I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 624 The Monitor and the Pioneer (This chapter is free, sorry for missing the chapter the day

The DC multiverse has six dimensions, and the world exists like a three-story building.

The first floor is the four-dimensional material world. Countless individual universes are placed in a basket like eggs. This basket is called the "Ten Thousand Heavenly Instruments".

The earth where Harley lives is located in a single universe called "Earth 0". It is the center of all parallel universes and the main universe. In the four-dimensional space, it is at the center of the Ten Thousand Celestial Sphere.

The second floor is the fifth dimension above the Wan Tian Yi, the dimension of thinking and imagination. Its existence is not based on matter, but the sum of the thoughts of all living beings in the four-dimensional material world.

Even Darkseid, the apocalypse star, is a projection of "evil" in the minds of all living beings.

The third floor is the "Multiverse Master Control Room", which is the domain of the DC multiverse managers.

But the DC multiverse is not just a "three-layered world".

For example, within Wan Tian Yi, the "blood domain" between individual universes.

For example, there is a wall of speed power between the Ten Thousand Heavenly Instruments on the first floor and Limbo Prison on the second floor.

Another example is that at this moment, the headquarters of the Resistance Force in Crisis on Infinite Earths - the super-time flow where the Monitor satellite is located.

If a world has a timeline, the hypertime stream is the sum of all DC stories that have appeared and DC stories that have not yet appeared.

The monitor satellite located in the super-time flow can observe everything happening in the multiverse and observe the status of each single universe within ten thousand days.

"Laila, your movements are a bit slow. I haven't found all the heroes I need, and more than a thousand single universes have disappeared."

Inside the satellite, the monitor sat in front of the screen and said solemnly.

The shape of the satellite is very similar to the Death Star in "Star Wars". It is a giant metal ball with many instruments on the surface. The whole body is golden, and it also looks like a spherical artificial satellite made of gold.

"Annihilating a thousand universes so quickly?"

The blond woman who had found Harry in the hot spring pool was shocked.

The monitor said: "Every time one more universe is annihilated in the antimatter cloud, my power will decrease by one point, and the energy of the anti-monitor who controls the antimatter energy will increase by one point.

Initially, before a civilization discovered and studied antimatter energy, antimatter did not exist in the fourth material dimension, and the Anti-Monitor could hardly interfere with affairs in the multiverse.

Not even a single ant on earth can be killed.

Later, in Wan Tian Yi, a scientist on Earth made a breakthrough in the field of anti-matter energy. He not only created anti-matter energy, but also loaded a large amount of anti-matter energy into an anti-matter power chamber, hoping to use that huge energy to tear apart Time and space, a glimpse into the origin of the universe where time begins. "

"The Forgotten One?"

Lyra immediately thought of the pathetic man with purple hair and a green cape.

She has been to many universes in recent days and met a man who calls himself "The Forgotten One" many times.

Every time he descends into a universe, it means that the wall of antimatter has approached that universe, and a disaster of annihilation is about to occur.

He stood on the street crying and wailing, telling the heroes and humans of the world that the disaster was coming.

When the disaster really strikes, he will disappear immediately and go to the next universe that is about to be destroyed. In this cycle, he witnesses the destruction of the universe and sees hundreds of millions of human beings disappearing before his eyes, but he can do nothing.

“Yes, it’s him, the Forgotten One, who is a beacon, warning of impending disaster to the stricken universe.

Of course, the experience of witnessing the destruction of the world but being unable to do anything about it was like a curse to him. It was my punishment for his unauthorized research on antimatter in the material universe. "

When the monitor spoke to Laila, his tone was gentle, like a loving father talking to his daughter.

When he mentioned the "curse" of the abandoned people, his expression was cold and there was no emotion on his face.

"Scientists are often more rational than mages, but they are also more ignorant than mages. Every accomplished master understands a common sense of magic - power has its owner. When using newly discovered power, you need to be extremely cautious, and at least know the owner of the power. .

The Forsaken are too reckless.

When he built an antimatter energy chamber and hit a large amount of antimatter energy in one place, the Anti-Monitor, who had been sleeping for countless years, was awakened and took control of the small laboratory.

The Forgotten Man narrowly escaped with his life because he was inside the antimatter energy chamber, but his homeland, his earth, and his universe were all like a piece of white paper lit by flames from the center, slowly burning away.

This is the direct cause of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

With the energy of a single universe, the Anti-Monitor began to erode nearby universes with anti-matter energy, like a beast eating. The more positive matter universes I eat, the weaker I am and the less powerful I am to pursue and intercept him.

The more universes he 'ate', the more powerful he became, and antimatter storms began to sweep across the entire multiverse on a large scale.

Therefore, the destruction speed of a single universe within ten thousand days is increasing exponentially, and we are running out of time. "

At the end of the sentence, the monitor's voice was filled with fatigue.

Laila said: "Just like the universe split from one into countless parallel universes, I used the same method to split myself into 20 parts.

I am no longer the human Leila who was adopted by you, but become a pioneer in 20 equal parts.

Dozens of pioneers are scattered within Wantianyi, looking for the savior hero at the same time, which is already the fastest speed.

I don't know how to continue to be more efficient. "

"Prioritize the important heroes and put the less important ones last." The monitor said.

"Monitor, tell me, who is the most important?" the Herald asked immediately.

The monitor looked at the screen and pondered intently. The Wan Tian Yi was like a basket filled with green apples, annihilation eroding from the outside inward.

Now that most of the fruits outside have died, the eroding white light is about to approach the core area.

In the center of the core area, there is a strangely colored universe, which looks like a red Fuji in a basket of green apples.

"You go to Earth 0 again and find Harley Quinn and Alexander Luthor. His surname is now 'Kent'. And Superman. The more Superman, the better."

"Harley Quinn doesn't want to come over. She's worried that Earth 0 will be restarted after she leaves."

"She is very smart and very insightful." The monitor praised.

"Will Earth 0 be restarted? I need a reason to convince her." Laila asked.

The monitor's eyes flashed slightly and he lied to his adopted daughter, "If we can truly win this war, the rest of the earth can be saved."

——Restart is inevitable, and no one can change the final outcome.


“The purpose of the Anti-Monitor is to replace the current positive matter universe with an anti-matter universe. Defeating him before he starts using anti-matter to create the world is the real victory.

If he has caused irreversible damage to Wan Tianyi, then "the monitor shook his head and sighed: "In short, the sooner he is defeated, the more stable the existence of the existing universe will be. "

"Why is Harley Quinn more important than Superman?" the Herald wondered.

"I don't know the reason, but..." The monitor stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked at the "starry sky" where the meteor shower continued outside.

"Look at the star trails outside."

The pioneer looked outside and saw a very beautiful scenery, a hazy cosmic background, and countless colorful meteors, dragging long trails in the same direction, rushing towards the deeper and unknown starry sky.

Meteors are like paintings on a drawing board, their flight trails remain behind and will never disappear.

Each meteor represents a timeline of a world. Some meteors have very long trails with no end in sight, which means that this timeline has existed for a long time;

Some meteor trails are very short, and the starting point can be seen with the naked eye, and that starting point is the birth time of parallel space and time;

Some meteors will split into two, or even blossom into more new meteor trails, representing a world where many parallel worlds appear due to someone's various choices.

There are meteors that reach the end and disappear, which represents the disappearance of that world;

There are also meteors that reach the end, disappear for a distance, and suddenly reappear in front, which represents the completion of a restart of that world.

“In the hyper-time flow, every meteor is unstable and has many possibilities such as destruction, restart, and split. Harley Quinn makes her universe as stable as a rock.

The stability of the universe is the crisis of Infinite Earths and the biggest enemy of the Anti-Monitor.

It's your and my job, and that of the Legion of Heroes, to stabilize the rest of the universe. asked the monitor.

The pioneer was stunned and asked again: "Where is little Alexander Kent?"

"Well, I still need to study him more. He is a bit strange." The monitor said.

"I'll go find them right now."

The Pioneer broke out of the Monitor Satellite and was like a golden light in the super-time flow, shuttling among millions of meteors.

Soon, she saw a large light blue star, majestic and "flying" along the flow of time. Its wake was very stable, with no erratic movements, no twists and turns, no sudden disconnection, and no forks.

But its wake was very short. Pioneers could tell at a glance that its flight traces were only about twenty years old.

More than twenty years ago, there was a gap, and further back, an old trail was seen - it was restarted at this point in time.

After the pioneer approached the meteor, he plunged into it and entered a radiant space-time passage.

At this time, she was caught between the super-time flow and the Ten Thousand Heavenly Instruments. In the next moment, she would enter the material universe just like countless times before.

She even saw Earth.

"Hehe." A gloomy and smug laugh suddenly appeared behind her, and the ultimate danger hit her heart. The pioneer was horrified, and suddenly turned around, just to meet a pair of dark and sinister eyes.

It was a completely illusory black shadow, like a human shadow.

"You are - ah!" She wanted to question and defend, but it was too late. The shadow was ambushing her, without giving her a chance to fight back, and plunged into her body.

The pioneers could have resisted.

Although Laila is an ordinary earthling who was rescued from a shipwreck by the Watcher when she was a child, she received the gift of the Watcher, and the power of positive matter in her body is strong enough to rival the weakened Watcher himself.

But the Herald is not Laila, the Herald is just one of Laila's twenty clones, with only one-twentieth of Laila's power.

The pioneer's horrified expression froze, and the world in front of him lost its color.

She felt like she had an extra master in her soul.

She wanted to scream "get out" but she couldn't.

She can only do what it allows her to do.

"Continue your work, just wait for that moment to come and kill the monitor." A voice sounded in her heart.

The Pioneer continues its action, rushing into the Earth-0 universe and heading towards the Earth.

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