I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 656 Warning from the future

Barry's body is surrounded by a golden arc, like a TV picture with poor signal, very unstable and illusory.

His masked face was full of pain and fear. He tremblingly stretched out his right hand towards the conference table, "Who can help me? I feel so uncomfortable. Help me——"

"The Flash!" The heroes stood up eagerly, wanting to get close to him and help him, but a soft force appeared out of thin air and stopped them.

It's Doctor Fate.

"Don't come near him if you don't want to die," he warned sternly.

"The Flash, where are you?" Harley's thoughts were united, and her mental power, wrapped in the power of the yellow light's fear, rushed into Barry.

The mental power only came close to the golden arc of light on his body, and immediately lost contact with her completely.

Barry's body is completely inaccessible.

However, everyone's calls were not completely ineffective. The Flash's confused eyes regained some clarity, "God bless you all here, I succeeded!"

Increasing the vibration of my body can take me to the future; slowing down the vibration of my body can take me back to the past, Harley——"

"Tell me the important point," Harley said quickly.

She had a feeling that the Flash wouldn't last long.

"Oh, the point." Flash showed confusion again on his face, "A terrible thing is happening in the future. I must come back to warn you. The Anti-Monitor did not fail. You did not succeed. King Pharaoh - ah!"

He held his head and shouted in confusion, "Everything is disintegrating, my body, my soul, my world - it feels so strange, what's wrong with me now?"

"Flash, what happened to Pharaoh, tell me clearly!" Harley shouted.

"I don't know, B307" The Flash's body melted into a ball of light visibly, just like a piece of candy melting in hot water, "Help me, help me, help-"

"Stab-" He disappeared without a trace, leaving only a golden arc where he was before.

After a few seconds, the arc disappeared.

"Why didn't you pull him out just now?" Bateman looked at Dr. Fate.

"Your crisis sense didn't respond?" Harley asked.

Bateman said: "It's dangerous for me, but what about you?"

Doctor Fate sighed: "If I guessed correctly, it was just a time clone of The Flash.

Even though it looks like just a clone, it is actually a complete life.

Even the fully-strength Flash melted in that golden arc of light. Can we be stronger than him? "

"Melt? The Flash is dead?" The faces of the heroes changed drastically.

Dr. Destiny nodded and looked away, "The Flash we just saw is indeed dead. His body melted in front of us like wax on a red iron plate and like light in a dark abyss.

But the Flash is not dead, only a time clone is dead.

Each of us lives in the flow of time. Every second of time passes, and every second that passes, we leave shallow footprints in time.

For ordinary people, the traces left in the past only exist in the memories of themselves and the people involved, like the bubbles of a dream, vague and fragile.

The Flash is running on the timeline. One minute ago, the Flash was running; at this moment, the Flash was running; a minute later, he was still running.

For The Flash, the self at a certain moment in the past is not an illusory shadow, but a real person.

If one Flash traveled to the future every hour in the past day, that is, at this moment, there would be 24 Flashes in front of us, and their powers would be almost the same.

If you kill one of them, it will only be the Flash from an hour yesterday. "

"Then the Flash can't be killed forever?" All the heroes looked suspicious.

Doctor Destiny actually said seriously: "Theoretically, The Flash is immortal and immortal.

All the Flashes who have died were The Flash at some point in time. "

"Did you say this, or did it come from the wisdom of Naboo?" Harley asked.

Kent smiled awkwardly, "Of course it was Nabu who told me, and I was quite surprised."

This schizophrenic look baffles many heroes who are unfamiliar with him.

"What makes The Flash so special?" Bateman asked.

"Perhaps it's the special nature of the Speed ​​Force? I'm actually observing the Flashes to understand their abilities and the characteristics of the Speed ​​Force." Dr. Destiny said.


"Well, in time and space, there's never been more than one Flash."

"Instead of focusing on the Flash's abilities and current situation, it's better to think about the information he revealed. What he obviously wants to warn us," Harley said.

The heroes looked at each other and returned to their seats.

Bateman said slowly: "The Flash revealed three pieces of information: First, the Flash's disappearance is indeed related to the Anti-Monitor.

Second, at some point in the future, when we think the Anti-Monitor has failed, he actually has another plan.

Third, information related to the Pharaoh"

He looked at Harley, "I'm afraid it was passed on to you specifically. What does B307 stand for?"

"What do you think B307 represents?" Harley asked.

Cyborg said: "Electronic documents, storage boxes, passwords, coordinates."

Bateman said: "Before understanding B307, let's determine one thing first. Is this the Flash helping the Pharaoh spread the news, or is the Flash discovering some secrets of the Pharaoh and informing Harley."

Almost without thinking, Harley said, "Of course it was the Pharaoh who betrayed the Anti-Monitor and was sending me a message."

"Why?" Everyone was confused.

"The Pharaoh and I have a very good relationship, and he personally declared me the 'Second Generation Pharaoh,' so he must be in the anti-supervision camp and his heart is on Earth 0." Harley said confidently.

Superman opened his mouth and was about to say: The last time you had a fight was very unpleasant. You beat the Pharaoh into a pig's head, and you secretly poisoned him and assassinated him.

Harley's mental message immediately sounded in his mind: Stop talking! The Pharaoh must hate me to death, so I will try my best to publicize my good relationship with him and let the anti-supervisors know about it and kill him.

Superman's expression was a little distorted.

"If B307 is the secret code given to you by the Pharaoh, then this secret code must play a role in the interaction between you and him." Bateman said.

Harley's mind moved, and she suddenly thought of the Arctic Circle and the Pharaoh's base that was a neighbor of Superman's Fortress of Solitude.

The Pharaoh's life's experience and efforts were all left at the base, where he was also placed in the pyramid where he rested.

"What do you seem to be thinking of?" Bateman looked at her with sharp eyes and asked.

"I have some ideas, which need to be verified, so we can move on to the next topic."

Bateman said: “We were talking about ‘Alexander Kent’s Raid Plan’ before.

The Hades universe already has Earth 1 and Earth 2. When the remaining three single universes enter it, Alexander Kent will form an expeditionary force to go deep into the antimatter universe and capture the Anti-Monitor.

From the Flash's warning, it can be predicted that we entered the war and won, but not fully. "

"Still participating in the war? Alexander Kent is obviously lying." Aquaman pointed at Hal Jordan, "Don't talk about Sinestro's bad things. Green Lantern, tell me, the little blue man can really open the antimatter channel, and also stuffed the Nestor was thrown into the antimatter universe? By the way, did Sinestro explode?"

Hal's tone was affirmative, "Although Oa was frozen by a space-time light beam, and the guardians and most of the legion members were sealed, at least two hundred lanterns escaped.

There are more than fifty Lanterns on Earth now, and they can all testify.

Moreover, Sinestro was exiled, not executed, and he certainly did not explode in the antimatter universe. "

Aquaman turned to Bateman, "Did you hear that? The Monitor and Alexander are lying! They must have other plans, otherwise there is no need to wait until the end to prepare the 'raid plan'."

Bateman frowned and said, "Didn't I say that before? Alexander is a man of destiny. Only he with the energy of positive and antimatter can open the channel and ensure that the super legion will not be annihilated by antimatter.

This does not contradict Green Lantern's words, because now Oa is enveloped by a space-time light beam, and the little blue people are sealed. "

"Uh, can you say that?" Aquaman was stunned, and then asked: "Why wait for the destined person to grow up instead of letting the little blue person become the destined person while he is not sealed? '?"

Harley was surprised. This guy with messy hair, messy beard, and more muscles than Superman looked like a brainless and illiterate guy, but he seemed to have some brains!

Bateman said: "Not only waiting for Alexander to grow up, but mainly waiting for Hades Universe to mature.

We are not yet sure of the limit of the power that the Guardians of the Universe can exert in the antimatter universe.

But think about it, they think throwing people into the antimatter universe is already an extremely severe punishment.

What does it mean?

They themselves will also have difficulty surviving in the antimatter universe.

Even survival is difficult. How to protect the heroic legion and fight against the master of the anti-matter universe? "

Then, he sighed: “Of course, when I explain for Alexander, I am explaining his reasons.

It does not mean that I completely believe that he and the monitor are pure of heart and transparent in their actions.

I am even 100% sure that they have other plans.

There are two issues we need to discuss now, whether Earth 0 should enter the Hades universe, and whether we should participate in Alexander's actions. "

"Isn't it said that all universes can only take action after entering the underworld?" Superman said.

"If Earth 0 is determined not to enter the underworld, wouldn't Alexander take action?"

Harley sighed: "If he is a ruthless character, if the remaining five universes enter the Hades universe, it will really matter to the Monitor's plan.

He should remain still and let the disobedient thorn of Earth-0 tower over the underworld until the Anti-Monitor teaches us humility and resignation. "

"Alexander is not that kind of person!" Bateman and Superman said in unison.

"We'll wait and see, determined not to let Earth 0 enter the Hades universe, and see how he reacts," Harley said.

The heroes frowned, "Why not enter? Entering the underworld will at least provide an extra layer of protection."

"Harley, we should go in. As long as Earth 0 remains outside, it will immediately become the only target of the Anti-Monitor." Dr. Destiny also said.

Before Harley could speak, Bateman spoke first, "I agree with the Five Rings Admiral's plan and will not enter the underworld for the time being.

First of all, the situation on Earth 0 is not so bad that it cannot survive even a few days.

In fact, the state of Earth 0 is much stronger than the other four universes.

Earth 0 is like a squeezed rubber ball, while the other four are rotten apples that have been in the garbage dump for half a month and are almost rotten.

In addition, if we want to know the Watcher's final plan, we cannot just go along with Alexander.

We need to negotiate terms with him.

We cannot let him lead us all the time, we must also become one of the leaders. "

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