I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 639: The five-ring general who stays outside the house

"Don't talk nonsense. The five-ring general is a hero of the universe, how can he become a pirate?" Green Arrow covered the communicator and scolded the young Indian hero who was favored by the Indian god.

"Kutian has the wisdom of Ganesha. Not only can he read any text and understand any wise language, he can also analyze the truth of the matter through clues." Moon Girl said.

"If Ganesha knew everything, Kutian should have joined the 'Scientific Research Corps' and used the wisdom of the gods to study antimatter. Why didn't he go?" Green Arrow disagreed.

"Scientific research and detective work are different." Kutian said in curry-flavored English.

"Golden nuclear bombs are much scarier than interstellar pirates."

The small gunboat was small to begin with. The deck was less than ten square meters. There were about ten people crowded together, and their voices were not quiet. People on half the ship could hear what they were saying.

At this time, a head popped out from the bridge command podium.

A white officer who looked less than twenty years old was wearing the same combat uniform as the sailors on the ship, with only a major badge on his chest.

"Major Enrique, what do you mean?" Green Arrow frowned.

Because dealing with Shadow Demon requires superpowers or superpower equipment, and he has no superpowers, he has submitted several applications to join the war to Zheng Lian and the Five Rings General, but he has not been drafted.

It wasn't until the sky turned red and the signs of war became more obvious. Relying on the technology brought back from the Monitor satellite, some weapons against the Shadow Demon were developed, and Green Arrow once again asked the Fifth Ring General for a fight.

Just then, Harley received a call from Jessica, asking her not to let her second issue of "Star of Hope" be destroyed again for the sake of the name "Young Watcher".

The Fifth Ring Admiral waved his hand and asked Green Arrow to come over and take care of the child.

Of course, Green Arrow is an old hero after all. He can do the job of a nanny, but he cannot directly hold the title of nanny.

He became the person in charge of the fourth line of defense in the outer sea, so he knew that some of the gunboats under his command were indeed snatched from the universe and stars by the Fifth Ring Commander.

According to her own words, those fleets appeared to be caravans or even the space force of a certain civilization, but they were actually engaged in piracy and were the first to attack her.

She fought back in self-defense and harvested a batch of trophies, which she handed over to the earth's soldiers to protect the earth.

Presidents and officials in the White House embraced the blimps but scoffed at her words.

They, and later Green Arrow, thought she had become an interstellar pirate.

Otherwise, how could a normal person encounter pirates every day?

But they would only help her cover up and would not condemn her outright.

"Do you know? I am not from Earth." Colonel Enrique took out a simultaneous translation earplug from his ear, shook it down, and repeated it in alien language.

"I am from the Northern Star of Lann Civilization, and I am responsible for driving this stellar patrol boat from Lann Civilization."

He was lying at the window and talking to them.

He pointed at the small boat under him, "That's it, the latest Bull-Bee 5 type battleship, responsible for the defense and patrol in the star system, equivalent to the police car of you people on earth.

But its technology is very advanced. At this stage, only Lann soldiers can skillfully control it, and it can only be controlled by us to prevent the technology from being leaked. "

"Oh, you are just like the people under the sea, you are a cannon pulled by the Fifth Ring Admiral." Green Arrow suddenly realized, and almost blurted out "cannon fodder", "Well, artillery commander."

"Undersea people? I haven't seen undersea people yet. Are they controlling the underwater patrol boats?" Colonel Lan asked.

"Well, there are four hundred people in total, thirty undersea battleships, and a 150-person marine cavalry. However, the undersea people cannot breathe in the air and must wear seawater armor at all times. I have never seen their appearance." Green Arrow path.

"Who are the people under the sea?" the black guy with the gold chain asked in confusion.

"They are the Atlanteans. They were our allies when the Kryptonians invaded the year before last." Green Arrow said.

"Ah, do Atlanteans really exist? I thought it was a legend."

"Why is this news not made public? Moreover, the alien volunteers coming to the earth is also good news. It should be widely publicized to make the people of the earth feel at ease." Moon Girl asked puzzledly.

"There are not many of us here. There are only twenty gunboats on Lann Star, each equipped with two pilots and four gunners. Moreover," the alien Enrique was a little embarrassed, "we are not volunteers either. We don't want to come." , but the golden nuclear bomb claims that the earth has mastered the tuning fork and can control the flow of antimatter, so..."

Green Arrow suddenly realized, and then frowned. General Wuhuan was "fighting pirates" and forming an earth army equipped with the All Nations brand equipment, while at the same time recruiting men from all over to form the All Nations Alliance Army.

It's too chaotic. Not only is it difficult to manage, the teams also have their own ideas and may not be willing to work hard.

Could it be that the crisis is approaching and the Fifth Ring General is also anxious?

Thinking about the past few days, the Fifth Ring Admiral has hardly been home. After patrolling the United States, he immediately went to find the people under the sea, found the people under the sea, and then went to outer space. He was as busy as a top.

I heard from her secretary Ivy: The Fifth Ring Admiral only sleeps for half an hour a day, eats only one meal in four days (I don’t know how she does it), and has passed by Quinn Manor more than a dozen times without going in to rest.

Green Arrow couldn't help but be moved and lamented: No matter what her personal life is like, as the leader of the Earth in this moment of crisis, the Five Rings General is impeccable.

Well, Harley is indeed very busy, but instead of recruiting strong men, she is busy searching for experience in the name of "strengthening the Anti-Rebellion Alliance".

The difficulty of reaching level 80 exceeded her expectations.

At the Undersea Man, she reached level 79, but not level 80, so she set her sights on the sea of ​​stars.

She was right about one thing, she was not a pirate, she was fighting pirates.

It wasn't the pirates who were causing trouble for her, it was her who took the initiative to find the pirates' lair and then acted on her behalf.

On the way to find pirates, when she met famous literary stars in the galaxy, she also transformed into a golden nuclear bomb and came to tell them their interests, "persuaded" them to join the alliance, and then earned a wave of experience in the name of auditioning warriors.

"Nonsense!" yells came from the bridge, and a big hand pulled Enrique in, and out came a middle-aged man with a beard in his forties, a colonel.

The colonel looked serious and said impassionedly: "We are the volunteers. In order to protect the earth and the universe, and to fight against the antimatter crisis spreading across the multiverse, all the soldiers of Lann Planet are not afraid of sacrifice and enthusiastically signed up, and finally selected the best group of soldiers. Come here."

"The wisdom of Ganesha tells me that he is lying." Kutian, the Indian hero, whispered.

"I don't need your Ganesha wisdom, I can easily see it with my mortal eyes." The rainbow-headed boy complained.

"Shut up," Green Arrow shouted, and saluted Colonel Beard with a smile, "Thank you to the heroic heroes of Rann, the earth and the multiverse will remember your merits!"

"Well, people on Earth are also very brave. Long live the friendship between Lann and Earth!" The bearded man shouted a slogan and returned to the bridge to operate the gunboat.

Enrique, the young man from before, did not come out again.

"If the small gunboat is equivalent to a police car, these helpless volunteers are only equivalent to patrol officers? It's too low." said the boy with earrings.

"Without the help of heroes and the use of alien weapons, the millions of U.S. military forces on land, sea and air would not be able to defeat this small airship." Ganesha's wisdom said.

"That's nonsense. I watched "Battleship" and it was just an antique cruiser from World War II that wiped out the aliens." The tall and thin black guy said seriously.

The Indian hero raised his middle finger to him and then patted the turret on the gunship, "Admiral Five Rings is very smart. This kind of small gunship is best suited for intraplanetary operations.

If a space cruiser with a cannon to destroy stars is parked in the Atlantic Ocean, do we dare to let it fire? What if we blow up the earth? "

"We're at the station, come with me!"

The small gunboat had already bypassed Liberty Island and entered the mouth of the Atlantic Ocean. It stopped beside an Aegis destroyer. Green Arrow greeted him and jumped onto the hanging rope ladder first.

"Tch~~you have to climb a ladder." The boy with the earrings flashed an electric arc, jumped more than twenty meters high in a whoosh, and landed firmly on the deck of the destroyer.

Other young and girl heroes also showed their magical powers. Even if they couldn't fly, they could jump directly to the opposite side with their superhuman physique and exquisite martial arts skills.

Green Arrow slowly climbed onto the deck and saw the nine heroes looking at him more or less proudly.

"Look what I'm going to do? Let's all disperse. As long as you don't leave this ship, you can do whatever you want." Green Arrow waved his hand with a look of impatience and disgust.

"You haven't assigned us a task yet."

“If reporters ask you, or if you pose for photos or post puppy videos, you can proudly declare that you are the fourth defense circle super team, responsible for guarding warships on the sea.

But in fact, your job is very simple - don't cause trouble now, wait for the enemy to get close to the ship, and try to survive. "

Green Arrow called an American soldier, pointed at the nine young heroes and said, "Take them for a walk around the ship. Tell them clearly what they can touch and what they cannot touch."

After saying that, he walked towards the bridge.

"Hey, aren't you our hero mentor?" the girl in hot pants said dissatisfied.

"Let's take a walk around first. Once you're familiar with the terrain, come to the bridge to see me. I'm very busy and responsible for guarding the outer seas."

"We have no interest in destroyers."

Several young heroes followed him directly onto the bridge.

Green Arrow is indeed not bragging, he is the person in charge of the outer sea defense line.

On the radar display, hundreds of large and small ships were distributed from the offshore waters of Liberty Island to the Atlantic Ocean dozens of kilometers away.

The Cosmic Tuning Fork is like the ancient tree of life in DOTA. With it as the center, the defense is divided into four levels: free island, offshore, mid-range, and long-range - just like the four towers from the river to the hometown.

At this time, five destroyers, twenty small gunboats guarding them, and two aircraft carrier formations further away formed a long-distance defense front.

"It's not just about interstellar war anymore, what use can destroyers and aircraft carriers do?" the black guy with the gold chain muttered.

"You already have Superman and a golden nuclear bomb, what else do you want?" Green Arrow glanced at him sideways.

“The gap between us and Superman, well, and me and the golden nuclear bomb is not as big as these junk and star battleships.

To be honest, compared with veteran heroes, what I lack is never power, but opportunities, experience and fame. "The boy with the earring said proudly.

Green Arrow was typing on the keyboard and replying to the messages sent by each battleship, while saying coldly: "If you weren't too busy at work, I would really like to slap you a few times in the ring."

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm not interested in challenging you. I won't feel a sense of accomplishment if I win. My goal is the golden nuclear bomb."

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