I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 814 The correct usage of Louise

"What do you mean?" Takehiko said angrily.

"What do I mean? I want to ask you what you mean!" Harley sneered again and again, "Susano-o didn't just slap his forehead and make the decision on his own. He asked your mother Izanami for advice.

Take a closer look at the signature above, 'Representative of the Neon God System, Takesuna Susano no Mikoto'.

This is my contract with your Neon God System.

Even if Susan is killed and silenced, you don't want to default on your debt. "

"Baga!" Xiongyan was furious and slammed the table. The nanmu table didn't have time to break and was burned to ashes in the raging flames.

Well, the neon hybrid was very emotional, and his body was covered with a layer of burning golden and red flames.

"Shit, this hellfire." Harley's expression changed drastically, and she said in shock: "Lucifer's hellfire! I understand, you are a hybrid between him and Izanami?!"

Satan's array of punishment has been hanging on her body for nearly ten years.

Once a week, there's hellfire roasting every time.

That was no ordinary hellfire, it came from the beaten path.

Almost every angel has its own power attribute. When Lucifer was still the 'morning star' in the Silver City, he was the representative of light.

Hell has only flames, no light. After falling into hell, the light turned into fire.

Therefore, He likes to use fire as a means of attack.

Therefore, even the Demon King cannot withstand the hellfire of the Punishment Formation.

Therefore, Harley, who had previously felt that Takehiko's appearance and aura were a bit strange, immediately confirmed his identity.

"Witch Harley, you dare to call me a 'bastard'." The flames on Xiongyan's body grew more and more, the roof was scorched, the metal lamps melted into liquid, and the marble floor also showed signs of melting.

Harley snorted coldly, came to him in a swish, ignored the flames with her palms, and pinched his neck directly, "Boom!"

Xiongyan punched a human-shaped hole in the wall, and Harley rushed him out of the living room and into the yard outside.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Takehiko is not a stupid person, he is madly throwing magic spells, punches and kicks at Harley.

"Boom boom!" Layers of thorny black vortexes emerged and were broken again. Attack after attack bounced on him, making him howl again and again.

"Boom!" Harley's arm was covered with yellow light energy to assist, and she slammed him to the ground. The ground shook several times, and a big crater was made on the cobblestone ground.

"Boy, don't say your father is just Lucifer. Even if he is God's cub, he is still like a dog to me."

He was still struggling, and she continued to pound him, just like the evil god of fire and cloud pounding Ah Xing.

“Bang bang bang”

On the balcony of the second floor, Yebi, who was reading "On Deng", raised his head, glanced outside the fence, then looked away and continued reading.

"King of Heaven Mountain, please show mercy!" A gentle and charming female voice came from far away from the sky, but as soon as it came over the manor, "Buzz——"

A beam of golden light nearly a hundred meters high rose from the ground of the manor, trapping visitors like a sparrow in a spider web.

It is the ‘Prisoning God Formation’ that has been improved many times.

If a spirit does not go through the main gate at the foot of the mountain and intends to force its way into Quinn Manor, it will be activated regardless of whether it comes from heaven or earth.

"Ah, King of Heavenly Mountain, I am Takehiko's sister, Amaterasu, and I don't mean any harm."

The person who came was emitting golden light that shone like the sun, struggling hard in the Prisoner's Formation, and at the same time, he also used his mind to transmit sounds to declare his harmlessness.

Harley glanced at it and canceled the prisoner formation.

Golden light suddenly fell in front of her, transforming into a small woman wearing a sun golden crown and a sun robe, with waist-length black hair spread loosely.

She is very beautiful, with delicate and small facial features, but her face is covered with a layer of white powder and her eyebrows are shaved, making her look like a geisha.

Dressing up weighs heavily on appearance ratings.

However, her aura is really powerful, at least at the Demon Lord level.

It is much stronger than Takehiko's 'High Duke level'.

"King of Heaven Mountain, no matter what Takehiko did wrong, please allow me to apologize to you on his behalf." Amaterasu bowed.

"Hmph, you were hiding on the edge just now. Did you want to sneak up on me and cooperate with this kid?" Harley said coldly.

"You misunderstood, we are just," Amaterasu said hesitantly and awkwardly, "We. To prevent us from worrying about us disappearing without a trace like Susana, we just left one of us standing guard outside. It was not to harm anyone, but It’s for self-protection.”

"Damn you Marseille!" She bowed twice in a row.

After all, Harley still has some conscience, and he can't help but feel a little embarrassed when he understands her reasons.

"As long as visitors enter through the main entrance, they will automatically receive the guest rights granted by me. This ancient tradition among the gods will never be violated by me, the God of War of Heaven Mountain.

After all, everything I do and say represents the face of God. "She said righteously.

Amaterasu looked down at her younger brother, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, and blood soaked in the soil under his head, and was silent for a while.

Harley let go of Xiongyan, clapped her hands without embarrassment, and said, "Your brother made the first move, and as a guest, he smashed the host's teacups, snacks, tables and chairs, and even burned the roof."

"Look, it's still smoking!" she pointed at the window.

"Death to you Marseille!" The Japanese girl could only bow again.

"Witch Harley, you insulted me first."

Xiongyan seemed to have walnuts in his mouth, and said vaguely.

"What did I scold you for?" Harley looked at Amaterasu, "Our Western tradition calls hybrids of demons and non-demons 'hybrid', even hybrids of angels are no exception." Bastard is a neutral word."

"Damn you Marseille!" Rinu bowed again and apologized.

Harley felt bored and waved her hand: "Take your brother away. I have already said what needs to be said. Susan called me 'Sister Harley' and we are old friends."

He is a direct debtor, and I hope he lives well more than any of you.

By the way, when you go back, tell the two god kings Izanagi and Izanami that this contract has been signed, and the interest of 5% per year is written in black and white. It is protected by the contract law and must be repaid no matter what. "

This time, the girl didn't say "Death to you Masai" or bow. She said with a serious look: "King of Heaven Mountain, please think about our Neon God System. Susana got nothing and even the person disappeared. Is it reasonable that we still have to pay a high price?”

Harley smiled and said, "If Susan brings the wings back to the Neon God System, is the price reasonable?"

Amaterasu hesitated for a moment and said, "But we didn't get the wings."

Harley said: “Before the auction started, I said that my strength is limited and I cannot provide guests with guest rights, nor can I provide guarantee and protection for the goods they purchase.

Moreover, the thief who stole the wings is the son-in-law of your neon god.

What does my own people robbing my own people have to do with me, the seller? "

Amaterasu's expression changed, and he didn't know how to answer.

"Do you know where my father is now?" Xiongyan couldn't help but ask.

"Ask me instead of asking your mother, but I can help you keep an eye on it."

Harley looked at him thoughtfully, "Susan wanted to get a wing at all costs that day, maybe it was for you? Others were worried about the side effects when they got wings, but you inherited the legacy from your father."

Then, she said doubtfully: "However, as the son of Lucifer and Izanami, your strength seems a bit weak."

Takehiko's magic power is at the level of the Duke of Hell, and his physique is similar to that of Aquaman. His normal state is 70+, and his burst can soar to 80+.

This level is not even as good as the son of the Third House, and is really not worthy of the status of 'son of Lucifer'.

"I'm still young and my potential has not yet been fully developed." Takehiko said with a blush.

"Young? Do you think you look mature, but you are actually only a teenager?"

"I-" Xiongyan's face turned redder and turned purple, and he lowered his head in shame.

"The King of Heaven Mountain became famous in the multiverse when he was more than ten years old, and he has become the God of War in Heaven before he was thirty. With such a growth rate, there is no other person except you, and Xiongyan naturally cannot compare. But he is indeed talented and his future achievements are inestimable."

Amaterasu patted her younger brother on the shoulder and said to Harley: "King of Heavenly Mountain, how about this. The contract signed by Susana will be locked up first. After finding the other person or confirming his life and death, we will discuss how to complete the contract."

Harley narrowed her eyes and looked at the two siblings. Amaterasu was very confident, and Takehiko raised his head again.

If there is no problem with the bloodline, the future is promising, but he has not grown up. She is curious, when and how was he born?

Harley had an inexplicable feeling in her heart that this hero was related to the restart of the universe.

"No, if you never find any news about him, wouldn't this contract be in vain? You can delay, and I can wait, but the interest must be calculated accurately every day, which is tens of thousands per day!"

"Eighty million is too much. After all, we didn't get wings. Since you gave God King Odin a discount, we should have the same treatment." Amaterasu hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth and raised three fingers, "Thirty million , fixed price.”

"You are so cruel, you cut 800 million to 30 million."

A look of longing appeared on Xiongyan's face, "If you can take your wings out of Silver City, it will be worth 800 million."

Amaterasu also looked at her expectantly.

"I can't do it. Once the wings are sold, they no longer belong to me."

Even if she could take out her wings, now that she saw Takehiko and knew that he could absorb the power of the wings 'without side effects', she would not be able to take the initiative to help the Neon God System increase its strength.

"Let's do this. The price is 100 million, and the interest will be calculated from this moment on." She suggested.

After that, the three of them kept bargaining, and the two neon gods even had dinner at the manor, and finally determined a new loan contract with a total value of 66.66 million.

Harley gave the Neon people two years to search for Susanna, and whether they found Susan or not, interest would start accruing immediately after two years.

"By the way, the Neon people secretly discharged nuclear wastewater into the ocean. The Atlanteans were furious and planned to go to war with the land people. As the Lord of Neon, should you take care of it?" Before Amaterasu left, Harley said said.

Amaterasu glanced at her and said in a stiff tone: "Now the official worship of Neon is God, and some people among the people still worship the 'Martial God King'. Only some ancient families still worship us."

"Uh, really." Harry touched his nose awkwardly and sent the two of them down the mountain.

When she got home, she wanted to go to Dr. Destiny and ask him about Takehiko.

The Tower of Destiny monitors the earth, and nothing can be hidden from him.

But then, she remembered the last conflict with Naboo.

After going to Xanadu's house to make a cup of tea and saving the country, Harley dialed Dachao's number again.

She dialed the apartment's landline on purpose.

As expected, it was Louise who answered.

"He hasn't come back yet, what happened?"

There are also babies crying over there.

Harley talked about the people under the sea, ocean pollution, neon secretly dumping nuclear wastewater, and the perfunctory attitude of the White House.

"When Kent comes back, you have to tell him about this and let Zhenglian handle it. I am the mediator and will not interfere in the conflict on land and sea."

The next morning, Louise flew to Neon Fukushima.

On the third day, Louise, wearing thick protective clothing, sneaked into the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and photographed a large amount of evidence of the neon people's illegal handling of nuclear pollution.

She was discovered that night and took out her press pass, but it was useless; she called the embassy and was immediately released.

On the fourth day, when the taxi she was taking went to the airport, she encountered a car accident. Supermarket arrived in one second and rescued her.

On the fifth day, the Daily Planet let the people of the world know what the Neon Man had done.

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