I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 771 The bold Sister Harley

To prove that she wasn't making it up, Harley also played several gameplay videos of herself and several other Arkham Heroes.

In order to prove that Mr. J was not a fake with a false reputation, she also played some of Mr. J’s masterpieces in Gotham, such as his “match of wits” with Galavan and the murder of hundreds of brothers more than ten years ago. Mr. Tan.

Of course, what best proves that Mr. J is Mr. J is the story of him and Bateman falling in love and killing each other.

Harley succeeded.

The four Harleys in the different world all admitted from the bottom of their hearts that this was Mr. J, and that he was even crazier than the Mr. J in their world - having been tortured by Harley for seven or eight years, how could he not be more perverted and crazier?

Also more powerful - in this world, Mr. J is a kung fu master.

Because Gotham was transformed into the land of kung fu by Harley Quinn, there is a trend of "American martial arts coming out of Gotham". Many super criminals have studied at the "world's best martial arts dojo" on Arkham Island, especially Mr. J. The "medicine man" and the wooden dummy of the "god of martial arts".

But Mr. J, who is so crazy, so powerful and capable of beating ten enemies, is still crying and begging in the game of "The Killing Joke". This...

This is not his bottom line.

Harley deliberately made a mistake and changed the order of the video playback, so that the scene where Mr. J was pinned to the bedside by multiple roommates would appear after he had a battle of wits and courage with Bateman in Gotham, showing off his power and power.

The four Harleys No. 1, 2, and 3 had completely shattered worldviews and dull expressions.

On the 4th, when I watched Mr. J’s eyes in the video, I felt deep compassion.

Finally, Harley gave the four Harleys a fatal blow: Mr. J’s suicide note.

"I bought it!" Hallies No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 wailed with their heads in their hands.

"This is not true. Mr. J even gave up his life of playing games with Bateman and wanted to escape from the game with Harley?!"

"Look at how stupid you are now!" Harley pointed at them, her voice filled with spiritual power and deafening.

"You are obviously my peers, with the same potential as me, the talent to become the empress of Gotham, and the talent to shape the world according to your own wishes, but what have you done?"

You have become a mere vassal of a bastard, a mere Harley Quinn of the Joker, one of Batman’s enemies.

You are supposed to attract others with your charm and infect the world with your personality, but instead you end up like a characterless fool, attracted by the so-called "unique personality charm" of Mr. J and worshiping him crazily.

Is it a shame? "

The four Harleys lowered their heads and allowed her to scold them.

The King of Heaven and the God of War in Heaven cannot overwhelm them with their awesome glory that shocks and shocks ordinary people.

The ‘Harleys’ from the other world looked down upon ‘Witch Harley’ and even dared to raise their middle finger.

But just destroying the Joker, well, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is nothing, but in the eyes of the truly knowledgeable Gothamites, being able to destroy the Joker is also considered an extraordinary achievement.

In short, it seems that a mere clown is not worthy to carry the shoes of ordinary two-winged angels, let alone a glance from the God of War in heaven. But just because she destroyed such an "inconspicuous little character", the four Harleys were convinced and devoted to her. .

Even the original beliefs were destroyed.

Harley nodded with satisfaction and said: "You must firmly believe that I am the queen, shine with confidence, reject PUA, and be whipped wildly."

"Sister Harley, I have decided. I will jump into the six-pointed star pool, rebuild my divine body, and join your Heaven Mountain. From now on, I will hang out with you!" Harley No. 1's eyes shone brightly and she screamed excitedly.

"Count me in, Sister Harley, we are all Harley, we can form a 'Harley Army', that's great!"

Harley No. 2 put her palms together on her chest, tilted her head, grinned, and fell into beautiful thoughts.

"The idea of ​​Harley's Legion is a good one. I want to join." Harley No. 3 came over and wanted to hold Harley's arm, but she swatted her away.

"I want to be with everyone, it feels so cordial." The female elite in the workplace said happily.

——I don’t want to be with you at all, and I’m not friendly at all. I just feel uncomfortable and troublesome.

Harley said sternly: "What kind of queen do you think you are if you follow me? Now that you have the opportunity to be reborn perfectly, you should start over again and reach the peak of your life!"

After living a perfect life and returning to heaven, it will not be too late to join me in Heaven Mountain. "

"Hey, Sister Harley is right. Choosing perfect rebirth is equivalent to making money for nothing." Harley No. 1 was convinced.

"After reviving another life, can we still go to heaven? That puppy God just said that we are not qualified to come." Harley No. 4 was sane and confused.

"Don't worry, sister also has connections in hell. Harley won't lie to Harley." Harley patted her chest and said confidently.

"Sister Harley, you are so awesome." Harley No. 4 felt relieved.

By the time the five Harleys return to "Nantianmen", more than 1,400 heroes have made their decisions.

They did not leave immediately. They had to wait for Harley to come back and say their final goodbyes. After all, she had spent a huge price on the soul preservation card and the 'Five Options in Heaven' and helped them a lot.

"Have they made a choice?" Gou Shengzi asked.

"Well, they all chose to be reborn." Harley said.

"Harry, thank you."

"Bye Harley."

"Harry, although this is the first time I see you, I really appreciate everything you have done for us."

No matter how many flaws superheroes have, at least one thing is certain: their average moral level is much higher than that of ordinary people.

More than a thousand heroes present expressed their gratitude to Harley one by one, and their attitude was sincere.

Although when Harley showed her meritorious deeds, it was just for her own clear thoughts and smooth mind, and she never thought about getting the gratitude of the hero.

But hearing them express their gratitude in person made Harry feel warm in her heart.

"Light is immortal, justice is eternal, everyone cherish it!" Harley waved goodbye to them with a smile.

Just when all the heroes were smiling and waving to her, and the Dog God had raised his paws, ready to send everyone away at once, four Harleys jumped out again.

"Hey, wait, Sister Harley, you forgot to give me a small gift." Harley No. 1 looked at Harley and said.

"And me, I've been waiting and looking forward to it." Harley No. 2 looked expectant.

"Sister Harley, I want super powers, okay?" Harley No. 3 said excitedly.

Hallie No. 4's eyes also shone, "Sister Hallie, I also shouted 'Praise Hallie' when I died. What small gift can I get?"

Harley was at a loss at first, but when she heard what No. 4 said, she suddenly remembered that when she formed the 'Christ Salvation Group', in addition to selling the chest advertisements on the hero uniforms to Heaven, she also made a small advertisement herself: As long as the Before dying, shout "Praise Harley", and after death, you can get small gifts from her worth 100 to 1000 merit points.

"Did you all shout?" In front of God Boss and all the heroes, Harley felt a little embarrassed.

"Hi, I am Harley too. There is no psychological burden in praising 'Harley'." Harleys said.

——shit, that makes sense! For Harleys, this is a bug, and it would be a waste if it is not stuck.

Harley glanced at the group of heroes. Some heroes looked strange and seemed to want small gifts.

"Merciful and humble God, please use my merits to randomly distribute to all the heroes who have chanted 'Praise Harley' the gifts they desire most in their hearts and are most useful to their future, worth 100 merit points and 1000 points. Between meritorious deeds.”

"Yes, but a gift is double the price, and the extra amount will be counted as the 'labor fee' you exchanged for your merits." The dog god's voice appeared in Harley's mind.

"You are my boss!" Harley couldn't help shouting.

"To me, 'boss' is just a title, without any emotional entanglement. It is no different from 'Heavenly Father', 'Christ', or 'Lord'." Dog God said indifferently.

——Fake, watch if I don’t kick your son’s feet when I get back!

Harley first turned on the God Skin, and then secretly cursed in her heart.

"Okay!" She gritted her teeth.

The next moment, more than forty boxes turned from virtual to real in mid-air and appeared above the heads of the deserving people.

"Sister Harley, I don't want the box, I want the same superpower as you." The four Harleys avoided the box and shouted repeatedly.

Dog God looked at Harley.

Harley wanted to scold them, but then she thought about how they all sincerely called her ‘Sister Harley’, and also thought about their ridiculous experience of being tricked by Zhenglian.

She softened her heart and waved her hand: "I will pay for their gifts myself."

She called the four Harleys aside and took out her God of War Seal, like stamping pork, leaving the mark of her "Arkham God of War" on the cores of the four spirit bodies.

Each mark also leaves two attribute points of bloodline power.

The process was similar to the day when she passed on her power to the 'Mud Man Diana'.

At that time, she had to use the magic circle of the Paradise Island Temple to give Diana the 'power of the thick-skinned Martial God'.

Although her strength has not changed much now, her personality has undergone tremendous changes.

From a "false god" with no power, no priesthood, and unknown laws, he became a real god.

The God of War Seal is currently incomplete, but it is equivalent to the godhead, and Harley has now become a god of faith.

Well, the original progress of the War God's Seal was 0%, a blank heavenly throne. After all, Harley has been on the road for more than ten years. Starting from the bloody battle on Bali Street when she was 14 years old, she has experienced dozens of large and small battles. The collection of experience and skills is divinity. Her "God of War experience" and combat skills in the first half of her life have already increased the progress of the God of War's Seal to 30%!

Gods can lend their power to mages and even mortals.

She can do it too.

With the addition of "Shazam Contract", the power transmission efficiency is even higher.

"Wow, I can feel that my body is full of power." Harley No. 1 clenched her fist and waved it a few times, wondering: "What kind of super power is this? I feel that my strength has not increased."

——All the divine power is turned into defensive characteristics, and you become a thick-skinned Harley, my copycat.

Harley thought in her mind and said: "After you are reborn, you can slowly experiment.

I also left a backdoor in your soul. If you can awaken your memory in the future, you can try shouting 'Praise Halle' or 'Hallelujah', a bolt of lightning.

Well, maybe there is no lightning. If I can feel it, I will temporarily lend you some power to give you an emergency. "

What she said was half true.

It was true to leave a back door, but she couldn't respond to them or borrow temporary help.

Because she hasn't learned the "Shazam Curse" yet.

When they were separated last time, old Shazam asked her to learn the "Shazam Curse" from him after she truly mastered the rules.

The rules are the threshold for learning the magic of Shazam.

If she had mastered the Shazam Curse now, she would not have to spend any money (the physical attribute dropped from 47 points to 39 points), but would use eight points of bloodline power to pour magic into the four Harleys.

Just like the big guys behind War Eagle and White Dove, just borrow temporary help.

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