Hundreds of demons crowded together, most of them lost their minds and fought fiercely with teeth and claws. There were also a few who were surrounded by a magic cocoon and evolved rapidly under the nourishment of Satan's origin.


An expanding demon transformed from a steamed bun in a steamer to a balloon in a naughty child's mouth - blown over and bursting.

Flesh and mud splashed all over the floor.

And Harley's baby, Satan's Wings, is always hanging on the wall intact, just as she left it.

Well, the roof of the stone room was lifted off and most of it collapsed.

On the outside of Satan's Wings, there is a regular circle of splatter traces of flesh and blood, as if there is a protective circle. Once it gets close, it will explode and die.

Those evolving demons can only absorb the dark magic power overflowing from their wings from a distance of ten meters.

The same goes for crazy demons.

If you can hold on, you will evolve; if you can't, you will go crazy.

Ivy's green plant defense system is specially designed to deal with crazy people running towards the manor.

"Yabi, what do you do for food? I asked you to guard the wings, and you just 'see' it with your eyes?!" Harley scolded angrily.

Yebi drooped his head and said helplessly: "There are too many demons, dozens or hundreds, including several dukes. I can't stand them."

"You, the Holy Son, the Son of Hell, can't even handle a few dukes?"

"Yebi is only one year old. You are too demanding. Even if it were you and such a group of big demons came charging at you, would you be able to withstand it?" Stranger advised.

Harley really couldn't stand it.

Although even the Demon King has suffered defeat under her hands many times, the Demon Dukes are actually not weak in strength. They are all gods who understand the law.

Some old Dukes have an average physical fitness of 80+ or ​​even 90 points.

If you encounter a superman in normal state, you will most likely be defeated.

Harley is definitely not afraid of them in one-on-one combat or guerrilla warfare, but if in a head-to-head confrontation or one-to-many situation, the yellow light energy in her belly is first exhausted, and then a few demons hold her hands and feet, restraining her movements, she will also suffer. .

"Clean them up," said the stranger.

Harley called to Ivy and Black Warrior on the mountainside and took the lead in rushing into the demon group.

"Ah, Witch Harley is back, run!"

"Why are you running?" A Demon Duke swelled up like a steamed bun in a steamer, with a face full of rebelliousness and eagerness to try. "She is only one person, and there are no traps here, but our strength is soaring crazily. The Demon Lord has hope, I'm afraid - -boom!"

A black shadow seemed to jump in time and space, pulling out several afterimages in mid-air, and suddenly came to the top of his head, and then passed by with a wing. The Duke, who was expected to be the devil, immediately exploded like a firecracker, and pieces of flesh flew everywhere.

"Hehe, I didn't have any intuitive feeling when fighting Naboo before. Only when I use it on these demon cubs can I see its power!"

Harry was overjoyed. A "cloak" appeared on the spot, with wings more than five meters long, causing a bloody storm in the small space.

"Boom, boom, boom -" No matter the ordinary demon who went crazy, or the big demon who was nourished by the origin of Satan and ascended to heaven, they all exploded into several pieces in the screams. The only difference was the size of the fragments.

"Ah ah ah, the witch is fierce, run!" Seeing that their companions were easily killed, the remaining demons once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the witch, and immediately screamed and ran away.

Half an hour later, Harley completed her chase north, carrying the Wings of Satan on her right shoulder and a string of demon hearts in her right hand as she returned to Indian Hill in a leisurely manner.

The relaxed look was like buying two slices of pork liver from the market.

"Are Satan's wings so effective? The Demon Duke fanned each one, and even the God King of Naboo couldn't stand it."

Ivy glanced at the wings out of the corner of her eye, and a terrifying illusion appeared in her mind again. The magic power in her body was boiling, and she was so scared that she quickly averted her gaze.

Stranger looked solemnly and said: "These wings store nearly half of Lucifer's power. They are not simply the source of magic power, but the power of domination.

It has a strong restraint effect on hell demons.

As you all saw just now, the Duke did not dare to get close and could only absorb part of the magic power on the periphery.

With just a hint of magic power, they began to evolve.

However, although using wings as weapons is powerful, it is too wasteful and very inefficient.

If anyone fuses both wings together, he is likely to become another Lucifer, one whose strength is reduced by more than half but whose authority is retained by 70%.

The real Lucifer, with just one look, all those demons were wiped out. Even if Naboo could escape, he would have to pay a heavy price. "

"Why would Lucifer give such a powerful weapon to Harley?" Ivy asked in surprise.

"Lucifer wants to punish me." Harley sighed and hung the wings back on the wall.

"What kind of punishment is this? You rely on it to feel proud. You finally taught Nabu a lesson, and you killed demons like chickens." Ivy said.

Stranger's eyes flashed slightly and he said: "Whether it's revenge or not depends on the person.

If it were Belial, Beelzebub, or other demons, of course they would use their wings as treasures. Well, Harley, you have to be careful. If the news spreads, more and more powerful demons will come.

Some powerful First Fallen can even fight with Lucifer, but they won't be killed by a wing.

If they join forces, you may be doomed.

I suggest you dispose of the wings immediately before dawn. "

"Absorb them like the devil, and you will also become the devil, the next Lucifer, trapped in hell forever, unable to escape.

You don't even want to be bound by heaven.

He only wants to be a 'God King Quin' who listens to the tune but not the propaganda, and he probably doesn't want to be the second Lucifer.

But Lucifer has seen through you. You are greedy and will never give up the fat in your hands easily.

This is the reward for humiliating Him, making you feel uncomfortable and putting you in a three-pronged dilemma - either being bound by hell, being destroyed by the demon kings who covet wings, or suffering from your own greed. "

"Harry, can't God come down to earth and help you avoid the side effects?" Ivy asked worriedly.

She also understood that Harley, just as the Stranger said and Lucifer thought, was greedy for the source of power and would do anything to deceive and deceive him.

In order to deceive her power, Harley did not hesitate to offend many supreme officials. How could she let go of the fat man who had already fallen into his hands?

Harley glanced at the stranger and said vaguely: "Boss God is unwilling to help me this time, and the Voice of Heaven is not even willing to acquire these wings."

Her God Defense Specialty has reached level ten, and the origin of Satan cannot affect her in any way. Lucifer knew this ten years ago.

But He still decided to punish her with his wings, because the origin of Satan in the wings was fused with the 'Satan authority' and could not be extracted separately.

If Harley wants to draw magic, she can only absorb it along with Satan's authority and personality.

The powers of hell are also a good thing, and all demons want them.

The problem is that power equals responsibility, and Harley doesn't want to go to hell and be the devil.

If she had any thoughts about hell, there wouldn't be a "little black bean hair" on the back of her head as thick as a pinky finger - the hell power given to her by little black bean. If she absorbs it, she will have the qualifications of a demon king.

The Demon King is far inferior to Satan, and the hair of the little black bean is far inferior to that of Satan's wings, but the essence of the two is very similar, and they both represent the authority of hell.

The Stranger frowned and said, "You are already in trouble, why did you have a conflict with Naboo again?"

"I don't like the tone in which He speaks to me - like a father lecturing his son, an emperor scolding an eunuch, or a god-king despising mortals."

Harry sneered and said, "Believe it or not, after today's fight, no matter how much he hates me, he will be much more cautious when talking to me next time we meet, and he will even use honorifics if possible."

Stranger felt that there was at least a 30% chance that what she said would come true.

"No matter how His tone changes, His hatred and resentment towards you will remain the same. When you need help in the future, He will not lend a helping hand.

Don't say you don't need it, how many times did He cooperate with you during the Crisis on Infinite Earths? "

"Let's talk about the future in the future." Harley said nonchalantly.

Naboo did cooperate with her plans many times, but was it for herself?

Then let’s see who is more disrespectful of the overall situation.

Whoever takes the overall situation into consideration will be at a disadvantage; whoever is generous will have the upper hand.

It's not easy to compare well; to compare poorly, who is she afraid of?

"Naboo had the same attitude before. He was the same as everyone else. Why didn't you get angry? Were you affected by the corrupt aura in the Wings of Satan?" Stranger asked with concern.

——Definitely not, God’s skin is open!

Harry said: "When I don't have the strength, even if He has a bad attitude and makes me feel unhappy, I have to endure it wisely. But now that I have achieved success and have the wings of Satan, why should I accept His indignity?" ?”

The stranger said speechlessly: "You are so arrogant when you succeed."

"If you are not arrogant when you have your ambition, how can you be arrogant only when you lose your ambition? Isn't that because you have lost your mind?"

"Being arrogant is the behavior of a villain and should not be done at any time." Mo Ke said.

Harley said disapprovingly: "If arrogance shouldn't exist, why did God give us this characteristic when he created humans? Could it be that you are questioning God?

Moreover, I am only defending my self-respect. If this is considered rampant, then what does Naboo who trampled on my dignity count?

He has lived for tens of thousands of years and still has a shitty temper. Isn't it because he is strong and always succeeds? "

The stranger had nothing to say, waved his hand and left.

After that, the trio of Zatanna, Nick, and Zacon, as well as the duo of Xanadu and Oz, came together. Harley showed them the wings of Satan and told them what happened in hell.

However, Harley still remembered the crisis that the demon kings might swarm over. After sending them away, she immediately took the wings of Satan and fled into the dream kingdom.

Heaven, fairy palace, Grazheim (Golden Palace).

Odin sat alone on the throne, and the vast hall beneath him was empty. There were only two evil wolves lying on the golden floor, one on the left and one on the right.

He didn't feel lonely either. He held the wine glass with a calm expression and drank freely.

"Gudong, gudong."

"Poo-pah-pah!" Suddenly, a crow flew in from outside the door, landed on His shoulder, and croaked in His ear.

"What, Lucifer emptied Hell and gave the key to Hell to Morpheus?"

Odin, who was originally lazy, as if he was listening to the old man in the park on News Network, suddenly straightened his back and leaned forward, as if he was about to rush to the dream kingdom in the next moment.

"Quack, quack, quack," the crow flapped its wings and continued to cry.

"So that's it. Witch Harley helped him cut off the fallen wings. Those wings." The greed in Odin's one eye became even more intense.

"Bang!" The figure of the God King instantly disappeared from the throne, leaving only an empty cup falling from mid-air onto the stone steps.

The next moment, Odin appeared in the dark cave.

A dark green venomous snake as thick as an adult's waist is entrenched on the stalactite hanging from the cave ceiling. Its mouth is open, and dark green venom is dripping down the snake's tongue.

There is a stone platform below the poisonous snake. A naked man is bound by pink intestines, unable to move.

"Chichichichi—" The venom dripped and landed on the man's eyes or mouth, making an intrusive sound like sulfuric acid corroding iron.

"Ahhh!" The man twisted and rolled in pain, screaming.

His cry caused the cave to shake slightly, like an earthquake.

"That's enough." Odin shouted, and the viper closed its mouth and squirmed back into the darkness.

"Why? Huhu." The man on the stone platform gasped and gritted his teeth and asked: "Is it the day for me to go out for fun again? But I remember that I went hunting in hell with you ten years ago."

"Loki, I have something to talk to you about." Odin said calmly.

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