I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 835 The real exorcist

"Why are you laughing?" O'Neill said displeased.

"Her exorcism techniques were learned from me." Constantine said proudly.

"Admiral Galaxy is trustworthy."

"Then why don't you just go to her?" Constantine asked.

O'Neill was silent.

"Listen to me, give me a big red envelope of 660,000 yuan first - O, Shete." Constantine was walking on the street with a cigarette in his mouth, talking on the phone, and accidentally broke a piece of the sidewalk. The floor tiles caved in, and the dirty, smelly water under the floor soaked most of the brown Carmina leather shoes.

The socks are wet.

He looked up and saw that there were many trampled floor tiles on this street.

At the intersection, there are sanitation workers shoveling dirty wet garbage from garbage trucks.

As soon as the smell came over, he turned around and took a different path.

"What's wrong? An evil spirit attacked you?" O'Neill on the other end of the phone asked nervously.

"Haha, evil spirits are afraid of me when they see me. There has been a recent pollution wave, the floor tiles have been damaged, and I stepped on mud.

By the way, my ocean-view apartment in Long Island was blocked by a mountain of garbage, so I had to live somewhere else.

If you want to settle down in Queens, even 660,000 is not enough.

Do you think this will work? A big red envelope of 660,000 yuan, the Star Pattern Bar will be rebuilt on the original site, and your son will surrender to the police station. If you complete these three items, I will help you get rid of old Tess.

For an additional 220,000, I will clean up your McGee Building again to ensure that the ghosts of those unlucky people who died tragically will not bother you. "

"The price can be negotiated, but the bar must be demolished." O'Neill said in an unquestionable tone.

"Let's talk some other time." Constantine hung up the phone directly.

"Beep, beep, beep." Looking at the phone that made a blind tone, O'Neill was stunned for a while, and then he threw the phone back to the base, cursing incessantly.

"BOSS, let's switch to someone else. The evil spirit is so fierce that there is no time to delay!" Tom advised.

"Look for the right foot of the Holy Light." O'Neill muttered: "You will make the call this time."

Tom was in his boss's office and dialed the number of Christian, the right foot of the Holy Light.

"Hello, this is the Exorcism Department of Gotham Cathedral. I am the trainee nun Gemma. What services do you need?"

Tom frowned slightly, listening to the voice, it seemed that the person opposite seemed to be a very young girl, no more than 15 years old.

But he noticed what she said: a nun intern at Gotham Cathedral.

It wouldn't be surprising if she was a little nun.

"Isn't this the number from Shengguang's right foot? I'm looking for her."

"You made the right call. Christine, the right foot of the Holy Light, is the exorcist nun in the church. If you want to ask her to do a task, you must first get approval from our church. Well, we are equivalent to her agents." Gemma smiled.

"Your church?" Tom was stunned.

O'Neill said impatiently: "You don't even know about the 'Heaven Mountain Sect'?"

"Oh, is it the Heavenly Mountain Cult?" Tom suddenly realized.

Christianity is divided into Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity and Protestantism, and each of the three sects has many branches.

For example, the Catholic Dominicans and Benedictines.

Protestant churches include Lutheranism, Congregationalism, and Anglicanism

When Harley used her identity as a nun to hide her whereabouts, she was under the banner of the Anglican Church.

After becoming Divine Lord Quin, she naturally did not want to serve anyone else as the pope, so she founded her own sect and asked the old priest Carlisle to be the pope of the 'Paradise Mountain Sect'.

Gotham Cathedral is the headquarters of the Heavenly Church.

After more than ten years of development, it has established a firm foothold in New York State and is well known to the people of Gotham.

"Well, we are the Heavenly Mountain Sect, the sect closest to God in the world. The church's classic teachings are revised and compiled by the Holy Son himself. If guests are interested, you can go to Gotham Cathedral to have a look." Gemma also preached by the way. .

Tom was disapproving in his heart, and showed a polite smile on his face, "Sister Gemma, can you help me arrange the right foot of the Holy Light as soon as possible?"

"There is no problem in arranging the Holy Light Right Foot, but you have to explain your symptoms first. If it is an ordinary demon visible to the naked eye, the Holy Light Right Foot is very effective. If it is a big devil, I am afraid you will have to find a stronger exorcist——"

Before Gemma finished the introduction, Tom rushed to say: "There is no devil, just evil spirits."

"In terms of evil spirits, it is not appropriate for Holy Light's right foot to be called 'Vajra Sister'," Gemma said.

Tom wondered: "What is 'Sister Vajra'?"

"You've never done an exorcism before?"

"Well, it's the first time today and the first time I'm looking for Gotham Cathedral."

Gemma quickly explained: "The Vajra Sisters use fists, machine guns, chain saws, grenades, Mexican machetes, and Vulcan cannons to deal with dark creatures such as demons, werewolves, and vampires.

Since you are looking for someone to expel evil spirits, it would be better to find a ‘conjuration nun’.

It just so happens that Admiral Galaxy is free today. I will help you contact her. "

"What a coincidence?" Tom was pleasantly surprised, "Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the BOSS and said excitedly: "Admiral Galaxy is not on a mission. She is coming to help you exorcise the devil soon."

O'Neill's expression changed. He wanted to get angry, but he didn't dare - the deal was already done. If he got angry again, wouldn't it be a clear expression of dissatisfaction with Admiral Galaxy?

If word gets out.

"BOSS, you don't seem satisfied?"

Tom saw something in the ever-changing expression on his face, and he was very puzzled.

"Hey, you've been in Gotham for three years, and you still only know a little bit about Harley Quinn." O'Neal sighed.

Tom was dissatisfied, "I have done enough homework to understand every major event she has experienced. I also bought the full set of commemorative DVDs of 'Louis: Queen's Biography' released by the Daily Planet and carefully read them four or five times at home. .”

"There are some things that cannot be understood through the 'Louise Special Topic'. For example, she is actually a 'Vajra Sister' who is only suitable for fighting and killing.

Not very good at expelling evil spirits, the success rate is only 45%! "O'Neill said.

Tom was stunned and asked: "The success rate is only 45%, what about the failures?"

O'Neill looked gloomy and said numbly: "People who are harassed by evil spirits either die, become seriously ill, or become mentally ill, and are admitted to Arkham Asylum."

"Hiss, the consequences are so terrible." Tom's face turned pale, and he began to feel uneasy in his heart.

If something happened to the BOSS's only son, no one would dare to trouble the Galaxy Admiral, and he would most likely become the object of resentment.

He was frightened in his heart, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and forced a smile and said: "Boss, let's add double insurance and call John Constantine to come and take the blame."

"How dare you hit Harley Quinn in the face? You want me to die!" O'Neal slammed the table and angrily yelled.

Tom explained: "Boss, we didn't call Constantine because we didn't trust the Galaxy Admiral, but we called Constantine first. You thought the British guy was unreliable, so you went to the 'Holy Light Right Foot' ristin.

It was a pure surprise that the Galaxy Admiral himself came to visit. "

"You have to convince Constantine himself first." O'Neill was convinced.

Constantine is very reasonable, and the $880,000 red envelope guarantees that Curry will not die or go crazy.

There is an 'Atlantis Crisis' going on right now.

Just three days ago, the first armed conflict broke out between people under the sea and people on land. In the country led by the United States, several heroes died and more than a dozen were injured.

And Captain Atom, the face of the Pentagon, was captured by the Atlanteans.

Three nights ago, Batman's 'Atlantis defense plan' - replacing Orm with Aquaman, failed.

The people on the seabed are reorganizing their armaments, and the people on land are gearing up.

Military experts from all over the world believe that a "war on land and sea" is about to break out, and world peace is at stake.

Major TV stations broadcast news in this area day and night.

Residents of coastal cities were frightened. While cursing the Justice League for their slow response and mediocrity on the Internet and in news interviews, they called for the activation of the "golden nuclear bomb" and fled to inland cities with their families.

In this noisy and critical moment, Harley continued her old habit. After receiving the exorcism mission, she drove the silver owl spaceship made of N metal and arrived at the exorcism site within three minutes.

When she arrived at the rooftop of the McGee Building, old McGee had just hung up the phone from Constantine.

"BOSS, thank you for coming here in person and helping me exorcise the devil in my house."

O'Neal, who looked like a human bear with a strong back and waist, almost shrank himself into an orange cat with a flattering smile on his face.

"By the way, I was with Boss Ron before."

Harley's underground boxing ring business was acquired from Ron, using the warehousing business inherited from the Russians.

"Mr. McGee, I am not your boss. We are now your employer and the exorcist nun."

Harley's tone was cold and her attitude was cold, and she simply rejected his advances.

O'Neal didn't feel embarrassed at all. He still maintained a harmless and somewhat funny smile, nodded repeatedly and said: "I understand that I have left the Quinn family long ago. I just still have 100% respect for you."

"Take me to your son."

He rubbed his hands and said awkwardly: "There is one thing, I have to tell you first. Before you, I first invited the British exorcist Constantine, but later found that he was not very reliable, so I was ready to find the right foot of the Holy Light.

I didn't expect you to come in person. The British guy is not here. He went out to find the source of the evil spirit. "

"This guy is dishonest." Ivy whispered mentally.

Harley glanced at him with a calm expression and said nothing.

There is only a faint aura of darkness about Curry.

This aura is also a beacon, ensuring that no matter where he hides, he will be found by the owner of the resentment.

Through this breath, ordinary exorcists can also communicate with evil spirits.

A powerful exorcist can even summon evil spirits directly to his side.

Constantine intercepted a ray of breath and went directly to the ruins of Medal Street and Star Pattern Bar.

Harley has been exorcising demons for more than ten years, and of course she also knows the rituals of communicating and summoning evil spirits.

Just when she finished drawing the magic circle, Constantine walked in with a cigarette in his mouth.

"I haven't seen you perform an exorcism yet. Let me open my eyes today - uh, didn't you see the joke?"

After just one glance at the magic circle on the ground, he was so shocked that the Sika cigarette in his mouth fell out.

"What's the problem?" O'Neill asked nervously.

"This" Zha Kang frowned and hesitated to speak.

O'Neal became more and more worried. He approached him and reminded him in a low voice: "Mr. Constantine, the deposit of US$100,000 has been entered into your account, and you will still have US$780,000 after tonight."

After a pause, he added: "Although you have only been in Gotham for a short time, you have a very good reputation in the exorcism world, you have a very professional ethics, and your success rate is almost 100%."

Constantine sighed and sent a message to Harry: "This guy is right, exorcists must have professional ethics!

No matter how bastards he and his son are, since you accepted someone else's invitation, you can't murder your employer under any circumstances! "

"I am a real exorcist and I don't need your layman's guidance."

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