I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 827 No longer friends with Harley

Soon, the Justice League's spindle-shaped blimp appeared above the Sky Eye.

"We are not on the same page. Let me make it clear first, who of you will be a 'friend' and who will be a 'slave'." Harley stopped everyone who was climbing up.

"You're not with us?" Wonder Woman asked doubtfully.

"I am an invited distinguished guest, and my appearance may be more grand. I cannot squeeze into the small spaceship with you.

Just like when a head of state goes to a foreign country to participate in the Olympics, there are many people accompanying him, but he is the only one who appears in the TV cameras.

So, although we are together, we are divided into two waves. "Harry said plausibly.

When everyone heard this, their expressions were distorted to varying degrees.

"We are going to watch the King's Duel, which is about the fate of the world, not the Olympics and the Winter Olympics, which are leisure and entertainment events." Dachao reminded seriously.

Harley also nodded seriously and said, "I know this trip is of great importance, so I have to be even more cautious."

Hal Jordan patted the shuttle-shaped spaceship coated with light blue stars and stripes, and said disapprovingly: "Although your Owl airship is famous and has a good interior, it cannot compete with our Guardian II in terms of appearance and performance. Thorby.”

Harley glanced at the shuttle and sneered: "As for your spaceship, you will only be laughed at if you fly it to Atlantis. Of course, the same goes for my airship. I will not fly the airship today."

Hal glared and said, "What a joke! This shuttle-shaped spacecraft adopts the most mainstream design in the galaxy today. It can be called the Cadillac of star-class spacecraft."

"Knockoffs have the nerve to say that." Harley mocked.

"If you don't fly the airship, why don't you run over there?" Dachao asked.

"I have yeb."

"Isn't Yebi an 'apprentice' in hell?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

"Do you think hell is far away from the human world?"

Harley raised her right foot and gently lowered her white high-heeled shoes, "Yabi, come here."

"Boom!" The heels made a crisp sound on the concrete floor, and then a golden circle lit up in front of Harry, and a 1.5-meter-tall golden retriever giant dog appeared in the center of the circle.

Seeing many people on the left and right, Yebi was not surprised and asked directly: "Master Harley, what did you summon me for?"

"Show a brighter posture and follow me to the Royal City of Atlantis." Harley said.

"Is this a summons? But you didn't do anything." Diana said in surprise.

"Summoning doesn't require anything." Harry smiled disapprovingly, raised her petticoat to her knees, and straddled Yebby's back.

"Summoning requires spells, magic circles, and sacrifices. It's very complicated." Diana frowned.

“Anyone who is willing to respond to the call will respond as long as the right name is called.

The summoning is unwilling to respond to your presence, even if you sacrifice the world to it.

For example, if I summon Yebi, it will respond as soon as I think about it.

But if I learn from other black mages and summon demons, hum, I guarantee that none of them will respond. "

Diana was speechless.

"Master, what is a shining posture? Can you replace the white clouds under your feet with a rainbow?" Yebi asked doubtfully.

"Just a rainbow is definitely not enough. It needs to flicker, the color should be bright, the brilliance should be strong but not dazzling, and it should be soft and layered."

Under Harley's guidance, Yebby stepped on a cloud that looked like a palette, and the bright colors kept rotating.

In addition, behind the clouds there are hundreds of fluorescent lines that are hundreds of meters long and as thick as a finger.

The transparent light flashes in different colors, and the overall look seems to form a 3D picture.

"Isn't that too exaggerated? Like a nouveau riche." Louise complained.

Although others didn't say it explicitly, they agreed with her words.

Harry could see their eyes and sneered: "I don't know! When we get to the sea later, stay away from me. Don't let me embarrass you with you."

The expressions of scorn were clearly visible on the faces of several heroes.

Harry didn't explain, and asked, "Have you decided who will be the 'servant'? Come and get on the nine-color glazed chariot."

"Nine Colors Glazed Chariot" The hero of Zhenglian's mouth twitched, but his body remained motionless.

Louise dived directly into the shuttle.

Lana Lang looked around, lowered her head and trotted to Harley's side.

He also curiously stepped on the clouds with his feet, like rubber.

Grandma Xi didn't move at first, but Kissinger whispered a few words to her, and they walked up together.

Seeing that everyone was here, Harry said hello without any hesitation and flew towards the seaside.

It's still the same as before, it's obviously very fast, but everyone who looks at it can clearly see its trajectory and the people on it.

When flying in the sky, the nine-color glazed chariot did look very fancy, which made several passengers feel embarrassed. But when it came to the offshore, fell into the sea, and sank into the dark bottom of the sea.

"Wow, so beautiful!" Lana and Grandma Xi showed dreamy expressions and exclaimed repeatedly.

The old man Kissinger, who was nervously pulling Yebi's hair, temporarily forgot about the worries in his heart, and his eyes were full of intoxication, "It's so beautiful."

"Oh my God, it's so beautiful!" Everyone in the shuttle nearby exclaimed, and Louise even put her face on the transparent glass, the surface of her eyeballs reflecting the brilliant colors.

"So that's it. The seabed is dark and dim, and the bright light is not only beautiful, but it can also relieve depressed emotions." Bateman suddenly realized.

After passing through a deep ocean trench and entering the outskirts of the Royal City of Atlantis, the dark and empty underwater environment suddenly changed.

The seabed is covered with colorful fluorescent plants, like a sea of ​​flowers.

Silver-blue lantern jellyfish were suspended in the water, and small fish that looked like the fine sand of the Milky Way were walking among the corals. Everyone was like Alice who had just fallen into the wonderland of the tree cave. They were dazzled and mesmerized by the sight.

Dachao said with a tangled expression: "Harley's 'Nine-Colored Glazed Chariot' complements the fairyland-like fantasy scenery here. Our spaceship is not bright enough, it's a little..."

"It's a bit of a village," Wonder Woman sighed.

"Oh my god, what is that!" The Flash pointed to the tractor bridge in front of him, which looked like a huge beam of light. "God, those are spaceships! Tens of thousands of them, like dust particles in a beam of blue light. There are too many." Dense.

Are they all Atlanteans? How big should their population be? "

The royal city of Atlantis is located in the center of the active volcanoes under the sea. It is surrounded by a 500-meter-high city wall, and the top is covered by a force field. To enter, you can only climb over the top wall or pass through the city. door opening.

Thousands of colorful ocean airships lined up in a long queue.

From a distance, it looks like a beam of light passing through the city gate.

"Hey, this is the highway for the people under the sea? These small airships are equivalent to their cars? But are they too many?" Kissinger looked solemn, "Miss Quinn, what is the total population of the people under the sea?"

"I don't know the specific figures. I have only been to Zebel among the four major ocean countries. Zebel does not have such a big battle. It only has a capital of several hundred thousand people and a population of about a few million."

The "cars" of the people under the sea all have special lighting effects, like those flashy luminous computer hosts, which make the shuttles in the main line look like dirt.

"I'm thinking that we should build a 'flash spaceship' specifically to cope with the ocean environment." Hal Jordan touched his chin and stared at the colorful "undersea cars" outside, his expression a little embarrassed, "It seems that the people under the sea are looking at us. , eyes"

"You are overthinking. The people under the sea only have one pair of eyes, and they are all used to look at the nine-color glazed chariot. How can they notice us." The Flash complained.

“Well, even on the dazzling ‘Undersea Drive’, Harley’s nine-color glazed chariot is still the brightest one.

And, have you noticed?

Yebi seemed to have activated the 'breath' switch, and the sacred power was as majestic as the ocean, forcing nearby 'cars' to give way. "Superman pointed forward and said in a complicated tone.

"No jumping in line, number 17478!" Suddenly, a 'marine motorcycle' swam in front of the shuttle, and a sergeant wearing white porcelain armor shouted loudly.

"He's talking to us?" Hal raised his eyebrows.

"17478 is the 'access number' we received at the border checkpoint." Superman said.

"Hey, Atlantis patrol, we are with the woman riding the dog in front." Hal shouted to the public channel.

"The King of Paradise Mountain is a VIP. You don't have to queue up. You can enter the 'Royal VIP' channel directly. You are just ordinary tourists and must queue up." The Ocean Knight said sternly.

"We're her friends," Flash explained.

"You are the Justice League, I know you, and I will wait for you!"

At this moment, a giant screen was projected above the city wall that blocked the sky and almost illuminated the sea floor.

It is almost ten kilometers long and six kilometers wide.

Only one picture was projected on it: Harley riding a dog and entering the royal city in a leisurely manner.

"Welcome the God of War from Heaven, King of Heavenly Mountain, Admiral of the Galaxy, and Miss Harley Quinn to the Royal City of Atlantis!" The voice was loud but not harsh, a mellow bass.

"Bang bang bang bang!" Bundles of fireworks rose from the city wall, exploding a set of colorful letters: welcome!

"Dudududu, dong dong dong, da da da"

Then, two cavalry teams ran out from the royal city, lined up left and right, and played the musical instruments in their hands.

Even the 'Ocean Car' that was queuing up to enter the city opened its glass hatch, and the underwater man inside stood up straight, bent down and bowed.

Tens of thousands of "ocean cars" move in unison, which is very spectacular.

On the Zhenglian shuttle, Louise was dumbfounded, "Is this serious?"

The "Sea Motorcycle" knight outside has been guarding the Zhenglian Shuttle and has been opening the connection to the public channel. Hearing this, he said: "The God of War in Heaven and the King of Heaven certainly deserve to be treated like this."

"Hey, I am the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, and my status is no worse than hers."

Hal couldn't bear this kind of differential treatment and shouted loudly.

"The Green Lantern Commander doesn't have much reputation in the extraordinary world of the multiverse." Sea Knight said calmly.

After queuing for more than an hour, they finally entered the bizarre royal city. Before they had time to look around, they were told that the king's duel was about to begin and they were asked to enter immediately.

Rushing to the Ring of Fire Duel Arena, the heroes, Louise, General Lane, and Steve Trevor began to feel unbalanced again.

"At least give us a seat? Or, let us stand in the front row."

The duel arena, which can accommodate 200,000 people, was full and crowded, and the scene was very spectacular.

But 'Harry's ten friends' were taken to the highest and outermost aisle. Not only were they far away, they didn't even have seats.

There was also a circle of Undersea Guards surrounding it.

"There are no extra seats. Every seat in the arena belongs to a specific Atlantis warrior. Moreover, the atmosphere in the arena is hot. You are land people and are crowded among Atlantis residents. If there is a conflict, you will be in trouble. .”

There was only a group of soldiers in white porcelain armor accompanying them, and no big shot came to entertain them.

Louise pointed to a platform with a good view on the opposite side and shouted: "There is a lot of space there."

"That's the royal stand. No one can get close to it." The team leader said calmly.

"You mean, the four major kings are all there?" Louise's expression changed slightly.

She is also planning to conduct an exclusive interview with King Aum and King Nereus.

Now that no one can even see her, won't her preparations be in vain?

Oh, no, Lana Long is there!

After struggling for a moment, she whispered: "Superman, General Lane, let's go to the Royal Stand too."

General Lane pursed his lips in the direction of the squad leader, "He won't let me."

"We are no longer Harley Quinn's 'friends'." Louise gritted her teeth.

“If you don’t want to be friends, what are you going to do—ugh!”

General Lane understood.

Some readers are wondering why Aquaman's mother, Atlanna, is exiled even though she is the queen.

Isn't the Queen the biggest?

First of all, foreign kings are different from us. There should not be too many kings who are exiled or driven away.

Most of their thrones were not won by force, or they were "imported kings from abroad." For example, the British royal family was imported from Germany, and the former Tsarist Russia also liked to import kings from Germany.

More kings sleep out of it.

Since the nobles can choose you to be king, they can also drive you away.

Secondly, Atlanna was a queen, but she became a queen when she got married.

Do you still remember the Queen of Cintra in "The Witcher"?

She doesn't want to get married because she will lose the throne if she gets married. Well, her husband becomes the king and she becomes the queen.

Because she could not give birth to a boy, her husband, the king, planned to depose her and marry another wife. He became the king because he married her, but according to the laws of the kingdom, he could really depose her because at this time he He is the king.

Finally, the reason for the exile was not explained clearly in the "Aquaman" movie. She was exiled because she made a huge mistake.

No one is confused, why does Aquaman have a father, but King Orm has no mother or father?

Where is his king father?

Of course, Atlanna was not exiled in the comics, and exile is a new setting in the movie.

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