkseid's anti-life equation.

In a few days I'll be looking for the Flash and asking him for the Speed ​​Force.

The reason why I come to you so directly to ask for your fundamental power is because I have seen the horror of the Anti-Life Equation.

Justice League can’t handle it, and neither can I.

If we do nothing, everyone on Earth will be doomed when Darkseid comes. "

"I heard that you tricked Darkseid once?" Arthur asked.

"Who said that?"

"Meila. Her father."

Harley didn't hide anything and told the story exactly.

"It turns out to be the Tears of Death." Neptune was stunned at first, and then regretted: "Darkseid is too powerful. If it had been any other god, he would have been sent directly to the Tomb of the Gods."

"If it were any other god, it wouldn't be worthy of me using my body as bait and plotting against him." Harley said.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" he asked doubtfully.

Harley raised her head and sighed, "I have a low-key and reserved personality. I would never say anything about my achievements."

——This kind of thing can only be more shocking if you discover it yourself. Anyway, she has already told the Kryptonian God that the matter will spread sooner or later. No, Mela's father has heard about it.

Not to mention, after learning the details, Arthur was really shocked by Harley's calmness and fierceness.

In that case, she could detect the abnormality in Doomsday's eyes, and she could improvise a plan to harm Darkseid in a few tenths of a second, at least he couldn't.

Thinking of this, Arthur became more determined to give away life force.

He gave Harry a full third of the total amount to help her upgrade her ninth life defense specialty to level 5 in one go!

She has obtained four of the seven basic powers, more than half.

How resistant is the force of connection to the equation of life by combining the four forces?

She decided to go back and try Doomsday.

"Are you okay?" Looking at the pale-faced Neptune, who was holding the trident shaky, Harley asked with concern.

"The vitality determines how strong my body is. Now I probably can't beat Orm." Arthur sighed.

Harley felt a little guilty, "I still have some magical power, do you want to borrow it?"

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