I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 706 The Difficulty of Time Travel

"What is the God of War?" The karate boy rubbed his eyes, and the sour tears washed away the blood stains on the surface of his eyeballs. He wiped it with the back of his hand, staining it light red, and restored his vision again.

There is some blur, and the visual acuity is temporarily weakened from 2.0 to 0.5.

"The God of Martial Arts is the martial arts god who has reached the realm of transcendence and sainthood, interacts with heaven and earth, touches the sea of ​​laws of the multiverse, and evolves into a more advanced life. He is a martial arts god."

Harley put her hands behind her back, looked calm, looked at the sky at an angle of 40 or 50 degrees, and had the aura of a virtuous person.

"The pinnacle of martial arts can actually become a god." The karate boy murmured a few words, his face getting more and more excited. Suddenly he took a few steps forward, knelt down in front of Harley, and shouted: "Master, accept me as your disciple!"

A drop of cold sweat formed on Harry's forehead, "You are a person from the future in the 31st century, how did you learn this trick?"

"Karate boy, don't go crazy!" Brainiac 5 quickly went up to pull him.

The karate boy knelt there motionless and said seriously: "I'm not crazy, I really want to learn from Master Quinn."

"Do you really believe that she is the god of martial arts?" Brainiac 5 looked incredulous.

"5. You don't understand. I have dealt with countless martial arts masters. The higher the realm, the stronger the physical quality, but the least flaws and the smallest weaknesses.

In my discerning eyes, the color of their bodies also changed from gray to various colors.

Master Quinn is in a perfect state of martial arts.

Dozens of masters before me were accurately found through this method and never made any mistakes. "

The karate boy explained, then looked at Harley eagerly and said: "Master, pass on all the mantle to me. I am very talented, and I will definitely inherit your martial arts completely and completely, and carry it forward. A person who is better than someone who is better than someone who is better than someone who is better than someone who is superior to others." blue.

I won’t lie. I am 22 years old. I have been apprenticed to 47 karate masters since I was 6 years old. They have all been surpassed by me and they all praise me as the best apprentice they have ever had in their lives. "

After hearing these words, Harley just wanted to give this muscular boy a slap in the face.

"Okay, originally I was determined not to accept a disciple, but based on your ambitious words, I decided to make you a founding disciple." Harley patted his head and smiled happily.

"Thank you, master. I will study hard and strive to become a warrior god as soon as possible." The karate boy said with a smile.

The old Superman and Brainiac 5 looked at this scene, a little confused.

"Ahem, Harley, do you want to test the time bubble?" Old Superman asked.

"Xiao Bu," Harley looked at Brainiac 5, "Do you want to come over and be the second disciple? Don't you have a mental illness? I happen to be an expert in this field.

It can not only help you with treatment, but also teach you martial arts meditation techniques to control your mental power. "

If she takes this green-skinned boy as her apprentice and we all become a family, won't his time become hers?

His techniques and theories about hyper-temporal flow should also be brought out to honor the master.

"This" Brainiac 5 was a little hesitant. He suspected that Harley was lying and that she was not a martial arts god at all.

Harley seemed to have guessed his thoughts and smiled: "Do you know the Wonder Woman of our universe?"

"I fought side by side with her in the Monitor satellite." Brainiac 5 said with a dark expression.

"She is not dead, and all the heroes on Earth 0 know it. After I sent her clay body to Paradise Island, I used my martial arts power to pour into her remains, and the clay almost turned into life."

This time Brainiac 5 and Old Superman both believed it.

Because "everyone knows" this kind of thing, Harley can't lie to people.

"Okay, Master!" Brainiac 5 also knelt down.


"No, I'm a long time old and don't need to learn martial arts." Old Superman waved his hands repeatedly.

"I mean, we can start testing the time bubble now," Harley said.

"Uh, okay."

The time bubble had been soaking in the river of time before. Brainiac 5 took out a tablet-sized operating device and sent a summoning message. A white light flashed, and a three-meter-diameter transparent bubble appeared in front of several people.

It's a bit like the crystal sightseeing ball in "Jurassic Park", with a layer of transparent glass on the outside and seats and driving equipment inside.

Of course, the outer layer of the time bubble is not glass.

The green-skinned young man pointed at the bubble and introduced the master: "The outer layer is the membrane of time.

Of all the matter and energy I have ever seen, time is the most corrosive.

Any physical matter or mysterious energy falling into the river of time will be annihilated in a 'short time'.

Of course, this "short time" is only a short time in my personal subjective thoughts, and it is likely that it has passed in time for countless years.

Nothing can escape the erosion of time, this is probably the truth. "

He patted the film of time a few times, and it felt very porcelain, like a hard plastic plate.

“Nothing can escape the erosion of time, except time. This is the basic principle behind my creation of time bubbles.

First, extract energy from the river of time to create a membrane that isolates the erosion of time, and then materialize the membrane of time to make it the material of the cabin.

Next is the question of how the 'ship of time' sails on the river of time. "

Brainiac 5's face showed unprecedented confidence and pride.

He raised two fingers and said: "Two questions, motivation and direction.

The average person might think that power problems are easier to solve.

In fact, after I solved the heading problem, it took several years before I solved the energy problem.

Too much energy consumption.

The greater the weight and volume, the greater the energy consumption.

But the volume and mass are too small, the time bubble load is too small, and the energy supply is insufficient.

Master, seeing how light and compact the time bubble is now, you can probably guess that we have not completely overcome the energy consumption problem. "

"Little 5, my Archimedes airship has unlimited energy and is not big in size. Can it be transformed into a time ship?" Harley asked in anticipation.

"No." Xiao 5 said firmly without thinking.

"Have you seen my spaceship?" Harley frowned.

Brainiac 5 said: "I haven't seen it, but I have heard of it. There is no real perpetual motion machine in the world. Your airship is not short of energy because it can extract energy from another dimension.

This machine is advanced but not difficult for me to build.

But the River of Time is a strange place. After the spacecraft enters, it can no longer communicate with the 'outside' energy dimension.

Therefore, the power source used by the time bubble is ultra-compressed energy entities such as energy rods and energy crystals, rather than engines that draw energy from the outside world.

Of course, it is not ruled out that as technology becomes more advanced, machines will be able to draw energy directly from the river of time. "

"The 'infinite energy' engine you built can adapt to all environments?" Harley asked.

Brainiac 5 said: "What do all environments mean? Is there anything beyond the four-dimensional material universe?"

"It definitely goes beyond the various natural environments in the material universe, and also includes Limbo, the major divine realms, and other dimensions."

Brainiac 5 looked solemn and said: "My engine can't do it. It seems that the Archimedes airship is more advanced than I thought. How about you bring the airship over and let me have a look?"

Harley immediately called Ivy.

The elemental storm in Limbo did not stop, and the airship was unable to sail in the shadow realm, so it flew over at twice the speed of sound.

After that, Brainiac 5 spent more than three hours carefully testing the engine.

"One good news, one bad news." His expression was complicated, with shock and regret, "I simply can't imagine that it was born in the 1960s.

Its technical content is so high that even science in the 31st century can only analyze 30% of its internal structure.

And indeed, as you'd expect, it works in hypertemporal streams.

But unfortunately, it has a big flaw in its design. "

The green man picked at his scalp and frowned: "It's not a defect. Just like we will install engines with different horsepower according to the functions of the car.

The horsepower of ordinary family cars is definitely lower than that of off-road vehicles, off-road vehicles are not as good as military jeeps, and jeeps are not as good as tanks.

When Dr. Manhattan built this engine, its purpose was only to drive the Owl airship to fly in the physical universe, which was equivalent to a family car.

The power required for time travel far exceeds that of a 'tank'. "

"The airship can increase the power and even drive the hyperlight engine." Harley said.

"I have tried it. I have adjusted the power to the highest level, which is enough to drive a Kelu star space cruiser." Brainiac 5 thought for a while and said: "I would probably increase its ultimate power by another three million times. Switch to my time bubble and sail unlimited solo.

Well, only one person can sit there.

As mentioned before, mass and volume seriously affect energy consumption. If the mass and volume double, the power needs to increase four times! "

"Are you crazy? Are you sure it's three million times, not three times?!" Harley was surprised at first, and then immediately thought of another question: "The farther the voyage, the greater the energy consumption, right? "

"That's right."

"The place of origin is almost the farthest point of time travel. Can your time bubble last there? If we go there, will we still have enough energy to return?" Harley asked.

"This" Brainiac 5 shook his head helplessly, "I don't know what Alexander's plan is. The best voyage in my time is within two thousand years."

"Shit, a small bubble can only travel a 'two thousand year voyage', but it has to carry out an expedition of tens of billions of years. You go, I will help you burn paper in modern times." Harley waved her hand and shouted.

"Test the bubble first, and then we'll ask Alexander." Da Chao said.

Harley looked at the "Bubble Ball" with a hesitant expression, "How high is the accident rate?"

"Less than one percent."

"How can we save ourselves if we encounter an accident?" Harley asked again.

"We can only leave it to fate." Brainiac 5 said awkwardly: "So, we are very cautious about time travel."

Harley swallowed, "The outer membrane of the time bubble is made of time energy? Do you have a sample? I want to study its characteristics."

"Master, are you also a scientist?" Brainiac 5 operated a few times on the tablet, pulled out a folder with more than thirty T's, and said with a smile: "If you want to understand its characteristics, you can take a look first. My research information.

It contains the most original experimental data and my personal theoretical analysis. I have been studying it for seven or eight years, and it has not ended until today. "

Harry shook his head and said, "I am a magic expert and I want to study it from a magic point of view."

"But, is it a purely technological creation?" Brainiac 5 asked doubtfully.

"That's why I said it was from a different angle! Forget it, mother-in-law, give me some time film samples."

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