I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 828 Aquaman in the Eyes of the Atlanteans

As its name suggests, the Ring of Fire Arena is surrounded by a ring of magma.

The "Royal VIP Seat" is on a ten-meter-long and five-meter-wide curved platform. There are many guests, including Harley, Nereus, the Fisher King, the Crab King of Saltwater Kingdom, Mela, and Atlanti. Si 'Prime Minister' Vico.

There are also three Dukes of the Kingdom of Atlantis.

However, Harley's "servants" did not stand on the side, they all had seats.

Louise, Da Chao and others were brought to that time, and they happened to see the government's "scientific research representative" having a serious conversation with Prime Minister Vico, and Grandma Xi holding a wine glass and smiling with the Duke who was completely human.

When she saw Nora Lang, Louise's eyes turned red.

Because she was taking out the microphone and interviewing King Nereus.

How can they be servants? As servants, they can drink and chat with their masters?

Can he be on an equal footing with the Prime Minister and Duke of Atlantis?

Well, Harley and the three kings sat at the front, and the rest were half a step behind them.

"Why are you here?" Harley was a little surprised when she saw them.

The Gang of Ten looked at each other. Because they were embarrassed, they were unwilling to speak and were waiting for their companions to explain.

Then the Atlantis team leader who brought them over spoke and said very loudly: "King of Paradise Mountain, they say they are your servants and want to come and serve you."

At this moment, the Gang of Ten immediately changed from embarrassment to embarrassment, extremely embarrassed.

"Ahem, Harley, you know, servants and stuff are just excuses, the position the Atlanteans have given us is too bad." Hal Jordan shouted.

"Excuse? Are you lying to me?" the team leader was angry.

Prime Minister Vico was very considerate and waved to the guards: "Go down, there is still a lot of space here."

Then, he stood up and explained with a kind smile: "It's not that I couldn't arrange a good position for you before, but when you are surrounded by the Atlantis audience, accidents are easy to happen."

He also ordered his attendants to bring ten stools for everyone.

Well, he is the "traitor" in the court of Atlantis who secretly supports Aquaman to replace King Orm.

Several giants in Zhenglian were all companions of his "destined children", and he just wished he could provide them with better services.

Harley and the other three kings have a two-meter-high stone throne. The second row has chairs with armrests and backrests. Da Chao and others can only sit on small round stools.

There is no way, the space is limited, I can’t put it down.

Without even taking a seat, Louise hurriedly took out her interview equipment, looked around, and prepared to select a target.

Orm is the most valuable, but unfortunately he is not here. He is probably preparing for a duel.

King Nereus. Nora Long actually talked and laughed with him!

Louise pursed her lips and turned to the other two kings.

The Fisher King and the Crab King of Saltwater Kingdom don’t look like human beings, and I’ve never been in contact with them before, so I don’t know what their tempers are like.

She was a little undecided.

As a veteran journalist who has been in the industry for more than ten years, Louise knows one thing: you must have a basic understanding of your interview target.

Otherwise, not being able to find useful news material is not the worst outcome. If it offends the other party and causes a diplomatic dispute, then...

Louise shifted her gaze hesitantly, and then her eyes lit up: Princess Mela understands!

"Hi, Princess Mela, you are so beautiful today." She leaned over with a natural and generous smile.

She was right. Mela was dressed up carefully today, wearing a slim-fitting top woven with tiny diamonds and jewels, with four pink and purple lantern jellyfish petals floating behind her.

The skirt was also shining, like an edelweiss flower in bloom.

——The people under the sea really like to shine, but the brightness does match the dark and gloomy environment of the seabed. These earthlings only have green light bubbles on their heads. No, Nala Lang is not wearing bubbles.

Louise was thinking wildly when she suddenly noticed that the three ordinary people in Nala Lang were all wearing suits and dresses, exposing themselves to the underwater kingdom.

Undersea people can breathe underwater. They always live in an environment with water. Not only is the airship filled with water but without air, the execution ground is also filled with high-pressure seawater, making it impossible for mortals to survive.

No air, high pressure.

Therefore, Green Lantern equipped the Gang of Ten with Green Lantern bubble helmets and temporary Green Lantern suits.

"Who are you--"

Mela wanted the woman in front of her to introduce herself, but the other person praised her and looked around, seeming to have forgotten her.

"Miss, are you also a reporter?" Meila waited for a long time, but still didn't respond, so she could only take the initiative to resolve the embarrassment.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Louise came back to her senses after hearing this, her face turned red with embarrassment, "Sorry, Princess Mela, I was confused by the situation of my companion."

She pointed to Nala Lang, "How come they can talk, breathe, drink, and not get their clothes wet in the ocean? Has the environment here been specially adjusted?"

Mela pursed her lips at the big dog next to Harry, "Holy Son Yebi is controlling the power of the elements."

"I see."

Louise touched her bubble hood, wondering if Yebby's magic was also used on her.

However, the interview is urgent right now, so we can worry about the bubble hood later.

"Princess Mela, I am Lois Lane, the current political news editor of the Daily Planet. Can you take advantage of the gap before the duel starts to ask you a few questions related to the duel? This will help the land people strengthen their understanding of Atlantis. His understanding."

"Well, your companion," Mela pointed at Nora Lang and whispered, "She has already interviewed me."

"So fast?" Louise was surprised at first, and then immediately realized that Nora Lang followed Harry to the VIP channel, but she followed Zhenglian and stayed in traffic jam at the city gate for more than an hour.

"Maybe the problem is different." She smiled a little reluctantly.

Without waiting for Meila to answer, Louise suddenly found that her situation at this time was somewhat familiar.

Three questions she had with Harley Quinn that day.

May God in Silver City bless her and prevent Nora from getting ahead of her again!

"Okay, you ask."

Mela was actually in a state of confusion at the moment and was very worried about Arthur's safety, but like Prime Minister Vico, she was close to Aquaman and did not want to neglect his friend.

"Atlanteans are very fanatical about combat duels. Is this your custom?"

Mela gave her a strange look and kindly reminded her, "Your companion asked."

Louise's expression froze, and she forced a smile and said: "Even the same answer can be extended to different new questions."

Mela raised her chin towards Wonder Woman, "Do you understand the Amazons? In fact, like them, we are familiar with the 'remnants of the Golden Age' under the Greek pantheon.

The ancient Greeks had a culture of loving competitive sports. The Amazon has it, and so do we.

You may be wondering why Harley Quinn is treated differently from you. Apart from her status in heaven, the main reason is that she has won the respect of almost all the warriors of the four ocean kingdoms. "

"Oh, this is the first time I've heard of this. What did she do?" Louise asked in surprise.

"She dueled with them, just like today's Ring of Fire duel. That day in King Zebel City, with everyone watching and shouting, according to the rules of the Atlanteans, she challenged more than 3,000 people in one week. The most powerful warrior.

It can be said that all the famous fighters in the underwater kingdom have been challenged by her. "Meila said.

"You all win?"

Meila shook her head and said proudly: "I also participated in the duel, and I won. The four kings all fought with her.

However, her winning rate is very high, as high as 98.3%, which is slightly higher than mine. In short, because of that battle, Harley Quinn is very famous and respected in the underwater kingdom. "

Even the royal family is keen on gladiatorial competitions, no wonder.

Louise understood somewhat.

"Superman would be better than Harley Quinn in a duel," she said.

Mela was noncommittal.

There is no sunlight at the bottom of the sea, but how long can it last with the battery life of a superhuman iPhone?

Moreover, the undersea fighter has magic!

When she didn't get a response, Louise felt a little embarrassed, cleared her throat, and changed the question: "Aquaman has never been to Atlantis, and he is a complete stranger to the people of Atlantis.

If he wins, will he be recognized by the people? "

"This question." Mela frowned slightly.

Louise's heart skipped a beat, "My colleague asked?"

Mela nodded slightly.

Louise tugged at her collar irritably.

Suddenly, she felt that this society was so embarrassing!

I haven’t felt it for more than 20 years before, and it seems to have curled up recently.

"In the duel between kings in the Ring of Fire, only one side can survive, and the Atlanteans have no choice." Mela frowned and sighed.

"Ah~~" Louise exclaimed, "King Orm and Aquaman are going to kill each other and only one will survive? This is too-"

Too cruel, too barbaric.

Superman, who has super hearing, also heard the conversation between the two women.

"Letting Aquaman kill his own brother is not a good plan." He said to Bateman with an ugly expression.

Bateman looked indifferent, "You and Arthur have been through so many things, don't you know him well? He will not follow the bullshit Atlantis tradition. When he gets the upper hand, he will stop in time."

"That's right." Superman breathed a sigh of relief.

"What if Arthur loses?" The Flash suddenly asked in a low voice.

"No, Arthur has talent, Orm doesn't." Bateman said firmly.

"Buzz." The duel platform in the center made a dull vibration, and a thread-shaped opening opened. With a "swish", a warrior with a silver helmet and a bright silver trident jumped out.

"The duel has begun." Everyone was shocked, and the people under the sea cheered loudly.

"King Om, King Om"

Louise was both excited and frustrated. She only asked two questions, both of which were asked by Nora Long.

"Whoosh -" Another warrior with brass scales flew into the sky and landed opposite Orm.

"Traitor, traitor!"

The 200,000 Atlantis spectators were silent for a moment, followed by overwhelming curses.

"Shh, shh--" they got emotional, stood up with their thumbs down, and shushed him loudly.

"This" the Earth guest's expression changed, worry creeping onto his face.

General Lane looked solemn, approached Harley, and whispered: "Om's home field advantage is too great, and his momentum is rising.

Aquaman was insulted by his "tribe" as a traitor, and his mood seemed to be affected. He was a little dazed. I had a bad feeling. "

"Then why are you still standing there? Come on, cheer him up." Harley said.

"Let's go for it?" Dachao said hesitantly: "Then the underwater people won't even call Aquaman a traitor?"

"The key is that there are too few of us."

General Lane is actually happy with the attitude of the Undersea Man towards Aquaman.

Being rejected by the people under the sea, Aquaman will get closer to the people on land.

When he becomes king, people on land will feel more at ease.

"The heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance shouted together, using superpowers, only one Superman can stand up to a hundred thousand." Harley said.

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