I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 657 Everything is ready, just waiting for the storm

Bateman convinced everyone and decided not to let Earth 0 enter the Hades universe for the time being, waiting for Alexander Kent to come to negotiate terms.

Or understand the true face of Alexander's "cruel and vicious witch": without giving any response, using the help of counter-surveillance, forcing Earth 0 to escape into the underworld.

"How do we ensure that Earth 0 does not move? When the Monitor dies, he divides his power into five parts and uses the tuning fork to move Earth 1 and Earth 2 to the underworld.

In other words, Alexander can pull Earth 0 into the Hades universe without everyone's consent, just by controlling the tuning fork. "

After the meeting, Superman, Doctor Fate, Bateman, and Harley gathered together for a small meeting.

Bateman said: "If it were that simple, Alexander wouldn't specifically tell me and ask me to advise everyone not to resist.

In fact, at the moment of the Monitor's death, one-fifth of his power had entered the tuning fork of our universe, trying to pull Earth 0 into the Hades universe.

As a result, we saw that he failed. Only Earth 1 and Earth 2 were moved away, and the other three seemed to be unable to do so. "

After a pause, he said uncertainly: "I guess that the subjective will of the heroes and people in the universe can also affect the movement of the universe."

"Did you get the stuff?" Harley asked.

Bateman was stunned for a moment before reacting. He opened his bat belt and took out a mahjong block bracelet for her.

"It really worked!" Harley was a little excited, "Didn't Alexander and Pioneer notice it?"

Bateman lowered his eyes, "The Pioneer is in pain and remorse for killing his 'adoptive father' with his own hands, and has no intention of managing the monitor satellite.

After all, I watched Alexander grow up. I understand his psychology, personality, and habits, as well as his blind spots in knowledge and technology.

And I am also helping him control some of the equipment."

"Hehe, it's really hard to prevent an acquaintance from being a mole." Harley laughed.

"What are you talking about? Why are you targeting Alexander?" Superman frowned.

"I stole the source code that controls the tuning fork." Bateman sighed.

"Steal?" Superman looked puzzled, "Are you a spy on the Monitor satellite?"

Dr. Fate also looks weird.

"I just want to find a way to free Earth-0 from the Monitor's control."

Bateman looked calm and showed no shame on his face: "Ever since the cosmic tuning fork descended on Liberty Island, I knew that the Monitor could control the future of our universe through it.

But monitors can cooperate, but they are not worthy of unreserved trust. "

"I thought you trusted him completely," Superman murmured.

"I don't even trust myself completely," Bateman said.

"Don't be so pretentious here. If I hadn't told you the secret of the monitor, you would have regarded him as your only hope right now."

Harley turned on her phone, connected the bracelet's data cable, and began to separate the data.

The useful information collected by Bateman was handed over to Cyborg, the operator of the 'antimatter machine system'.

Information belonging to digitized souls returns to their original bodies through the network, such as The Flash's assistant Cisco, Bateman's technology director Lucius Fox, and Harley's own chief scientist Darth Vader.

After Darth Vader woke up in a space dormant capsule in the heart of Indian Mountain, Harley immediately sent him an order: Go to the Pharaoh's Castle in the North Pole and search for all cabinets, folders, boxes, and electronic documents related to "B307".

"What secret does the Monitor have?" Superman asked confused.

Harley repeated the same words she told Bateman that day.

"In other words, Harley, your biggest concern is just the restart of the universe?" Doctor Fate asked.

"It's just?" Harley glanced at him in surprise, "Aren't you afraid of such a relaxed tone? Kent, you are not Naboo!"

Doctor Destiny said slowly: "There is no need to be afraid of restarting. The new you is still you, a part of the complete you, and now there is another side of you."

Harry paused and thought about it: "What theory is this? Why does it sound familiar? This is the way God exists. God divides himself into multiple parts according to different characteristics, and each part is a part of God. , each one is different."

Dr. Destiny did not deny, “God is the true ancestor of mages and the ultimate object of study, research and imitation for all mages.

Even if you just copy the gourd and draw the scoop, and get one billionth of the charm of God, you can use it for a lifetime and become a great master. "

Harry shook his head gently, "Those who learn from me will live, and those who imitate me will die. Understanding God's way of existence is indeed a great help for spiritual practice, but complete imitation can only destroy one's own way and become a clumsy shadow under God." "

"You are so ambitious." Dr. Destiny glanced at her in surprise and sighed: "Believe me, no one can surpass God, or even get close.

You, who have been deeply favored by God and have used the power of God to fix bugs many times, should understand this better than me. "

——She has never tried it and doesn’t know whether the power of God is easy to use or whether it can cause bugs. But blaming God for it will never work, and it’s more refreshing than having a bug.

Harry smiled slightly and boasted: "Have you ever thought about it, I am neither pious nor kind, and what I do and think is far from Christian doctrine, why does God love me more than many angels?"

"Why?" Dr. Destiny asked curiously.

"Because He treats me as a Taoist friend! You will talk friendly to friends of equal status, but you will not pay attention to the shadows under your feet. You are not willing to talk about life and ideals with servants and subordinates." Harley said proudly.

"There are many arrogant people in the world. They call Jehovah's name directly and treat Him as their equal, but God will not respond with a contemptuous look." Dr. Destiny said lightly.

The Three Palace Demon is one of them.

When Harley first met Sangong, he spoke to the stranger in a condescending tone, treating himself and the stranger's boss Jehovah as "life and death rivals."

"Harley, Kent, don't say these strange words that Bateman and I can't understand and can't respond to." Superman said helplessly.

Bateman said calmly: "I can understand, it's very simple."

Superman glanced at him, "What did you understand?"

“The two of them were bragging in a competition. One wanted to imitate God and thought he was humble; the other thought he was on an equal footing with God, but couldn’t be humble even if he wanted to.

If you learn from God, you don’t have to worry about restarting. Restarting is a new life, a different side of yourself.

Two experiences of the same person in two lives are like two pearls on a line. They are both part of a complete 'necklace', only the order of stringing them is different.

Those who want to be on an equal footing with God consider themselves unique.

Two leaves, no matter how similar they are, once they are separated from each other, she will no longer be her. "Baitman said.

"Bah bang bang." Harley clapped lightly and praised with a smile: "That's a good summary."

"What do you think?" Superman frowned and looked at Bateman.

Bateman sighed: "We mortals can only focus on reality, work hard, and when we are exhausted, we can give the best explanation for the ending."

Superman thought thoughtfully, "Try your best to protect Earth 0 and don't restart it. If nothing can be done, comfort yourself. Restarting is a new life and a rebirth. It is a second chance given to us by God."

Bateman looked at him and nodded slightly.

If Harley knows DC's comics and animations, she will know that DC's many reboots are the result of active pursuit by Zhenglian giants.

Many times, for those who are scarred in mind and body, restarting is really a relief and a new life.

In just one day, Cyborg successfully controlled some functions of the cosmic tuning fork.

"Omaika, it is indeed filled with a vast energy that resonates with the universe," Cyborg was very excited, "That energy is like the essence and blood of the universe, and the tuning fork becomes the heart of the universe exposed in the material world, and the external heart.

Blood is stored in the heart and also flows through various organs in the body.

This should be positive matter energy. There is no pure positive matter energy in our universe, but almost all energy and matter come from positive matter energy. "

The tuning fork is huge, like a giant spaceship, but it has no hatch. The steel-framed mechanical arm transforms into a data line and touches the surface of the golden metal fork for data exchange and command transmission.

The key is data exchange.

The Watcher satellites, drifting in the hypertemporal stream, must also be controlling tuning forks via remote digital signals.

In the past, people on earth were unable to do anything about tuning forks, simply because they could not even sense the signal sent by the tuning forks.

"Can positive matter energy be mobilized?" Harley asked.

"Yes, that ability has no owner and is controlled by the tuning fork." Cyborg pointed to the two symmetrically distributed "antennas" on the top of the U-shaped fork. "Actually, the tuning fork passes through the U-shaped antenna every minute and every second. Positive matter energy waves are emitted outside the universe, forming a repulsive force that keeps the antimatter cloud out."

Harley immediately said: "You extract a small part of the positive matter energy, and I want to study its characteristics."

"It's a little troublesome. Like antimatter energy, it cannot exist stably in the physical universe. To study it, you must first prepare a set of experimental instruments." Cyborg said.

"What's the trouble?" Harley pointed at herself, "You can just pour energy into my body."

"Is it possible? I'm not sure yet what harm it will do." Cyborg hesitated.

"Hey, how much hell's magic power and evil god's power have we, the mage, absorbed? Mere positive and antimatter cannot poison the magician at all," Harley said confidently.

"Then you go up and stand in the middle of the antenna."

Under the guidance of Cyborg, Harley suspended at the emission point of the "Positive Matter Energy Wave" and accurately transmitted positive matter energy to her palms.

"Pure higher energy detected"

"Unknown energy detected associated with fourth defense feat"

"Do you want to enable expertise evolution?"

A series of messages came from the 'evolutionary treasure' at the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Harley immediately chose to pour positive matter energy into the experience jar of the fourth defense specialty.

By the time Cyborg summoned him and asked if it could be over, Harley had already upgraded twice.

Level 2 Positive Matter Defense: Increases immunity by 30% against supernatural attacks in the Positive Matter universe, and weakly enhances other energy attacks in the sixth note - resistance increases by about 5%.

The evolved fourth defense specialty has a very average effect and cannot fundamentally change Harley's strength.

But this verified her previous conjecture. Positive matter, antimatter, and 'nightmare power' are all part of the sixth annotation of the seven origins of the universe.

Harley begins to look forward to the arrival of the antimatter cloud.

At the same time, she also began to think about it. She was almost level 80. What should she choose as the eighth defense specialty?

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