I want to have a date with Superman

PS of the previous chapter, about

(ps: Readers may be a little confused or have forgotten the previous settings. I will explain "Shazam Curse" again here.

The root of Shazam's curse comes from a singularity curse - a systemic loophole in the laws of the universe, a law bug.

The mortal mage Shazam relied on this loophole to borrow the power of gods without side effects. He also secretly studied the divine attributes of Zeus to become the God of Thunder.

Later, the secret of Shazam's mastery of the Singularity Curse was exposed. He immediately plugged the "multiverse system loophole (bug in the law)", and the sea of ​​laws accepted his patch to repair the system - Shazam's Law.

He borrowed the spell of the singularity and became a god.

Note that old Shazam was not originally called Shazam. This curse was not named after him, but he took the pronunciation of this curse as his own name.

It is also necessary to distinguish the differences between "Shazam", "Shazam's Law" and "Shazam".

Shazam, the Singularity Curse, is a bug that borrows divine power and steals secrets from divine power without paying a price; Shazam's Law is a patch for this bug. When gods lend their power to mortals, mortals cannot steal the gods' secrets from the divine power. secret.

It's like plugging the loophole.

Now, Shazam's Law has derived from the Shazam Curse. The gods who use the Shazam Curse are protected by the "Shazam's Law". When lending their divine power to others, there is no need to worry about the old Shazam secretly learning the secret of the origin of Zeus' thunder. .

Therefore, Naboo recommended Harley to Shazam and asked her to sign the "Shazam Contract". She lent her power to Diana. In theory, the Greek gods could not analyze her laws from her power. secret.

By signing the Shazam Contract, Harley no longer has to worry about others analyzing the secret of her divine power, but she does not know how to use the Shazam Curse and cannot lend her power instantly by shouting "keywords."

Therefore, what she said to the four Harleys was half-truth and half-false.

The truth is, she does leave a mark on their souls, and when she learns the Shazam spell and they shout "Praise to Harley" or Hallelujah, they can transform into... well, into something, Harley herself. Don't know either.

The lie is that Harley doesn't know how to cast Shazam at this time, and it's useless for them to shout at the top of their lungs.

However, Harley is not worried about being exposed, because after rebirth, she will lose her original memory.

The four Harleys couldn't remember what happened today.

But Harley was really kind and put two attributes of power directly into their souls.


To sum up, the Singularity Curse Shazam is a loophole that "steals money" from the magic system. A wizard discovered it and wrote a code to plug the loophole. In order to reward him, the superiors turned his code into a rule. Like the law.

After mastering Shazam's Law, the wizard became a god and called himself "Shazam Wizard".

Based on the law of fire, the fire spell was developed. Using the fire spell, the fireball technique can be released.

From Shazam's Law, the Shazam Curse was developed. Using the Shazam Curse, you can protect your own divine power from being stolen by outsiders. You can also set up a channel to communicate with "Shazam's Law" and lend the power of the gods to others.

Harley didn't learn the Shazam spell because she hadn't mastered the complete rules yet.

However, in addition to the Shazam Curse, there is also a Shazam Contract, which mainly serves "Thunder Shazam" and serves as a power battery for the sand sculptures in the movie "Thunder Shazam".

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