I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 7 I want to be a superman

Wednesday soon arrived. After a few days of fermentation, all secrets were no longer secrets. All the classmates knew that Harley was punished for cooperating with her father to crack down on match-fixing.

Well-informed, she even knew that her father owed Heibang a large loan shark.

Some people sympathize, some express concern sincerely, many girls gloat at the misfortune, and some people add insult to injury.

It seems that overnight, the once famous figure on campus fell into the quagmire.

It was not a good day to be criticized from behind. This afternoon, she did not participate in club activities or practice table tennis with Bruce, the tool man. She left school directly and rode her bicycle to Greenwich Village.

Gunga Dinner, a restaurant chain owned by Indians.

"Hi, Harley!" At the dining table near the glass window, the woman with curly brown hair waved to Harley on the street.

She is Jessica Scheksnard, a recent college graduate who currently serves as Harley's manager.

As a well-known "smile queen" in the gymnastics world, it is impossible for the agency to ignore her unless they are all blind.

"How about it, Jesse?" Harley put down her schoolbag and stared expectantly at the agent's broad forehead.

"Are you sure those songs are all original, yours?" Jessica took a sip of coffee and looked suspiciously at the sweaty girl opposite.

Harley asked calmly: "Have you encountered similar lyrics and music?"

Jessica frowned and said: "That's not true, but the styles of several songs are very different in terms of lyrics and music style. They don't look like the works of one person, and they are not even in the same age group. You, a little girl, shouldn't be like that. Deep artistic conception.”

"It's not like you can say this." Harley said.

The manager didn't hide anything, and said directly: "I don't understand music, and I don't have a deep connection with pop music.

In order to help you sell your songs, I specially found an expert, and these comments were all made by him to me. "

It seems that "he" is really an expert, and he is absolutely right!

Harley sighed to herself.

As an experienced and steady time traveler, she certainly knew the loopholes and shortcomings of Wenzhao Gong.

Therefore, in the past ten years or so, she was too young and never thought of playing herself as a talented woman. Olympic champion and endorsement fees were the future she planned for herself.

As for superheroes.

If she had superhuman strength, she would definitely be willing to save the world, but now that she has a turtle shell, could she team up with Batman and serve as his human shield?

Therefore, it is more comfortable to be a rich, famous and free sports star. Of course, the plan to find experience to quickly upgrade cannot be relaxed. After all, it is a dangerous DC universe. Only with the defense of "Man of Steel" can we ensure that we have the life to spend the money we earn.

"Jesse, you know my current situation. I don't have time to discuss artistic conception and style with those experts. I want money. Once the money and goods are paid, everyone will go back to their respective homes." Harley said solemnly.

Jessica nodded and said: "Before meeting those musicians, I have registered the copyright of the song for you.

Once the copyright is successfully registered, God will not be able to take away your song unless it gives you money. "

"Very good." Harley smiled with satisfaction, "Is there a 'god' to buy it?"

"Five hundred dollars a song, twenty songs, ten thousand dollars."

"Christ Jesus, where is this God from? Are you talking to Satan? Satan's heart is not that dark."

Harley's face turned red and she slapped the table and shouted, causing others to look around.

Jessica lowered her right hand to signal her not to get excited, "With all due respect, the price is not too bad."

"You shouldn't have accepted that bastard's dirty money, right?" Harley asked suspiciously.

At some point, she had seen a lot of entertainment movies where the protagonists even used just one song to save up the money to make a movie.

Twenty of her top ten hits on the pop charts were exchanged for just $10,000? !

Jessica's face turned dark, "In the sports world, you are the smile queen and famous, but in the music world, you are nothing.

Go find out how many new writers sell songs for fifty dollars or even ten dollars. "

"Ten dollars? Are they drinking the northwest wind?" Harley didn't believe it.

"Well, sell the songs first. If one or two songs become popular, won't the lyricist's value skyrocket? If the singer is a big name like Britney Spears or Avril Lavigne, most writers are even willing to give away songs for free."

Harley sighed helplessly, "Plan A fails, but Plan B can always succeed, right?"

"The story of "Inception" is indeed good, and I liked it very much after watching it, but the director you requested, Nolan, seems to have passed away."

"What? It's only five years now, how could he die? Is it a different person with the same name and surname?" Harley asked in surprise.

She doesn't want to take other people's paths and leave them with nowhere to go.

Now she is forced by life to become a copywriter. She also hopes to minimize the loss of the original author, so she wants to sell the script to the original author.

Uh, it seems even meaner?

"Nolan, an Englishman, filmed "Memento." Jessica said.

"That's him," Harley nodded, "How did he die?"

“According to his wife, Director Nolan is contemplating a crime movie about ‘The Dark Knight’.

It's probably like a cross-dressing hero fighting a bully alone, very sad and dark. "

"Then what?" Harley's expression was a little strange.

"Where better to find inspiration than Gotham? He lived in Gotham for half a month, running through dark alleys every night to look for cross-dressing heroes, namely the Avengers, Mr. Shadow, the Baton, and the Dark Knight, those perverted gays. "

When it comes to drag heroes, Jessica’s tone is vicious.

Harley covered her face, having already guessed Nolan's ending.

"His Dark Knight didn't show up, and his life became part of Gotham's evil."

"Alas!" Harley covered her face and sighed, "Where's Plan C? Has "I Grow Potatoes on Mars" found a publisher?"

""Growing Potatoes" is a short science fiction novel that should be published in science fiction magazines such as "Locus", "New World", and "Asimov"." Jessica said.

"How many cents can I get for the manuscript fee? I want to cash it in quickly!" Harley said.

"The key is that even magazines won't look at your novel." Jessica said helplessly.

"Impossible. I wouldn't be surprised if such a hard-core science fiction novel wins the Hugo Award." Harley said dissatisfied.

"I deliberately found a connection and sent the novel to the editor-in-chief of "Trajectory". He said that your novel is very unscientific and has very big logical loopholes." Jessica said.

Harley laughed in anger. "Planting Potatoes" is "The Martian". The content of the novel is so hard-core that it can almost be repeated in reality, but it is unscientific?

"Many details of "Growing Potatoes" were guided by our school's science and technology teacher. He studied at NASA, so there will never be any major logical loopholes." She affirmed in a tone of voice.

"Where's Dr. Manhattan?" Jessica said calmly.

"What?" Harley's mouth opened slightly, confusion written on her pretty face, "What does this have to do with Dr. Manhattan?"

"People all over the world know that Dr. Manhattan is on Mars. If a Mars scientific expedition team member crashes, the first person who comes to mind for help will definitely be Dr. Manhattan.

Moreover, Dr. Manhattan has built a crystal palace on Mars. Wherever you need to grow potatoes, you can just go there and eat. Isn’t it delicious? "

Harley's little mouth opened wide, her face dull.

She wanted to refute this ridiculous statement loudly, but she opened and closed her mouth several times, but she didn't know what to say.

Yes, it's already 2005, and the U.S. government is still using tiger skin as a banner, posting a few "photos of life on Mars in Manhattan" every now and then to make it look like the relationship between "God on Earth" and the Pentagon continues to be stable.

An American-Vietnamese female entrepreneur named "Zhao Yu" even built a "Mars phone booth" distributed in major cities in the United States. Ordinary people can also leave messages for Dr. Manhattan through the phone booth.

Therefore, when someone is in trouble on Mars, he first thinks of Dr. Manhattan before echoing the logic. Her "Growing Potatoes" seems really unscientific.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, opened his schoolbag, took out a thumb-sized USB flash drive and put it on the table, "Fortunately, I recently came up with a plan D."

"What?" Jessica asked curiously.

""A Certain Scientific Red Manhattan" tells the story of a Soviet scientist who accidentally created a quantum ghost while studying ball lightning, which was a copycat Dr. Manhattan.

It contains my personal understanding of Dr. Manhattan's existence, and it's a very thoughtful novel. " Harley explained.

Well, this time she attacked her compatriots and magically modified Da Liu's "Ball Lightning".

Because the inquiry revealed that there is no Da Liu in this world.

The quantum ghost in "Ball Lightning" is almost the scientific version of Dr. Manhattan: people attacked by quantum weapons will enter a quantum state, which is a cloud of probability.

Theoretically, probability clouds are distributed throughout the universe, and within a certain range and time period, the probability of seeing him is the same.

For example, you might meet Dr. Manhattan in New York on April 3, 1995.

It is also possible to see him on April 3, 2015, on a star 10,000 light-years away in the solar system.

In time and space, Dr. Manhattan is probabilistically distributed according to quantum states, but he cannot stabilize at one point in time or space.

Just like rolling dice, it is impossible to always get three sixes.

To put it bluntly, the current Dr. Manhattan is unscientific. He should not exist as stably as a human being - always three sixes.

But he exists.

When reality conflicts with theory, the theory must be wrong.

Therefore, outside of the probability cloud, quantum ghosts have another state of existence: the collapsed state after being observed.

Take Schrödinger's cat as an example: a cat and an "odd or even bomb" are placed in a bank vault. The so-called odd or even bomb is a dice rolled. If it is an odd, the bomb explodes and the cat is killed; if it is an even, the bomb Just turn off the flame and the cat survives.

Therefore, if the vault door is not opened, the cat's status has two possibilities: 50% dead and 50% alive.

The existence of cats is a "quantum state".

Opening the vault door, the cat's state is observed, the quantum state is broken, and collapses into a constant unique state.

Dr. Manhattan not only collapsed, but also collapsed to a single value forever, which is very unscientific.

Harley briefly explained her theory and finally said: "The reality is that Dr. Manhattan is not torn apart and evenly dispersed in time and space, which means that he was observed to be in a collapsed state and collapsed to a constant value.

So the question is, who made him collapse? Why is it a constant value? "

"Who? Why?" Jessica was a little confused.

Harley shrugged, "This is just a novel, and the so-called scientific theories are just imagination.

To put it bluntly, because the topic of Manhattan is hot and I recently got some secret files about him, I want to write a novel and sell it for money!

All I want is money. I don't care about the life and status of Manhattan. "

"Well, your idea of ​​​​taking advantage of the heat is correct." Jessica came back to her senses and nodded in agreement.

Then, she asked: "Does your Red Manhattan have a love story? Without a love triangle, it would be hard to sell the book!"

"Of course there is. The plot is completely arranged according to the Blue Manhattan model of the United States."

Harley raised three fingers, "Three wives, the first one was his wife when he was a human, born from love, the young Mu Shaoai, this is Manhattan in his youthful state;

The second one is a chick, born from male instinct, a middle-aged Manhattan;

The third, an ugly and rough middle-aged black woman——"

Jessica twisted her face and interrupted her, "Shit, such a heavy taste?! How can readers accept it?"

"It's the Russian Manhattan anyway," Harley shrugged. "Besides, black, female, and ugly, how politically correct!"

"Well, it's the Russians' Manhattan anyway," Jessica patted her chest, "Christ, I can't imagine our Manhattan being like a... Sigh! I'm not being racist, it's really an eye-catching picture."

"Actually, this setting has another meaning." Harley smiled slightly and said meaningfully: "After youth is middle age, what about after middle age?"

"Old Manhattan?" Jessica mused.

Harley nodded, "The third wife is the choice of the elderly Manhattan. What the elderly need more is family, care and protection.

Well, that is, a nanny. So, he chose a family woman who could take care of him. "

"Manhattan should be higher than the timeline and exist forever. There should be no distinction between young, middle-aged and old, right?" Jessica frowned.

"Yes, this is common sense. Manhattan never ages. But why is he in a collapsed state? Going back to the previous question, why is he in a stable collapsed state when he is also subject to quantum attacks and others become quantum ghosts?"

"Why?" Jessica asked curiously.

Harley smiled slyly and pointed to the USB flash drive, "Promise is inside. You can take a look at it when you get back."

Jessica put away the USB flash drive and said with a smile: "Even a person like me who never reads science fiction novels has become interested in red Manhattan. You will probably explode.

However, even if the novel is popular, it is difficult to earn 200,000 yuan in a short period of time. In fact, half a month is not enough to complete a series of tasks such as editing, printing, and distribution. "

"Can we sell the copyright directly to booksellers?" Harley asked.

Jessica winked at her proudly, "My manager is not a vegetarian either. I have come up with a plan B for you. Do you want to try it?"

"Tell me about it." Harley became interested.

"The National Bank of the United States is recruiting banknotes, big banknotes!" Jessica said with a smile.

"You want me to be a big banknote?" Harley's expression was distorted.

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