I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 84 Come to America and eat chicken today

Reporters are a group of strange creatures. When an accident occurs, they often rush faster and more bravely than the GCPD.

A simple shooting case may only attract a few trainee reporters, and they can only watch the fire from a distance with their voice recorders.

After the news is posted, the editor may not accept it. After all, this is Gotham, and street shootouts happen every day. The audience is more numb to watching it than watching the weather forecast.

But this time it was different. Almost all GCPD personnel were deployed, and they were still operating secretly. The chief was able to tip off Prica because Falcone had invested money in him, and almost all the major media in Gotham were also in the police station. "Intelligence agents" were bribed.

Business is business, gcpd takes money to do things, and it won't do things without giving money.

Where the money comes from, they don't care.

Therefore, five minutes after the explosion at Harley's house, several helicopters painted with TV station logos came over Bali Street.

"Hot news, the Witch Harley, who has never appeared in public, finally appears!" On the helicopter, the female reporter from Gotham Gazette said with excitement in her voice.

"Look, everyone, that's Witch Harley - zoom in and take a close-up - holy shit, she runs so fast, like a strong little mare!

Oops, a policeman is shooting at her, without warning, he shoots immediately when he sees someone!

She got shot, ah-ah, she didn't do anything, ah, look at this cool cape, is it Kairav?

I'm also wearing a Kairav ​​vest now - ah, ah, be careful, she pulled out her gun, and shot a gcpd in the head with one shot, so fierce - fight mosaic! "

"Wow, Harley is so cool! Look at her wearing windproof glasses, the hem of her cape fluttering in the wind like a flag, standing in the middle of the street, holding guns in both hands, just like Keanu Reeves in "The Matrix", big Open wide and close, do not dodge or avoid, open the bow left or right."

In a luxurious villa on the Upper East Side, busty Dotty held Emma's hand, touching and dancing, her cheeks flushed with excitement, and her eyes filled with spring water.

Emma also watched intently, "It's very cool, it's like filming a movie, she is the protagonist, suppressing the gcpds alone and beating them up."

I never knew her shooting skills were so good. Look at her movement of changing the magazine with one hand, so smooth and elegant. "

"Hey, what's weird about this? Harley is a real sports genius. If you learn any sport in three days, you can compete in the Olympics in three months!" Dotty looked like a little girl.

The blond Serena frowned and said: "Why didn't she run away? The body armor cannot hold an automatic rifle, not to mention the GCPD's powerful rifle.

Even if Kairav ​​can block the bullet, the powerful kinetic impact will break bones and damage internal organs.

She would not fail to understand this, as the teacher had emphasized it many times in the 'Terrorist Attack Safety Class'. "

"She's probably high, her head is hot, and she only has one thought left: kill, kill, kill." Emma guessed.

"No, others will take it. She has always been very calm when facing big things." Serena shook her head and said: "Looking at her reaction after the match-fixing was exposed and her father shot Wayne, she was so calm that it was scary."

At this moment, Harley felt like she was playing "Need for Speed" in her previous life.

In "bounty mode", she was frantically surrounded by dozens of police cars. No matter where she went, there were GCPDs surrounding her.

Just after getting rid of the GCPD in this alley, there was a GCPD at the end of another alley shouting "The witch is here, call the main station, the XX team found the witch in area XX, over".

What could Harley do?

You can't get out without shooting back, and the opponent can hold a spray gun!

If you keep carrying it hard, you won't be able to bear it.

After shooting several GCPD heads, Harley had a realization: if she killed the police detectives in public, she would have no chance of turning back.

Well, she had anticipated today, and even went out of her way to familiarize herself with the terrain of the nearby alleys just for today.

A few months ago, when she had not been wandering in Gotham and had not seen the real world under the light, she would have been restless and then run away like a frightened rabbit.

Now that she has even seen demons and knows what gcpd is, she has naturally changed her mentality.

She couldn't run away with her head covered.

First of all, the enemy's warning circle is arranged in a very hierarchical manner. A random rush can only be like a fish caught in a fishing net. It seems to be struggling fiercely, but in fact it is a useless effort.

In addition, it is still dark and it is difficult to escape, so it is better to take the opportunity to upgrade. When she reaches level 20, her defense will undergo a qualitative change again, and ordinary caliber pistols will not be able to cause fatal damage to her.

Finally, Harley was really offended this time. The GCPD was too ungrateful.

Since Bruce took out the recording and formed a luxurious legal team for her, the prosecutor's warrant against her was revoked.

The legal team representing her also filed a complaint with the prosecutor against atrocities committed by the Crusaders and St. John's Monastery.

Therefore, she is the plaintiff.

Crusader is the defendant, the suspect. In terms of legal proceedings, it is still being investigated by the police task force.

But what's the result?

Now the GCPD is helping the defendant to beat the accuser, and they are doing so in an upright manner.

Chang Wei is not as arrogant as them.

They dared to be so unscrupulous because she looked like an ordinary Gothamite before - an ant that could be easily crushed.

She must make the leaders of the GCPD and Gotham government understand today: The Crusaders can bring you benefits, and I also have the ability to send you all to hell. Money or life, it’s your choice!

"I am an exorcist nun. I have always wanted to exorcise demons, but I didn't realize that the devil is in the world, wearing human skin. Now, I have decided to become a real exorcist!!"

At the corner of the alley, Harley was leaning against the wall while loading the rifle and shouting with firm eyes.

In the alley at the other end of the corner, four GCPD armed with live ammunition were arranged in an attack formation, bending down and moving forward carefully.

"In the name of the Holy Father, drive out evil spirits!"

Suddenly, "Witch" Harley shouted, turned around and stood at the entrance of the alley, and shot a GCPD in the face.

"Ta-ta-ta-ta!" The other three agents opened fire wildly.

Just like the finale of "Shanghai Beach", Xu Wenqiang and Harry opened the hotel door while telling Ding Li that he would take Cheng Cheng to France, and his body was shaking like chaff.

However, Xu Wenqiang fell, but Harley didn't even change his movements. He continued to pull the bolt of the gun, inserted a bullet into it, and continued to walk forward, shouting: "In the name of Christ Jesus, the evil spirit retreats!" "

"Bang!!" A GCPD was shot away with one shot.

"Bang bang bang!" Her body shook again.

"Oh, No, Tim was shot in the head." A gcpd shouted in horror, then turned around and ran away.

"Duncan, come back!" The remaining gcpd were shocked and angry.

“In the name of James Madison, the father of the American Constitution, liberty, equality, democracy, evil exorcism—ah!”

Harley screamed too happily and was shot in the mouth, and her head was hit slightly backward.

However, she was wearing a Kairav ​​mask, and there were no lacerations. She only had the smell of blood in her mouth, the skin was probably broken, and her teeth were a little loose.

"Gudong, Gudong." After receiving this blow, a big bubble popped up in the experience tank in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Finally, after taking so many shots, she upgraded to level 19, with 19 points of defense. Some of her loose teeth seemed to be itching.

Well, she was level seventeen and a half after the "Alley Shooting Incident". Later, I watched the show in Bloody Paradise and boxed with the black coaches. It took nearly a month to barely reach level 18.

"Bang!!!" After the third shot, there was only one person left on the opposite side.

"Bang bang bang - click" the guy emptied the magazine again.

"Devil, witch, you are really a witch!" He was sweating coldly, his eyes were wild, he threw away his pistol and yelled randomly.

The owl glasses obscured Harley's expression, but made her look even more cold.

"Click!" She pulled the gun bolt smoothly without any hesitation.

He collapsed, knelt on the ground and wailed: "James Madison clearly stated in the Constitution that police officers cannot be killed.

And I'm John Flamenco, do you know me?

An assistant superintendent, with a higher position than the chief, is almost the second-in-command of the old city police department. "


He fell to the ground, clutching his heart with horror on his face.

The GCPD all wore bulletproof vests, but they were completely unable to defend themselves against rifles fired at close range.

"James Madison is a fool. If he dares to crawl out of hell, I will blow his head off." Harley said calmly.

"But you just..." The GCPD's eyes were dim, and he was on his deathbed.

Harley pulled up her mask, spat on the ground with bloody saliva, and cursed: "Shit! You GCPD shout the slogan 'defend justice and protect the people' every day."

Your director has been shouting on the TV station every now and then that he will never abuse force and never accept bribes.

Your mayor also campaigned on a campaign slogan of "protecting the people of Gotham."

Your president chanted the slogan "yes, America Can" to the whole world (in the special circumstances of 911, the United States can protect its own people).

If you don’t believe in the slogans you shout, why should you believe in my slogans? "

This makes sense. Assistant Superintendent Flamingo vomited a mouthful of blood and refused to rest in silence.

Harley didn't stop, and didn't even dare to stay in one place for too long.

Putting a high-protein energy bar into her mouth, she ran slowly against the wall while recovering blood.

"Buzzing buzzing" police helicopters passed over the alleys between houses, casting a heavy shadow on Harley's heart.

The GCPD was completely upset. They had prepared a police helicopter long ago. After they failed to block her door, they arranged snipers on the helicopter to give her a fatal blow when they found the right opportunity.

Taking a deep breath, Harley took out a "fly" and flicked it with one finger.

"Buzz!" The finger-sized micro-reconnaissance plane was really like a fly, flying only over the narrow alley that looked like a sliver of sky.

After reaching the rooftop, it stopped at a location with a wide view.

"Buzz buzz--" The GCPD helicopter circled again.

It was no more than ten meters away from the roof, and the strong wind almost blew the "little fly" away.

The camera in front of Harley's eyes shook violently.

"As expected, they locked my location. Fortunately this is Gotham and not Iraq, otherwise it would be more than just a sniper."

No matter how rampant the GCPD is, they would never dare to use RPGs or airborne missiles in the densely built residential areas of Gotham City.

For a big sniper, the shooting position requirements are too high. There is an alley less than two meters wide sandwiched between a five-story house. How to shoot?

It was waiting for Harley to burst into the street.

Harley also had to rush, otherwise when the GCPD behind her blocked the escape route and the police car entered the street, she would really become a turtle in the jar.

"Buzz buzz-"

The helicopter completed another circle overhead.

"OK, that's the rhythm!" For a moment, Harley simulated the helicopter's circling trajectory in her mind.

She rushed out in one step and came to the center of the street. She said "Ah hey", raised her right arm and leaned back, with her left foot in front and her right foot behind, like a strong bow with its strings drawn round.

"The witch has appeared. She is at No. 38 Wenbeck Street. Oh my god, what is she doing?" As soon as Harley appeared, a camera immediately captured it, and then the live broadcast reporters yelled.

"Holy shit! No way!" Afu, who was watching the live broadcast with the young master in Wayne Manor, widened his eyes, looked at the small black dot that arced into the sky, and said in a voiceless voice: "If you are going to suffer, avoid it quickly, it's - —”


Seeing the helicopter falling like a ball of fire, the young master's eyes widened and his jaw almost fell off.

"This unscientific!"

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