I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 696 The biggest robbery in the history of the multiverse

In Crisis on Infinite Earths, every time the Anti-Monitor uses an anti-matter energy cloud to destroy a positive matter parallel universe, the anti-matter energy in his body increases by one point.

That energy has two uses: first, the greedy Anti-Monitor absorbs it directly into his own body and converts it into his own energy; second, after he is full, the remaining energy is poured into the antimatter universe.

The strength of the monitor depends on the strength of the positive material universe.

In the same way, the stronger the origin of the anti-matter universe, the stronger the anti-monitor. The anti-matter universe is the source of power for the anti-monitor.

After the Anti-Monitor King destroyed countless parallel universes, the energy in his body became so huge that he transformed his body into energy crystals.

He became a living antimatter energy 'sun'.

Scarlet antimatter energy is emitted outwards every moment.

Others couldn't even see his figure clearly.

Therefore, the Anti-Monitor built a metal shell to stabilize its own existence and prevent the leakage of antimatter energy.

Previously on Earth 0, Super Girl smashed through the metal shell, and the terrifying energy of "high heat and high pressure" inside directly spurted out.

When he found that there was too much energy in his body and it began to affect his own strength, the Anti-Monitor poured most of the energy in his body into the energy chamber of the cosmic cannon - a magazine similar to an energy weapon.

He draws excess energy out of his body and uses it to power the antimatter cosmic cannon.

In this way, his body will reduce 99% of the pressure and regain a flexible and strong posture.

But by coincidence, at this time, Harley started to form an expeditionary force as he thought. He wanted to bribe her to be a spy, and he also wanted to control her and make her his puppet.

After paying the price of "a whole cabinet", he succeeded.

He succeeded, but the energy in his body was empty.

The Anti-Surveillance King would not have been weak at first, but he had just poured 99% of his energy into the "energy magazine" of the anti-matter cannon.

When he came to the cannon assembly workshop and wanted to retrieve the energy in the "energy clip", he was upset to find that the Flash had "built" a speed force lightning wall around the cosmic cannon through the instructions of the Pharaoh. Time and space began to become confused.

If no one stops him, the anti-surveillance king can break through the chaotic time and space storm and smash through the lightning wall with one punch by spending a certain amount of time and energy.

But then Harley and Sinestro chased after him.

The Anti-Monitor's mind stirred, and he had a new idea: when The Flash destroys the "energy magazine" of the cosmic cannon, the anti-matter energy will definitely spurt out, just like when Supergirl smashed through his visor.

Then he immediately jumped into the anti-matter energy cloud, absorbed the energy, and restored his strength. He first hammered The Flash to prevent him from bringing anti-matter energy into countless chaotic time and space, and finally solved the ant-like witches Harley and Sinestro.

Harley cooperated with his plan to a certain extent.

She knew that there was not much energy left in his body and planned to wear him to death.

Sinestro on the other side is not a tool man either.

He is essentially the Parallax Demon, and has been plotting to harm both Harley and the Anti-Monitor King.

When restraining the anti-supervision king, he deliberately slowed down and weakened a little every time, so that the anti-supervision king suddenly broke free from the restraints, turned around and punched Harley to death.

It can be said that the Flash, the Anti-Monitor King, Harley, and Sinestro on the battlefield all have their own thoughts.

The Flash is relatively simple and doesn't pay attention to the outside world at all. He didn't see Harley's arrival. He ran with all his strength and planned to destroy the anti-matter cosmic cannon first, and then guide the energy to flow into infinite and infinite time turbulence.

——The antimatter energy is concentrated on the Kovad star. The amount is very large. But if it is distributed to countless timelines and countless time points on each timeline, it is like dropping ink into the sea. The anti-monitor king can no longer control it. Energy collected in one place.

Even if he could do it, it would take countless billions of years.

This is what Pharaoh taught him.

The Flash did this for the first time, and something unexpected happened while he was running: before the antimatter cosmic cannon was destroyed, three time clones came out of his body. When the clones entered the river of time, they took away a lot of time from him. .

It can be simply understood that the Flash is paying the price for his behavior of interfering with time.

No matter how awesome the Flash is, he is still just a mortal with a mortal body. Mortals need time. If a mortal's time is gone, it means aging and death.

At this time, a lot of time passed by The Flash himself, and his body was aging visibly to the naked eye.

"Hahaha, the antimatter cosmic cannon was destroyed by the Flash, and the energy I need is here!"

Seeing the burning crimson at the center of Flash's storm, the Anti-Monitor laughed ferociously and leaned back.

A space door made of red foam energy emerged behind him.

As soon as he fell, he entered the space gate, got rid of the entanglement of Harley and Sinestro, appeared in the sky above the "Flash Time Storm", and fell straight into the scarlet antimatter cloud below.

While still in mid-air, the anti-monitoring king opened his mouth and inhaled sharply, "Hiss, hiss -"

The strong wind blew, and the scarlet energy flew towards his mouth like a waterfall.

"Don't even think about escaping!" Harley didn't teleport, but her movements were equally slow. In a flash of golden light, she arrived above the "Flash Time Storm", right above the Anti-Monitor King.

She also opened her mouth, like a small black hole, and sucked hard at the anti-supervisor king.

Well, the Anti-Monitor King sucks the scarlet antimatter energy cloud below, but Harley wants to swallow him whole.

Of course, the yellow lantern's ring space can only carry living life without resistance - when the green lantern uses the ring to carry a criminal, he beats him half to death first.

The anti-monitoring king struggled a little and broke away from the pull of the yellow light.

But the next moment, "Swish, swish, swish!"

Countless green "long hairs" spurted out from Harley's mouth. The hair was crystal jade green, smart and elegant, as strong as steel needles, and "chichichi" inserted into the gaps in the anti-monitoring king's body.

The anti-supervisory king wears a metal shell and is originally a human being. Except for his mouth and eyes, he doesn't even have a butt.

Not a single gap.

However, before that, Harley used a "gastric acid yellow light drill" to drill dozens of small holes into the smooth, egg-shaped skull of the anti-supervisor king.

They are all important points on the human body.

Then, streams of golden stomach acid were poured in quickly using the green steel needle as a tube.

"Ahhhhh-" The anti-supervision king stiffened and let out an angry and painful roar.

"呲呲呲——" Streams of digested white smoke overflowed from various holes in his metal shell, and the area around his head began to become smoky.

In the blink of an eye, the Anti-Monitor King's head was corroded and pitted, and you could see purple-black flesh under the metal shell.

That's right, he is no longer a scarlet energy crystal, he has become flesh and blood.

Cut off his head at this time and he will really die.

"This is..." Sinestro's body shook a few times, fear flashing in the depths of his golden pupils, "The will sealing needle formed from the origin of the ion shark! She wants to eat him?!!"

Waves of yellow energy overflowed from "his" body and flowed towards Harley.

"He" was all too familiar with those green hair stingers.

They grew in her stomach, locking it in like an animal.

"Come over and help!" Harley's angry shout was passed into Sinestro's mind.

"Oh, here I come!" Sinestro flew over quickly, using the power of the yellow light with all his strength, manifesting a chain cross and binding the body of the anti-supervisor king tightly.

"The space-time storm below is too dangerous, pull him out." Harley said.

Sinestro did as he was told.

"You forced me to do this!" The shape of the Anti-Monitor's mouth could not be discerned clearly, and the voice burst out from the depths of his soul.

"Boom boom boom boom boom."

As he roared, the antimatter energy cloud beneath him began to explode.

The antimatter cloud expanded slowly but surely, making thunderous sounds on the surface and inside. All the surrounding laws collapsed and were annihilated in the explosion.

The Anti-Monitor King saw that the anti-matter energy blast could not harm or even affect Harley's movements, so he changed his attack method at this time.

Not attacking her directly, but destroying the environment in which she lives.

"Ah, he is the master of antimatter energy and can control the scarlet energy cloud below. Gravity is disappearing, direction is disappearing, space is losing its meaning, I can't fly anymore, what's going on?" Sinestro shouted in horror. .

Harley didn't hear his cry at all, and couldn't even see him. A transparent crystal like broken glass flashed in front of him, and Sinestro was sucked into the broken space and time.

Viewed from a distance, a colorful mushroom cloud seemed to be slowly exploding from the center of the underground factory. There were countless "broken glass" of different sizes in the cloud, as well as strands of broken or messed up rules. Wire.

Several people were involved.

This is the most powerful method of the Anti-Monitor - to kill you three thousand times.

——Witch Harley, you remained unmoved during the antimatter energy blast, right? I have destroyed this space now and unleashed countless types of damage, one of which can kill you!

Harley is indeed feeling very uncomfortable at the moment. Several specialties on her body are activated, including the Connection Power Defense Specialty, the Stable Timeline Talent in the Connection Power, the Speed ​​Force Defense Specialty, and the Sixth Note. For some reason, even God Skin has it. The magic attack was touched and I don't know where it came from.

To her surprise, the "Thick-skinned God of War" finally worked.

She sensed a force of law in the dark, connecting her skin, muscles, bones, and organs together.

Her body changed from a 'suitcase' filled with a lot of sundries to an iron pea that was as unified as one.

There was no distinction between internal and external injuries, all types of injuries only left cuts on her body surface.

Her body also naturally exudes a faint golden light.


Suddenly, a weak voice came into her ears.


"It's really you!" Barry's voice became excited, "Save me, save me quickly, I can't stop, but I can't leave the timeline of the antimatter universe and enter the wider hypertime flow.

The huge amount of antimatter energy followed me, and I was almost overtaken. "

"Where are you?"

"The Earth 0 universe has a timeline, and so does the antimatter universe. I am currently in the river of time in the antimatter universe.

I pulled the antimatter energy in the cosmic cannon into the timeline, but the Anti-Monitor chased me, and he was still controlling the antimatter energy to devour me. "Barry said eagerly.

"Is there something wrong with you? The Anti-Monitor is above time. He can at least 'pink' the timeline of the anti-matter universe. If you divert energy to the timeline of the anti-matter universe, aren't you pouring energy into his mouth?" Haha Li asked doubtfully.

"I originally planned to introduce energy into the hyper-time stream, where there are countless worlds and infinite timelines. Alas, I overestimated myself. Can you help me?

If not, I will directly detonate the energy and blow up the river of time in the antimatter universe, which will at least delay him for some time. "Barry said quickly.

"How can I help you?" Harley was helpless.

"Where is your Ark of the Covenant? I saw the 'history' of you signing a contract with the Anti-Monitor on the timeline." Barry said.

Harry's expression changed several times, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Bring the energy here, the Ark of the Covenant is in my belly."

The bold ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death.

She currently has level nine anti-matter defense, and is not afraid of any violent anti-matter energy.

Success, huge profits, all those antimatter energies are the source of the Anti-Monitor.

Even if you can't use it yourself, you can still make a fortune by getting it to the Dog God in heaven in exchange for merit.

The worst result is that the stomach bag and belly will burst like a balloon.

Exploding her belly is no longer a critical attack for her.

She was even split into two pieces by the little blue man’s sword (ps)!

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