I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 868 Cruel Luther, the crystallization of love and hate

The "brain wave collector" is just a small episode.

Before Ridge was tricked to death by Zha Kang, Luther had talked to her about Dr. Hank Shaw from MIT and his electroencephalograph.

Therefore, when she saw the electroencephalograph entity at Luther's place today, Harley didn't notice anything unusual.

Moreover, what she saw after entering the door quickly attracted all her attention, leaving her with no time or mind to think about the "little accident" before.

In the huge experimental hall, there was only a half-arm-thick culture tank standing there. In the green-brown liquid, a young boy with an oxygen tube inserted into his nostrils was soaked.

As if to show his identity more clearly, there is a bright red S letter on the surface of the glassware, the same style as Superman.

"As you can see, he is clone number 208, a clone of Superman. It was a complete success!"

Luther crossed his arms and stood by the cultivation tank, with a look of pride and elation on his face that was even greater than when the Holy Sword successfully connected to orbit earlier.

He was obviously more satisfied with this masterpiece.

"Luthor, you are looking for death."

Harley was only shocked for a moment, then quickly came to her senses and looked at Luther with complicated eyes.

Not admiration.

It's just a clone, with no technical content - she thought wrong.

Also admire.

I admire his courage and ability to commit suicide.

"Looking for death? You're saying the opposite, right? With the Superman clone by my side, who else will be safer than me in the future?" Luthor said with a proud smile.

General Lane's expression was more complicated than Harley's.

He was somewhat shocked, because he came with the Pentagon's mission to check Luther's research results, and he had already expected it, so he was not "very" shocked.

He was still at a loss because Superman was his son-in-law and his family!

The other three points are worries. Worries about what Superman will do when he finds out, worries about how the Pentagon will use this technology, whether it will harm his logging machine, and worries about Lois's reaction.

The last point belongs to the joy of the "patriotic general of the United States". With this technology, the American government can finally stand up straight and say "No——" to extraordinary heroes, extraordinary criminals, and the most divine devils.

If this technology can mature to the level of an industrialized assembly line, the United States will laugh proudly at the universe and live forever.

"Ding, ding, ding," the phone suddenly rang on the desk at the end of the warehouse.

Luther frowned slightly. The only person who could make the call here was secretary Macy. There was probably something more important, but the warehouse was now as big as two basketball courts, and it was only a few dozen meters away.

While he was hesitating, Harley sneered, "Aren't you afraid of Superman getting angry?"

Harley didn't care about Luther's missed call and was currently talking.

"This is not my first time cloning Superman. I have been working on this project for nearly 20 years and have only achieved results today.

During this period, it failed thousands of times and was discovered by Superman at least ten times.

Even the mainstream media has reported the news that I illegally cloned Superman, and the citizens of Metropolis know about it. "Luthor said disapprovingly.

Harley was speechless.

If she were Superman, Luthor would have only one chance to fail.

Dachao could tolerate him so many times.

To be honest, even she couldn't bear it.

She wanted to punch Luther in the head with one punch, then step on his body and curse: "You bastard, you are inhumane. You have failed thousands of times. How many people have you murdered, and you still have the nerve to say it?"

But Superman can tolerate it, and Superman's father-in-law is right next to him. Today, Luthor specially invited her to test the results of cloning on behalf of the US government. How can she get angry?

——Forget it, let’s go back and inform Dachao about this matter. She will not be involved in the love-hate relationship between him and Luther.

After thinking randomly for a while, Harley asked: "Is he alive? How old is he?"

"Less than four years old. Until the Kryptonian invasion, the spacecraft filled with Kryptonian embryos crashed, and the military and I."

Luther glanced at Ryan, whose face was uncertain, and said meaningfully: "This is what I told you earlier, a cooperative project between me and the military.

How can I get close to that spacecraft without permission from the military?

Well, the growth system on the spacecraft has been activated by the Kryptonian "Code of Life", and the genetic code is almost open, so I can succeed this time. "

As he spoke, he walked to the operating table of the culture tank and entered a code on the screen.

"Gudong, gudong."

The little boy in the test tank twitched visibly, and a series of bubbles came out of his mouth.

Then his eyes suddenly opened.

His eyes were blank.

Not sluggish.

The eyes are very bright, but as clean as a "blank paper".

"Eh-" Harley's eyes widened and she stared at the little boy's eyeballs carefully. His gray-green eyes were like a shadow cast on the surface of a lake.

The eyes were familiar, but they didn't belong to Superman.

Superman's eyes are a clear blue sky without a trace of haze.

There is a huge gap between azure blue and gray green, and the cheeks are not big and bold.


Harley suddenly turned her head and stared at Luther's face and his eyes.

Like a shadowed lake surface, a touch of gray-green!

"What are you looking at?" Luther stroked his cheek in confusion.

"You're lying to us. This is not Rip Man's clone, but yours." Harley said every word.

Luther's expression quickly changed several times, and then returned to being calm and calm again.

"He is a clone of Superman, but I made him more perfect. Superman's body of steel, and the wisdom of the smartest man in the world."

"Mother Fuck!" Harley held her forehead and groaned, pointing at Luther with a distorted expression, "You are so cruel!"

The smartest person in the world is naturally Luther himself.

What does it mean to have superhuman physique and intelligence at the same time?

It means this is his and Superman's child!

Too cruel.

He was cruel to Superman and was forced to borrow a seed; he was cruel to Lois, who was forced to change from his original wife to a mistress, and made little Jonathan from an only son to a younger brother; Luthor was even more cruel to himself, a man actually gave birth to a "lifelong enemy" "Child, what kind of feeling is this?"

Harley's outlook is about to explode.

"What do you mean? Whose clone is he?"

General Ryan's face was full of confusion and he didn't react for a while.

Harley said with a disgusted face: "This is not cloning at all, but in vitro fertilization. Luther used half of his own genes and half of Superman's genes to fuse, just like the fusion of fertilized eggs and sperm. Then it is the knowledge in middle school biology class. .”

"Oh my god!" The old general opened his eyes wide with a horrified expression, as if he was greatly frightened. "Why are you doing this? Could it be that you and Superman -"

His expression and tone, which seemed to be about seducing someone, made Luther very unhappy.

He interrupted loudly: "What are you thinking about? I did this to make it more perfect."

General Lane also became excited and shouted: "How is it perfect? ​​Superman already has super intelligence, but he just doesn't know how to use it.

What is the difference between this union and Superman having a child?

What we want are clones that comply with the "Star Wars Cloning Act" and do not violate ethics and morals, not Superman's children.

We want Superman to be the template, not the stud. "

The word "stallion" was like a sharp thorn, pricking Luther's face with shame and anger.

Even Harry next to him felt shy and embarrassed for him.

"What is the Star Wars cloning law? Also, how can cloning not violate ethics? General Lane, do you believe in a cult to say such nonsense?"

General Lane put a straight face on his face and said seriously: "Our U.S. government will never do anything illegal.

Since we have long planned to cooperate with the Luthor Group on the "Superman Cloning Project", and since we will not and cannot hide this project from the public once it is successful, of course we must take precautions and resolve the legal and ethical issues before starting the project. "

Harley's cheek muscles twitched, he was trying to imitate her!

——I never break the law. Even if I want to do something illegal, I will change the law before doing it.


The dignified government of a country is as shameless as her "witch". It's too convoluted. How can she be allowed to play in the political arena?

"The Star Wars Cloning Act, is the name of the law? What's the origin?"

"Have you seen "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones"? In the movie, the righteous Republic Council did not object to the use of clones, and the Jedi Order personally commanded the clones to defend their country.

It shows that in the Galactic Republic, the existence of clone warriors has a legal basis and does not violate ethics.

We in the United States will not allow commercial or private cloning, but the military's cloning behavior to protect the country is not illegal or unethical. "General Lane said plausibly.

Harley had a distorted expression as if she had been smoked by shit, "Can this kind of rhetoric convince the people?"

Ryan said: "The people can accept "Star Wars" and love "Star Wars" and the Jedi very much. Why can't they accept the bill of Congress?"

"Can movies be the same as reality?"

General Lane hesitated for a moment and then said: "As for education in our country, Harry, you know, the elite can understand our behavior because we represent the elite.

As for ordinary people, you don’t have to worry. With the status and influence of “Star Wars” in the United States, they will accept it.

It's like they've embraced the entire Star Wars premise.

If the director can convince them, is it possible that congressmen are worse than Hollywood directors? "

The film settings made up by the director can be accepted by the American people; the laws made up by the government elites who are stronger than the director according to "reality" can also be accepted by the American people who are happy to educate themselves.

Although it is a bit magical, the logic seems to be correct. Is this the legendary magical realism?

Harley's face contorted for the third time today.

Then General Lane shifted his gaze, looked at Luthor sternly, and said: "I don't know how complicated your relationship is with Superman, and I don't mind your past.

But please be professional and don't use your personal emotions at work. "

"He is a clone, a perfect body with both wisdom and courage." Luther pointed to the culture tank and blushed.

General Lane shook his head and said: "There are precedents for cloning to protect our country, and there are also practical and theoretical basis.

But your perfect body cannot be said to be the same as sexual reproduction, it is almost exactly the same.

Our government has been politically correct on gender in recent years. Don’t you understand?

There is no difference between men and women. There is no difference between male and female children and male and female children.

If the Pentagon uses your method to create "perfect body" soldiers, the people will feel the same way and feel that themselves and their children are the same as these "fake clones, real sex" reproduction models.

The people can accept the "Star Wars Cloning Act" and can tolerate the military using clone warriors as weapons to protect the country - weapons are tools, but they absolutely cannot accept that they themselves have become tools to deny emotions, freedom, equality and democracy. "

I have to say that General Lane is quite able to mix well in the three worlds of military, government and business, which is quite surprising.

Many senior politicians cannot say this.

Even Harry wanted to praise him for his thoughtfulness.

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