I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 791 Odin’s Ambition

Loki's cheeks, which were pitted and tattered by the poison, forced out a twisted sneer, "What else do we have to talk about?"

"We are blood brothers, and I can only rely on you for some things." Odin said.

"Haha, yes, we are sworn brothers. At that time, we mixed our blood and swore together in front of the bones of the giant Ymir - we will always be brothers and never enjoy the mead alone.

How about you come over and lie side by side with me for two days?

We brothers have wine to share, and we share the burden of difficulties! Loki sneered.

"Loki, the father of the giant wolf, the god of trickery, you should understand the reason why you are treated like this - you killed my son Baldr.

If it was just a personal grudge, I would have forgiven you long ago based on our long-standing brotherhood.

But you are not only my enemy.

If you are free, you will be a threat to our entire Æsir clan. "Odin sighed.

Loki stared at his bloody eyes that had lost their eyelids and cursed: "Shit, if I could threaten you, how could I end up in such a miserable ending?

Trapped in this dark underground cave by his own son's intestines.

The venom of poisonous snakes falls every moment, eroding my skin and flesh, dissolving my strength, making me miserable and weak.

This state has lasted for thousands of years. "

A gloomy look flashed through Odin's one eye, and he said bitterly: "I don't want to either, but when I imprisoned you in this cave, the fate of the Asa clan was written into the prophecy.

The prophecy says that Loki will be imprisoned until Ragnarok, when you will break your bonds and fight Heimdall to the death, and both will die.

Then, the winter of Fimbul comes, the whole world will be frozen, giant wolves will devour the sun and moon, and giants will ride on huge ships made of dead men's nails to launch a final war against the gods."

"I don't want you to die, nor do I want the Asa clan to disappear in the cataclysm. So, I locked you in the cave under the fairy palace, and let the poison of the poisonous snakes make you continue to be weak.

As long as you remain weak, you cannot break free.

If you can't break free, Ragnarok won't be triggered. "

Loki sneered and said: "Asgard has been integrated into the 'heaven realm', the power of the gods has also faded from the world, the sun and moon no longer even belong to the gods. Do you still think this prophecy is true?"

"Why isn't it true?" Odin frowned and said, "You are the smartest, most cunning, and most vicious god in our pantheon. You are the only god who can rival the witch Harley in terms of deceit. Why don't you understand that 'the destiny is fixed and cannot be changed'?" 'The truth?

Even if you don't believe the revelation I got from the World Tree, the goddess of destiny also said the same thing. All the gods have feelings when they hear the prophecies. Why is your sensitivity so poor? "

"Ouch!!" Loki seemed to be stimulated by something, struggled to lift his body, and let out an angry roar, "Odin, you actually humiliate me like this!"

"Why should I humiliate you?" Odin was confused.

"You are implying that I am not as cunning and vicious as Witch Harley. I understand that during the years I was imprisoned, you lived so smoothly that you have forgotten the life I messed up and the life I made fun of." Loki gritted his teeth.

"This." Odin touched his nose, but he didn't expect the old brother to be struggling with this.

He hesitated and said: "Loki, you are still the god of lies and tricks. No one can compete with you for this priesthood. Witch Harley is the god of war in heaven. But..."

After a pause, the one-eyed king considered his words in his mind and said: "You seduced the goddess of youth Istool, you cut off the blond hair of Thor's wife Sif, and you killed my eldest son Baldur.

Your achievements are limited to our Asa divine system, not as good as her to enjoy the multiverse.

Your sins are so heinous that you are not as good as the witch who kills gods like hemp.

She killed Sannomiya!

She trapped the Demon King Mammon, along with countless God-Kings and Demon Kings, into the Origin Wall, and she defrauded the Anti-Monitor of half of the multiverse's energy.

She also played tricks on ghosts and anti-monitors in the place where time originated, and in the reboot she offended all the gods and demons in the universe that she could offend.

She doesn’t even spare her own members of the Heavenly Gods, including Gabriel, Ghost, Uriel, and Raphael.”

Loki's mouth opened wide, but he couldn't say a word to retort.

Odin patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Old brother, there are talented people from generation to generation, so keep an open mind.

You are just a troublemaker who plays tricks, but she is a life-hungry lunatic - playing with other people's lives and playing with her own life.

You are 90% shrewd and 100% cunning, she is 90% crazy, 90% cunning, 90% vicious, 90% cruel -"

Loki interrupted him coldly and said: "You were so frightened by her that you can't even count. With so many nine points, is the total score one hundred points?"

Odin nodded seriously and said: "That's right, you are only ten points, but she is a hundred points.

There is no way, Witch Harley is so crazy, cunning, powerful, vicious, greedy, smart, bold, rational, calm, talented, someone above her, and destiny.

All nine points, a total of 99 points!

Minus one point, it's not that she is proud. She is so arrogant that she can only see the sky.

One point will be deducted from each item, so as not to shock you or damage our morale. "

"Are you so crazy that you came here and said such things to me?" Loki said with wide eyes.

"I just want to help you, who is out of touch with the times, reintegrate into this world." Odin said.

"Integrate into this world?" Loki's expression moved slightly and he said in a trembling voice, "You want to set me free?"

Odin nodded slightly and said excitedly: "I finally see the hope of solving Ragnarok. As long as it doesn't happen again, you, who triggered the disaster in the prophecy, will naturally no longer have to be imprisoned here."

"Didn't you say that the fate of Ragnarok cannot be changed?" Loki asked doubtfully.

"Well, Asgard, Asgard, and even the entire heaven may not, not possibly, be destroyed, but we Asa clan can be preserved."

Odin said excitedly: "We can leave Immortal Palace, leave Asgard, and leave Heaven——"

“Without the strong and warm fortress, how will the king cope with the harsh winter and cruel enemies?

To Earth? That place is more dangerous than Heaven Realm.

The earth is the bridgehead of heaven, and heaven hides behind the earth. Disasters come to earth first! Loki sneered.

"You're not stupid, you understand this too," Odin thought thoughtfully. This sworn brother probably pretended to be confused because he understood, and he had already understood and believed in the fate of Ragnarok.

"Let's go to Lucifer's hell!" He said solemnly.

"What?" Loki was startled, then looked up to the sky and laughed, "Hahahaha! Poor old Odin, who has become senile and demented, dared to tease Lucifer's tiger beard.

Or have you forgotten that hunt? Do you want me to help you recall it? "

The slight excitement on Odin's face was quickly replaced by gloom, and fear and fear flashed in his one eye.

How could He forget?

The eight major divine realms are now very peaceful. Except for the fateful battle between the new god Heavenly Father and the two brothers Darkseid, there are almost no wars.

But the history of mankind is a history of war, and so is the history of gods.

Billions of years ago, the various planes of Limbo and the many divine realms were more turbulent than the mortal nations.

After Odin learned about the vastness and magic of Hell, he led his divine soldiers and generals to rush over happily, preparing to occupy the bridgehead first, and then gradually encroach on it, just like how he dealt with frost giants, dwarves, elves and other divine races. Add a pearl named 'Hell Lord'.

He thought: That is the pearl second only to the ‘King of Heaven’.

But halfway, they met Lucifer.

Lucifer was alone, as if he was walking outside, not even wearing any armor.

God King Asa is planning to conquer hell. Naturally, he knows that the boss of hell is Lucifer, but Odin X cannot see the depth of the other party.

Odin has never been associated with stupidity.

On the contrary, He drank from the fountain of wisdom and was wiser than Loki, who seemed shrewd but actually lacked political IQ.

He raised his hand to stop his team and walked up to Lucifer with a heroic and majestic expression. His words were accompanied by bursts of laughter that represented crudeness and simplicity.

He said that he was taking people out for hunting. He heard that there were many powerful beasts in hell (ancient demons and demons that were not fallen angels), so he planned to give them a try.

He also treated Lucifer as the most distinguished guest, sharing mead and food, giving him a gorgeous artifact bow and arrows, and inviting him to join the hunting team - among the ancient gods, there was a tradition of guest rights.

The guest rights in "A Song of Ice and Fire" come from reality, from ancient Europe.

Among the European gods, there is also a rule that the host cannot harm the guest, and the guest cannot harm the host who entertains him.

Odin is very smart and cannot see Lucifer's strength now, but as long as he joins the hunting team, there will be a battle with ferocious prey.

At that time, He could see the depth of Lucifer.

If Lucifer seems mysterious, there is actually nothing interesting about him. God King Odin doesn't mind accidentally hunting down his guests.

At worst, I'll punish myself with three cups of wine afterwards.

If Lucifer shows that he is stronger than him, God King Odin will continue to laugh honestly and rudely, continue to serve mead and barbecue, and then truly treat Lucifer as a distinguished guest and form a good relationship.

As for conquering hell, well, He just came out to hunt today.

I don’t know if Lucifer saw His cunning thoughts and said simply: “I have never hunted like you in my life.

Thank you for the invitation, I'm joining.

However, hunting in hell is no fun. Any beast you talk about is not worthy of my weapon.

Why don't we go hunting for gods? "

"Hunter God?" Odin's expression froze.

Lucifer smiled gently, looked at Him and said, "Well, you should be familiar with gods like you, right? I want to give it a try, and you can lead the way."

In desperation, Odin actually took him to the territory of the most powerful enemy of the Asa divine system, and then

Odin shuddered, and the memory ended at the scene before the official hunt.

He doesn't dare to think back and is prone to nightmares.

Because of that hunt that pleased Lucifer and shattered his dream of "colonizing hell", Odin got a "privilege of friendship" - he could take his people to hunt in hell.

Ten years ago, Duoduo received the "blessing" from the father of the giant wolf because he happened to meet Odin and Loki who had returned from hunting in hell.

"Lucifer has given up on hell, he has abdicated, hahahaha.

He gave the key to the gate of hell to the Sandman and asked the witch Harley to cut off her wings.

As long as I get the key, I will be the master of hell. As long as I take away Lucifer's wings, I can surpass the Lucifer I once was. "

God King Odin's tone became increasingly fanatical, "Loki, good brother, help me, I need your strategy!"

Loki took a while to digest the information revealed by his brother, his eyes flashed, and he solemnly said: "Yes, you need me, and I am willing to help you, for the Asa clan and for myself.

By gaining hell, we are completely freed from our fate. "

Odin pulled off the intestines from his brother and said with a smile: "Yes, that's it. If you help me, you are also helping yourself!"

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