I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 83 Fire in the hole

"I should have killed Jim Gordon, but I am also a man of my word. I promised Harvey, so I naturally refused to break my promise.

After all, they are just two little police detectives, rubbish that can be bought with a few hundred dollars and solved with two bullets. It is not worth losing my credibility for them. "

Even though he knew that Gordon was the only son of an "old friend", Archbishop Marvin's tone was still so dismissive and casual.

"Have you admitted what happened in the monastery?" Falcone smiled.

"Hi!" The archbishop waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "This matter will only confuse the common people who long for rulers and faith to protect their justice.

In Gotham's top circles, who can you hide from?

The business of St. John's Monastery covers the entire upper class of Gotham! "

"I used to think that the affairs of the monastery only belong to the monastery. You are simply protecting the reputation of the church, but you are not involved in it.

Now, you're making me sick! "The Roman frowned and took two steps back, as if he was moving away from a smelly piece of dog shit.

Marvin was stunned for a moment, then forced a smile and said: "Being honest is also a form of respect for you, right?"

——You old bastard who has done all kinds of bad things, dare to laugh at me? Sooner or later, I will be in heaven holding a glass of wine while I look down on you being tortured in hell.

"Honest? Huh!" The Roman sneered again and again, "You must be scolding me in your heart now - the evil leader of the Black State, how dare you look down on the archbishop.

Since the first time I helped Italians ‘solve trouble’ when I was 13 years old, more than half a century has passed, and I have never been in the business of harming children or selling Du Ping.

I have a bottom line as a gangster, but you have no bottom line.

I'm so lucky that you rejected me back then. "

Marvin couldn't stand it anymore.

Just when they were embarrassed, the gunman in black suit who had left before arrived with the bald Sass.

The Roman looked calm, explained the matter, and then asked: "Is she one of ours?"

Sass shook his head, "He is someone who is willing to make friends with us."

"That's it." The Roman closed his eyes and tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers.

"Dong dong dong" After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked at Archbishop Marvin sharply, "You have to be honest with me - how far you are willing to go for that girl."

"At any cost." The Archbishop said without hesitation.

The Roman sighed softly, "I'm not very familiar with the Holy Advent Crusade."

"Look at the attitude of the US government, and you will understand how powerful they are."

"Them? I thought it was 'us'." The Roman asked strangely.

"I belong to the Holy See, but there is only one heaven and one God."

"I'm curious, why does the U.S. government keep letting you do whatever you want?" Falcone asked.

“Quite simply, we proved – we truly represent the Lord!”

Falcone waved his hand, "You can go, I won't help you with the witch's affairs, nor will I stop you."

"Thank you!" Archbishop Marvin left with satisfaction.

After a long time, Sass frowned and said, "What if she is one of ours?"

Falcone said slowly: "Sixty years ago, Bisi, me, Genovese, Scolot and Luciano formed an alliance.

Luciano is the most cunning and vicious, he is the boss.

Under his leadership, we grew from a small gangster with nothing to the largest black family on the east coast.

Not only did he rule the underground world of Gotham, but he also expanded his business to important American cities such as Chicago, Metropolis, Central City, and Star City.

At that time it was the Luciano family, the Luciano empire.

But Luciano himself had very bad habits and was lustful!

It's okay if he likes to play with women, but he also likes to tell family secrets to the women who accompany him for fun.

Maybe to show off?

I don't understand, but I tried to persuade him many times, but he just didn't listen.

Finally, Gotham has a prosecutor who wants to climb to the presidency and win the friendship of the Wayne family.

We dare not touch him.

Not only did he not compromise with us, he also made a name for himself by attacking the black states.

Through Luciano's skilled maiden, he got hold of the family."

After about three minutes of silence, the old man sighed and said: "No one can affect the family business, not even the boss.

We kicked him out and let him live out the rest of his life in Italy.

Later, Scott was no longer willing to provide monthly payments to the family unless he was made the boss.

Well, Scott's status in the family is similar to yours. He can fight and kill, but he doesn't have a very bright mind. "

Sass, whose head was reflecting, pursed his lips and said nothing.

The old man continued: "The three of us took turns to persuade him several times, presenting the facts and reasoning. His wisdom and charm are not enough to lead the family.

But he didn't listen and even threatened us with a gun during the family meeting.

Then we sent him away too.

This time it wasn't Italy, he went to hell.

Later, when I became the boss, Bisi took our money to go west to develop Hollywood, and he became the King of Hollywood.

At the celebration party, we rode all the beautiful stars on the screen. "

"It was really a beautiful era worth remembering!" The old man said slowly, "Bisi is very ambitious and wants to build a purer entertainment city that belongs only to us.

I thought he had a lot of ideas, so I went out of my way to raise money on him like crazy.

He has lived up to my trust. Today's Las Vegas, the Las Vegas that once belonged to us, is the foundation he laid.

Bisi did not live to see the completion of Las Vegas because his celebrity girlfriend took away a large amount of our money and ran away to Europe.

I know he is also a victim, but business is business and we can only send him away. "

The old man looked at the unhappy bald boy, "Do you understand now? We are businessmen!

I have asked about the price just now. Harley Quinn is too expensive. We may be able to afford it, but it is not cost-effective! "

Sass wanted to ask: Boss, do you also have a price?

But he respected his boss very much and did not want to speak arrogantly. He only said tactfully: "The people of the Celestial Dynasty seem to be different from us. They worship a god named Guan Yu, who values ​​righteousness and despises profit."

The old man nodded and said with a smile: "So I have many friends in Hong Kong. If I treat them well, they will be loyal to me."

Then, the old man sighed softly and said: "But our culture is different from theirs. I was betrayed twice by my most trusted bodyguard and fell into fatal crisis.

My brother was drunk and was taken to my enemy's house by his driver, where he died in mysterious circumstances.

My eldest son took his pregnant wife back to his hometown in Italy for vacation, and his personal bodyguard put a bomb under the chassis of his car for a mere $20,000."

The old man pressed his eyebrows tiredly and said with a wry smile: "Just now, you keep asking me why I don't go to full-scale war with Maroni.

Let me tell you, both Fish (Sister Fish) and Nicola (the loan shark whom Harley's father asked him to borrow money from) betrayed me. They wanted my position, and I don't know how many family elders were persuaded by them.

If the family is not stable internally, how can it deal with the outside world in a unified manner? "

"Boss, are you sure? Fish and Nicola have the worst relationship in the family, and they are tit-for-tat every time they meet." Sass asked doubtfully.

"Huh, it's just acting in front of others. Everyone knows that the two of them are incompatible, so naturally no one doubts that they will collude.

But it’s not surprising that a man and a woman are natural allies.

Fish is smart, but Nickla is bold enough to fight but has no brains. Most likely Fish is taking advantage of him. "

"I'm going to get rid of them!" Saas was very straightforward and walked away.

"Come back!" The Roman called him, with obvious satisfaction in his eyes, but said lightly: "The battle for Arkham with Maroni has entered a fierce stage. At this time, kill the two elders of the family. Isn’t it self-disruption?

Moreover, I watched Fish grow up, and her achievements today are all due to my cultivation yesterday. Even she betrayed me. If I kill her, what difference would it make if it were someone else?

In a few days, you can accompany me to the Fish Bone Bar (Sister Yu’s old lair), kill the chickens and scare the monkeys, and beat her a few times to make her settle down for a while. "

Saas is silent.

Falcone felt a little tired after talking so much, so he sat in the sun room and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

The sudden arrival of a cell phone ringtone stirred ripples in the quiet room.

Before Sasi stood up and left, the old man said calmly: "Just answer the call here, it must be from Bali Street."

"Hey, I understand. Don't worry about anything. Wait for me in Bloody Heaven."

"There was an accident? It was very noisy over there, and there were men moaning and groaning in pain." Falcone asked.

"Diane - Harley Quinn has escaped from the apartment building." Sass said with a smile.

"Oh, how did she do it? Marvin even came to my house in person to 'make friends', which shows their determination.

The little girl must have faced a thunderous blow, so why could she escape? "The old man said doubtfully.

"Harry was very alert and did not break through from the front at all. Instead, he passed through the window of a house on the first floor and jumped lightly behind the encirclement."

"Escape so easily?" Falcone frowned.

He has no ill feelings towards the Crusaders or Harley, but they have been making such a fuss in Gotham and constantly displaying their strong presence - even the death of several congressmen did not make the headlines. Will the people of Gotham form an illusion? : The old Kamai is in silence, but new forces are rising?

Therefore, he dislikes chaos.

Well, as the leader of Gotham's gangsters, Falcone is the one who hopes for harmony and peace in Gotham the most.

It is not difficult to understand. Anyone standing at the top of the social pyramid does not want major changes in social class. It is best to be completely "Indianized".

It has nothing to do with profession, it is just the instinct of a class - the ruling class.

"BOSS, there is her live news on TV."

At this time, a family member shouted in the living room.

"What does live streaming mean?" Old Kamai asked curiously.

"Witch Harley fought with the GCPD on the street. The two sides fought back and forth. The fight was so fierce." The man said while turning up the volume on the TV.

"Bang bang bang-bang bang bang-bang!"

"Fire in the hole!"


"Ah ah ah, I got shot, shit!"

"Call for rescue, call for rescue, Team 3 is requesting support."

The old Falcone's expression froze and he asked numbly: "Billa, are you playing the battle video of the US invasion of Iraq a few years ago?"

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