I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 749: Tear to pieces and rebel against prison

The Anti-Monitor King's energy blast instantly explodes a ball with a diameter of several kilometers, making it the most powerful clearing skill.

Not only can it clear the field, but it can also get rid of the field control at the same time.

With this move alone, he was never afraid of the siege from the expedition heroes.

Even Superman would scream miserably, get injured, bleed out, and lose his fighting power when faced with a scarlet antimatter energy explosion—once, he used this trick to kill Wonder Woman instantly!

But this time, the anti-surveillance king was shocked and furious to discover that Harley Quinn's reaction speed was super fast. When the energy in his body exploded, she activated the 'God descends to earth'.

God actually blocked his energy blast when he descended to earth? ? ? !

God of dogs!

The three supermen were super fast. The moment Harley Quinn put up the "Shield of God", they flew behind her.

Dachao also held down Harley's shoulders to "help" (hold) her against the shock wave of the energy blast.

Harley was very cunning. Her position blocked four "Thousand-Hand Guanyin Team" three hundred meters behind.

The four teams are like four needles, and the four needles come together to form a cluster.

This sector avoids the direct impact of the scarlet energy blast. Even if part of the scarlet antimatter escapes from other places, it cannot cause fatal injuries to the heroes within the range.

The anti-supervisory king fired blank cannons.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Before the nearby scarlet antimatter dispersed, the three supermen rushed over again and blasted the anti-supervisor who was about to hit Harley's head with a giant fist.

Then came the green light's field control, restraining the hands and feet of the anti-monitor, turning him into a training stake, allowing Superman to beat him and the hero to shoot at random.

What's even more amazing is that the Thousand-Hand Guanyin Formation does not stop there. Four teams and three supermen are like flies, circling around the ten-story anti-monitor.

There seemed to be no rules, but there was no chaos.

There was no accidental injury to Superman.

There was no scarlet energy explosion, and Harley had no time to protect him.

They kept changing their positions, which also prevented the anti-monitoring king from specifically targeting a certain point.

If in the world of Eastern Xianxia, ​​this state may come from a certain I Ching Bagua formation.

But this is DC, and everyone rushed over as soon as they formed a team, without cooperating in the drill.

The reason why there is such "order in chaos" is actually a lie, there is no order at all.

The three Super Chaos were beating around blindly, but Harley avoided them. The four "Thousand-Hand Guanyin Formation" were always staring at her back. Wherever she ran, they followed her.

It's like forming a wonderful formation.

"Harley Quinn guessed correctly again. The Anti-Monitor is absorbing antimatter energy from the outside world - he is extracting energy from two stars." The Herald stood on the outside and pointed at the two stars in the binary star system and shouted.

She did not join the fight for the time being.

Because she had regained some of her "monitoring powers" again, Harley asked her to observe the state of the anti-matter universe and the old anti-supervisory thieves.

At this moment, when the battle lasted for ten minutes, antimatter energy exploded five times, and mottled damage appeared on the iron shell of the Anti-Monitor King, finally a stream of energy fell from the star, forming an invisible and massless smoke column, and poured into the Anti-Monitor King. Within the body, he quickly repaired his injuries and also helped him replenish the energy lost after the explosion.

"Harley Quinn is right. The Anti-Monitor is exhausted and unable to absorb energy from the source of the universe. He suffered heavy losses during the restart and lost a lot of authority in the universe." Pioneer said to Alexander with a complicated expression.

Alexander didn't join the battle either. He was a "doorman" who opened and closed doors for the heroes, and provided them with "entry cards" - positive matter energy protection.

Therefore, after going through several large-scale expeditions, each time the sacrifice was a hero, he has yet to throw a punch at the enemy.

After receiving Lyla's confirmation, Harley took a step back and shouted to Superman: "The battle is ready to enter the second phase."

"Bang——" Da Chao flew to Anti-Monitor's chin and punched out. A milky white air wave erupted at the impact point, and Anti-Monitor howled and was knocked back thousands of meters.

"Bang——" The old Superman flew to the metal soles of the anti-supervision basketball court, clenched his fists, twisted his waist and threw them out.

It was like throwing a shot put, making a head-sized hole in the smooth metal sole.

The knee of the anti-monitoring king's foot went weak, and he screamed and climbed dozens of kilometers higher.

Superboy stretched his fists forward and made a classic flying move of Superman, hitting the anti-supervisor's crotch directly.

"BOOOM——" The powerful air current blew away the nearby clouds for dozens of kilometers.

"Bang bang bang——"

After three consecutive rounds of three-stage shooting, the Anti-Surveillance King left the Kovad star and entered the dark outer space.

"The Star Sapphire Army is dispatched!" Said, the little blue man, gave the order. The purple lanterns scattered thousands of kilometers around raised the rings in their hands and shot out beams of purple light. They connected together to form a 1,500-kilometer radius. spherical space.

Covering the Anti-Monitor King and the rest of the expeditionary force members.

"What's going on? My energy is losing!" The Anti-Monitor King roared with a hint of fear, "You blocked the antimatter sun's light, did you notice it?"

"It really worked." Alexander looked complicated.

"It works, we will win today!" Everyone was happy and their fighting spirit became even higher.

"Dr. Destiny, disrupt the laws of time and space." Harley's steady voice came to the mage group.

Doctor Fate, Stranger, dozens of Grandmasters, and even Yebi also joined in, scattered into nodes, and their bodies were pressed against the inner membrane of the purple light barrier.

Every master has understood the laws, and every god has imprinted his own laws into the sea of ​​laws of the multiverse - the universe system library.

Each god-king can also control part of the legal authority—controlling the operating system of the universe.

At this time, the God King of Naboo descended into Dr. Destiny's body, and Stranger drained the power of God from his body. Each master released the laws and magic power in his body,

Colorful magic powers are connected into a magic lightning network.

The space within the net ripples, and the two sets of laws of time and space are like two noodles in a pot of boiling water.

The best way to prevent the anti-monitoring king from escaping is to control the laws in this starry sky.

Just like back on Earth 0, the realm of the Naboo God King spread out, the Green Lantern closed the cracks in the universe, and the Anti-Monitor King almost escaped.

But this is an anti-matter universe. Even if the Anti-Monitor King has truly lost his destiny, it is impossible for the heroes of matter to defeat the local snakes in the power grab.

Therefore, Harley chose the strategy of 'since I can't use it, then destroy it so that no one can use it'.

At this time, feeling the chaotic sea of ​​laws in the starry sky, she knew that the situation had been decided, and she couldn't help but feel excited.

"The second team of the Green Lantern, release the yellow sun light and kill the anti-supervisory thieves! Kill!" She raised her head and roared.

"Kill!" More than two hundred novice Green Lanterns held their lantern rings high together. The energy of the green lanterns was transformed into the light energy of the yellow sun, rushing toward the Anti-Monitor. Superman was there.

"Ahhhhhh!" The three supermen's bodies expanded intuitively, and the majestic energy was poured into their bodies. They couldn't help shouting loudly, and vented all their power on the anti-monitor's head.

"Bang bang - click click!" The iron shell shattered.

"Ouch, no—" the anti-supervision king howled in pain.

But he still couldn't move, and the dozens of green lights on the first team never gave up control of the field.

Pieces of the iron shell fell off, and in just half a minute, the "Shell Man" shed his outer shell, revealing a body of scarlet energy like a skinned beast inside.

"The negligent woman!" On a meteorite outside the battlefield, Laila patted the mummy woman on the shoulder.

"Ahhh——" the negative woman shouted, took a step forward, leaned forward, and a long human-shaped black shadow flew out of her body, spanning several kilometers, binding the energy-state anti-monitor in one circle and another. One lap.

Her superpower is to release radioactive energy that burns other people's energy.

"What is this? The energy in my body is burning." The Anti-Monitor King shouted in panic and once again activated the scarlet energy explosion.

"Retreat!" Harley's nine-level anti-matter energy defense can sense the state of his body at all times. Before the scarlet energy was activated, she issued an order. The negative woman retracted the mental radiation shadow, and the three supermen retracted behind her, and then...

"BOOOOM!" The fireworks were brilliant, and the anti-supervision team did useless work for the nth time today.

Before the red mist cleared, the three supermen rushed forward again, not giving the anti-supervisor a chance to breathe or change tactics.

"His body is fading, and he can't hold on any longer!" Dachao exclaimed happily.

"No, I am the master of the universe. I have infinite knowledge and infinite power. You cannot defeat me."

Anti-monitoring is also really strong. After being beaten by hundreds of heroes for such a long time, he is still full of energy and only loses part of his energy.

As long as the energy is immortal, he will not die.

"Fucking Master of the Universe, you're just an ignorant idiot." Harley used a yellow light energy tool to create an "excavator" to extract antimatter energy from the Anti-Monitor King, while verbally attacking him and confusing him.

"You seem to be the initiator of this crisis on infinite earths and the big boss, but you don't even understand the real reason why the crisis happened.

Why has no scientist created antimatter energy in the positive matter universe for tens of billions of years, but the abandoned people did it?

Didn't it occur to you that this might be a conspiracy?

A conspiracy to make you a cannon fodder?

The overt and covert fighting between you and the monitors is so tacit that outsiders think you are ‘match-fixing’.

You controlled the antimatter energy to destroy a universe and created a huge hole, but the monitors did not respond or summon countless supermen to personally come to the antimatter universe to destroy you.

He allowed you to destroy the Infinite Earth with almost connivance, and was also deliberately killed by the Pioneer you controlled - even the teenage Alexander could find that there was a shadow in the Pioneer.

You play the Antimatter Cloud card, and he plays the Cosmic Tuning Fork; he plays the Hades Universe, and you immediately keep up with the Cosmic Frequency Difference Zeroing Device; you are short of energy at the place where time originated, and the anti-monitoring descendants immediately formed the Third Expeditionary Army for You gave away the head; as soon as you stretched your hand towards the little blue man's "observation window of the origin of the universe", the ghost held your hand up and wanted to pick your peach.

Is this all a coincidence?

If I hadn't interfered many times during this period, you and the monitor would have been in better agreement.

Do you know why I am sure that you will die today?

Because I understand destiny and know the number of heaven.

I already understand the root cause of this crisis - to detain Dr. Manhattan, who is about to complete his cause and effect and is preparing to run away with huge sums of money.

Crisis is mainly about starting a universe reboot.

The restart of the universe is mainly aimed at him.

Now that his Manhattan Power has become a 'basic force' in the multiverse, the big guy above has achieved his purpose and you are useless.

Not only is it useless, but you are also making trouble all the time, which makes you look extremely annoying.

Everyone despises you and dislikes you. You are dead! "

"No, no, it's not like that." Anti-supervisor denied loudly, but he could not help but recall a memory in his heart (ps).

That day, the Pharaoh secretly made the same judgment as Witch Harley: he and the monitor had a tacit understanding, but they were definitely not acting. If the anti-monitoring effort fails miserably and the positive matter universe returns to its original state, then his fate is likely to be controlled by an invisible hand.

"No! No one can control my destiny. My destiny is up to me - oh, my hands!"

As soon as the anti-supervision king raised his head to the sky and let out an unyielding cry, his left arm was torn apart at the elbow by the old superman.

(PS: There is a detailed "meeting" in Chapter 661. Readers who have forgotten it can refer back to it.

Today's cause also led to the result of the "Darkseid War" launched by the anti-monitor king. )

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