I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 795 Earn a lot of experience and make a fortune

"Since the God King is well-informed and has eyes like a torch, you should know that I have met the Voice of Heaven many times and even God himself. We had a great conversation and a deep friendship. He admires me as a person and I respect him as 'boss' .

If I really did something contrary to my morality and oath, why didn’t God punish me? "Harry asked confidently.

——Because God is partial!

Odin said calmly: "No matter what you say, I will not trust you or hand over the source of my divine power to you."

"Brother God King, I think you are a bit pretentious." Harley said.

"What did you say?" Odin's one-eyed gaze was sharp.

"I already have Lucifer's wings, so I'm still greedy for your origin?"

Odin was stunned and speechless.

"Dong dong." Loki tapped his fingers on the table a few times. After catching Harley's gaze, he said, "You just asked us to use our power to exchange wings with you."

Harley explained: "Power is not only the source of divine power, but can be anything that can enhance strength, such as heavenly materials and earthly treasures, artifacts and techniques, knowledge and unique skills."

Odin was silent for a moment and said: "Lucifer's fallen wings only make sense if you get the key to hell. Witch Harley, I must see the King of Dreams first. After completing the deal with him, I will come and talk to you."

"Even if you don't have the Key to Hell and get the Wings of Fall, you can still become one of the Satans in Hell." Harley wondered.

Loki laughed strangely and said: "What does 'Satan' mean to the God-King? Only poor people without houses can dream of moving into a big house of 97 square meters. The God-King already lives in a big villa!"

Harley nodded thoughtfully, "OK, I'll take you to see Brother Morpheus."

The Demon of the Three Palaces threw himself into hell, and he could also assume the identity of the 'first demon king under Lucifer'. Harley was not sure whether Odin was as strong as the Demon of the Three Palaces, but Odin's family had a great cause, and his background would definitely exceed that of the Three Palaces.

If he led the Nordic gods to surrender to hell, he would definitely be no worse than Sangong.

But Odin didn't go to hell.

Wouldn't it be nice for Him to be a great king in heaven, free from restraints, and one person alone?

Morpheus is next door.

Harley was in the outer room, and he was in the inner room.

"Rune Lord."

Morpheus used a title that surprised Harley.

"I'll be honest with you, the Key to Hell is a hot potato for me.

I don't know what to do with hell at all.

Moreover, hell is closed, and countless undead and demons are rampant in the world, disrupting the normal order of the universe. This matter also needs to be solved urgently.

So, let’s get straight to the point, don’t waste time, you want the key, please convince me with a reason. "

Odin hesitated for a moment and glanced at Loki.

Loki's face was full of bitterness, his eyes were even red and moist, and his tone was sad and plaintive, "Mr. Meng, we have no ambition to rule anyone, or to claim kingship or start a war.

We want to go to hell for one reason only - to survive. "

Odin was stunned.

Morpheus was slightly moved.

Harley's eyes were wary.

——Same kind is found, the alarm sounds!

"This is my blood alliance brother, God King Odin." Loki pointed to the brother next to him and said bitterly: "You should be familiar with him. He is a brave god, fearless, heroic and good at fighting, but he is also against One thing to be afraid of.”

Morpheus's heart moved and he whispered: "Twilight of the Gods?"

Loki nodded heavily, "Although my brother vehemently denies it to the outside world, just like a strong man denying pain. The fact is that he has been worried about this matter over the years and has made many arrangements.

He is not afraid of death, only worried about the darkness and cold winter falling on his people.

It’s a matter of life and death for millions of Asirs!

So, we need the key to hell. So, we come to your palace and make our request to you face to face. "

"This" Morpheus frowned.

Odin's one eye showed anticipation.

"Ahem, brother, I can't comment on the matter of the Asa Protoss, but when it comes to bidding, you have to at least listen to other people's bids. Maybe there are worse ones?" Harley suddenly interjected.

Odin's eyes were sharp and he stared at her.

Loki frowned, secretly complaining that he had made a mistake. He should have handed over the "personnel fee" first and got rid of the "kid".

"Well, that makes sense." Morpheus nodded slightly and said to Odin: "I understand what you mean. You can go back to the hall to enjoy the feast I provided for you, or you can go back to your room to rest.

How about I announce the results tomorrow after I meet the others? "

Odin turned his right hand and took out a transparent glass ball as big as a baby's head.

“In order to cope with Ragnarok, I created a world that exists in my mind, which is the Hall of Valhalla ‘Varahar’ in mortal legend.

In this world, I created one mini-Twilight of the Gods after another.

I want to find a solution to Ragnarok through evolutionary deduction.

For millions of years, the 'final battle' I worried about has been repeated countless times. The battle inside is day and night, never-ending.

I don’t know when, the souls of some mortal heroes also entered it. They still sided with my Asa clan, and I generously gave them the wine, beauty and glory they wanted.

In short, now it has become a warrior's paradise and the hometown of heroes.

In the process of observing Valahar day after day, I learned a lot, including combat skills, human thinking, path exploration, and law research."

Harley's eyes were shining, and tears of excitement almost appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Odin handed the crystal ball to Morpheus and said solemnly: "King of Dreams, if you hand over the key to hell to me, it means that the Ragnarok that threatens the Asa clan has been resolved.

This warrior's paradise world is naturally useless.

I would like to give it to you.

With it, you can train countless warriors and even gods of war. "

"I understand." Morpheus looked calm and only nodded slightly, not taking Valahar greedily.

"I will inform you all of my decision tomorrow and our talks have now concluded."

Odin pursed his lips, with suppressed anger still hidden in his gloomy expression. He stiffly retracted his right hand holding the crystal ball, turned his head and left silently with Loki.

"Hey, wait, brother Odin, please wait!"

Harley also walked out of the Sandman's guest room, ran to Odin in small steps, and said with a smile: "I am willing to make a deal with my brother now, and exchange the wings of Lucifer for Valahar."

"No change." Odin said calmly.


"Don't call me 'brother', we are not that close." Odin said coldly.

"Okay, you are the BOSS of the Asgard, how about I call you 'Boss Ao'?" Harley said.

The muscles in Odin's rough old face twitched.

Without waiting for him to speak, Harley immediately added: "After all, you are a god-king. It would be too disrespectful to call you 'Odin' directly."

Odin walked out silently.

Harley grabbed His sleeve and whispered: "Send Valahar to me, and I will help you convince my brother Mo."

Odin stopped and asked, "Promise me to get the key to hell?"

Harley shook her head, "I'll do my best."

Odin said nothing and walked away.

Harley shouted from behind: "Boss Ao, please leave your contact information. If things change, we can communicate at any time!"

Odin still didn't look back, but Loki, who had a fairy hairstyle, quietly winked at her before walking out of the room.

Harley didn't look at him, "Odin is such an old man, it's really hard to communicate - eh!"

As soon as she returned to her seat, she glanced at it and caught a glimpse of a pale golden rune appearing on the surface of the red lacquered wooden table.

It was almost transparent at first, but now it gradually emits a golden light, getting brighter and more obvious.

Harley couldn't help but use a ray of spiritual power to sense its effect.

"Buzz--" The next moment, her sea of ​​​​consciousness shone brightly, and she quickly condensed the same rune.

The golden runes on the table disappeared instantly.

"What is this?!" Harley was surprised. Just as she was about to activate her defense expertise and break it into pieces, a familiar aura stopped her from doing anything else.

It is the mental fluctuation of Loki, the father of the giant wolf.

Although no information has been transmitted, there is no doubt that it is him.

Then, Harley recalled that when she first came in, Loki gently tapped that spot on the table with his finger.

"That guy wants to 'collude' with me. This is a communication rune." Harley thought thoughtfully.

"Dong dong dong" The door was knocked by the second visitor, and Harry regained his thoughts and said, "Please come in."

The visitor is the second person to pass her test and enter the hall, Belial, the King of Lies.

His body is made up of thousands of faces, and he is also called the King of Thousand Faces.

"Witch Harley, hey hey hey."

"Don't laugh, your voice is ugly." Harley Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, her eyes disgusted, "What price are you going to pay for Lucifer's wings?"

"Give me your wings and I will give up my revenge on you." The King of Lies said sadly.

Harry pointed to the door in the back room, "Push the door open and go in. The Lord of Dreams is inside."

"What do you mean?" the King of Lies said coldly.

"The meaning is simple, I am not satisfied with your offer."

"Then what do you want?"

"Give me half of your origin, and I will steal your magic power and snatch your essence." Harley said openly.

The King of Lies glared at her with a thousand eyes and quickly floated into the inner room.

Harley thought for a while, opened the door, stuck her little head in and listened for a while.

As expected, Belial trades Nada's soul for the key.

Morpheus looked calm and asked him to leave first and announce the result tomorrow.

The third visitor is Neon Thor.

As soon as he entered the door, he met Harry's eyes with a meaningful smile.

After standing at the door and squirming for a few times, Neon Thor silently stepped forward, took out a ribcage from his waist, placed it on the table, bowed again, and prepared to enter the inner room.

"Dong dong!" Harley knocked on the table twice, frowned and said, "That's it?"

"Isn't this enough?"

"Susa, let me help you think about it." Harley supported her chin with her hand and said with a strange smile: "Outside the palace gate, you turned into thunder and came towards me, but your leg was kicked off.

If nothing happens, you will be defeated by me and lose the opportunity to participate in the auction——"

Susano'o interrupted her excitedly and said: "No, you just have the upper hand. I will definitely be able to make a comeback."

Harley was noncommittal and just continued to laugh: "Anyway, after I kicked one of your legs off, I didn't kill you all. Instead, I quietly sent a message to give you a chance.

An opportunity for you to easily defeat me and thereby appear holy before God.

In return, you have to deliver corresponding rewards - treasures worth half a million heavenly merits.

You swore by your old mother's name.

But now you want to fool me with a broken rib, are you going to be an unfaithful, unfaithful, treacherous little person, a little god, a little man-god? "

Susanoo's cheeks turned red and white. He suppressed his anger and roared: "This rib is a high-level artifact. My favorite sword is definitely worth more than 500,000 heavenly merits."

Harley held up the big cross on her chest and shook it towards Him, "I asked the voice of the sky, and the recycling price is only 30,000 merit."

"It can't be calculated like this. Your treasure will be devalued by 99% in my Neon God System because it is of no use to me. It depends on its price in the market."

Harry rolled his eyes twice and said, "I heard that you have a 'Ten Fist Sword'?"

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