I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 867 Luther’s plot

"The Biological Department of the Luther Group, a secret laboratory hidden 120 meters underground in the Luther Building?" Louise was shocked and her eyes seemed to be shining.

Luther's pupils shrank, "How do you know the data '120 meters'?"

——Even if your husband has super vision and super hearing, the walls of the laboratory are still made of lead!

"I have my own means."

——My husband helped me see that any place that cannot be seen through X-rays is the building covered with lead. Scan the Luther Building and roughly outline the underground structure in your mind.

"Louise, you can't go." General Lane said sternly.

"Why?" Louise's heart moved and she became more and more excited. "Is there any illegal biological experiment? Only illegal things can't be seen in the light."

Luther frowned and said: "If my experiment will never see the light of day, what else will I do with it? Reporter Lane, it involves commercial and technological secrets. Please continue to stay here to watch the construction of the 'Limbo Signal Station'."

No matter how reluctant Louise was, this was the Luther Building, not a public place.

As long as the master refuses, even the general's father can't help. What's more, the father still refuses to help.

After entering the main building from the rooftop garden of the auxiliary building, Luther seemed to remember something and asked the two of them to wait on the 5th floor first. He went to the 45th floor, saying that he wanted to get experimental materials.

When Luther entered the elevator, General Lane looked at Harley awkwardly and explained what had just happened: "The Pentagon also invested in this Holy Sword project."

"I can guess it," Harley said.

Seeing that she was still talking to him, and her tone and expression did not change, General Lane breathed a sigh of relief, and his attitude became more natural, "Krypton invaded, and global communications were controlled by aliens.

The Green Lantern Corps suddenly arrived at the first Heroes Conference and instantly took away control of the Earth's communication system.

In the recent Atlantis crisis, people under the sea also easily monitored the world.

The military needs a communication encryption system that is completely under its control.

I represent the military, but the opinion that just asked you to cooperate with Luther did not come from me.

Alas, in this position, there are some things that have to be said. "

"You didn't like Luther before, and Mr. President also had problems with him. Now your attitude seems to have changed."

General Lane hesitated and said: "Mr. President, he has less than one year left in his term. The next president may be Luther."

"Luthor is going to run for president, when?" Harley asked in surprise.

"The incident happened suddenly, and I was also surprised." General Lane sighed and said slowly: "The presidential election is first held within the party. The two parties elect their respective presidential candidates within the party, and then let the people vote for the second time. A presidential election to choose from.

There will be several rounds of intra-party elections, which mainly depend on the candidate's reputation among the people, campaign funds, political connections, and campaign platform.

Roughly speaking, the person who hopes to get the most presidential votes will stand out from the brutal intra-party competition.

Hundreds of people sign up for each election, and only two people compete in the final race.

The reason for the accident this time was that after two rounds of intra-party elections, the Republican Party discovered that Apollo Tesla, the famous comedian who often played national leaders and received high IMDB scores (ps), had been treated as a joke. The advantage is even greater.

The Elephant Party believes that if Apo wins the intra-party election, he will definitely not be able to defeat your Donkey Party (Harley is a Democratic Party).

So it was temporarily decided to add another candidate before the election registration day was over. "

"Luthor is also a donkey." Harley said.

"I quit a long time ago."

"Why is Luther running?" Harley asked.

"He himself said it was for the sake of the United States and to better serve the United States. But I guess he wanted to use his status as president to gain access to the alien technology in the Red Room Laboratory."

The Red Room Laboratory is a place where the U.S. government stores alien weapons and technology, similar to the Magical Sky Eye's treasure house.

Cyborg was born in the Red Room Laboratory.

"Ding--" The elevator door opened to both sides. Luther, with his briefcase under his arm, stuck his head out and waved to the two people in the corridor.

Harley took a few steps forward, and when she was about five meters away from Luther, she suddenly felt a sense of irritation in her spiritual sense - as if another magician was quietly observing her with mental power.

She stopped and looked around intently.

The fourth person was not found.

"What's wrong?" Luther asked confused.

"Wait." Harley thought someone was hiding somewhere, so she subconsciously took a few steps back and prepared to look around the corner of the corridor.

But as soon as she stepped back, the feeling of being spied on and studied immediately disappeared for the most part. After taking a few steps back, it completely disappeared.

Harley's pupils shrank and she stared at Luther: The source is him!

But he is not a magician.

Did he develop spiritual power?

No, his eyes were scattered but not focused, which proved that he had not used meditation to restrain the scattered thoughts like a fluffy afro into the mental power of a ponytail.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Luther's eyes flashed slightly, his heartbeat remained unchanged, his expression remained unchanged, his right hand holding the briefcase secretly clenched into a fist, sweat dripping from his fist.

"What's in your bag?" Harley asked calmly.

Luther's head buzzed and almost exploded: he had an impromptu idea and wanted to practice with Harley, so he brought over the brainwave collecting device.

After obtaining Hank Shaw's "Brainwave Acquisition Technology" test data with super administrator privileges yesterday, he was greatly shocked by the contents. After the shock, he was ecstatic.

That technology really suited his liking.

That night, I thoroughly understood the technology of the electroencephalograph in the laboratory and made a lot of optimizations. I stayed up until this morning.

Luther didn't rest at all. He immediately input the data from the improved electroencephalometer into the host computer and let the artificial intelligence control the 3D printing machine to slowly turn it into a finished product.

He went downstairs to participate in the lighting ceremony of the Holy Sword.

A few hours passed, and by the time he returned to the office, Maisie had delivered the printed brainwave collector.

With a thought in his mind, he thought of the 'third most valuable' soul - Harley's soul data.

Well, in Luther's heart, of course his soul is the most precious.

Superman was second, and Harley was third.

He wants to steal Harley's brainwaves.

But he and Hank Shaw are both Muggles who don't understand magic, and they don't understand how sensitive magicians are to the control of mental power.

Especially since Harley has experienced the magical transformation of her deathbed, all her thoughts are unified, her mind is free of distracting thoughts, and her spirit is as condensed as a steel wire.

Taking away the brainwaves from her head is poaching her thoughts.

How is this possible without alarming her?

The electroencephalograph couldn't dig at all, and it only made her upset, feeling that an ignorant mage was spying on her with his poor mental power.

"You mean this?"

As expected of Luther, Luther showed a look of astonishment very naturally, and then opened the briefcase generously in front of Harley, revealing an instrument that looked like a workstation notebook.

"This is a brain wave device. Didn't I mention it when I called you yesterday?" He smiled proudly and first greeted Harley and General Lane to enter the elevator before eagerly showing the results of his company to them.

"This is the work of Dr. Hank Shaw, who initially completed the digitization of brain waves."

He introduced this instrument that actively captures human brain waves as an analyzer that passively inputs digitized brain waves.

The brainwave analyzer is indeed a product that the Luther Group is researching, and it is the device he was planning to introduce to Harley yesterday.

"How do you feel?" At the end, Luther asked very curiously.

Harley felt something was wrong, but his behavior was so normal that he didn't show any flaws.

More importantly, the brainwave collector at this time is not an offensive weapon, it only collects escaped brainwaves.

There is no attack, there is malice, and the experience jar will not be touched.

Harley had never seen a brainwave device before, so Luther was able to get over it for a while.

However, out of instinctive vigilance, she remained in a state of unity in the following time - even if Luther turned off the instrument that he had "accidentally" turned on, and the "peeping" feeling completely disappeared.

"There's something evil about your instrument." When she got out of the elevator, Harley hesitated to ask Luther to stop this "wrong way" soul digitization research.

But she had mature technology, but she refused to transfer it to him. Now he had become her competitor. She had some shame in persuading him to give up Harley for his own good and the good of everyone, but she really couldn't say it out loud.

"Be careful. Fortunately, today I am a lonely and ruthless mage. If I feel offended, I will not give you a chance to explain. I will just quietly curse you to death."

"Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention to it in the future." Luther said solemnly.

At this moment, he was really glad that he met Harley today, who made him discover a major bug in the brainwave collector.

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