I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 707 The Role of Apprentice

Brainiac 5 did not carry a sample of the time membrane with him, but just like a jeep that often hangs a spare tire on the back to prevent a puncture, the time bubble also has a spare set of time membranes.

In fact, the double-layer time film mode is used.

A time bubble has two layers of time film, just in case.

At Master Harley's strong request, Brainiac 5 removed the outer membrane of the time bubble.

"Bang, bang, bang." After Harry got the time membrane, he used the excuse of "needing to perform magic alone", hid in the meditation room, and started chewing on it.

It's like chewing glass shards.

The fragments poked the mucous membrane in her mouth sorely.

After reluctantly swallowing a mouthful of time film, Harley immediately held her breath and concentrated, focusing on the reaction between the gastric acid mist and the time film.


After the gastric acid fog enveloped him, the time diaphragm emitted colorful light, and a strange energy was generated in the stomach.

"Uh-" The moment the strange energy appeared, Harley's eyes were dazzled and her head was dizzy, as if countless pictures and countless times flashed before her eyes.

"Discovering pure high energy can unlock the eighth defense expertise." A message came from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness at the same time.

"Store it."

This amount of energy was not enough to activate the time defense. Harley suppressed the joy in her heart and put it into the eighth defense expertise upgrade jar.

Then, she looked at the huge transparent "pot stickers" and fell into deep thought: The time "moon" cannot be directly put into the stomach with the energy of the yellow light, but it is too laborious to eat directly with the mouth, and the taste is not good.

"Ivy, bring me a bottle of Laoganma beef sauce!" she shouted outside through the crack in the door.

"Aren't you testing the time membrane? What do you want beef sauce for?" Ivy passed a bottle through the crack of the door with confusion.

"Beef sauce is a magic tool."

Harley closed the door, took a bite of the time diaphragm, and scooped out a small spoonful of hot sauce with her teeth that had 80 points of defense and level 8 food defense expertise.

"Gah bang rattle." The spicy beef flavor is not bad.

It took more than half an hour for Halle to kill the entire three-meter-diameter "glass shell" of the star with a bottle of hot sauce.

Eighth Time Mother River Defense Specialty, Level 2: Immune to 30% of the damage, loss and other negative effects of the Time River.

Harley has the Bonded Power Defense feat, one of its functions, which is to make her immune to any form of temporal damage.

The eighth defense specialty opened today has some overlap with it, but it is also very different.

The time of the power of connection is immune to damage, and it is immune to time magic and time supernatural attacks in the single material universe.

The eighth defense specialty not only protects against time attacks in the material universe, but is also immune to time damage in the river of time and super-time flow.

For example, if a mage wants to use time magic to take away Harley's years, turning her beauty into gray hair in an instant, the fifth connection's defense skill can resist it.

But a certain mage opened the super-time flow channel and threw Harley into the river of time, and even the more terrifying super-time flow. Even if Harley didn't die, she would be lost in the turbulent flow of time.

The Eighth Time Mother River Defense Specialty allows Harley to walk smoothly in the river of time.

Let her cross the rivers of different times as easily as crossing the road in the super-time flow composed of countless rivers of time.

It is also obvious from the name of the specialty "Defense of the Mother River of Time" that this is a specialty that improves Harley's ability to survive in the Mother River of Time.

There is a difference between the mother river of time and time. Time is only one element that constitutes the universe, and time belongs to the universe; the mother river of time contains more, and the single universe belongs to the mother river of time.

If a river of time in the super-time flow is "projected" onto a cosmic egg, a parallel universe will be formed within the Wan Tian Yi.

The multiverse also belongs to the mother river of time, and the omnipotent universe also belongs to the mother river of time.

Of course, the above secrets of the universe are still too far away for Harley at this time. At this moment, she can only vaguely sense the "pulse" of the river of time on Earth 0.

From the pulse of the current river of time, she sensed a dangerous disharmony: someone stood at the starting point of time and wanted to change the river of time from the source.

Erase the origin of the river of time?

Change the flow of a river?

"The ghost is right. Our reality has become very unstable. The anti-monitoring king wants to rewrite all causes. If the 'cause' is changed, the 'effect' will also change."

Harry opened his eyes from meditation, feeling a heavy pressure that he had not felt before.

If the sky falls, a tall man will hold it up.

She was short before, so she couldn't feel the pressure of the sky falling at all. Her whole body felt comfortable and she felt no discomfort.

Now she has not grown much taller, but her field of vision has increased a lot. She can see the collapsing sky, and her mind and body are beginning to feel uncomfortable.

Quinn Manor.

"Master, how is your study going? When will you teach me Wushen Kung Fu?"

As soon as Harley left the meditation room, the karate boy who was competing with the wooden dummy in the living room came over.

"Xiao Bu, after my research, your time bubble is indeed a qualified time travel machine."

Harley pushed the cheap eldest apprentice aside and looked at the second apprentice seriously.

"Well, Master, you have studied for more than half an hour and you have come to such a conclusion?" The green boy was speechless. "Our Legion of Super Heroes has been using time soaking for several years, and it has been proven to be safe and reliable in practice."

"Xiao Bu, you are still too young." Harley sat opposite him and said earnestly: "What's the point of thinking that your own products are qualified? If you don't go through the procurement and review process, even if you are qualified, you will be unqualified."

"What do you mean?" Brainiac 5 asked confused.

Harley pointed at herself and said: "I am the person in charge of the 'Chronospace Expedition Project', responsible for purchasing military supplies for the expeditionary force. Now that your time-traveling machine has passed the review, you have taken this big order."

Brainiac 5 seemed to understand, "Have you agreed to the expedition plan to the place where time originated?"

Harley glanced at the old Superman and said with emotion: "Four parallel universes in the underworld are colliding. They are not four people, not four cities, and not four earths, but universes involving four times countless billions of lives!

Although Earth 0 is not in the Hades universe, my inner conscience does not allow me to sit back and watch the tragedy happen. "

"Harley, thank you, you are a true hero." The old Superman was so moved that his square chin trembled.

Harley waved her hand and said: "Xiao Bu, you have to be busy next. The capacity of the time bubble is equivalent to a bus. We have so many heroes, how much time bubble should we prepare?

Moreover, the current time bubble only has two layers, which can only guarantee the safety of time travel within two thousand years. We are going to the place where time originates. Two layers of time bubbles are definitely not enough, and ten or eight layers are not too many. "

"I will go back to the 31st century and create as many time bubbles and time films as possible." Brainiac stood up and said.

"You want to make it yourself? It's the 31st century and assembly line production hasn't been implemented yet?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Brainiac 5 thought for a while and said: "Although the technology is relatively mature, many of the steps require manual participation. Like your most advanced photolithography machine in the 21st century, the technology is also very mature, and it still cannot be mass-produced by machines. .”

"Can it be given birth on Earth 0?" Harley asked again.

Brainiac 5 shook his head and said: "Most of the production materials and equipment can only be provided by the 31st century."

Before he left, Harley said: "Leave your tablet and I'll take a look at the principles of your space-time bubble technology.

In addition, create more time films.

As the project leader, I will personally go to the 31st century to inspect and accept the products, which are related to the lives and fortunes of the heroes. All unqualified products will be eliminated as scrap. "

"Master, don't worry. The time film is to the time bubble just like the screen is to the mobile phone. It is not a core technology and the failure rate is extremely low."

Brainiac 5 did not leave the tablet behind, but only transferred the huge data to Harley's personal computer. "This tablet is loaded with a time bubble operating system. I need to use it to control the time bubble."

Harley said seriously: "Xiao Bu, we are going to travel for 14 billion years, and the strength of the time bubble is much higher than usual, so you can't be careless.

Listen to me and at least produce time bubbles at a ratio of 1 in 100.

That is to say, if I need one piece, I will make 100 pieces, and I will choose the most effective one. "

"Master, I'm afraid I can't do it." Brainiac 5 looked hesitant, "The time bubble is the material compression of energy and force fields in the river of time.

It can be simply understood as pumping water from the river.

Pumping a small amount of water will not affect the normal operation of the river. Once the amount of water intercepted is too large, the river of time will dry up or change its flow direction.

The withering of the river of time represents the end of a world. "

"Well, it turns out there is such a price." Harley said thoughtfully, "You do what you can and build as many as you can, but don't affect your timeline."

"Master, please give me the secret book of magic skills first. During the 5 creation time, I can also improve my strength to another level." The karate boy looked at Harley eagerly and said.


Harley brought two cheap apprentices to the practice room, used her own blood containing the power of blood as ink, and Yebby's tail hair as a brush, and wrote a secret book with pictures and text, totaling 30,000 words.

"'Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills'?" When she wrote the name of the secret book on the cover with a brush, the karate boy cried out in shock: "Isn't this the skill of Erlang Shen in Eastern mythology?"

"Yes, you have some knowledge."

Harley nodded and explained: "This "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills" is naturally different from Yang Jian's, but the results of the two are very similar. They both cultivate an indestructible body."

The karate boy took the secret book seriously and asked curiously: "Why is it written in blood?"

Harley patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "This is a lot of hard work as a teacher. If you encounter a strong enemy that is difficult to defeat but cannot lose in the future, eat the book."

"Eating books?" The karate boy was dumbfounded, "Did you eat it in your stomach?"

"Well, after eating this book, running the meditation methods in the book in your mind, and reciting my name devoutly in your heart, you can quickly digest the pages of the book, and then get part of my power.

Not only has his skill increased tenfold, but he will also be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort if he practices the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques in the future. "

After the Karate Kid took the book and left in a daze, Ivy asked in confusion: "What is the Eight-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu?"

Harley smiled and said, "I created the Harley Bible of chanting Harley's name, worshiping Harley, believing in Harley, sensing Harley, and receiving blessings from Harley's power."

"What do you mean?" Ivy was a little confused.

“It’s the fusion of the ‘Nine-Nine Divine Name List’, which is the magic of studying the true names of gods and borrowing their power, and my more than ten years of martial arts experience in practicing hard skills.

I don't know exactly how it can be practiced, but at least it has the effect of a magical attack. Let him experiment, I'm looking forward to it. "Harry said with a smile.

"You don't even know the result, but you still train it on your apprentice? What should you do if something goes wrong?" Ivy frowned.

"Hey, apprentices are originally used for martial arts experiments. There is only one master, and the master's life is only one, but there are countless disciples who are automatically sent to the disciples."

Harry said matter-of-factly: "The master provides theoretical knowledge and experience skills, and the apprentice provides his body and future to verify what the teacher has learned. This is called win-win cooperation.

The master worked hard on his research, and even went through the trouble himself. He tortured himself until he was breathless, and finally found a bright road, but he got an advantage from his apprentice in vain.

Then the master burps, and the apprentice relies on the martial arts he has studied all his life, and becomes a saint in front of others, riches and splendor, a beautiful wife and concubines, the pinnacle of life, and a long life. This is not the 'apprentice' writing a YY novel, how is it possible? "

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