I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 8 Disaster Is Coming

"Shit, was your home robbed?"

When she returned to her apartment in Queens, as soon as the door opened, Harley found that she had no place to stand. The TV fell to the ground, splinters scattered, the tempered glass coffee table was torn apart, the second-hand leather sofa was scratched, and the table, chair, fish tank, and vase were all broken. Wait, it's all messy and broken in the small living room.

In her parents' bedroom, Hallie could still hear her mother sobbing.

Her expression condensed, and she vaguely understood something.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" A fat bully dog ​​came out of nowhere, ran to Harley, and rubbed her calf with its big meaty head.

"Duoduo, let's play for now." After driving away the dog, Harley walked to the bedroom.

"Crack, click, click." Walking through the living room, it was like lying on a mountain of garbage.

They saw Andy lying on the bed with a bruised nose and swollen face, covered in blood, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Mother Tracey wiped away her husband's tears while helping him wipe it.

Seeing that her lady's suit was neat and clean, and there were no scratches on her body or face, Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

When I heard my mother cry before, I was worried that she would be fucked by Heibang.

"I was at work before, and I rushed back after receiving a call from Andy. When I opened the door, I saw him lying softly in the living room." Tracey said blankly.

"Is he from Nicola?" Hallie asked.

Andy only suffered flesh injuries and was not even unconscious. When he saw his daughter coming back, he opened his eyes.

His eyes were full of pain and despair.

"He asked me to pay off the debt of 300,000 US dollars before next Monday. He said that next time they will come with guns, and if they can't pay back the money, the whole family will-" Andy closed his eyes again.

"Isn't it 200,000? And the deadline is half a month." Harley said with a gloomy expression.

"Nicholas knows about me, knows that I will buy you to lose, and knows that I will find a way to make you lose." Andy smiled bitterly, "He was even worse than me, losing more than five million. Including interest and compensation, it's one hundred thousand. .”

The corner of Harley's mouth twitched, "I'm willing to admit defeat, why should I take it out on you and talk about martial ethics?"

"They are a black nation, and this is Gotham!" Tracey's face was ashen, as if she had lost her soul.

After a moment of silence, Harry asked in a low voice, "You have been to Wayne Manor. What did you gain?"

Except for meeting Bruce at school, it was very difficult to meet any Wayne at other times.

Andy is an unemployed gambler with no identity or status, so naturally he cannot see the other person whenever he wants.

He first found the butler Ah Fu, left his name and purpose with him, and then waited for Ah Fu's phone call to tell him that he was on the appointment list, and at what time and where he should wait for the summons, or to refuse.

Hallie only remembered Alfred calling their home, and Wayne didn't refuse Andy's request for a meeting. Maybe a large part of the reason was Bruce's relationship?

"I didn't go to Wayne Manor. Thomas Wayne made an appointment with me in the president's office of Wayne Group. He told me that as long as you can ensure your competitiveness in other sports, scholarship is not a problem." Andy's expression changed back and forth. There is shame and anger, but also frustration, and more often than not, despair.

Harry frowned and said, "He refused to give us a loan?"

Andy's eyes drooped, and he gritted his teeth and said: "He is not the only one in the office, maybe he is an employee of Wayne Group, maybe he is a guest of Thomas Wayne.

Wayne said that this was the first time he had met me and he had never known me before. If he wanted him to help me, he had to at least give me a reason, his reason for helping me.

Then the two men were laughing lowly and looking at me with mocking eyes, so I left without looking back. "

"Uh" Harry didn't know what to say.

As if to prove his backbone to his daughter, Andy quickly added: "When I left, Thomas Wayne stretched out his hand and called me, he called 'Mr. Quinn,' but I didn't look back."

Harley's face changed several times and she wanted to laugh at him, but she couldn't laugh at this time.

After a long time, she sighed: "Wayne really has no reason to help us."

There are so many bankrupt families in Gotham, and even if Wayne is reincarnated, he cannot save everyone.

What's more, Wayne is not a Bodhisattva, but one of the largest capitalists in the United States.

Of course, from Andy's words, Harley had a vague feeling that Thomas Wayne might be willing to help his son's classmates. This may be reluctant, but it does exist.

"You don't have to worry about loan sharking, I'll take care of it."

After Harley finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the living room.

After briefly tidying up the living room, it was already dark, so Hallie went to the kitchen to make shredded beef and egg noodles for dinner.

After all this work, she felt sleepy and exhausted, so she took a shower and got into bed.

I don’t know when it was, but Harley felt someone touching her face.

In an instant, her hair stood on end, and she was about to struggle to get up and punch the Black Bandit who was trying to invade her.

——She had learned karate, and when she was eleven years old, Andy couldn't beat her.

Who would have thought that with just one struggle, she would knock the person on her to the ground.

"Hey, why are you so strong?"

It's Tracey.

"Mom, why did you attack me at night?" Harley breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shh, don't be loud!" Tracey said in a low voice.

Harry glanced at the bedside table. The fluorescent hands on the alarm clock stopped at about half past two.

"What happened again?" Harley asked angrily.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes. Let's leave Gotham overnight." Tracey urged in a low voice.

"What? Are you sleepwalking and talking in your sleep?" Harley said.

"Hey, let's run away! Andy's bad debt has not been repaid. We must escape and leave Gotham. Nicola will not be able to find us." Tracy said eagerly.

"Don't care about Andy?" Harry said blankly.

"I want to take care of it, but do I have the ability? He must be being watched by Nikola's people right now, and he won't be able to escape. Those gangsters are used to doing this and are very experienced.

Even the two of us may not be able to escape. We also had to disguise ourselves and leave from the roof.

Frank, I am a top student at the University of Michigan School of Management, why should I suffer this kind of crime? "

Seemingly realizing that she shouldn't lose her temper with her daughter, she softened her tone and explained: "Nicola will not lose money. By next Monday, he will definitely kill Andy to warn those who owe him money, and then kill both of us. Catch him, catch him. Believe me, being able to die happily at that time is also a kind of happiness."

Tracey's words were full of fear.

Harley was also infected by her fear, and her voice trembled unconsciously, "I have a way to pay back the money. Tomorrow I will go to the Rockefeller Building to apply for the 'Hundred Dollar Bill' job. If I succeed, I can get a lot of signing fees."

"Big money?" Tracy was a little confused.

"Superheroes from Watchmen," Harley prompted.

"Oh, a cross-dressing gay guy wearing tight leather pants! But I remember the last generation of big money was men." Tracey looked disgusted.

"Perhaps, the National Bank wants to change its taste?" Harley was unsure.

"You can definitely choose?" Tracy asked.

Harley shook her head.

"But if you stay here, your life will be worse than death." Tracy tried to pull her back again, "Hurry up and get dressed and follow me. I've packed my clothes and cash."

Harley held still, Trish couldn't pull her back at all.

"If I can't choose big money, I'll ask my classmates to borrow it," she said.

"Harry, people's hearts are unpredictable. 300,000 is not a small amount, your classmate."

Tracy sighed and said sincerely: "Think about Andy's experience with Thomas Wayne. Those who can lend you three hundred thousand are powerful and wealthy people, and they are all shrewd and ruthless people. Your classmates may be willing to help you. , but their parents have no reason to help you.

You go away with high hopes, only to be disappointed and humiliated. "

Under normal circumstances, Trish's words would make sense, but her situation was different. She was sure of paying off her debt.

And if she gives up, Andy will die.

After thinking for a moment, Harley said in a deep voice: "Tracy, you can go alone, I want to give it a try. This time the disaster is difficult, if you come back, if you can't survive, at least you escaped."

"Why?" Tracy asked blankly.

"If I leave with you, Andy will definitely die tragically. If I stay, we will most likely be safe." Harley said with a faint smile.

"It's very likely that you will die." Tracy said excitedly.

Harley raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm really not afraid of death."

This was not directed at Andy.

She really can't do it if she is asked to die for Andy, but she can see life and death more clearly than she did in her last life.

She was killed by a meteorite in her previous life, which made her fully understand the saying "life and death depend on fate, success or failure depends on heaven".

In many cases, it is not just because you are afraid of death that you can avoid death. Instead of this, it is better to face it calmly.

In the darkness, Tracy stared at her daughter for a long time, "I thought you didn't have deep feelings for Andy."

Harley stretched out her hand, patted her arm, and said with a smile: "If it were you, I would work hard to the end."

Of course she still remembers her parents in her previous life, but that doesn't mean she has no obligations and responsibilities to her parents in this life.

She may not have as deep feelings for Mr. and Mrs. Quinn as she did for her parents in her previous life, but no matter what, her life in this life comes from them.

Even the "Devil Child" Nezha knew that her parents had a debt of gratitude for giving birth to her. Before she died, she cut off her flesh to return to her father and her bones to return to her mother. Was she not as good as little Nezha?

As for reincarnation.

Unless you surrender to the animal realm, you must respect human ethics as a human being. Doesn’t Nezha know that he is the reincarnation of a spiritual pearl?

Moreover, Andy is no better than Li Jing when it comes to treating his children, and his current situation is far from a life-threatening situation.

She really has a way to solve the loan sharking of 300,000 yuan, and she is not bragging.

Tracy shed tears silently for a while, then hesitated and said: "How about I stay too?"

"No, you leave!" Harley said firmly: "It's too dangerous for you and me to stay in this apartment. From tomorrow until the problem is solved, I will live in my classmate's house on the Upper East Side. It is absolutely safe."

Trish was visibly relieved.

In fact, she regretted it as soon as she said "stay".

Now that her daughter insists on letting her go, she seems to feel less guilty?

Tracy lowered her head, opened the suitcase beside the bed, took out something and stuffed it into Harley's hand.

"Take this, hope you don't need it."

Cold, heavy. It's a pistol!

Harley swallowed, "Where did you get it?"

"This is Gotham, it's everywhere." Tracy said casually.

"I remember when we were in Tulsa, you often went to Casapana to play with guns. You should be able to use this Beretta, right?"

Kasapa is Harley's grandfather and teaches Harley many skills, hunting is just one of them.

Hearing Grandpa's name again, a haze flashed in Harry's eyes.

"Beretta is an old friend." There was a touch of indifference in her voice.

Trish didn't hear the change in her tone, she just breathed a sigh of relief and warned again and again: "Remember, hit on the head and chest, don't hold back once you fire, don't be afraid of killing people, just treat it like beating pork. I'd rather you If you become a murderer, don't let others steal your soul!"

Harley's mouth twitched a few times and asked, "You gave me the gun, what about you?"

"Don't worry, I still have a big guy." Tracy took out a big black thing and waved it in front of her daughter.

"SMG!" Harley was stunned.

The most commonly used micro punch by Heibang in movies.

"You have been in Gotham for more than a year, and have you really worked at the Wayne Hotel? Or is the Wayne Hotel a hotel in name only, but actually a killer organization?"

"I knew how to play with these things before I met your father. Don't forget, we are Americans! In the United States, without guns, how can you protect your family? Rely on the police? Don't be naive." Tracy said.

Harley also gave her mother a lift, climbed to the top floor with her, then accelerated her sprint, jumped to the top of another apartment building three meters away.

Well, the two buildings are close to each other, separated only by a narrow alley.

Harley was also worried that Tracy would fall, and it turned out that the "Harley Quinn" gene was indeed inherited from this woman.

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