I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 640 Shadow Demon Raid

"Shut up, Arc, your arrogance makes you look like a clown!" Moon Girl scolded her teammates, and then asked Green Arrow humbly, "Who are the enemies we are about to face, and what kind of attacks do they have?" Methods, how we deploy our defenses, how we attack. You have to teach us these."

Green Arrow frowned and said, "Jessica didn't send you the 'Shadow Demon Defense Manual'? If you go to the Puppy Video Network and search for Shadow Demon, you can find a lot of information about them."

"We have read the manual and watched the video, but we have never had any personal contact with it, so we don't know for sure."

Green Arrow sighed, "I've never seen a real--"


A piercing alarm suddenly rang through the sky, and then Superman's roar came from the radio: "The Shadow Demon is coming, prepare to fight!"

"Shit!" Green Arrow cursed secretly and shouted with the communicator: "General Ryan, the demons are coming. The aircraft carrier fleet retreats and all fighter planes take off. But don't enter the battlefield. Just be prepared to prevent the shadow demons from entering the city and causing massacres. "

Then, he said to the captain next to him: "Colonel Jefferson, the destroyer squadron is under your command. If we stabilize the front, we will complete the mission."


Green Arrow quickly ran out of the bridge with his bow and arrow in hand.

"Holy shit!"

Just looking up in the direction of Liberty Island, Green Arrow and the heroes who followed him couldn't help but change their expressions in horror.

The red sky looked like a slap on the face, with a huge gray-black umbrella covering the top of Liberty Island. The black umbrella did not block anything, but instead scattered dense black shadows downwards.

It's like a pear blossom needle pressing a switch during a heavy rainstorm.

A few kilometers away, the black shadow demon looked like a drop of black rain. At this time, a continuous torrential rain fell on Liberty Island.

"Swish, swish, swish -" Heavy rain poured down on Liberty Island from bottom to top.

The raindrops composed of colorful energy beams almost formed a pillar as thick as Liberty Island, piercing the black clouds in the sky.

"My dear, it seems that the Shadow Demon has not reduced its intensity of attacks?!" The boy with the earrings changed his face in shock.

The Indian hero's eyes turned pure gold, he saw more details and analyzed more truths, "It takes ten consecutive hits from the energy cannon to kill a shadow demon.

Shadow Demon can still dodge flexibly, but the efficiency of this wave of attacks is a bit low——"

"Ah, it's Superman, what does he do-"

I saw someone on the tuning fork soaring into the sky, like a red lightning in the black rain, almost in the blink of an eye, reaching the center of the black cloud, "BOOOOOOM!"

Superman is like a nuclear bomb, exploding into a dazzling golden ball of light.

Just looking at the ball of light, my mind was oppressed by the majestic energy contained in it.

It's like a two-hundred-pound sack weighing on your shoulders.

Time seemed to become extremely slow at this moment, and everyone saw the golden ball of light slowly expand, expanding in the black cloud with an unrivaled posture.

The shadow demon twisted and howled in the golden light, shattered bit by bit, and disappeared.

The black umbrella cover covering Liberty Island suddenly melted by 70%.

In the empty sky, a figure in a red cloak fell freely from top to bottom.

"Superman fainted? What did he do?"


Eight green rays of light rose from Liberty Island, representing the eight Green Lanterns.

One Lantern created a mattress to catch Superman, one Lantern attacked the scattered shadow demons who wanted to get close to Superman, and the remaining six Lanterns stretched their arms forward, pointed their rings at Superman, and shot out golden high-energy yellow sun beams. .

Before Da Chao even landed, he stood up unsteadily again.

His face was full of exhaustion and he was in a bad state.

"Stab-" The scarlet laser eye shot, and he joined the battle again without taking a break.

Instead of rampaging with his Man of Steel, Superman teamed up with a Green Lantern to avoid direct contact with the Shadow Demon and only used his Cyclops to shoot.

Superman, several Lanterns, Firestorm and other flying and high-damage heroes flew in the air to form the first line of defense.

The gunboats formed in the formation, the floating submarines, and the energy cannons formed the second line of defense. The heroes on the ground around the tuning fork were the final line of defense.

The huge and continuous energy output made the air near Liberty Island begin to boil.

The hot wind blows against my face, burning hot.

Because too many energy beams dissipated, the sky showed a colorful and sad beauty.

Even though Superman's "Solar Flare" move cleared nearly 70% of the "black cloud", a thin black shadow immediately arrived from the unknown universe to fill the gap.

In just a few minutes, thousands of shadow demons broke into the first layer of defense.

Huge casualties immediately occurred on the human defense line.

"Be careful, a shadow demon is coming this way!"

As the Green Arrow, Oliver's eyesight is extremely outstanding. Even if the Shadow Demon is close to the sea, he can pinpoint it accurately.

"Whoosh -" A special arrow left the string and flew in the air. It was wrapped in a purple electric arc and accurately landed 80 meters away, with a faint shadow on the top of the head.

The arrow was originally very fast, but when it hit the shadowy shadow demon, it seemed to penetrate a layer of liquid. The arc flashed more intensely and the speed slowed down.

However, the arrow did not nail Shadow Demon's body, but penetrated his head, losing kinetic and electrical energy, leaving only one arrow falling to the bottom of the sea.

"Wow, the Green Arrow is so cool. It's so far away, and it kills people with one hit. How can it be stronger than the energy cannon?" The American girl with golden twin tails exclaimed.

"Vital attack." With one arrow accomplished, Green Arrow was very excited. "Shadow Demon is a humanoid creature. Humans transformed by antimatter and dark energy also have human vital points."

"I thought the Shadow Demon was so powerful, but it turns out that the arc attack can kill them. This is my battlefield!" The boy with the earring trotted excitedly to the side of the ship and looked at the sea.

"Arc, what are you doing?" Moon Girl said angrily: "If there is one shadow demon, a second or third one may appear. We must form a formation to respond to the enemy."

"Am I looking for the second or third one?" the boy with the earring said nonchalantly.

"Jessica asked us to remember five key points. We must unite and cooperate. Don't forget it." The Indian-born hero has transformed into an elephant-headed body, with golden eyes and a majestic body like the Hulk.

"Don't you think it's ridiculous that Jessica doesn't even have superpowers yet she still guides us?" The boy with the earrings turned around and smiled proudly, "I jumped with arcs all over my body, even behind my back——"

"Be careful—" Green Arrow suddenly raised his bow and pointed at the boy with the earrings.

But before he could let go of the bowstring, a black shadow emerged from below the deck, right under the young man with earrings, Dian Arc, like a beam of black light, penetrating his body from bottom to top.

The proud smile froze on his face, and two sparks erupted from the electric arc on his body and disappeared.

"Chichi—" The boy with the earrings was cut in two, and the entire body was cut open from his vagina to his throat, and his internal organs and blood were splashed all over the floor.

"Whoosh——" Only then did Green Arrow's arc arrow pass through the crotch of the boy with earrings.

Like Harley, Bateman, and Deadshot, Green Arrow also has a powerful spiritual sense. When a crisis comes, he will have reactions such as scalp numbness, heartbeat speeding up, and time slowing down infinitely in front of his eyes.

Before the Shadow Demon emerged from the deck, he sensed the crisis and drew his bow.

When the shadow demon appeared, he predicted its attack route and shot an arrow.

Unfortunately, the Shadow Demon suddenly increased his speed and cut the person into pieces before the arrows could hit him.

"Oh my God, the arc is dead!" The black guy with the gold chain was frightened, and the fire power surged in his body, igniting himself into a burning man and forcing nearby teammates to take a few steps back.

"Whoosh -" The shadow demon was like the shadow of an airplane under the sun, so ethereal and fast that they couldn't react at all. The black guy's pupils shrank, his body was broken into two parts from the waist, and the corpse continued to burn.

The smell of burning barbecue spreads across the deck.

"Ah, Shadow Demon, I want you to die -" Two teammates died tragically in the blink of an eye. Some people couldn't bear it anymore and vented their fear by making noises about supernatural powers.

For a time, the battleship deck was devastated by lightning, ice, strong winds, super gravity and other powerful powers.

"Ula-hoo--" The warning sound of damage to the ship's hull was harsh, and a set of radar wires were even torn.

"Fake, you are destroying the battleship!" Green Arrow roared.

"Don't be impulsive, everyone, follow the formation we have rehearsed in the past, trust your teammates, and protect them!" Moon Girl was sweating anxiously.

"Chichichichi——" In the smoke, the blood mist began to fill the air. The shadow demon came and went without a trace. Only a black shadow could be vaguely seen, and lives were taken away one by one.

"Damn it!" Green Arrow aimed several times, but his sight and shooting angle were blocked by the light, wind, and water vapor erupted from the supernatural power.

"I was killed by you." He cursed, holding an arrow in his left hand, and holding an iron bow with flashing electric arcs at both ends in his right hand, and rushed directly into the center of the chaos.

Oliver is fierce, but not reckless.

He clearly saw the location and attack range of the few remaining young heroes, and looked for an opportunity to approach them, without any accidental killing by one of his own.

"Calm down, you guys are doing this -" Just as he tried to persuade him, a chill made all the hairs on his body stand on end.

Green Arrow remained calm in the face of danger and did not look back. His right arm was still drooping. He firmly grasped the iron bow with his palm and reversed the iron bow - the bow string turned from the inside to the outside. The left hand holding the special arrow came to the bow string close to the front body and the arrow was on Strings and bows are pulled in a semicircle, and fingers are loosened along the source of the crisis.

He twisted his body and shot an arrow backwards in a weird posture.

"Tsk—" His left shoulder was in severe pain, as he was attacked, but the pain did not spread.

"Stab la la -" The arrow hit the black figure close to the back.

Hit the center of the mouth and it froze for a moment, but it didn't die.

Green Arrow seemed to have guessed this outcome. He turned around and waved his arms, his bow like a scimitar, and slashed across Shadow Demon's forehead.

"Chichi—" The arc flashed, and the shadow demon seemed to wail. There was no sound, and the shadow's expression could not be seen clearly. It slowly dissipated.

"Shadow Demon is dead, stop it!" Green Arrow shouted.

At this time, the young hero who had fallen into madness came back to his senses, then gasped for air as if exhausted, and looked around blankly.

Only four people were left standing, the captain Moon Girl, the Ganesha's Devotion, the rainbow-headed ice-type superpower, and the demonized female warrior with a nano-suit and a nun's outfit inside.

"Green Arrow, are you injured? Kutian, treat him!"

Moon Girl didn't have time to grieve, so she immediately pulled the Indian boy to heal Green Arrow's injuries.

"What a weird attack. The body becomes insubstantial like a shadow, but when the attack falls on a person, it looks like an entity with a body of steel." Looking sideways at the left shoulder where the skin and flesh were opened, revealing the bones, Green Arrow was covered in cold sweat.

The boy who transformed into a elephant-headed man pressed his wounds, chanted the blessings of Brahma, Shiva and Ganesha, and his hands emitted emerald green light.

"Don't just stand there stupidly." Green Arrow shouted to the other two people: "Quickly check your companions to see if they are dead.

Even if you are attacked by the shadow demon, as long as it is not a vital point, you may not die, just like me. "

"Oh——" Rainbow Head was about to agree, but suddenly his expression froze, he pointed at the sky, and screamed hysterically: "Shadow Demon, there are two more Shadow Demons——"

"Chichi—" before the cry stopped, two golden lights pierced the sky, and with lightning speed, they instantly hit the eyebrows of the two shadow demons.

Those were two golden needles that stopped at the center of Shadow Demon's eyebrows and vibrated at a high frequency. The next moment, "Boom, boom!"

The heads of the two shadow demons were blank. They were holding their heads and seemed to be wailing again, and their figures gradually became illusory.

"Admiral of Five Rings!"

"Golden nuclear bomb!"

Several people let out different exclamations, but looked at the same person, a golden figure speeding down from the higher sky.

Harley hovered in mid-air and frowned: "It's only been less than five minutes since the Shadow Demon's attack. You're still on the periphery. Why are you so miserable?"

Nine died, five


"The golden nuclear bomb is back, the golden nuclear bomb is back, everyone, come on, we are going to win!"

Before Green Arrow and the others could say anything, the battlefield suddenly burst into deafening cheers of excitement.

They are all soldiers on the ship, including alien volunteers and undersea people.

The heroes didn't shout, they just breathed a sigh of relief,

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