"Am I an amateur?" Constantine sneered, walked up to her, and dipped his fingers into the wet stains on the magic circle. "I can see your trick at a glance! The ink used to draw the magic circle contains your blood, which contains powerful The essence and blood of the power of blood.

When the evil spirit is summoned, it will absorb the majestic power within it, becoming more ferocious, powerful, and even more difficult to subdue. "

Because he was ridiculed by Harley, Constantine was unhappy and did not have the energy to transmit the message this time, but directly said it in front of the public.

"Ah, Miss Quinn, what do you want to do?" O'Neill was shocked and slightly angry.

"So I said you are a layman and can't understand my clever intentions." Harley sneered at Zha Kang first, then turned her head and looked at O'Neal with a cold face, "If you believe me, just stand there honestly. Then don't say anything, if you don't believe me, I'll leave immediately."

"This" O'Neill was in a state of confusion, with sweat quickly forming on his forehead, and he looked at Constantine with pleading eyes.

Compared with Harley, whose success rate is less than 50%, Constantine, who obviously never misses, is more convincing.

"Tell me, what's your clever intention?" Constantine looked at Harley and asked.

"Qiang——" Silver light flashed, and a silver baseball bat was taken out by Harley from the God of War's Seal.

"Do you recognize it?"

Constantine glanced at the stick, "This is the Penitence Stick, your exclusive weapon, who doesn't know it?"

"Do you know its function?" Harley asked again.

Not to mention Constantine, even O'Neill and Military Tom knew this stick and its general purpose.

Because they often come from wealthy families, they send their useless second generation to Gotham Cathedral and ask Grandma Hallie to use the penance stick to teach the child to return to the right path.

But Aunt Hallie only went to the cathedral for mass once every month at the beginning or middle of the month.

Each stay lasts for one morning, two or three hours.

It is only during that time that she will help believers repent.

In the first few years, before the reputation of God's Stick and Grandma Halli spread, there were not many people going, and anyone could queue up if they found the right time.

Now, we have witnessed with our own eyes that dozens of uneducated and disrespectful losers have transformed into honest, studious, law-abiding, filial and pious top students after completing their repentance. The people of Gotham no longer want to endure the consequences for themselves or their children. Stick attack. No matter dignitaries or civilians, everyone must sign up for the lottery.

"What does this confession stick have to do with your exorcism?" Constantine frowned.

"As a true exorcist, I use the most authentic method of exorcism - the magical power of God's light to exorcise demons."

Harley's expression was serious, and her charming little face shone with a faint holy light. Anyone with a vision of 1.0 or above could clearly see the faint down on her face.

"It sounds very relevant. Can you explain what it means?" Zha Kang said.

Harley solemnly said: “In the process of exorcism, give all the control to God and let God redeem the evil spirits and the people harmed by them.

The ‘demon’ exorcised is not an evil spirit.

Exorcism is not about killing evil spirits.

Evil spirits were also humans when they were alive.

Why did it become an evil spirit? Why do evil spirits come to you?

Everything has a reason, everything has a cause and effect.

We mortals do not have omniscience, do not know the reasons, and cannot understand the cause and effect.

All judgments made by us mortals are mixed with subjective emotions.

We, mortals, are born with original sin. What qualifications do we have to judge a soul as an 'evil' spirit?

Just because it attacks humans?

What a ridiculous and conceited idea.

In the eyes of God, there is no difference between people and souls, they are all His people. "

This makes me want an 'authentic' exorcist to refute this, but when I think about it carefully, at least there seems to be nothing wrong with every sentence.

Constantine was stunned and asked: "So? Evil spirits are not necessarily evil spirits. If it is evil for a reason, you have to avenge it?"

O'Neill's expression changed slightly.

Harley shook her head gently, "Why do you only listen to half of a sentence? I made it very clear that I, a mortal, have no qualifications or ability to judge right from wrong.

The most authentic exorcism technique does not drive away spirits, but 'evil'.

What is saved is not the person, but the opportunity for ‘salvation’.

For example, if a person is haunted by an evil spirit, if you drive the evil spirit away, the exorcism is over? "

"If the evil spirit is expelled, is it not the end?" Tom, the military counselor, couldn't help but said.

"It's far from over." Harley glanced at him, "Looking at your stilted dress, your wise and bright eyes, and your shiny gold-rimmed glasses, you're probably not a barrister who graduated from an Ivy League school, right?"

Tom's little eyes became brighter and brighter, he nodded and bowed and said: "Admiral Galaxy, you are a wise and sharp-sighted person, with fiery eyes and golden eyes. You can tell the autumn from a leaf, and you can see the subtle changes."

"Okay!" Harley waved her hand to interrupt him and said: "Exorcism is actually very similar to a lawsuit.

Being involved in a supernatural incident is like being involved in a lawsuit, and the exorcist is the lawyer who defends him.

Even the most incompetent third-rate lawyer should understand that his responsibility is not only to help the defendant get rid of the plaintiff.

A low-level amateur exorcist is actually doing the job of a killer.

Just like in a criminal case, helping the employer kill the plaintiff.

A criminal record was left behind, or the case was not closed at all, or there was even an additional murder case.

The case has been pending at the police station, and the court has issued a wanted order, but the exorcist said to his employer - I have completed the task, you can rest easy.

Is this considered qualified legal service?

Obviously not.

In an exorcism incident, there are not only defendants and accusers, but also the victim's family, the police station, the jury, the prosecutor's office, and public opinion.

A qualified attorney should address the root cause of the problem.

Lawyers can fool the police and judges in real life, but in exorcism, the exorcist can fool mortals, how can he fool God?

God is the ultimate judge of fate.

Therefore, my ‘God’s Light Exorcism’ is the most authentic, safest, legal and least sequelae-free exorcism technique. "

"Brilliant!" Tom gave a thumbs up and praised excitedly: "The words are concise and concise, and the words are shocking and clear! It makes people enlightened, enlightened, and suddenly understood."

This time, Harry didn't interrupt him, letting his admiration flow out like a torrent of water.

After finishing the words of praise in his belly, he turned his head again, grabbed O'Neill's arm with both hands, and said with firm eyes: "BOSS, I swear to you with my A+ scores in 28 subjects at Yale Law School, the Galaxy Admiral has truly mastered The true meaning of exorcism is that all other exorcists are liars.”

O'Neal glanced at Harley and nodded with a sullen expression, "That's right!"

"Hey, 'Golden Glasses', who do you think is a liar?" Zha Kang said displeased.

"You treat the symptoms instead of the root cause and let the defendant end up in a lawsuit. Aren't you a liar?"

Zha Kang said angrily: "Aren't the three conditions I proposed to you just to appease the undead? Once the undead are appeased, the lawsuit will be settled naturally."

"Wrong, even if you reach a settlement with the plaintiff, you have to go through the normal judicial procedures, otherwise the out-of-court settlement will be invalid, at least not recognized by the judicial department." Tom pushed the gold eye sockets on the bridge of his nose and said seriously.

"Fake, you were deceived by her. How can there be a judicial department to exorcise demons?" Constantine cursed.

"You don't believe in God?" Tom pointed at him and exclaimed, "An exorcist doesn't believe in God and doesn't understand God's teachings, just like a lawyer doesn't read the law and doesn't believe in the law."

"Fuck me!"

Zha Kang opened his mouth, but could only spit and curse.

He turned his head and stopped looking at the lawyer, and just asked Harry: "Now that the theory is over, what should we do specifically?"

Harley put her hands behind her back, puffed out her breasts slightly, and said with emotion: "Forgetting myself, I am giving all the control to God, letting God choose how to redeem the evil spirits and how to save the people harmed by the evil spirits.

This kind of salvation is not just life-saving, but real salvation. "

"It seems very majestic, but I still understand it very well." Constantine said lightly.

He couldn't understand it, and the others were even more confused.

However, Tom smiled proudly and adjusted the frames of his glasses, "What's not clear about this? It's just to help the defendant get through to the judicial branch. For example, he invited the jury to play golf and have afternoon tea with the presiding judge."


O'Neill and others suddenly realized that Admiral Galaxy was worthy of being an Admiral of the Galaxy. Even though her success rate in exorcizing evil spirits was less than 50%, she was indeed more qualified than other exorcists.

He has a theory of exorcism that is so brilliant that only lawyers can understand it!

"Just tell me what you want to do." Constantine said impatiently.

"What is this?" Harley asked, holding up the confession stick.

"Confession stick, help people confess. Stop talking nonsense." Constantine said irritably.

"Can a person who completes his repentance with its help be considered redeemed? Or, in other words, are his actions and thoughts consistent with God's teachings, and can they satisfy God?" Harley asked again.

Constantine's eyes widened and he vaguely understood, "You want to use the confession stick to attack the evil spirit?"

Those whose actions and thoughts are calibrated by the penitent rod are certainly in line with God's teachings and can satisfy God.

What about evil spirits whose minds are calibrated?

There seems to be some truth to the "God's light exorcism magic power"

Constantine looked confused.

"I summoned the evil spirit over and used the power of blood to solidify its body, just so that it could withstand the blow of the stick.

I do not make any judgment on the dead or the victims. All judgment comes from God. "

——No matter what the evil spirit does later, no matter what Curry and O'Neal encounter, it has nothing to do with her, it is all God's arrangement.

Harley glanced at O'Neill and others, and added: "Of course, God's judgment is not called judgment, it is called 'redemption'. Facing God's redemption, we should not reject it, we should not complain, let alone have hatred, and we should be grateful. My heart praises it.”

——Even if you are killed by evil spirits and go to hell after death, you must still sing praises to God and be grateful to me! Because I, the true exorcist, let God redeem you.

"Mother Fake, your fallacies sound quite reasonable. I'm almost convinced."

Constantine twisted his face and screamed while slapping his forehead hard.

It seemed like he was trying to get Harley's toxic thoughts out of his body by slapping his head.

"Mr. McGee, my magic circle has been drawn, and the exorcism concept of 'asking God to judge everything' has been clearly explained. Do you want to follow God's will?"

Harley raised the penitence stick like a torch, and also inspired the thin power of God in the God of War's glowing seal.

"——" Silently, the silver God's stick emitted a hazy holy light, bathing in it, and God's teachings seemed to appear in his ears.

This effect is equivalent to gently hitting the forehead with a confession stick.

O'Neill's frown gradually relaxed, and then he nodded solemnly, "I completely believe you."

Constantine stretched out his hand to dissuade him, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't come up with a suitable reason.

The function of the penitence rod is not deceptive, nor is the effect of the penitence rod.

Therefore, what the evil spirits do after being struck by the penitent rod can indeed be said to be God’s arrangement.

Why should he question God’s arrangements for Christians?

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