I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 695 Three clones traveling through time

"Harley Quinn, wake up quickly!" Sinestro finally found a way to win, shouting while continuing to use "Fear Shock", using powerful mental power mixed with yellow light energy to wash away Harley's soul.

"Ah ah ah -" Harley was like Sun Wukong who was under a curse, holding her head and kicking her legs in the sky, screaming.

"What's going on?" The anti-surveillance king was about to go to the underground factory to take down the Pharaoh and the Flash. When he saw Harley losing control, he couldn't help but be surprised, "My shadow demon possession shouldn't have such a flaw. , How can a mere mental shock hurt the Shadow Demon?"

"Ah ah ah, your Majesty, save me -" Harley was shouting, her voice was a bit off-key, like an old man's.

"You bastard, you are treacherous and want to control me." Another voice came out of her mouth - her original clear and melodious female voice.

But at this time, he was full of resentment and hatred: "I hate others betraying me the most, and I hate others controlling me even more. Anti-monitor, you take both of them, I want you dead!!!!"

In addition to shouting out two voices from one mouth, her figure also began to appear double. It was visible to the naked eye that her upper body was shrouded in a shadow. The shadow and the body overlapped and separated for a while. Together with her two voices, it looked particularly weird.

"Ah, Harley Quinn herself has never compromised. Her strong will cannot be suppressed by Shadow Demon. My mental shock is just an introduction." Looking at the scene in front of him, Sinestro suddenly realized.

The anti-monitor in the distance can sense changes on the soul level and has a better understanding of Harley's state at this time.

Indeed, as Sinestro said, Harley Quinn has a strong will and is resisting the control of Shadow Demon.

Well, the Anti-Monitor King's induction is also correct. Harley only needs to reduce the effect of the ninth-level anti-matter defense expertise and reduce her resistance to the Shadow Demon to the critical point - the critical point where she is about to break away from the Shadow Demon but cannot completely break away. No need to perform, he naturally interprets the image of an unyielding hero who breaks free from the control of the shadow demon.

Even if the Shadow Demon's counter-monitor was invented, there would be no flaws at all.

"Casapa Quinn, come on, you are her grandfather!"

"Ah ah ah -" Harley's expression became more distorted, and her body was twisting like a twist, "Sinestro, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold, help me!"

She suddenly felt that the Oscar statuette was not worthy of her performance today.

"How can I help? I'm already using mental shock at maximum intensity." Sinestro said nervously.

"Inject yellow light energy into my body. I'm weak and don't have enough energy!" Harley struggled and shouted.

"Oh, okay." Sinestro immediately raised his right hand and shot an arm-thick golden beam at her.

Obtaining the yellow light energy was equivalent to finding "the last straw that broke the camel's back." Halle immediately ended the performance, let out a long roar, and her body glowed with golden light. With the yellow light energy, wisps of gastric acid yellow mist The shadow demon shot it full of holes.

"Ah uh——" Shadow Demon Kasapa howled miserably and disappeared.

The Anti-Monitor can feel that the Shadow Demon has not completely disappeared, but it is too weak and is hiding in the corner of Witch Harley's soul.

——When you calm down, let’s see how I deal with you!

With a harsh word left in his heart, the anti-monitoring king glared at the two golden men rushing toward him, took a step back, and disappeared into the scarlet anti-matter energy mist.

"He probably went to the underground factory. Should we chase him or return to Earth 0 first?" Sinestro asked.

"Have you forgotten what the Pharaoh said to the Flash in the previous video? He cannot be allowed to absorb the energy from the cosmic cannon and regain his strength!"

Harry transmitted his voice with his mind and started to open the space door with his hands moving continuously.

"Hey, can you open the portal?"

Sinestro also tried it, his face changed slightly, he pointed at the antimatter red cloud in the sky and said: "The laws of space near Covad Star are interfered with by the antimatter cloud, and even the portal to Earth 0 cannot be opened."

The two stopped talking nonsense and used all their strength to activate the yellow light energy, turning it into a golden light and flying towards the underground factory at high speed.

500 kilometers, no more than 10 seconds, is already very fast, but when they arrived at the factory, their expressions changed drastically.

"Ah ah ah -" The Pharaoh put his head against the palm of the anti-supervisory king, kicked up his feet, and let out a pitiful howl.

The anti-supervision king transformed into Ren Woxing, who had been thirsty for more than ten years at the bottom of the West Lake. He used his full power to absorb the star-absorbing technique. The naked eye could see streams of scarlet energy flowing from the Pharaoh's body to his palms.

Pharaoh is shrinking.

Around them, there were dozens of brutally murdered bodies.

In the further corner, a man in red uniform with a golden mask icon on his chest collapsed on the ground, holding his head and sobbing.

In the center of the factory, a circular accelerator-shaped space cannon was surrounded by a golden-red lightning storm. People outside were blocked from seeing it clearly.

"You are worthy of punching me?! Although I don't know how Dr. Manhattan can help you escape from the shackles, your body is composed of anti-matter energy, all gifted by me." The anti-monitoring king glanced at Harley and Harry with sinister eyes. Sinestro glanced at me and said, "I happen to be short of energy in my body right now, and the enemy is chasing me again, so I'll use you to replenish my energy."

His serrated mouth opened, growing bigger and bigger, and under the horrified eyes of others, he swallowed the Pharaoh in one mouthful.

"Crack---" He looked at Harley, chewing the bones with a grin, and blood splattered from the side of his mouth.

"The Flash, The Flash?" Harley shouted several times to the center of the factory. She also used soul transmission to directly call "Barry", but she never received a response.

"We must take action, we cannot allow the Anti-Monitor to recover safely." Sinestro said anxiously.

"Old Sai, tie his hands and feet." Harley said calmly.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Without asking why, Sinestro's body turned into a golden light and circled around the Anti-Monitor at high speed. Before the golden flying afterimage disappeared from the irises of his eyes, there were already dozens of golden streaks. Ropes connect the Anti-Monitor's body to nearby buildings from all angles.

"Little trick!" the anti-monitor roared and struggled hard.

"Ahhhh--" Sinestro used his greatest willpower and mental strength to maintain the chain that embodied the power of the yellow light. His expression gradually became stronger, and he couldn't help shouting.

"Whoosh!" As if teleporting, Harley flew in front of the Anti-Monitor as he broke the yellow light chains one after another. He held a golden light ball the size of a melon in each hand and slammed it towards his eyes.

"I'm just waiting for you to come over!" The Anti-Monitor King smiled coldly, opened his mouth and sprayed out a crimson anti-matter beam as thick as an arm, which hit Harley right in the face.

"Ah - God comes down to earth!" Harley let out a miserable howl, but she still hovered in front of the Anti-Monitor without any movement, her hands did not slow down at all, and the two golden melons hit the Anti-Monitor King's metal eye sockets. inside.

"Boom buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz" the pumpkin exploded, the golden gastric acid mist was thick, and the drill bit with the yellow light energy stirred the gastric acid mist and crazily penetrated into the eye socket of the anti-supervision king.

"Ahhhhh-" The anti-monitoring king was in pain, the anti-matter light beam in his mouth stopped, and his body suddenly exploded with huge force, breaking all the chains, and punched Harley in front of him.

However, Harley lifted up her body, jumped behind him, and continued to hit his egg-shaped metal skull and temples with a drill bit in each hand.

The anti-surveillance king was about to turn around, and a machine with yellow light energy appeared under him. It clicked and quickly assembled into a restraint in the shape of a driver's seat.

Except for his head, his body was locked in a restraint.

It's Sinestro.

After the chain broke, he immediately took action again.

"Chi chi chi -" Quantum crits erupted one after another at the bottom of the drill bit. The drill bit of the yellow light energy tool was not as hard as the anti-monitor's metal head shell, and golden energy debris flew everywhere - just like electric welding on the street.

But instead of one welding rod, ten of them were gathered together and ignited at the same time.

"Boom!" A circle of terrifying scarlet anti-matter energy erupted from the Anti-Monitor's body, and the restraint under him instantly shattered into pieces. Harley continued to shout "God is down to earth", still motionless, lying on his head, and continued "welding" "Operation.

"This is impossible!" the anti-monitor exclaimed.

The three supermen practicing the "Three Talents Formation" are a joke to him, because they can trigger a large-scale anti-matter energy explosion, which supermen cannot stop at all.

When the hero first went out into the antimatter universe, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Superman all besieged him. There was no doubt about Wonder Woman's combined attack skills, but the Anti-Monitor only used one move to deal with Harley's energy blast. The surrounding heroes were miserable. He screamed and was thrown away. He was still flying in the air, but the anti-monitor stepped forward, grabbed both legs, tore them into two pieces, or broke them at the waist.

Supergirl, the two Wonder Women and other heroes all died this way.

The Anti-Monitor has never learned martial arts and has extremely poor hand-to-hand combat skills, but his anti-matter energy is too terrifying, the energy level is too high, and the damage is too powerful. No hero in the multiverse can take it on head-on.

Especially in the antimatter universe, the power of antimatter energy blasts is doubled and the hero's defense is halved.

Therefore, he is not afraid of siege at all.

At this time, Harley, who ignores the damage of anti-matter energy and has superb fighting skills, has almost become the nemesis of the Anti-Monitor, who has rubbish fighting skills and can only rely on anti-matter energy to make a comeback.

The Anti-Monitor is the supreme being after all, and his speed and reaction can still crush Harley.

However, there is a Sinestro next to him.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Countless water plants with the energy of yellow lights sprouted from the ground, binding the anti-monitor layer by layer.

"Chichichi!" Harley's two electric drills finally drilled through her temples.

"Boom——" The anti-monitor was forced to have no choice but to activate the anti-matter energy in his body again, and the violent scarlet energy instantly tore apart the "yellow light energy water plants" around him.

"I can feel that the intensity of his struggle is decreasing!" A cold yellow light flashed in the depths of Sinestro's pupils, as if he suddenly reacted, he shouted: "Ah, I understand, you are deliberately consuming his energy!"

"Stop talking nonsense and grind him to death."

Harley frowned, a little dissatisfied with his frivolous behavior of shouting directly.

Didn’t you see that the Counter-Monitor heard it, and his expression changed slightly?

The next few times, the Anti-Monitor deliberately controlled the force, just enough to break free, no longer wasting power at will, and no longer attacked Harley with scarlet energy blasts.

"Sinestro's" eyes gradually became strange, changing back and forth between viciousness and hesitation.

"Stab la la - click!"

Suddenly, there was a heartbreaking sound of time and space cracking around the antimatter cosmic cannon. The Flash's running speed exceeded the limit, shattering the nearby time and space.

His body was like a shadow clone, with blurred motion but slowly dividing into three clones. Under the gaze of several people, he "slowly" ran into the river of time and disappeared.

"Shit, this" Harry had a realization in his heart and couldn't help shouting: "Flash, don't time travel——"

"Boom -" The antimatter cosmic cannon in the center let out a dull explosion, and the scarlet antimatter energy overflowed, forming a rich red cloud above.

"Hahaha!" The anti-monitor wore an iron face full of scratches and holes, laughing proudly and bitterly: "You are consuming my power, am I not consuming your time?

From the moment I arrived at the factory, I knew the Flash would eventually destroy my space cannon.

But I'm also waiting for him to break the energy capsule and release unlimited energy. They can only belong to me, and pain and death will be given to you by me! "

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