I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 80 Gift (please vote for recommendation, please collect)

In fact, Night Owl Daniel is not as unbearable as Richie said.

First of all, he is older than Lowry and is now in his sixties.

Secondly, Daniel is an expert in mechanical engineering, and programming is not his strong point at all.

When he was active in the 1960s and 1970s, programmers were still using punch cards.

In the past ten years or so, he has been busy being a househusband and has not had much time to recharge himself.

The batteries are all old and useless, and I can't charge much even if I want to.

And what about Richie?

In his prime, he is a pioneer in new technologies and new thinking, and he is still a once-in-a-century quantum magic genius.

In today's world, there are many people who understand quantum physics, but magicians who understand quantum physics are very rare. The only person who combines quantum science with magic is Rich.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Richie broke through Daniel's system firewall.

"Shit, it's really connected. Hey, it's a little strange. Why is there a power system, a weapon system, and even a radar system?

Is it a fighter jet?

Archimedes? This name is somewhat familiar. "

The series of characters on the screen dazzled Harley, but Richie's muttering voice was like thunder, making her head buzz.

Have you really gotten in?

"Holy crap!" Rich suddenly jumped up, blushing and yelling wildly.

Harley was also dumbfounded. The blue screen code on the computer screen disappeared and was replaced by a window, which was a scene from the Owl Airship.

"Archimedes, I just said why the name is so familiar. It turns out to be the airship of the Watcher Nite Owl. Holy shit! What did I do? Shit, it's great. I'm going to cum. This is Nite Owl." My spaceship! Now it belongs to me."

"Hey, hey, calm down, Richie, it's not yours."

Harley patted him on the shoulder to tell him not to go crazy.

Richie was still so excited that he ran to the kitchen, took out a bottle of soda water from the freezer and drank it all before he regained his composure.

"Diana, who are you? Why do you have Nite Owl's owl glasses?" He looked at Harley and asked.

"You see, this is my home, and I am just a little nun from a small church. But I do know Silk Soul and Night Owl, it's not related. I asked you to crack the glasses firewall, you can think about it yourself."

Richie nodded and asked tentatively: "You can control it remotely, activate the unmanned driving mode, and arrive in Gotham within two hours. Then we can drive the Owl airship for a spin and have a great time. Do you have any objection?"

"Check the flight records." Harley said.

Richie was stunned for a moment before he understood what she meant.

"Hahaha, great. The last time he flew was at Christmas, and the last time was half a year ago. He doesn't fly often! We borrowed it for a few days and then sent it back. He must not know."

"Let's take a look at the use of weapons." Harley said.

"The M61 Vulcan cannon, howler, and invisible smoke bomb. Most of the weapons are still there, but they haven't been used for a long time. The magazine is full of bullets, which means the Owl airship has never performed a combat mission." Rich said.

Harley frowned and asked softly: "Did you also find out his home address?"

"A small town outside of Washington."

"Oh, turn it off." Harley sighed.

"What?" Richie didn't respond.

"Cut off contact with Archimedes." Harley said solemnly.

"But..." Meeting Harley's cold eyes, Richie shrank his neck and silently followed the instructions without saying a word.

Then he asked: "Aren't you curious at all about the legendary owl airship?"

“Curiosity kills.”

"Let's be careful, he can't find it."

Harley shook her head and asked, "Do you like Watchmen?"

"Of course, I am older than you and have experienced their last glory. It was really a crazy era." Rich said with emotion.

"Then you definitely don't want the tragedy of the first generation of Night Owls to happen again with the second generation of Night Owls, right?" Harley said.

A generation of Night Owls were too public after their retirement. Not only did they reveal their identities and addresses, but they even wrote memoirs and sold them for money. They wrote down in the book all the bad things about their teammates who were trying to rape them and raping their souls.

What was the result?

After he became old and frail, a group of high-spirited second-rate men rushed into his home and beat him to death.

Ordinary people have no idea about the marriage between the second generation Silk Soul and the second generation Ye Xiao.

The public also doesn't know their fate.

Apparently, Laurie and Daniel learned the lessons of their predecessors and decided to remain anonymous.

Laurie is smarter and simply hides himself from the government, which not only ensures that certain people in the government will not hide everything from him and others, but also uses the power of special departments to protect his family.

If Harley agrees to Ridge's suggestion and steals the Owl airship, it's likely that Night Owl's identity will be revealed.

"Well" Richie then realized that the curiosity that Harley said before kills people is not him, but the old Night Owl who has been living in seclusion for many years.

At Harley's request, the wireless network card of Owl Glasses was changed to slot mode.

When you need to use glasses to control the micro drone, manually press the switch and insert the wireless network card. Press it again and the network card pops out.

It cannot even be connected to the Internet for data exchange, so there is no possibility of being attacked by hackers.

Well, Harley was guarding against Richie.

Richie himself was not angry, but admired Harley's cleverness.

To thank him for his help, Harley took him and Gary to Crown Point that night.

Bloody Heaven is just a nightclub in the Crown Point neighborhood.

It has the largest number of theaters and nightclubs in Gotham.

Boss Sasse is the king of this neighborhood, and the Black Girls Gunmen are the lords of every street and store.

Therefore, Harley only went to Bloody Heaven and said hello to the black girls, and then Richie and Gary really came to heaven.

When the two wizard friends were happy, Harley dialed Laurie's phone number.

"Hello, this is the Hollis house (ps)." The person who answered the phone was a young girl.

"Is Mr. Hollis home?" Hallie asked.

"Dad, someone is looking for you." The girl pressed the phone and shouted.

"Hello, I'm Sam Hollis, who are you?" After a while, a familiar male voice appeared on the opposite side.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm, um, the one who received your gift for Christmas, a pair of glasses."

The other party carefully gave a false name, and Harry couldn't be too careless.

Who knows if anyone is listening.

"Oh my God! Why are you, my wife Sandra, not at home?" Daniel was very excited for a while, and then he thought Laurie had let it slip.

"No, it has nothing to do with Ms. Sandra, it's your glasses, which can connect to your car through the Internet. I have a hacker friend who said your programming skills are a bit outdated."

Daniel was silent for a long time and sighed: "I understand what you mean, thank you."

"Oh, we have to move again."

After Laurie came home that night, Daniel recounted the contents of Hallie's phone call.

"She's quite cautious." Laurie's face didn't look very good.

Daniel said: "I went down and checked, and the system was completely hacked. If she wanted, she could steal Archimedes quietly. But she didn't, and she reminded us immediately."

"I think she's a nice person," he added.

Laurie did not refute, but said slowly: "It is indeed good to be cautious, restrain greed, and act with a bottom line."

"Maybe we should let go of the past completely." She sighed softly.

"What do you mean?" The fat old man frowned.

"Tear down Archimedes and let's live peacefully. If there is a first time, there will be a second time. Next time the hacker will probably drive it away."

"I can uninstall the intelligent system." Fat Daniel was very reluctant to let go. The owl airship was a symbol of his life, as well as his child and partner.

Moreover, only on the screaming flying airship can he be full of energy.

"Without the smart system, what is the difference from a broken pickup truck? Hidden in the tunnel under the house, there is always the risk of exposure."

Laurie smiled bitterly and said: "Lisa held a birthday party at home last year, and a few boys almost broke into the underground warehouse?

The function of that thing is backward and difficult to use, but its reputation is so famous that when anyone sees it, they immediately think that we are the Watchers.

Think about Sally, she doesn't know anything, and look at you, you are out of breath even if you walk a few more steps, you are really in danger. I can't imagine it. "

Daniel remained silent.

"More importantly, apart from recalling the past, Aki has no use for us and cannot be started once a year. It is better to dismantle it to avoid safety hazards."

"I would rather give Archimedes away than tear it down. Like Sally, it is my child!" Daniel said excitedly.

"Who should I give it to? Except for the quantum engine (PS) that Joan (Dr. Manhattan) personally 'kneaded', Archimedes' technology has long been controlled by the Pentagon.

Send it to them, they still think the operating system is too outdated and easy to be attacked by hackers.

The weapon system has not been updated in decades, and it has not even installed over-the-horizon missiles. "Laurie said sharply.

The old fat man became even more excited, "Archimedes only belongs to the Watchmen. If I really want to give it to the government, I might as well dismantle it myself."

Laurie was stunned and said with a strange expression: "Are you sure?"

"Are you sure what--uh?" the old man asked blankly, and then he immediately reacted.

There seems to be half a Watchman these days.

"OK, I'll give it to her." The fat old man clapped his hands and said excitedly.

"What? Sister, can you say it again?" Harley felt like she had auditory hallucinations in her ears.

"You heard me right, let your hacker friend steal Archimedes. Well, steal it completely, and don't send it back again."

On the other end of the phone, Laurie smiled, satisfied with Harley's shocked reaction.

Harley was silent for a moment, then hesitantly said: "You are not going to kill my friend, are you? After stealing Archimedes, the FBI rushed into my house and kidnapped us all. The evidence is conclusive and irrefutable. .”

"Yes, you did not lose your mind when faced with the generous gift that came to your door. But the spaceship belongs to Daniel, and he decided to give it to you. According to my original intention, it would be easier to just dismantle it and sell it for scrap metal."

"Why?" Harley asked confused.

“It’s become a huge safety hazard for us now.

My house is always guarded by surveillance satellites 24 hours a day. Foreign aircraft and motor vehicles cannot approach silently, but Archimedes is hiding under his house.

Your friend, a third-rate hacker, can find it, too.

It would be terrible if a more powerful hacker targeted me, hacked into my smart home system, and controlled the spacecraft to shoot the Vulcan cannon upwards. "Laurie said helplessly.

Harley wanted to say that her friend was not a third-rate person, but she understood what Laurie meant, and her heart was immediately filled with great joy.

This is not a trick by Laurie, she really plans to give the owl spaceship to herself!

"Why are you giving this to me?" Harley's voice was trembling slightly.

"This is Daniel's wish. He regards Aki as his son and refuses to tear it down no matter what.

And you are in your prime, with good abilities and scheming, and there is hope that Aki can regain his glory in the future.

If one day, Daniel can see you driving Aki to save the United States and the world on TV, that will be his greatest happiness. "Laurie said in a complicated tone.

Shit, save the United States, save the world, these two old guys are still daydreaming!

Harley's mood was very complicated. She wanted to complain at the same time, but she was also a little moved at the same time.

Even with all kinds of helplessness, the two retired old watchmen regarded her as their heir.

"Sister, please think about it again, I'm afraid I can't do it." She smiled bitterly.

Hearing what she said, Laurie's eyes lit up, and the worry in his brows was swept away. "I feel relieved when you say that. Come and steal the airship."

"Well, what are you worried about?"

"At least, you won't use it for evil." Laurie's tone was really relaxed.

(ps1: Dr. Manhattan can create things out of nothing, reconstruct material structures by will, or create new elements. As for Archimedes’ weapons, they are very backward, but its engine is indeed very powerful. This is not an exaggeration or bragging.

In "Doomsday Clock", the Pharaoh actually drove Archimedes through the multiverse with just a little tinkering.

ps2: At the end of the "Watchmen" comic, Laurie took Daniel to meet his mother (a generation of Silk Soul), and at that time they took the pseudonyms of Sam and Sandra Hollis. )

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