I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 748 Thousand-Hand Guanyin Formation

The expeditionary force encountered a big problem.

"I only feel that evil is around, but it is not concentrated in a certain direction." The abandoned person said sadly.

A mighty group of more than 600 people successfully passed through the barrier of the antimatter universe, successfully arrived at the starry sky of the antimatter universe, and followed the abandoned ones, flying for hundreds of light years.

During this period, Harley opened five portals, and the massive amount of yellow light energy consumed made her heartbroken white face turn yellow.

She opened the door because only she and Alexander Kent could withstand the erosion of the laws of antimatter space.

Alexander needs to consume energy to maintain the team's survival in the antimatter universe.

Finally, they successfully arrived at the desolate rocky planet suspected to be Kovad.

It is very different from the previous Kwad star. Not only the planet's landform is different, but also the size of the planet and the structure of the star system have also changed.

The planet shrank in size, and the single star became the current double star.

But from the position of the universe, this place is the center of the antimatter universe, so it should be the restarted Kovad Star.

Barry ran thousands of times around the rocky planet, but he didn't find a single living person, nor did he find the old anti-supervisor thief.

"Alexander, Pioneer, can you find the Anti-Monitor?" Dachao asked.

The Herald shook his head, "I thought the Abandoned One would bring us directly to him. Unexpectedly, the dignified Anti-Monitor actually hid."

"He must be found immediately. The positive material energy in my body used to protect you cannot last long." Alexander warned.

"The Anti-Monitor will not hide out of fear. He must be working on a killer weapon again and wants to delay time." Barry said seriously.

"What should we do now, Harley?" Dachao asked anxiously.

He turned around and saw no one.

"Where's Harley?" he yelled.

“Here—” Hal Jordan waved from above a stone hill a hundred meters away.

Dachao flew over and saw Harley using a yellow light energy tool to create a chisel and quickly carve out a lifelike iron shell of the Anti-Monitor from the stone mountain a hundred meters high.

"What are you doing? And, is this an anti-monitor? She looks a bit enchanting, like a woman, and she has a skirt, and this -" Dachao was shocked and very embarrassed at the same time.

Because Hallie is sculpting her breasts for the anti-censorship king. They are so big and round, and they have a sexy big butt that looks like Kim Kardashian. It’s so embarrassing.

"Alexander, prepare to open the door and go home!" Harley finished carving, and the chisel turned into a long sword. With a click, the entire stone sculpture was cut from the foot of the mountain.

"With this trophy, this trip is worth it." She laughed loudly.

A green-skinned girl with short ear-length hair flew over and asked curiously: "What does this mean?"

"The old anti-supervisor thief imitated women and was afraid of us, so he shrank. I carved a statue of the 'Anti-Monitor who turned into a woman after restarting' to commemorate our victory this time, and also forever remember his cowardice, cowardice and vulgarity."

Harley waved to the green light, "Help me lift it up, lift it high, so that everyone in the antimatter universe can see it.

We are not stealing stone sculptures quietly, but taking the spoils openly. "

"Harley Quinn, I know you're humiliating the Anti-Monitor, trying to piss him off and make him jump out.

But there's something wrong with your approach.

Because you are also humiliating women, and you regard women as synonymous with cowardice and vulgarity. "The green-skinned girl said seriously.

"Where did you come from?" Harley was surprised to see an alien girl boxing.

"I am not an alien, I am the daughter of the original Green Lantern of the Justice Society of Earth 2."

The green-skinned girl was very angry. She was the second generation of a heroic giant, and she was also a superhero. Wherever she went, she was not the center of attention? Witch Harley actually pretended not to know her, and was probably deliberately humiliating her.

"Is your mother an alien? She looks like an alien." Harley asked.

"I was born this way, this is my power."

"It seems that magic power is activated in your body." Harley gradually thought thoughtfully, "Star Heart, you are infiltrated by the magic power of Star Heart. Well, it should be your father who was infiltrated by magic power and gave birth to you after his death."

"Don't change the subject." The male second-generation girl said in a stern tone.

"I'm a woman, so you think too much." Harley said.

Dachao frowned and said, "This trick seems to be useless. The anti-monitor didn't respond."

Hal Jordan understood her plan as soon as he saw her carving.

Therefore, when she was having a quarrel with the green-skinned girl, he had already held the stone sculpture and flew high into the sky to ensure that the counter-monitors hiding in the dark could see it.

A few more minutes passed, and Harley became frustrated. She waved her hand and said, "Throw away the stone sculpture. We have lost. The old anti-supervision thief has learned a lot from his mistakes, and now he has really cultivated his temper."

Hal threw the stone sculpture aside and frowned: "What should we do now? Alexander cannot sustain our consumption for a long time."

"I still have plan B." Harley looked around at the crowd and said loudly: "Hal picked a few Green Lanterns to stay here with me to build a bridgehead and occupy Covad.

You go back first, don't go far, and be on standby at Oua.

If the old anti-supervision thief appears again, I will hold him down with a few Green Lanterns, and then Hal will go through the portal to Oa to pick you up. "

"I'll stay with you."

The old Superman seemed to have a will to die in his eyes.

He no longer has any nostalgia for the universe without Louise, so he might as well stay on Coward and burn himself for the last time.

"You have not completed the transformation of the anti-matter body." Harley said.

"Green Lantern and the others are done?"

"No, but they have light rings and green light uniforms."

"Lend me a ring first." Old Superman said.

"Okay." Hal nodded.

"Oh, I didn't expect the old anti-prisoner to endure this much." Harry looked at the big breasts and fat butt lying on one side and rebelled against the prison. He felt ashamed in his heart that he thought his plan was sophisticated, but he was ridiculed.

——Maybe the old anti-supervision thief is hiding in a cave and laughing happily at the moment.

Thinking of this, Harley couldn't help but materialize a yellow light energy chisel, and carve a line of words on the stone mountain wall next to it: Bastard old turtle, congratulations, the turtle has finally achieved great success, and has been promoted to the famous No. 1 in the multiverse. A "Turtle Shell Supreme" who is too scared by mortals to show his face. You defeated me again, and you did it by spitting—

Before the message was even finished, the panicked shouts of the abandoned people resounded in all directions.

"Everyone, be careful. I feel a huge evil is coming towards us quickly."

"Witch Harley, how dare you humiliate me like this!"

In the distance, from the direction of the stars, the angry spiritual roar of the Anti-Monitor King came.

"Uh, the woman's stone carving worked? It's just that the old anti-supervision thief used a telescope to look at it. It takes time for light to travel?" Harley was surprised, happy, and a little confused.

Has the anti-supervision king fallen to this level? Observe with an optical telescope

"If you dare to insult me ​​as a turtle, you will be dead today!" The anti-monitoring king's roar shook the starry sky and made the earth tremble. "Witch Harley, you have sealed your fate!"

"It's not a matter of light propagation. Is he angry because of the 'Old Turtle'? He's not angry when he's carved into a woman, but he explodes after cursing the old turtle? Could it be that we've been mistaken all along, and he is actually her? But the voice is wrong ah."

Harley had a question mark on her head.

When she sees the female monitor and the female Zaulie in the future, she will realize how ridiculous today's doubts are.

Many "natural creatures" do not differentiate between men and women at all.

Of course, the anti-supervision king doesn’t even have the courage to endure the ‘old turtle’.

He jumped out for two reasons: 1. He overheard Harley's Plan B and realized that he could hide for a while, but not forever; 2. As the Supreme, it was too embarrassing to be forced to hide by mortals. There are countless examples of Supremes escaping from mortals. Not yet.

The two reasons are considered together: If hiding cannot solve the problem, then it is not worthwhile to become the 'first supreme person in history to hide from mortals'.

In fact, there is a third reason: He didn't think he would lose, and he hid because he really designed another big killer-the planet vacuum cleaner, which sucked the earth into the antimatter universe (PS) by creating cracks in the universe.

But if Harley establishes an outpost on the planet Kovad, the planet sucker that causes space-time fluctuations in the universe will not be able to sneak attack on the earth.

"Today is the day of your destruction. Today is the day of the destruction of the universe!"

The Anti-Surveillance King stepped on the rolling red cloud of antimatter, jumped from the surface of the star, and in a few blinks, landed on the surface of the planet Kovad, in front of the hero.

"It's the big man rebelling against the police. Harley guessed one thing correctly." Da Chao roared, and he, Lao Chao, and Xiao Chao rushed forward to meet him.

"Everyone prepare for the Thousand-Hand Guanyin Formation!" Harley followed closely behind Superman.

And as she shouted loudly, more than a hundred purple lanterns stepped back, leaving four to five hundred heroes, arranged in four long snake formations.

The long queue was like a needle pointing towards anti-supervision.

More than 30 Green Lantern warriors who survived the war are really like the Thousand-Armed Guanyin. They stretched out their arms from behind their teammates, and the Green Lantern rings on their fingers shot out green streamers. They were separated by hundreds of meters and blocked the anti-monitoring force that was about to break out. The king was tied up into a mummy with his head exposed.

The other three teams were also Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara, shooting tens of millions of supernatural beams at the anti-monitoring iron head within a range of 200 to 500 meters.

There are also powerful heroes who turn into "human flying swords" and fly out to hit the anti-monitor's body, then fly back to the team to accumulate power and prepare for the next impact.

"Ah ah ah -" As soon as the anti-monitor appeared, he was controlled by the field. He struggled hard, but the effect was weak. His forehead was drowned by the supernatural light, and the back of his head was punched and kicked by three tearing man.

There are also dozens of fly-like "human flesh flying swords" shooting at other parts of the body.

"Boom!" Finally, the signature scarlet energy explosion appeared, like a nuclear bomb exploding from the anti-monitor's body. The dozens of green light streamers tied to his body were more fragile than the paper tape wrapped outside the gift box.

"God comes down to earth!"

Harley opened her arms to form an anti-matter defense field between the heroes' Thousand-Armed Guanyin Formation and the Anti-Monitor, and in front of the Anti-Monitor.

The shock wave of the scarlet energy blast pushed her and rubbed in the air, but like a city wall, she at least blocked the anti-matter energy blast in front of her, and the sector behind her also avoided direct impact.

The Thousand-Hand Avalokitesvara Formation is embedded in a narrow sector.

Everyone had to line up to hide behind her. If they spread out, it would be too far away to have no attack effect, and too close and Harley would not be able to protect him. At this time, the anti-monitor was a big man, ten stories tall, and Harley could only block a small piece of the energy blast stimulated from his body surface.

"It works, we are fine!" Uncle Sam was overjoyed.

"Harley Quinn's plan was successful." Jade, the second-generation male with green skin, had tears in his eyes.

She thought of the extremely tragic first expedition, of Supergirl, the two Wonder Women, and hundreds of heroes who died tragically in the scarlet energy blast.

(ps: In the comics, after returning from the failure of the place of origin of time, the Anti-Monitor King really sucked the earth into the antimatter universe.

To explain a little bit, the setting of the Anti-Monitor King is that he is one of the smartest people in the DC universe and a scientist among the supreme beings.

His name was Mobius, and he just built a "Mobius Chair" for searching and storing knowledge, and it became the god of knowledge. Whoever gets the chair can sit on it. Who is the God of Knowledge in the DC multiverse.

Therefore, the anti-surveillance king can invent so many weird weapons that can be called "three thousand lives in the multiverse".

Therefore, no matter how good the anti-monitoring king's combat skills are, it does not prove that he is a good person. It is just that his expertise is wrong and the technicians have done the work of a soldier. )

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