I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 79 Old programmers eliminated by the times

Midnight, Joe Waffle's high-end apartment in the fashionable district of Midtown Manhattan.

In the parking lot, a Volvo slowly backed into its parking space.

In the driver's seat, the tired man turned the steering wheel numbly and said dryly to his mobile phone: "Barbara, I've arrived at the parking lot. In about three minutes - fuck, are you -"

The car door was suddenly opened, and a dark figure flashed into the passenger seat. The police instinct made Gordon subconsciously hold the pistol in his waist.

"Don't get excited, it's me." The person pulled off the hood, revealing a girl wearing strange owl windproof glasses.

"Shit, I almost shot you!" Gordon cursed.

"Oh, it's okay. I met a friend on the way. Barbara, you eat first. It may take a while. It's okay. It's really okay. I wasn't kidnapped. OK, see you later."

After seeing him hang up the phone, Harley looked at him and said, "Your eyes are bloodshot, your skin is sallow, and your eye shadow is heavy. Have you not had a good rest these days?"

"What are you doing here?" Gordon didn't want to answer her question.

"What do you think?"

Gordon rested his forehead on the steering wheel, remained silent for a long time, and sighed: "I don't understand why the director and the prosecutor's office are targeting you.

As soon as the 12.3 task force was established, I took people to St. John's Monastery.

I have recorded a confession that day, which is completely contrary to what is reported in the news now.

I used some means, and those children told me the truth, and I also gave a guarantee that the matter would be over soon and they would not be retaliated against.

According to normal procedures, after receiving the evidence I provided, the district attorney can issue an arrest warrant and then enter the trial process against the Crusader.

But Chief Luobu took away the videos, and Justice Green refused to sign. He only said that you should go to the police station to report the case in person, and then file a lawsuit with the court."

Harley asked calmly: "Do you think I should show up?"

"This" Gordon looked hesitant, "If you are willing, I swear to protect your safety."

"Are you sure you can keep me safe?" Harley asked again.

This time, Gordon shook his head honestly.

His expression was painful, his eyes were full of unwillingness and remorse, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Did you know that several congressmen have died during this period?

Just four days ago, police speculated that Congressman Madison would be the next target.

I personally arranged the security for him, nine elite agents, in groups of three, taking turns to stand guard for him in three shifts.

And just this afternoon, there was no one at Congressman Madison's door, and he himself was found dead in the bathroom.

The police detective who was supposed to protect him personally returned to the police station with a milkshake in his hands, chatting and laughing like nothing happened. "

"You are so leisurely." Harley sneered.


Gordon was stunned.

Shouldn't she comfort him a few words and then scold gcpd for being corrupt and incompetent?

"You should always focus on my case. Haven't you read the news these days? The church has launched a counterattack." Harley said calmly.

"Harley, at least you are still alive. Members of Congress are human beings too. Their lives are being threatened. Things have to be prioritized!" Gordon sighed.

"But you can't accomplish anything now." Harley said bluntly.

"I" Gordon held his head, deep pain overflowing from every word.

“I’ve been working hard and I have to work harder.”

Harley completely believed that he was not slacking off and that he would work harder, but she was really disappointed in him.

If it were a mature Batman, the Crusader would have been brought to justice long ago. At least the evidence of his crime was solid, and he would not be able to fight a public opinion war openly.

"In the unfavorable situation of Harvey Dent betraying him, what do you think is the next step?" she asked.

Gordon had already considered this issue and immediately said: "The best way is to get the audio of the call recorded by Harvey. I will go see Harvey tomorrow morning.

Even if all the audio is destroyed, at least Harvey will be a witness. "

Harry shook his head and said: "I'm afraid Harvey can't be counted on. The Crusaders are willing to release him, don't they have any precautions?

I even suspected that Harvey was brainwashed and brainwashed, just like Kubchak's "A Clockwork Orange". "

Gordon said: "I thought about this too, so I made an appointment with Gotham's best psychiatrist, Dr. Hugo Strange (future Arkham's chief physician).

Whatever the Crusaders did to Harvey, it was impossible to limit his freedom. "

This Gordon is not without merit.

Harley's expression softened a little, and she asked again: "What if Harvey Dent's path doesn't work?"

Although he has absolutely no hope for Gordon's efforts, at least he can help her delay for a while, or slightly improve the public opinion environment?

To truly defeat the enemy, she has to rely on herself!

"Then work on the teachers at St. John's Monastery. They may not know many secrets of the Crusaders, but they must know what happened on the night of December 3.

More than a dozen teachers, whether persuading or coercing, can always pry something out. "Gordon said solemnly.

This Gordon is not the head of Yumu Geta, he also knows how to intimidate and induce.

Harry was quite satisfied with his consciousness and asked: "Besides this, are there any other plans?"

"Of course!" Gordon also became interested, "You are not the only group of orphans in the monastery. How many girls has Doug Hercules violated over the years?

Some were adults, some were adopted, but all were documented.

I have obtained some of their information from the archives of the Children's Care Center. When I have time, I will visit them immediately. "

"Good!" Harley gave him a thumbs up and praised him.

Gordon's work efficiency is a bit poor, but his brain and personality are pretty good.

It's a pity. If he had the power to match his ideals, he would probably not have to assist Bruce and he could become Batman himself.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" At this time, a blonde beauty with hands on her hips and an angry face appeared in front of the car window.

She has a square face that is common among Europeans and Americans, but not too big. With her exquisite three-dimensional facial features and fair and smooth skin, she is an eighty-year-old beauty.

"Barbara, why are you here?" Gordon rolled down the window and asked in surprise.

"It's almost thirty minutes, can I not be in a hurry?" When she said this, Barbara looked at Harry warily.

"Hi, Sister Ba, right? We talked on the phone before, Hallie, remember?" Hallie greeted her with a smile.

"It turns out it's you." Barbara looked around with some fear. "The Crusaders are looking for you everywhere. They are very fierce. Please don't hurt Jim anymore."

"Don't say that, I'm a police officer, and it's my responsibility to protect the safety of every citizen." Gordon said seriously.

"But..." Glancing at Harry, Barbara turned her head angrily.

"That's it for today, bye."

Harley waved her hand and quickly disappeared into the dim basement parking lot like a shadow.

The chat with Gordon was quite satisfactory, but Harley did not place all her hopes on him.

On the contrary, she has prepared for the worst and is preparing for it, such as working hard to upgrade, for example, upgrading equipment.

At least, she now has the money to buy a better set of body armor, bulletproof helmet, bulletproof armed boots, and bulletproof mask.

"Hey, Richie, it's almost the weekend, can you come to Gotham? I need to get those glasses as soon as possible. I'm not sure when I'll need them."

She had Richie's number.

"Gotham. I'm a little scared. It's so chaotic over there. Representatives have been dying every day recently. God, the biggest official I've ever seen in my life is the county council's secretary."

Although Harley is not a native of Gotham, she is still a little embarrassed at this time.

"Don't worry, this is Falcone and Maroni fighting for the development rights of Arkham, and it has nothing to do with us ordinary people." She comforted.

Richie said shrewdly: "The two black states are fighting for territory. Only the congressmen are killed, and there is no large-scale gang conflagration?

Diana, don’t kid me. I’m thirty-two years old and an adult. I’ve watched a lot of Black Country movies. Fighting on the top will only lead to more chaos below. "

Harley said directly: "Stop talking nonsense, aren't the millions of people in Gotham living well?

I'll reimburse your air tickets and invite you to Gotham's most luxurious nightclub, Happy, will you come? "

"All right."

Two days later, at the intersection of Bali Street, a taxi stopped on the street. Harley, who was wearing a nun's uniform, leaned against the driver's window and handed over a fifty-dollar bill. Then she smiled and greeted the two people who got out of the car: "Wow. , you are Richie, you are Gary, right?"

Not only the quantum mage came over, but also the musician wizard.

Richie is a bearded man with glasses, plain clothes, and a relatively simple temperament. He is a researcher at first glance.

Gary has long hair, a fair face and no beard, and rhinestone earrings in his ears. He is very non-mainstream and very musician.

"Oh my god, Diana, you are so young. Even if you say you are born with a tender face, I still don't believe you are only 21 years old!" Gary surrounded Harley and exclaimed.

Richie is very talkative online, but in person he is very shy and only smiles when he looks at Harley.

"Let's go to my house. We've already ordered pizza and drinks."

After a brief visit to Harley's chapel, the three returned to their apartment.

After Gary filled his stomach, he went to the guest room to rest. He was going to stay all night at "Gotham's most luxurious nightclub" tonight.

Richie came to Devil's Corner to take a closer look and immediately got to work.

Unlike Gary, he has a serious job. If there are no holidays on weekdays, he is only free on weekends.

"My dear, this kind of technology, whether it's hardware or application system, is at least 20 years ahead of real technology! Where did you get these owl glasses?"

After testing the glasses himself, Richie's face turned red with excitement.

"I have a friend who works in the FBI. She gave it to me, but I doubt she can spy on me through the glasses." Harley said.

Rich said without hesitation: "No doubt, as long as you are connected to the Internet or have a wireless network, these glasses can monitor you."

"Why?" Harry asked.

Richie had now connected the computer to the glasses with a data cable.

The computer he brought for hackers.

"Look, this is the instruction to transmit data externally!"

He pointed to the code on the screen and explained: “The creator of these glasses did not hide his thoughts at all, and all kinds of hidden instructions were nakedly displayed in the background.

Maybe he's not trying to spy on you.

The glasses were supposed to be connected to another powerful processor, and data exchange was the original purpose of the design. "

Harley understood. Just like the future Xiaomi smart home, Owl Glasses share the same system with other Night Owl devices.

"Can you handle it?" Harley asked.

Richie looked at the code on the screen with a strange expression, "That shouldn't be the case. Is it a Trojan horse that hides the core code?"

"What's wrong?" Harley asked nervously.

Richie typed the keyboard with his hands like an epileptic for a while, then murmured: "The technological content and design concept are so advanced, why is the operating system so crude?"


“The application is very clever, which shows that the other party’s professional knowledge is very extensive and very powerful. But the system’s firewall is too outdated and too rigid.

He may be versatile, but he is not very good at programming, at least he cannot keep up with the times. "

Richie turned to Harley, a strangely excited light in his eyes.

"Perhaps, we can reversely monitor the other party and connect or even hack its main control computer through owl glasses."

"Are you kidding? It can be that simple?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"I find it unbelievable, but that's the fact. I guess this system was written by an eighty-year-old antique whose ideas and technology were still decades ago."

Now Harry was a little convinced.

Because the operating system of the glasses must have been written by Daniel himself, and he is indeed an old antique.

What's more important is that Daniel has retired decades ago. Without the life and death crisis in battle, there is no need to develop an overly powerful operating system.

The Owl Airship is his exclusive weapon, and it is impossible to leave it to outsiders to write the driver program.


Isn't the control center of Heijin Glasses the Night Owl's airship?

Harley was excited.

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