I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 765 The Banquet of the God of War

On a spring night in March, the stars are as big as a bucket.

Quinn Manor is brightly lit and bustling with people.

In the corner of the corridor, Louise pointed at the heroes of the Zhenglian League chatting together in the garden, and wondered: "Why are there only these heroes?"

"Because only a few of them were explicitly invited, and the others were grouped @, saying that there was a celebration party tonight, and those who wanted to come could come on their own," Selena said.

"I thought Harley Quinn would call everyone over and show off in public at this highlight of her life," Louise said.

"Didn't you hear what Superman said? Harley doesn't have a good relationship with the heroes from the underworld."

When Louise heard this, her expression changed several times and she fell into silence.

She has seen the entire Crisis on Infinite Earths story from Superman's "handwritten memory."

Of course I knew that Harley had a conflict with the hero of the underworld.

She was even more aware of the role her "eldest son" played in it.

Now hearing Selina's question, she thought of him again.

She was a little sad, not only because she wanted her son to be raised crookedly by the monitors, but also because her son, who was raised to ten years old, did not leave her a short video or anything before leaving.


Suddenly, from the Hudson River in front of the pier at the southern end of the manor, a loud and clear roar of animals came, like a mixture of cows and horses.

Then, the water flowed "whew", as if a small tsunami was hitting the manor halfway up the mountain.

"Ah, it's the people from the bottom of the sea. Did they also receive an invitation?" Louise exclaimed.

The ten-meter-high waves formed a city wall, and the water spray radiated blue light, which was extremely bright in the dark night, like a curtain of colored lanterns.

Above the waves, there are two seahorses with colorful scales, a pair of red-haired men and women on horseback, two undersea people who look like lobsters, and two fish-tailed people dressed like astronauts.

The waves were like a gust of wind, quickly drifting from the pier to the mountainside, leaving only a wet trail wherever they passed.

Just as they arrived at the manor garden, all the waves of water disappeared, and six undersea people fell to the ground.

Harry laughed and greeted him, "Brother Nereus, the Fisher King, the Salt Sea King, the two princesses, and the Salt Sea Prince, welcome!"

She put on the armor of the Mountain King of Heaven tonight, which didn't highlight her figure very much, but only showed off the complicated magnificence and delicacy. It looked a little bloated, like she was wearing a three-layer winter cotton skirt.

It is still golden, emitting divine radiance, like a big light bulb.

However, now that she has 85 defense points and eight defense specialties, there is no need to wear armor anymore.

When upgrading, the overly powerful defense even bothered her.

"Omaika, you are the three lords and heirs of the underwater kingdom. This is too much honor." A guest in the courtyard shouted.

"The four kingdoms under the sea, Atlantis, Zebel, the Fishman Kingdom, and the Salt Sea Kingdom. The Atlanteans, the most powerful and the most representative of the will of the people under the sea, are not here." Louise's eyes flickered, He whispered: "Does this mean something?"

"Representing the King of Atlantis, he is in trouble! He is the only one of the four kings who is not here. He is too conspicuous. It would be strange if Harley didn't remember it," Selina said.

The corner of Louise's mouth twitched, "I mean, because of the friendship between us to jointly deal with the crisis, the four underwater kingdoms should have sent representatives over. Atlantis didn't come, and may have opinions or even hostility towards us."

"Dingling bells" a crisp sound like wind chimes floated from the sky. Everyone looked up and saw four horses with pure white hair and agate bells hanging from their necks, pulling an exquisite car that should only exist in fairy tales. The carriage seemed to come from the land of fairies.

The carriage circled the manor, flew half a circle in the sky, and finally landed at the edge of the garden. The door opened, and a noble woman with hair decorated with gems and flowers walked gracefully.

"Welcome, Fairy Queen Titania." Harley greeted her with a smile on her face.

"Hiss~~~Even the Lord of Fairyland is here. Didn't he talk about their relationship last time?"

"The Fairy Queen is so beautiful, like a person walking out of a dream."

The mages among the guests were talking a lot, and all the heroes in Zhenglian looked straight at him, except Da Chao.

Dachao noticed that the Fairy Queen seemed to be looking at him with a strange look.

He is like a thorn in the back.

"Who is the Fairy Queen?" Louise asked doubtfully.

"Superman didn't tell you? Last time he and Harley went to hell to save Rachel and fell into the wonderland dimension."

"He didn't tell me!" Louise looked at Dachao, suspicion flashing in her eyes.

His expression at this time is not natural

Many more people came after that, but none of them were as high-profile as the Undersea Man and the Fairy Queen.

Louise didn't recognize most of them, but she could guess that they were of high status.

Especially the man with a fluffy afro, a long donkey face, skin as pale as the moonlight, and a black robe with figures and flames on the surface.

Louise didn't even see how he appeared.

But all the mages who saw him saluted with great respect.

Even the Fairy Queen, who was aloof and self-admired and stood by the flowers after arriving, holding a glass of wine and not talking to anyone, was also smiling, took the initiative to greet him, and even danced with him.

By the way, the green-skinned Martian Manhunter knelt down to him.

It was said to be a celebration banquet, but the celebration process was unexpectedly lackluster. Louise didn't see any brilliant performances, and she didn't wait for the gods and demons who were unconvinced by "Witch Harley" to crash the venue.

Everyone just drank and ate, stood by the flowers and chatted, or danced to the music.

Oh, the musicians who play music for everyone are very special. They are not humans, but elves hired from another world.

After almost everyone had gathered, God of War Harley gave a speech.

In Louise's view, the content of the speech was also very thin, with no explosive points, no exciting or inspiring shouts.

To sum up, there are two points: 1. She is a devout believer in God, and everything she does obeys God's will; 2. She fully deserves the position of King of Heaven Mountain and God of War, because she has made great contributions to God and heaven.

This kind of official talk and clichés made Louise absent-minded and distracted.

But the strange thing is that she found that almost all the guests on the magic side, including the underwater people and the fairy queen, had serious expressions, listening attentively, looking thoughtful or suddenly enlightened.

Vaguely, she also heard someone in the corner curse in a low voice, "As expected, you are a black-hearted and black-handed dog XX."

The words that followed were too vague and the voice was too low, so she didn't hear them clearly.

After Hallie finished her speech of thanking God and thanking heaven, some guests began to leave quietly and disappeared without a sound.

By the time Louise came to her senses, the mages had already left, but it was the Zhenglian heroes who came first and persisted until the end. In the second half of the night, they were still drinking, barbecuing, and chatting.

"Clark, Clark!" Louise hid in a secluded corridor and called in a voice that she could barely hear.

"Whoosh -" Half a minute later, Dachao, who had found an excuse to separate from his friends, appeared in front of her.

"The banquet is over, why don't you leave?" Louise asked strangely.

"We can't leave until it's completely over. We promised Harley." Da Chao said.

"What did you promise her?"

"Make sure no one dares to cause trouble today."

Louise finally understood, "Are you guests and security guards?"


"Why? The majestic Justice League actually wants to give, give--" The husband of the greatest hero in her heart was treated as a security guard. Louise was very angry, but she opened her mouth to get excited for a long time, but she couldn't say "Gotham Emperor".

"Even if she has become the God of War in Heaven, she is not qualified to order you." She said firmly.

Da Chao scratched the back of his head, his eyes wandered, and his tone of voice was hesitant and a little embarrassed, "We are friends after all, and helping to smooth things over on her big day is nothing."

When Louise saw his appearance, she immediately guessed that there was something hidden and said directly: "Is there any other reason?"

Dachao was defeated in his wife's bright eyes, his tough Chinese character face turned slightly red, "There are also merits in heaven."

"What?" Louise looked confused.

“The ‘Paradise Mountain Financial Management’ launched by Watchdog for heroes proved its powerful effectiveness in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

We all have a financial account now, so merit is also useful to us.

You are burdened with sin and need merit——"

"Wait, who did you hear to say that I am guilty?" Louise interrupted him awkwardly.

"You shouted it out on the spot on Paradise Mountain, and everyone knew about it."

"Don't worry, I rely on myself -" Louise is stuck, she can't seem to make ends meet on her own. No, she has to change her personality, go to church more, and be less self-righteous - hey, let Clark help reduce accidental casualties!

Dachao glanced at his wife and said, "Aquaman has a father, and Flash has an adoptive father and lover. Even if he doesn't have a family, he still has comrades and friends. His merits will always come in handy."

"How many merits has she achieved that she allowed all of you to serve as security guards?"

"We are friends, and helping her is mainly out of friendship." Dachao emphasized.

"Your salary card is with me, and your financial accounts should also be handed over to me for safekeeping." Louise reminded.

Dachao was helpless and whispered: "Thirty thousand for me, twenty-five thousand for The Flash, twenty thousand for Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and Captain Atom.

Several heroes like Animal Man, Green Arrow, and Young Watchmen came to see the world without any salary. "

"Oh, so many!" The cold look on Louise's face was immediately replaced by a smile of surprise, "If this happens a few more times -"

Catching her husband's surprised look, Louise quickly corrected her expression and said, "Harley Quinn is a very good friend, so it's only right for you to come over and help her."

Suddenly, she thought of her new little sister and said, "By the way, I didn't see Batman. He doesn't seem to be here tonight?"

"He wants at least fifteen thousand points, but Harley is only willing to give him 500 points. The gap is too big and we can't reach an agreement," Da Chao said.

"This" Louise didn't know what to say.

"I want to talk to Harley Quinn. Remember to call me when you leave." She finally said.

"What are you talking about?" Harley asked lazily.

Louise glanced at her chest and blushed a little.

She met Harry in the hot spring pool in the backyard.

Ivy and Selina were also taking off their white bathrobes and jumping into the pool.

"Louise, come down too, you've been working hard all night. Aren't you tired?" Selina invited.

Louise hesitated for a moment, then went to the back of the closet and began to take off her coat.

She felt really tired.

"I'm in Heaven Mountain, how come my life has been modified?"

"You mean your mother?" Harley asked.

"No." Louise endured the shame and told the university about joining the "Martial God Resurrection Cult".

Harry frowned and said, "I am alive and well, so I need... In other words, as a living person, would I like to dig my own grave and resurrect myself?"

"Are you saying that the Resurrection Cult is purely a lie?"

"I mean, the Resurrection Cult doesn't suit my liking. Your life changes have nothing to do with me. I can't guarantee anything else. There are too many uncertainties."

Having said that, there was a hint of doubt and uncertainty in Harry's heart.

Because when Louise mentioned the concept of 'valkyrie's resurrection' in front of her, her spiritual sense seemed to have touched an existence outside of time and space.

Not like a hallucination.

A question that had been suspected before but was left unanswered came to Harley's mind again: Why does the King of Martial God die?

Even if the God of War cannot become the God of War in Heaven, he can disappear, hide, or become a mysterious legend with an undetermined ending, just like those magical figures in history.

For example, Solomon, who was also the ‘Christian King’, became a mythical figure, and many people believed that he was not dead.

It happened that 'she' died, and everyone almost reached a consensus on 'her' death.

Death is exactly what Harley fears the most.

The new world restarted according to her subconscious, and it shouldn't have such an ending that seriously violated her wishes.

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