I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 689 Signing the Contract

There were five heroes among the first batch of heroes brought to Liberty Island by Alexander, including two Superman in the same style of blue tights and red cape, an acquaintance Uncle Sam, an elderly alien Green Lantern in a yellow cape, and Beam in a golden uniform.

"Uncle Sam, it's nice to see you again. But didn't you die heroically last time?" Harley asked curiously.

"Alas, I am the embodiment of American patriotism. As long as the United States is here, I will not die completely."

"At other times, I can understand it, but now -" Harley's heart moved, "What's so special about your Earth 10?"

"I don't know. Anyway, in the past 40 years of World War II, I have been torn to pieces and beaten to pieces by the overlord Superman many times. I came back stronger every time." Uncle Sam shook his head.

It is possible that the revealed Uncle Sam is the human projection of the core of ‘Uncle Sam’s’ belief.

Or maybe the former Uncle Sam is really dead and is now a newly born spirit of faith.

Harley is not sure either. Only by finding Uncle Sam's divine kingdom or divine domain on Earth 10 can she determine the secrets about him.

The old Superman was still as enthusiastic as last time and introduced several other people to her.

"The beam comes from the Transcendent Heroes of the 31st century.

Alan Scott is the Green Lantern of Earth 2 and my mentor on the road to becoming a superhero. "

The first superhero organization on Earth 2 was called the "Justice Society", including the old Green Lantern and the old Flash. They debuted earlier than Superman.

Although it was the first time for Harley to meet these two people, she already knew them.

They are all survivors of the First Expeditionary Force.

"This is Superboy from the Supreme Earth." The old man finally introduced Superboy.

He even felt that no introduction was needed. The two wore the same uniform, and the only difference in appearance was age. Anyone with eyes could guess that he was also a superman.

Harley introduced herself first, then looked at Superboy curiously, "Are you also a Kryptonian?"

Superboy was younger than her. He looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, still a high school student.

"Why do you ask? Is there anything about me that doesn't look like a Kryptonian?" Superboy asked strangely.

Although he is young, his temperament and cultivation are very superhuman: gentle, honest, humble and polite.

The first impression given to Harley was very good, making her feel that this was Dachao from more than ten years ago.

The old Superman is Superboy more than 20 years later. Superboy, Superboy, and Superboy are connected into a living timeline.

"I heard from Pioneer Leila that you can travel through the universe at will. This ability is very much like the Flash." Harley said.

Superboy pointed at Old Superboy and said, "I can travel through the multiverse because of him.

Two years ago, I had just awakened my superhuman power, and my body involuntarily floated into outer space, where I met Carl who accidentally entered the Supreme Earth.

He served as my mentor for a while and took me on many adventures. "

"You can also travel across the universe?" Harley looked at the old Superman in surprise.

"I've done it before, but I didn't teach Superboy. Because time travel is dangerous and easy to get lost. I never take the initiative to do that unless it's absolutely necessary." Old Superboy looked at Superboy in confusion.

"When we broke up, I watched you travel across the universe and disappear on the Supreme Earth. When the Supreme Earth was destroyed, I was scared and wanted to time-travel and escape, and then I really did so." Little Superman's face was a little confused, " I don’t know the principle, and I haven’t practiced any special techniques, but as long as I want, I can leave the current universe.”

Harry was dumbfounded, this is more idealistic than magic.

The old man said: "As long as you go fast enough, you can see different worlds with your naked eyes. To use the words of the Flash in our world, after entering the super-light state, you can distinguish the vibration frequencies of different universes."

"Can you find the frequency of the antimatter universe?" asked Uncle Sam.

Superboy shook his head and said: "I don't know that the universe has vibration frequencies. Time travel depends entirely on feeling. You can wear it immediately if you want."

The old Superman smiled awkwardly, "The theory comes from The Flash. I also rely on feeling to travel through parallel universes. I first have the desire to travel in my mind, then accelerate, and the travel is successful in the next moment."

"What has the Flash on Earth 2 been busy with recently? Have you tried to find the antimatter universe?" Uncle Sam asked.

"He is busy living his retirement life and has done nothing but leisure." Touching the wrinkles on his forehead, the old Superman smiled bitterly and said: "It's almost time for me to retire. When the crisis on Infinite Earths is over, I want to take Louise back. Smallville Farm Retirement.”

This sounds unlucky.

Harley wanted to complain again.

"Da Chao, do you have the urge to travel across the universe?"

Dachao shook his head, "I never had that idea, and I don't want to travel through time. What if I can't come back?"

"This idea is correct. I was very worried that I would never see Louise again, and Louise was always thinking about me at home." Old Superman sighed.

Harley looked at Superboy again and asked curiously: "Aren't you a Kryptonian? Do you still need to awaken the power of Superman?"

"Well, for the first 15 years of my life, I have always been an ordinary person. However, there are no superpowers on our earth, and without superhuman strength, I lived a pretty good life.

By the way, you superpowers are all cartoon characters on our earth.

Superman, Batman, The Flash, and you Harley Quinn.

When my adoptive parents picked me up, they only knew that I came from an alien planet. They had no idea that I, like Superman in the comics, were both from Krypton.

They deliberately imitated Superman and named me ‘Clark’, but they didn’t expect that I would actually become Superman later.”

Speaking of this, Superboy couldn't help but look dim as he thought of his family and friends who died in the antimatter cloud.

"Comic character? Even me." Harley frowned. The Supreme Earth must not be the real universe, otherwise there would be no Kryptonians, nor would they be hanging in the Ten Thousand Celestial Instruments and swallowed by mere antimatter clouds.

"There is the Joker and you in the Batman comics." Superboy looked at her curiously for a while, then shook his head and said, "She and you are not the same person. You have different looks, personalities, and lives."

"The multiverse is really full of wonders." The other two supermen only sighed without being surprised.

"Hey, it would be great if there was no Crisis on Infinite Earths. Let The Flash take everyone around and gain a lot of knowledge." Harley also became a little interested in DC's weird universe.

The few of them chatted for a while, and when the topic was almost exhausted, Bateman suggested that the other heroes go back to the hotel to rest first, while the three supermen stayed behind, and the "Earth Martial God" and his director practiced the "Three Talents Formation".

After another two hours of tossing, Harry escaped and returned to the manor.

"You should know that whether it succeeds or not, I will come back to you soon." Sinestro's voice immediately appeared in her ears, with a bad tone and suspicion, "Are you delaying time on purpose?"

"Superman is the main force of the expedition. Two Superman arrived at the same time, and there are three powerful heroes who participated in the last expedition. How can I not show up?" Harley said coldly.

"It takes so long to receive them?"

Harley hesitated for a moment and said: "Batman is very smart. He found that Superman's wheel battle could not bring out their full strength, so he specially designed a combined attack formation for the three Superman, which can achieve the effect of 1+1+1\u003e6.

I am a martial artist and need to stay to provide him with some technical guidance on his martial arts formations.

In addition, I also want to understand all the secrets of the 'Three Talents Formation'. Otherwise, how can I report to the anti-monitoring king? "

She was indeed stalling for time.

The heroes of the Second Expeditionary Force arrived early and she went to receive them; the three supermen practiced the art of combined attack and needed her guidance, which she arranged to buy time.

She hoped to sign a contract with the Anti-Monitor King later, and hoped that Hal Jordan would learn the skills to open the "Oa-Kwad" portal soon.

It would be best if Hal Jordan returned from Dinosaur Island before she signed the contract with the Anti-Monitor King.

She was not sure what the Anti-Monitor King would ask her to do, what he would do to her, and what plans he had to deal with Earth 0. There were too many unknowns and uncertainties.

The most straightforward way to deal with it is to forcefully travel through the planet Kovad while it is still there, and crush the Anti-Monitor with strength.

Well, use the 'Four Symbols Formation' to crush them. The Three Talents Formation is just a cover, and both Superman and Bateman are kept in the dark.

The so-called Four Symbol Formation means that she led three supermen to attack.

The Anti-Surveillance King can explode antimatter energy in all directions without blind spots. Not to mention three supermen, thirty supermen can still howl miserably when surrounded.

Only by blocking the antimatter energy blast and creating an opportunity for Superman to fight in close combat can Harley guarantee the chance of victory.

If there is an opportunity to plot against the anti-supervision king, that would be the best, as the loss would be smaller and the chance of winning would be higher.

But there is a very important prerequisite for using tactics - knowing your enemy and yourself, understanding your own advantages, and anticipating the other party's psychology and behavior.

Harley is now unable to predict the behavior of the rebel king.

She probably guessed that he would not sign the contract with her honestly, but she didn't know his methods.

The longer the delay is now, the better it will be for her, but if it is delayed too long, it will make the anti-supervision king suspicious.

"I see, the combined attack technique of three supermen sounds terrifying." Sinestro was relieved at this moment.

Harley became anxious, "Don't talk nonsense, it has been delayed for too long, tell me the result quickly."

"The King agrees to sign a 'Heaven Contract' with you. How about you and I go to Covad and see the King now?" Sinestro said.

"Give me two minutes, and I will activate the meditation room circle to create the illusion that I am practicing magic there, so that no one will come to the manor to look for me," Harley said.

Twenty minutes later, Harley saw Sinestro, who had been separated for less than five hours, in a meteorite on the outskirts of the Oa star system.

"Old Sai, although we have had a little trouble, the signing of the 'Heaven Contract' is not only related to the safety of me and the earth, but the fate of you and your home planet is also determined by the outcome of this signing ceremony.

You are a very smart person and should understand what I mean. "Harry looked at him with burning eyes.

The two sharp black beards on Sinestro's upper lip twitched twice, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to sign a contract first, get the trump card to blackmail the rebel king, and then go to Covad."

"How do you collect the King's 'treasure' in the material universe?" Sinestro asked.

Harley smiled and said: "You don't know what happened to the little blue man and the Green Lantern Corps? The king can transfer power to Oa."

"Okay, I'll help you run again." Sinestro's figure turned into light and disappeared.

Ten minutes later, he changed from reality to reality again, and said with a complicated expression: "Let's go to Oa."

The planet Oa is devastated, and the once magnificent buildings are covered in broken rocks and soil.

The entire planet seemed to have been peeled off, with newly raised peaks and sunken valleys everywhere. Volcanoes erupted from time to time, and magma flowed randomly on the surface. A few green lights were busy going back and forth, calming the fiercely pulsating core of the earth.

Sinestro was very familiar with the green light's patrol path and took Harley directly to teleport to an area shrouded in a faint scarlet energy mist.

"You go in, this is the fuzzy zone of the positive and negative universes."

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