I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 690 The Strong Anti-Supervision King (please vote for me at the end of the month!)

Harley did feel a faint antimatter energy from the red mist.

She didn't go in immediately.

After first putting a layer of yellow light energy shield on herself, and then injecting a thin gastric acid mist into the shield to ensure that the shadow demon could not sneak up on her, Harley opened her mouth with great care and spit out a bright holy wooden box.

"You are so cautious."

Sinestro crossed his arms and looked at her from the side, his expression half-smiling, whether it was sarcasm or appreciation.

"Old Sai, you don't have a shadow demon in your body, do you? You have always been the one talking to me, not the king who controls it, right?" Harley turned around and asked.

Sinestro's smile faltered, and she plunged into the red mist.

"Harley Quinn." A vague voice sounded in her heart.

"Hello, Your Majesty." Harley said respectfully.

"Go down and follow the seams into the earth's crust."

Harry did as he was told and quickly descended. The scarlet mist around him gradually became thicker and the temperature became higher and higher.

When she reached the top of a magma pool, she stopped and asked, "Is this okay?"

"Gudong, Gudong!" Substantial blood mist emerged from the magma pool and condensed into a bloody giant in front of her.

"Show me the contract."

Harry held the wooden cabinet with his left hand and shook his right arm a few times. A roll of gold paper flew out from the cuff and unfolded in mid-air. The golden paper roll had dark red writing.

The bloody giant looked carefully.

After a long time, it sneered and asked: "What kind of paper is this? The words seem to be written in blood. This contract actually communicates the contract laws."

Harry said with a respectful attitude: "To inform your Majesty, the paper is tanned with the hair of my Yabi dog, and the ink is also made with its holy blood.

You should be able to feel that this contract does not use any magic words and does not hide any tricks.

I may have a reputation for being cunning, but in front of a supreme master like you, any cunning is foolish, and honesty is the wise move. "

"At least you are right about this. Playing clever tricks in front of me is really stupid, but being honest is great wisdom."

The anti-monitoring king pointed at the scroll, changed his subject, and said: "However, this contract cannot make me feel at ease.

It contains some divine power, perhaps from God?

What remains is the power of the contract rules of the positive material universe.

The problem is, if you are favored by God, He may not necessarily use this contract to punish you. However, the material universe is about to be destroyed and the sea of ​​laws is in chaos. You may be able to withstand the backlash.

Therefore, if you break your oath and run away immediately after absorbing my origin, I cannot use this contract to restrict you. "

"Your Majesty means that you will write a new contract?" Harry asked tentatively.

"No need to rewrite, you won't dare to sign what I wrote," a ball of scarlet light appeared on the hand of the bloody figure, "Just integrate the power of the rules of the anti-matter universe into the 'Dog Hair Scroll', it is also my 's signature."

Harley felt it carefully and could only confirm that it had two components: the origin of antimatter and the power of law.

"Although I guarantee that your worries are unnecessary - the King of the Universe can do it, and fools continue to return to Earth to make a 'golden nuclear bomb', but your request is very reasonable, and of course I agree."

No matter what the counter-monitor has in mind, a contract is always just a contract, and the key to the content of the contract is that she firmly believes that she has more private goods than the other party.

"Stab la la -" The scarlet mass pressed against the golden scroll, like a mass of water melting into it. Dark red electric arcs flickered on the surface of the scroll, adding a strange aura.

Harley cut her finger and signed her name on it, and immediately felt a force of law from outside the universe locking her.

It should be that the contract rules of the antimatter universe have taken effect.

While she was signing, golden and blue law chains flashed across the body of the bloody figure opposite.

Heaven and the Multiverse Contract rules are also in effect on the Anti-Monitor.

"Interesting, really interesting." The bloody giant looked at his changes, his tone was quite novel, "This is the first time in my life that I have signed a contract involving the power of law with others."

"Your Majesty, the contract is done, look." Harry raised the wooden cabinet and gestured to him with a smile.

Signing the contract is not the end, because the third article of the contract stipulates that Harley must get the 'deposit' before the first and second articles can be implemented.

If the anti-supervision king cheats at this time, regardless of whether he will be punished by the power of the rules, Harley can leave immediately without having to bear any responsibility for breach of contract.

"Of course, the power of a cabinet is very important to me, but it is only a fraction of the power in my body."

The bloody giant turned into a beam of rainbow light and poured it into the "Ark of the Holy Covenant".

Behind it, there is an endless source of scarlet energy.

This move was beyond Harley's expectation, because although the bloody rainbow light was composed of antimatter origin, it also contained the mental power of the Anti-Monitor King.

——It wants to explore the secret of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, even if it sacrifices this ray of consciousness!

Harley had an instant realization and admitted that the anti-supervisory king's decisive action was very smart. If it were her, she would have done the same thing.

With hundreds of thoughts in her mind, she subconsciously opened her mouth and sucked the cabinet into her belly with a "whoosh".

The scarlet essence that rushed towards the cabinet also continued continuously, flowing into her throat and even forming a red vortex in front of her.

"Hey, there's nothing in the cabinet, it's just a - ah -"

In the cabinet, the ray of consciousness of the Anti-Monitoring King was wondering, and seemed to have discovered the truth of the cabinet. The next moment, the wooden walls of the cabinet melted, and the rich golden glow filled the entire space. The ray of spiritual power let out a mournful cry and disappeared in the blink of an eye. .

"Gudong, Gudong." Two small bubbles popped up in the experience jar of food defense expertise.

——Fuck, the anti-monitoring king turns out to be a delicacy with such a high energy level.

With a solemn look on Harry's face, he began to seriously think about whether he should deceive himself by writing an article about the nature of the Anti-Prison King as a talking mythical beast.

"Gudong, Gudong." The fourth defense specialty jar began to bubble crazily.

"Are you devouring my origin?!" A voice filled with shock and anger appeared in her mind, and the influx of scarlet energy suddenly stopped.

Harley quickly opened her mouth and said vaguely: "Uh-huh, you resist, I'll give it to you."

——Look, it’s in my mouth.

In her mouth, a small wooden cabinet wrapped in golden light was spinning.

Seeing that the anti-supervision king refused to continue pouring in power, Harley simply spit out the wooden cabinet and turned it into a normal-sized "Ark of the Covenant" again.

"Your Majesty, the power is in the cabinet. You can feel for yourself whether there is antimatter energy in my body. I can't hide it from anyone, and I can't hide it from you." Her expression was calm, but there was still some doubts on her face, "I borrow the Holy Spirit. This is not the first time that the power of matter has absorbed antimatter energy, doesn’t your Majesty know?”

"Where's the mental clone I entered into the cabinet before?" the anti-monitoring king asked hesitantly.

He had sensed that there was indeed no trace of anti-matter energy in her body—it was all in the upgrade jar.

Harley sighed, "Your Majesty, you should know what kind of cabinet this is. Even I can't open it, but you send your mental power inside at will."

"I wonder what your Majesty sensed?" She changed her subject and asked with curiosity.

"At first I only saw it was empty, like an ordinary wooden cabinet, and then there was endless golden light." The anti-monitoring king suddenly had a trembling voice in his throat, "What was that? It completely annihilated my consciousness."

"Is it golden light?" Harley asked.


"Is there a supreme divine aura?"

"It seems that there is." The anti-supervisor king recalled carefully, it seems that there is not, but the sacred power of the Holy Covenant Ark, how could the golden light inside not have the sacred aura?

"Have you analyzed the power attributes it contains?" Harley asked again.

"No. I didn't have time. It's very mysterious." The anti-monitoring king said.

Harry smiled secretly in his heart and sighed: "Your Majesty must have guessed it by now, right?"

The Anti-Prison King sighed, "It is indeed the Ark of the Holy Covenant, such a domineering power of God."

"Gudong, Gudong." Scarlet Origin poured in again, and the fourth expertise experience jar bubbled crazily again.

Ten minutes later, the anti-monitoring king said with a hint of urgency in his tone, "Isn't it full yet?"

"It's coming, it's coming, I guess it's coming soon." Harley was also sweating profusely and seemed very anxious.

After another ten minutes, the anti-monitoring king said with a hint of weakness in his tone, "Is it full?"

"It's really coming soon, I have a hunch. Hey, Your Majesty, don't give up halfway. The cabinet is not full and the contract is not yet completed -" Suddenly, Harley's expression changed, from eager to thoughtful, and her tone also changed. Weirdly, "Are you unable to hold on any longer? Do you want it to end now?"

There was a hint of sinisterness on her face, as if she was making some decision in her heart.

"I'm fine! The power of a mere cabinet is just a drop in the bucket to me." The anti-surveillance king's calm voice sounded in her heart, followed by an even more turbulent source of antimatter, "It was just a technical adjustment."

"Oh." The disappointment in Harry's eyes flashed away, and the expression on his face became respectful and humble again.

Ten minutes later, she took the initiative and asked: "Your Majesty, the cabinet doesn't seem to be full yet. Look -"

"Why are you so anxious? Continue." The anti-supervisory king said angrily: "How come someone who has achieved great things doesn't even have this little patience?"

Harley gritted her teeth, her dark eyes obscured by her narrowed eyelids.

After another ten minutes, she cautiously tried: "Your Majesty——"

"Shut up, concentrate, and accept my infusion." The anti-supervision king shouted.


The antimatter universe, the planet Kovad, the fortress of the Anti-Monitor King.

"Quick, Pharaoh, go and prepare a chair for me." The anti-monitoring king held on to the console, his tall body teetering on the edge.

Anti-monitors are never tired or tired, their energy and strength are inexhaustible, and there is never a chair in the office.

Not to mention chairs, there weren't even beds in his star fortress.

The Pharaoh is also an inhuman body and does not need to sleep.

"Your Majesty, the Ark of the Holy Covenant is evil, you should stop the energy infusion." Pharaoh advised.

"We can't stop. Witch Harley is born to be rebellious, fearful of power and unethical.

If I showed even a hint of weakness, believe it or not, she would immediately run away with the cabinet in her arms, run back to Earth, call the three supermen, and launch a raid into the antimatter universe. "The anti-supervision king said weakly.

Pharaoh remained silent.

Five minutes later, he returned to the main control room with the self-levitation chair and saw the anti-monitoring king sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Your Majesty, the chair is here."

"Hel me up."

The Pharaoh's eyes were uncertain and he did not move. "Your Majesty, you don't even have the strength to stand up?"

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